274 research outputs found

    Arthroscopy or ultrasound in undergraduate anatomy education: a randomized cross-over controlled trial

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    Background: The exponential growth of image-based diagnostic and minimally invasive interventions requires a detailed three-dimensional anatomical knowledge and increases the demand towards the undergraduate anatomical curriculum. This randomized controlled trial investigates whether musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSUS) or arthroscopic methods can increase the anatomical knowledge uptake. Methods: Second-year medical students were randomly allocated to three groups. In addition to the compulsory dissection course, the ultrasound group (MSUS) was taught by eight, didactically and professionally trained, experienced student-teachers and the arthroscopy group (ASK) was taught by eight experienced physicians. The control group (CON) acquired the anatomical knowledge only via the dissection course. Exposure (MSUS and ASK) took place in two separate lessons (75 minutes each, shoulder and knee joint) and introduced standard scan planes using a 10-MHz ultrasound system as well as arthroscopy tutorials at a simulator combined with video tutorials. The theoretical anatomic learning outcomes were tested using a multiple-choice questionnaire (MCQ), and after cross-over an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). Differences in student's perceptions were evaluated using Likert scale-based items. Results: The ASK-group (n = 70, age 23.4 (20--36) yrs.) performed moderately better in the anatomical MC exam in comparison to the MSUS-group (n = 84, age 24.2 (20--53) yrs.) and the CON-group (n = 88, 22.8 (20--33) yrs.; p = 0.019). After an additional arthroscopy teaching 1 % of students failed the MC exam, in contrast to 10 % in the MSUS- or CON-group, respectively. The benefit of the ASK module was limited to the shoulder area (p < 0.001). The final examination (OSCE) showed no significant differences between any of the groups with good overall performances. In the evaluation, the students certified the arthroscopic tutorial a greater advantage concerning anatomical skills with higher spatial imagination in comparison to the ultrasound tutorial (p = 0.002; p < 0.001). Conclusions: The additional implementation of arthroscopy tutorials to the dissection course during the undergraduate anatomy training is profitable and attractive to students with respect to complex joint anatomy. Simultaneous teaching of basic-skills in musculoskeletal ultrasound should be performed by medical experts, but seems to be inferior to the arthroscopic 2D-3D-transformation, and is regarded by students as more difficult to learn. Although arthroscopy and ultrasound teaching do not have a major effect on learning joint anatomy, they have the potency to raise the interest in surgery

    Minimal instructions improve the performance of laypersons in the use of semiautomatic and automatic external defibrillators

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    INTRODUCTION: There is evidence that use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) by laypersons improves rates of survival from cardiac arrest, but there is no consensus on the optimal content and duration of training for this purpose. In this study we examined the use of semiautomatic or automatic AEDs by laypersons who had received no training (intuitive use) and the effects of minimal general theoretical instructions on their performance. METHODS: In a mock cardiac arrest scenario, 236 first year medical students who had not previously attended any preclinical courses were evaluated in their first study week, before and after receiving prespecified instructions (15 min) once. The primary end-point was the time to first shock for each time point; secondary end-points were correct electrode pad positioning, safety of the procedure and the subjective feelings of the students. RESULTS: The mean time to shock for both AED types was 81.2 ± 19.2 s (range 45–178 s). Correct pad placement was observed in 85.6% and adequate safety in 94.1%. The time to shock after instruction decreased significantly to 56.8 ± 9.9 s (range 35–95 s; P ≤ 0.01), with correct electrode placement in 92.8% and adequate safety in 97%. The students were significantly quicker at both evaluations using the semiautomatic device than with the automatic AED (first evaluation: 77.5 ± 20.5 s versus 85.2 ± 17 s, P ≤ 0.01; second evaluation: 55 ± 10.3 s versus 59.6 ± 9.6 s, P ≤ 0.01). CONCLUSION: Untrained laypersons can use semiautomatic and automatic AEDs sufficiently quickly and without instruction. After one use and minimal instructions, improvements in practical performance were significant. All tested laypersons were able to deliver the first shock in under 1 min

    A method for measuring the amount of hoar frost formation in the recuperation channels of ventilation systems using the adjustable mathematical model of this process

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    The paper presents a method for measuring the amount of hoar frost formation in the recuperation channels of ventilation systems using the adjustable mathematical model of the hoar frost process. The principle is based on the fact that the contour of the adjustment of the hoar frost model is included in the measurement in accordance with the measured pressure drop, which is proportional to the amount of hoar frost. Unlike the known measurement methods, it is proposed to use the state variables of the mathematical model as the measured value. These state variables are not subject to non-deterministic interferences and random influences. The paper presents simulation results confirming the adequacy of the dynamic model. In conclusion, an example of the use of a recuperation channel in the defrost management system is given

    Превентивная сущность промышленного дизайна в современном образовании и обществе

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    The article is devoted to Future design - modern prognostic directions of design activity. The article evaluates the prospects of introducing methods of technological forecasting in the curriculum of industrial design. We present here the list of relevant topics for lectures of the subject

    Оптимизация процессов легирования силумина ионно-электронно-плазменным методом

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    The surface morphology, chemical composition, microstructure, nanohardness, and tribological properties of a film silumin on aluminum were investigated. The film (Al-25% Si) / substrate (Al-12% Si) has modificated by ion-electron-plasma method. The wear resistance and hardness of a slight increase in 1.3 times