458 research outputs found

    Layer Analysis of the Structure of Water Confined in Vycor Glass

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    A Molecular Dynamics simulation of the microscopic structure of water confined in a silica pore is presented. A single cavity in the silica glass has been modeled as to reproduce the main features of the pores of real Vycor glass. A layer analysis of the site-site radial distribution functions evidence the presence in the pore of two subsets of water molecules with different microscopic structure. Molecules which reside in the inner layer, close to the center of the pore, have the same structure as bulk water but at a temperature of 30 K higher. On the contrary the structure of the water molecules in the outer layer, close to the substrate, is strongly influenced by the water-substrate hydrophilic interaction and sensible distortions of the H-bond network and of the orientational correlations between neighboring molecules show up. Lowering the hydration has little effect on the structure of water in the outer layer. The consequences on experimental determinations of the structural properties of water in confinement are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures included in the text, one figure added, changes in the tex

    Influence of the Environment Fluctuations on Incoherent Neutron Scattering Functions

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    In extending the conventional dynamic models, we consider a simple model to account for the environment fluctuations of particle atoms in a protein system and derive the elastic incoherent structure factor (EISF) and the incoherent scattering correlation function C(Q,t) for both the jump dynamics between sites with fluctuating site interspacing and for the diffusion inside a fluctuating sphere. We find that the EISF of the system (or the normalized elastic intensity) is equal to that in the absence of fluctuations averaged over the distribution of site interspacing or sphere radius a. The scattering correlation function is C(Q,t)=∑nψ(t)C(Q,t)=\sum_{n} \psi(t), where the average is taken over the Q-dependent effective distribution of relaxation rates \lambda_n(a) and \psi(t) is the correlation function of the length a. When \psi(t)=1, the relaxation of C(Q,t) is exponential for the jump dynamics between sites (since \lambda_n(a) is independent of a) while it is nonexponential for diffusion inside a sphere.Comment: 7 pages, 7 eps figure

    Dynamics of C-phycocyanin in various deuterated trehalose/water environments measured by quasielastic and elastic neutron scattering

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    The molecular understanding of protein stabilization by the disaccharide trehalose in extreme temperature or hydration conditions is still debated. In the present study, we investigated the role of trehalose on the dynamics of the protein C-phycocyanin (C-PC) by neutron scattering. To single out the motions of C-PC hydrogen (H) atoms in various trehalose/water environments, measurements were performed in deuterated trehalose and heavy water (D2O). We report that trehalose decreases the internal C-PC dynamics, as shown by a reduced diffusion coefficient of protein H atoms. By fitting the Elastic Incoherent Structure Factor—which gives access to the “geometry” of the internal proton motions—with the model of diffusion inside a sphere, we found that the presence of trehalose induces a significantly higher proportion of immobile C-PC hydrogens. We investigated, by elastic neutron scattering, the mean square displacements (MSDs) of deuterated trehalose/D2O-embedded C-PC as a function of temperature in the range of 40–318 K. Between 40 and ∌225 K, harmonic MSDs of C-PC are slightly smaller in samples containing trehalose. Above a transition temperature of ∌225 K, we observed anharmonic motions in all trehalose/water-coated C-PC samples. In the hydrated samples, MSDs are not significantly changed by addition of 15% trehalose but are slightly reduced by 30% trehalose. In opposition, no dynamical transition was detected in dry trehalose-embedded C-PC, whose hydrogen motions remain harmonic up to 318 K. These results suggest that a role of trehalose would be to stabilize proteins by inhibiting some fluctuations at the origin of protein unfolding and denaturation

    Crystal-like high frequency phonons in the amorphous phases of solid water

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    The high frequency dynamics of low- (LDA) and high-density amorphous-ice (HDA) and of cubic ice (I_c) has been measured by inelastic X-ray Scattering (IXS) in the 1-15 nm^{-1} momentum transfer (Q) range. Sharp phonon-like excitations are observed, and the longitudinal acoustic branch is identified up to Q = 8nm^{-1} in LDA and I_c and up to 5nm^{-1} in HDA. The narrow width of these excitations is in sharp contrast with the broad features observed in all amorphous systems studied so far. The "crystal-like" behavior of amorphous ices, therefore, implies a considerable reduction in the number of decay channels available to sound-like excitations which is assimilated to low local disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Competing coexisting phases in 2D water

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    International audienceThe properties of bulk water come from a delicate balance of interactions on length scales encompassing several orders of magnitudes: i) the Hydrogen Bond (HBond) at the molecular scale and ii) the extension of this HBond network up to the macroscopic level. Here, we address the physics of water when the three dimensional extension of the HBond network is frustrated, so that the water molecules are forced to organize in only two dimensions. We account for the large scale fluctuating HBond network by an analytical mean-field percolation model. This approach provides a coherent interpretation of the different events experimentally (calorimetry, neutron, NMR, near and far infra-red spectroscopies) detected in interfacial water at 160, 220 and 250 K. Starting from an amorphous state of water at low temperature, these transitions are respectively interpreted as the onset of creation of transient low density patches of 4-HBonded molecules at 160 K, the percolation of these domains at 220 K and finally the total invasion of the surface by them at 250 K. The source of this surprising behaviour in 2D is the frustration of the natural bulk tetrahedral local geometry and the underlying very significant increase in entropy of the interfacial water molecules

    Liquid-Liquid Phase Transition for an Attractive Isotropic Potential with Wide Repulsive Range

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    Recent experimental and theoretical results have shown the existence of a liquid-liquid phase transition in isotropic systems, such as biological solutions and colloids, whose interaction can be represented via an effective potential with a repulsive soft-core and an attractive part. We investigate how the phase diagram of a schematic general isotropic system, interacting via a soft-core squared attractive potential, changes by varying the parameters of the potential. It has been shown that this potential has a phase diagram with a liquid-liquid phase transition in addition to the standard gas-liquid phase transition and that, for a short-range soft-core, the phase diagram resulting from molecular dynamics simulations can be interpreted through a modified van der Waals equation. Here we consider the case of soft-core ranges comparable with or larger than the hard-core diameter. Because an analysis using molecular dynamics simulations of such systems or potentials is too time-demanding, we adopt an integral equation approach in the hypernetted-chain approximation. Thus we can estimate how the temperature and density of both critical points depend on the potential's parameters for large soft-core ranges. The present results confirm and extend our previous analysis, showing that this potential has two fluid-fluid critical points that are well separated in temperature and in density only if there is a balance between the attractive and repulsive part of the potential. We find that for large soft-core ranges our results satisfy a simple relation between the potential's parameters
