2,808 research outputs found

    A reescrita de Lady Macbeth por Leskov e os processos de adaptação e de apropriação

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    This article tries to provide a thorough analysis of Nikolai Leskov’s rewriting of Lady Macbeth, the Shakespearean character, in the novella Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District, from the perspective of Translation and Adaptation Studies. The focus will be placed on the ideology of the author who, with full knowledge, rewrites a previous work to adapt it to a specific context. Apart from Leskov’s work, attention will be also paid to two of its subsequent adaptations: Dmitri Shostakovich’s homonymous opera and William Oldroyd’s filmic version, Lady Macbeth. Finally, the importance of these processes for the development of target literary systems will be discussed and emphasized.Este artículo trata de ofrecer un exhaustivo análisis desde la perspectiva de los Estudios de Traducción y Adaptación sobre el proceso de reescritura de Lady Macbeth, el personaje shakesperiano, en la novela corta Lady Macbeth del Distrito de Mtsensk del escritor Nikolai Leskov. Para ello, se prestará especial atención a la ideología del autor, quien, de manera plenamente consciente, reescribe una obra anterior con el propósito de adaptarla a un contexto concreto. Aparte de la novela corta de Leskov, también analizaremos dos de sus adaptaciones posteriores: la ópera homónima de Dmitri Shostakovich y la versión cinematográfica de William Oldroyd, Lady Macbeth. Por último, destacaremos la importancia de estos procesos para el desarrollo literario de la cultura de llegada.Este artigo propõe uma análise exaustiva de Lady Macbeth, a personagem shakespeariana, na novela Lady Macbeth do Distrito de Mtsensk, na perspetiva dos Estudos de Tradução e de Adaptação. Será prestada especial atenção à ideologia do autor, que, de maneira plenamente consciente, reescreve uma obra anterior com o propósito de a adaptar a um contexto concreto. Para além da obra de Leskov, serão analisadas ainda duas adaptações posteriores da sua novela: a ópera homónima de Dmitri Shostakovich e a versão cinematográfica de William Oldroyd, Lady Macbeth. Finalmente, será discutida e enfatizada a importância destes processos para o desenvolvimento de sistemas literários de chegada

    Turgenev’s appropriation of King Lear: A case of medieval transmission and adaptation

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    This paper tries to provide a thorough analysis of Ivan Turgenev’s appropriation of King Lear, the Shakespearean tragedy, as it appears in the novella King Lear of the Steppes (1870), from the perspective of translation and adaptation studies, and how this was adapted to 19th - century Russia. This analysis highlights the role of cross-cultural relations and its influence on the evolution of target literatures. The comparison with Shakespeare’s source text shows evident similarities but also differences, all of which raise multiple questions from the perspective of philosophy, history and ideology, among others. In fact, the interpretation of Shakespeare’s work, in Turgenev’s work and in the Russian literature as a whole, has become essential to understand the intellectual development of this country since the 19th century, as well as the rise of some debates about the Russian cultural identity, which still continue today. By focusing on Turgenev’s novella King Lear of the Steppes, the relevance of processes such as appropriation and adaptation for the development of national literatures will be underscored and how these foster debate and discussion within cultural systems. And, in order to illustrate this, it will also be highlighted that Shakespeare’s King Lear was in fact based upon several previous medieval sources and suffered multiple changes and adaptations over the centuries, which proves that knowledge transforms and adapts to the literary, cultural and ideological features of each period of time and society

    Modular multilevel converter losses model for HVdc applications

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    Multi-terminal high voltage dc (HVdc) grids can eventually became a feasible solution to transport energy to remote and/ or distant areas and its exploitation depend, among other things, on the performance of the converter terminals. Therefore, to optimize the power transmission strategy along such a grid, it is necessary to recognize the efficiency of all the converters in all points of operation, namely with the different load conditions. In this vision, the aim of this work is to provide the methodology to model the modular multilevel converter (MMC) efficiency by means of a mathematical expression that can describe, over a broad range of active and reactive power flow combinations, the power losses generated by the semiconductors. According to the presented methodology, a polynomial-based model with a reduced number of coefficients is deducted, in such a way that can be directly used for optimal power flow (OPF) studies. The accuracy of the proposed model is characterized by an absolute relative error, at the worst scenario, approximately equal to 3%.Postprint (author's final draft

    Effectiveness of marketing plan as cooperative learning technique

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    Es innegable la importancia que el trabajo en equipo tiene como capacidad transversal en los nuevos planes de estudio universitarios. Por ello, es importante conocer qué es el aprendizaje cooperativo y su eficiencia sobre los equipos de estudiantes que lo utilizan. El objetivo de este artículo consiste en operacionalizar el concepto de aprendizaje cooperativo y estudiar sus consecuencias sobre el aprendizaje individual de los miembros de un equipo y el rendimiento global obtenido por el mismo. Se utilizan los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales sobre una muestra de 319 alumnos en una asignatura de marketing en una universidad pública española. Los resultados obtenidos señalan que el aprendizaje cooperativo mejora el aprendizaje de la asignatura en la que se aplica y el rendimiento del equipo, por lo que abogamos por que se favorezca su uso en las aulas y proponemos nuevas líneas de investigación para completar nuestro conocimiento sobre el aprendizaje cooperativo.The importance of teamwork as a core capacity in the new university curricula is beyond all doubt. It is therefore crucial to know what cooperative learning is and how efficient it is for teams of students that use it. Thus, the aim of this paper is to operationalise the concept of cooperative learning and to study its consequences on both the individual learning of the members of a team and on the overall performance achieved by the team as a whole. Structural equation models were used on a sample of 319 students in a marketing subject at a Spanish public university. The results obtained show that students learn better in subjects in which cooperative learning is applied, and the team's performance also improves. We therefore fully endorse fostering its use in the classroom. Lastly, several new lines of research are proposed to complete current knowledge about cooperative learning.Queremos mostrar nuestro agradecimiento al Proyecto de Innovación Educativa 10G136-348: « Influencia del aprendizaje cooperativo del marketing estratégico en el rendimiento del estudiante » de la Universitat Jaume I (Castellón)

    Aprendizaje cooperativo, aprendizaje percibido y rendimiento académico en la enseñanza del marketing

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    Las universidades españolas están integrando el aprendizaje cooperativo en las capacidades a conseguir por sus estudiantes, por lo que es necesario profundizar sobre qué se entiende por aprendizaje cooperativo, sus antecedentes y sus resultados. El objetivo principal de este trabajo consiste en estudiar las relaciones entre el aprendizaje cooperativo y dos de sus resultados: la percepción de aprendizaje del estudiante (o resultado subjetivo de aprendizaje) y el rendimiento académico del alumno (o resultado objetivo de aprendizaje). Para alcanzar el objetivo marcado, en primer lugar, se operacionaliza el concepto de aprendizaje cooperativo en cuatro dimensiones: interactividad con los compañeros, interactividad con el profesor, compromiso y aprendizaje activo. En segundo lugar, se operacionaliza el concepto de aprendizaje subjetivo, a partir de las percepciones de los estudiantes sobre sus logros alcanzados tras el desarrollo de una actividad de aprendizaje cooperativo: Team-Games-Tournaments o concurso. Para finalizar, se analiza cómo el aprendizaje subjetivo media en la relación entre aprendizaje cooperativo y resultado objetivo. El marco de análisis se concreta en una actividad desarrollada en una asignatura de Fundamentos de Marketing que se imparte en los grados de Economía, Administración de Empresas y Finanzas y Contabilidad, en una universidad pública española, con una muestra de 319 casos. La metodología utilizada son los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. Tres son las aportaciones de este trabajo: en primer lugar la medida del concepto multivariable de aprendizaje cooperativo; en segundo lugar, conseguir anidar dos bases de datos, las relativas a percepciones del alumno con las objetivas de rendimiento académico, lo que nos ha permitido, en tercer lugar, evidenciar la influencia directa y positiva del aprendizaje cooperativo sobre el resultado subjetivo de aprendizaje del alumno y la influencia indirecta sobre el resultado objetivo o rendimiento logrado por el estudiante.Spanish universities are incorporating cooperative learning into the capabilities to be achieved by their students. It therefore becomes necessary to take a detailed look at what is meant by cooperative learning, as well as its antecedents and its outcomes. The main aim of this work is to study the relationships between cooperative learning and two of its outcomes, namely student perception of learning (or the subjective learning outcome) and student academic achievement (or the objective learning outcome). In order to achieve our aim, first the concept of cooperative learning is operationalised in four dimensions: interactivity with peers, interactivity with the teacher, commitment and active learning. Second, the concept of subjective learning is operationalised on the basis of student perceptions of the achievements they have attained after carrying out a cooperative learning activity: Team- Games-Tournaments. Finally, an analysis is performed to see how subjective learning mediates in the relationship between cooperative learning and objective outcome. The framework of analysis consists in an activity carried out on a sample of 319 cases, within a subject called Foundations of Marketing, which is taught as part of the degrees in Economics, Business Administration, and Finance and Accounting at a public university in Spain. The methodology applied involves the use of structural equation models. This research makes three main contributions to the literature. Firstly, it measures the multivariable concept of cooperative learning. Secondly, it manages to nest two databases, one with data concerning the student perceptions and the other with objective data about academic achievement, which has in turn enabled us, thirdly, to find evidence of the direct positive influence of cooperative learning on the student subjective learning outcome and the indirect influence on the objective outcome or achievement attained by the student.El presente trabajo forma parte de los resultados obtenidos bajo el marco de los Proyectos de Innovación Educativa 10G136-348, 10G136-536 y 10G136-593 de la Universitat Jaume I (Castellón). Además han apoyado su realización el proyecto de investigación ECO2013- 48496-C4-3-R financiado por MINECO. MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA Y COMPETITIVIDAD y el Grupo de Investigación CREVALOR reconocido por la DGA y financiado por FSE

    Control of multi-terminal HVDC networks towards wind power integration: A review

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    © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. More interconnections among countries and synchronous areas are foreseen in order to fulfil the EU 2050 target on the renewable generation share. One proposal to accomplish this challenging objective is the development of the so-called European SuperGrid. Multi-terminal HVDC networks are emerging as the most promising technologies to develop such a concept. Moreover, multi-terminal HVDC grids are based on highly controllable devices, which may allow not only transmitting power, but also supporting the AC grids to ensure a secure and stable operation. This paper aims to present an overview of different control schemes for multi-terminal HVDC grids, including the control of the power converters and the controls for power sharing and the provision of ancillary services. This paper also analyses the proposed modifications of the existing control schemes to manage high participation shares of wind power generation in multi-terminal grids.Postprint (author's final draft

    Las lecturas no obligatorias de Wislawa Szymborska

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    In this paper we propose a study about Wisława Szymborska’s thinking and literary work, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1996, from two different perspectives: her poetry and her prose pieces, little known in Spain until recently. This paper also focuses on the interaction and the parallelisms that exist between the two of them, a study not previously carried out in Spain

    Joseph Conrad y Witold Gombrowicz: dos escritores sin patria

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    Joseph Conrad y Witold Gombrowicz son dos de los escritores más importantes del siglo XX. A pesar de las evidentes diferencias existentes entre sus obras, sus similitudes aumentan bajo el prisma del exilio voluntario. Ofrecemos, pues, un análisis de contrastes y semejanzas entre dos autores que, por motivos diferentes, vivieron fuera de sus países natales, hecho que determinó en gran medida sus vidas y sus creaciones literarias

    L’IPHES un referent en comunicació científica des de la xarxa

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    Des de la seva creació, el 2006, l’IPHES (Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social) ha desenvolupat una intensa activitat en comunicació. La presència a Internet ha estat crucial per arribar als mitjans i millorar alhora la interacció amb la ciutadania. Per aquest motiu, s’intenta treure el màxim profit de les noves eines relacionades amb les TIC que van sorgint. En l’actualitat, compta amb cinc blocs, concebuts segons el públic a què es vol arribar i segons l’idioma amb què s’expressa. També té un canal a YouTube, diferents grups a Facebook, dos canals a Twitter, la pàgina web institucional i podcasts. Tot és accessible des de www.iphes.ca
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