253 research outputs found

    Spatially resolved kinematics, galactic wind, and quenching of star formation in the luminous infrared galaxy IRAS F11506-3851

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    We present a multi-wavelength integral field spectroscopic study of the low-z LIRG IRAS F11506-3851, on the basis of VIMOS and SINFONI (ESO-VLT) observations. The morphology and the 2D kinematics of the gaseous (neutral and ionized) and stellar components have been mapped using the NaD doublet, the Hα\alpha line, and the near-IR CO(2-0) and CO(3-1) bands. The kinematics of the ionized gas and the stars are dominated by rotation, with large observed velocity amplitudes and centrally peaked velocity dispersion maps. The stars lag behind the warm gas and represent a dynamically hotter system, as indicated by the observed dynamical ratios. Thanks to these IFS data we have disentangled the contribution of the stars and the ISM to the NaD feature, finding that it is dominated by the absorption of neutral gas clouds in the ISM. The neutral gas 2D kinematics shows a complex structure dominated by two components. On the one hand, the thick slowly rotating disk lags significantly compared to the ionized gas and the stars, with an irregular and off-center velocity dispersion map. On the other hand, a kpc-scale neutral gas outflow is observed along the semi-minor axis of the galaxy, as revealed by large blueshifted velocities (30-154 km/s). We derive an outflowing mass rate in neutral gas of about 48 Mw˙\dot{M_{\rm w}}/yr. Although this implies a global mass loading factor of 1.4, the 2D distribution of the ongoing SF suggests a much larger value of mass loading factor associated with the inner regions (R<<200 pc), where the current SF represents only 3 percent of the total. All together these results strongly suggest that we are witnessing (nuclear) quenching due to SF feedback in IRAS F11506-3851. However, the relatively large mass of molecular gas detected in the nuclear region via the H2 1-0 S(1) line suggests that further episodes of SF may take place again

    Uncertainties in gas kinematics arising from stellar continuum modelling in integral field spectroscopy data: the case of NGC2906 observed with MUSE/VLT

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    We study how the use of several stellar subtraction methods and line fitting approaches can affect the derivation of the main kinematic parameters (velocity and velocity dispersion fields) of the ionized gas component. The target of this work is the nearby galaxy NGC 2906, observed with the MUSE instrument at Very Large Telescope. A sample of twelve spectra is selected from the inner (nucleus) and outer (spiral arms) regions, characterized by different ionization mechanisms. We compare three different methods to subtract the stellar continuum (FIT3D, STARLIGHT and pPXF), combined with one of the following stellar libraries: MILES, STELIB and GRANADA+MILES. The choice of the stellar subtraction method is the most important ingredient affecting the derivation of the gas kinematics, followed by the choice of the stellar library and by the line fitting approach. In our data, typical uncertainties in the observed wavelength and width of the H\alpha and [NII] lines are of the order of _rms \sim 0.1\AA\ and _rms \sim 0.2\AA\ (\sim 5 and 10km/s, respectively). The results obtained from the [NII] line seem to be slightly more robust, as it is less affected by stellar absorption than H\alpha. All methods considered yield statistically consistent measurements once a mean systemic contribution \Delta\bar\lambda=\Delta\bar\sigma=0.2xDelta_{MUSE} is added in quadrature to the line fitting errors, where \Delta_{MUSE} = 1.1\AA\ \sim 50 km/s denotes the instrumental resolution of the MUSE spectra. Although the subtraction of the stellar continuum is critical in order to recover line fluxes, any method (including none) can be used in order to measure the gas kinematics, as long as an additional component of 0.2 x Delta_MUSE is added to the error budget.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure

    Modelling transpiration of greenhouse gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii H. Bolus) grown in substrate with saline water in a Mediterranean climate

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    Gerbera plants were grown in semi-closed rockwool culture under greenhouse conditions in different seasons in a Mediterranean climate. The plants were irrigated using either fresh (FW; 1.0 mol m−3NaCl)or moderately saline (SW; 9.0 mol m−3NaCl) water. In autumn, NaCl concentration did not influence significantly plant growth, flower production and transpiration (E), which instead were reduced in springin the plants irrigated with SW. In both seasons, water salinity did not affect leaf stomatal resistance (rl),which was determined by the inversion of the Penman–Monteith (PM) equation or measured with a diffusion porometer. The PM formula and two regression equations were calibrated and validated for estimating the hourly rate of daytime transpiration (Ed); a regression model was also fit to nocturnal transpiration (En). Regression models predicted Edas a function of vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and/or the radiation intercepted by the canopy. Leaf area index (LAI), which is required by all the equations, was modelled as function of crop thermal time (i.e. growing degree days). The PM model predicted Ed using a constant value of rl. Model calibration and validation were performed using independent data sets. The irrigation with FW or SW did not require a different calibration of transpiration models. Both PM formula and regression equations provided accurate estimates of Ed; fitted equations explained between 80% and96% of the variance in measured Ed. A linear regression of En against (LAI·VPD) accounted for 92% of measured En

    Cardiopulmonary exercise testing in a combined screening approach to individuate pulmonary arterial hypertension in systemic sclerosis

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    Objectives The DETECT algorithm has been developed to identify SSc patients at risk for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) yielding high sensitivity but low specificity, and positive predictive value. We tested whether cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) could improve the performance of the DETECT screening strategy. Methods Consecutive SSc patients over a 30-month period were screened with the DETECT algorithm and positive subjects were referred for CPET before the execution of right-heart catheterization. The predictive performance of CPET on top of DETECT was evaluated and internally validated via bootstrap replicates. Results Out of 314 patients, 96 satisfied the DETECT application criteria and 54 were positive. PAH was ascertained in 17 (31.5%) and pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension in 23 (42.6%) patients. Within CPET variables, the slope of the minute ventilation to carbon dioxide production relationship (VE/VCO2 slope) had the best performance to predict PAH at right-heart catheterization [median (interquartile range) of specificity 0.778 (0.714\u20130.846), positive predictive value 0.636 (0.556\u20130.750)]; exploratory analysis on pre-capillary yielded a specificity of 0.714 (0.636\u20130.8) and positive predictive value of 0.714 (0.636\u20130.8). Conclusion In association with the DETECT algorithm, CPET may be considered as a useful tool in the workup of SSc-related pulmonary hypertension. The sequential determination of the VE/VCO2 slope in DETECT-positive subjects may reduce the number of unnecessary invasive procedures without any loss in the capability to capture PAH. This strategy had also a remarkable performance in highlighting the presence of pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension

    Projecting grassland sensitivity to climate change from an ensemble of models

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    The grassland biome covers about one-quarter of the earth’s land area and contributes to the livelihoods of ca. 800 million people. Increased aridity and persistent droughts are projected in the twenty-first century for most of Africa, southern Europe and the Middle East, most of the Americas, Australia and South East Asia. A number of these regions have a large fraction of their land use covered by grasslands and rangelands. Grasslands are the ecosystems that respond most rapidly to precipitation variability. However, global projections of climate change impacts on grasslands are still lacking in the scientific literature. Within AgMIP, based on the C3MP protocol initially developed for crops, we have explored the sensitivity of temperate grasslands to climate change drivers with an ensemble of models. Site calibrated models are used to provide projections under probabilistic climate change scenarios, which are defined by a combination of air temperature, precipitation and atmospheric CO2 changes resulting in 99 runs for each model times site combination. This design provides a test of grassland production, GHG (N2O and CH4) emissions and soil carbon sensitivity to climate change drivers. This integrated approach has been tested for 12 grassland simulation models applied to 19 sites over three continents. We show here that a single polynomial emulator can be fitted with high significance to the results of all models and sites, when these are expressed as relative changes from the optimal combination of climate drivers. This polynomial emulator shows that elevated atmospheric CO2 expands the thermal and hydric range which allows for the development of temperate grasslands. Moreover, we calculate the climatic response surface of GHG emissions per unit grassland production and we show that this surface varies with elevated CO2. From these results we provide first estimates of the impacts of climate change on temperate grasslands based on a range of climate scenarios

    SARS-CoV-2 variants and their relevant mutational profiles: update summer 2021

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    : Since the beginning of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by it, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has been undergoing a genetic diversification leading to the emergence of new variants. Nevertheless, a clear definition of the genetic signatures underlying the circulating variants is still missing. Here, we provide a comprehensive insight into mutational profiles characterizing each SARS-CoV-2 variant, focusing on spike mutations known to modulate viral infectivity and/or antigenicity. We focused on variants and on specific relevant mutations reported by GISAID, Nextstrain, Outbreak.info, Pango, and Stanford database websites that were associated with any clinical/diagnostic impact, according to published manuscripts. Furthermore, 1,223,338 full-length high-quality SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences were retrieved from GISAID and used to accurately define the specific mutational patterns in each variant. Finally, mutations were mapped on the three-dimensional structure of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to assess their localization in the different spike domains. Overall, this review sheds light and assists in defining the genetic signatures characterizing the currently circulating variants and their clinical relevance. IMPORTANCE Since the emergence of SARS-CoV-2, several recurrent mutations, particularly in the spike protein, arose during human-to-human transmission or spillover events between humans and animals, generating distinct worrisome variants of concern (VOCs) or of interest (VOIs), designated as such due to their clinical and diagnostic impacts. Characterizing these variants and their related mutations is important in tracking SAR-CoV-2 evolution and understanding the efficacy of vaccines and therapeutics based on monoclonal antibodies, convalescent-phase sera, and direct antivirals. Our study provides a comprehensive survey of the mutational profiles characterizing the important SARS-CoV-2 variants, focusing on spike mutations and highlighting other protein mutations

    Limited impact of jet induced feedback in the multi-phase nuclear interstellar medium of 4C12.50

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    Although the ultraluminous infrared radio galaxy 4C12.50 at z=0.12 is a promising candidate to reveal how radio induced feedback may regulate star formation in galaxies, we find no solid evidence for current or past impact of this mechanism on the evolution of this system, neither by clearing out the dusty central cocoon efficiently, nor by suppressing star formation. We study in detail for the first time the hot (>~1500 K) molecular gas in this object. The potential impact of the radio jet on this gas phase, as well as on the star formation activity, are investigated. 4C12.50 hosts (2.1+/-0.4)x1e4 Msun of hot molecular gas. An unusually high rotational temperature T =3020+/-160 K is inferred. The molecular gas mass obeys a power law temperature distribution d(M(H2))/dT ~ T^-5 from T~300 K and up to ~3000 K. Both results support that shocks (probably induced by the radio jet) contribute to the heating and excitation of the hot molecular gas. A molecular outflow is not detected. The coupling of the outflowing ionized and neutral outflows with the hot molecular gas is poor. We find no evidence for star formation supression. NIR and MIR integral field spectroscopy at very high spatial resolution (for instance, with the JWST) would be of key value to further investigate these issues.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A,18 pages, 13 figure

    Physics of ULIRGs with MUSE and ALMA: The PUMA project: I. Properties of the survey and first MUSE data results

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    Ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) are characterised by extreme starburst (SB) and AGN activity, and are therefore ideal laboratories for studying the outflow phenomena. We have recently started a project called Physics of ULIRGs with MUSE and ALMA (PUMA), which is a survey of 25 nearby (z < 0.165) ULIRGs observed with the integral field spectrograph MUSE and the interferometer ALMA. This sample includes systems with both AGN and SB nuclear activity in the pre- and post-coalescence phases of major mergers. The main goals of the project are to study the prevalence of multi-phase outflows as a function of the galaxy properties, to constrain the driving mechanisms of the outflows (e.g. distinguish between SB and AGN winds), and to identify feedback effects on the host galaxy. In this first paper, we present details on the sample selection, MUSE observations, and derive first data products. MUSE data were analysed to study the dynamical status of each of the 21 ULIRGs observed so far, taking the stellar kinematics and the morphological properties inferred from MUSE narrow-band images into account. We also located the ULIRG nuclei, using near-IR (HST) and mm (ALMA) data, and studied their optical spectra to infer the ionisation state through BPT diagnostics, and outflows in both ionised and neutral gas. We show that the morphological and stellar kinematic classifications are consistent: post-coalescence systems are more likely associated with ordered motions, while interacting (binary) systems are dominated by non-ordered and streaming motions. We also find broad and asymmetric [OIII] and NaID profiles in almost all nuclear spectra, with line widths in the range 300-2000 km/s, possibly associated with AGN- and SB-driven winds. This result reinforces previous findings that indicated that outflows are ubiquitous during the pre- and post-coalescence phases of major mergers.ERC STF
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