1,058 research outputs found

    Spanish-English Code Switching In A Bilingual Academic Context

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    This study investigates the Spanish-English code switching of 60 elementary Mexican American students in a story retelling activity. The students\u27 story retellings were examined according to Becker\u27s (1997) model of code switching: structural linguistic, internal psycholinguistic, and external social factors. Results suggest there is a positive relationship between code-switched story retelling, oral language usage, and enhanced narrative skills. Implications suggest that teachers explore the use of code switching in a story retelling activity as a practical way to enhance bilingual elementary students\u27 verbal skills and reading development

    Reader response: Students develop text understanding

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    Prompted by Rosenblatt\u27s (1978) framework of the reader\u27s transactional relationship to the text, this qualitative study examines four fifth-grade students\u27 stances and their responses to a narrative text in three classroom activities, a peer-led discussion group, a story map activity, and written responses. This study primarily investigates issues regarding the accessibility of shifts in stance for the students. Additionally, it calls into question Rosenblatt\u27s construct of the aesthetic-efferent continuum

    Feministische Kritik an Stadt und Raum: Gender Mainstreaming und Managing Diversity

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    Ausgangspunkt der feministischen Kritik an Stadt und Raum ist die These, dass Räume in unserer Gesellschaft 'vergeschlechtlicht' sind, d.h., dass ihnen das gesellschaftliche Geschlechterverhältnis eingeschrieben ist. Feministische Kritik an Stadt und Raum hat sich deshalb in den letzten 25 Jahren insbesondere mit der Frage befasst, wie sich die zentralen Dimensionen des Geschlechterverhältnisses in räumlichen Strukturen niederschlagen. Im Mittelpunkt standen hierbei die geschlechtsspezifische Arbeitsteilung, die Trennung und geschlechterdifferente Konnotation von Öffentlichkeit und Privatheit, die Geschlechterunterschiede in der Verfügung über gesellschaftliche Ressourcen sowie Sexismus und sexualisierte Gewalt als Ausdruck der gesellschaftlichen Subordination von Frauen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden zunächst einige Beispiele der Vergeschlechtlichung räumlicher Strukturen vorgestellt. Danach folgen einige Anmerkungen zum Gender Mainstreaming (GM) und Managing Diversity (MD) in der räumlichen Planung, die am Negativbeispiel der Wohnungswirtschaft verdeutlicht werden. (ICI2

    Spesutia Hundred, 1681-1799: A Study of a Colonial Maryland Parish

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    My study of some aspects of the lives of the people of Spesutia Parish in Harford County, Maryland, was made possible by the discovery of three surviving documents from this area. There is a parish record listing births, marriages, and deaths from 1680 to 1790. Information about households and wealth, as well as slavery, can be learned from a census taken in 1776 and a tax list from 1783. From the parish record and census, I found data on births, and was able to estimate the birth rate. The total population grew rapidly, so there must have been significant in-migration. The number of children per family was about four. I was able to estimate the age at marriage from the parish record and census. Second marriages seemed common. There did not appear to be many single adults except for servants, and bachelors had to pay a special tax. There was little evidence of extended families in one house but many had servants. Deaths were the least frequent entry in the parish record, and, if the death entries were accurate, Spesutia had a low death rate. In 1776 there were significant numbers of blacks and whites over age fifty. Maternal and infant deaths from childbirth were not especially high. Spesutia's population of 1440 in 1776 was almost half free and half slave. Over half the households did not have any slaves. Slave owning contributed to taxable wealth, but wealth did not correlate with social and political leadership. Lastly, I compared my data with other studies of colonial Maryland, and studies of New England and the South. More demographic studies are necessary, however, before we can speak definitively about birth, death and marriage in colonial Maryland or other parts of the colonies

    Geschlechterforschung in die Curricula - Lehrinhalte und Vermittlungsformen

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    Die Integration der Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung in die Lehrinhalte ist ein zentrales Element eines geschlechtergerechten Studiums und ein unverzichtbarer Ansatz zur Weiterentwicklung von Wissenschaft und Hochschule im Zuge der Neuorganisation von Studium und Lehre (Bologna-Prozess). Der Beitrag setzt sich mit der Frage nach den möglichen Inhalten der curricularen Verankerung der Geschlechterforschung sowie mit den möglichen Vermittlungsformen auseinander. Vorgestellt werden drei für alle Disziplinen relevante Fragestellungen der Geschlechterforschung (Professionsaspekte, Wissenschaftskritik und Aspekte der Herstellung und Nutzung der Ergebnisse der jeweiligen Fachdisziplin), die in den jeweiligen Fächern je fachspezifisch beantwortet werden sollten. Diskutiert werden darüber hinaus vier unterschiedliche Formen der Verankerung dieser Inhalte (fachübergreifend, integrativ, partikular-explizit und explizit) in die Curricula. 02.11.2008 | Ruth Becker & Beate Kortendiek (Dortmund

    Integrating Best Evidence into Practice: Outcomes of a Community-Based 12-week Exercise and Education Intervention in Women with Cancer

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    Objective Cancer-related fatigue is the most commonly reported side effect of cancer treatment, affecting 70-100% of patients and current literature suggests exercise is an important component of managing this side effect. The specific objective of this project was to evaluate the effectiveness of a 12-week evidence-based cancer exercise and education intervention on outcomes of fatigue, pain, depression, sleep disturbance and quality of life for women with cancer; the intervention was delivered by an interprofessional team in a medically-based wellness center. Methods The team was led by a physical therapist and included medical and radiation oncologists, general surgeons, nurses and cancer survivors, who developed the structure, content and format of this 12-week community-based intervention. The intervention consisted of group exercise sessions and education. Women with any type of cancer were eligible to enroll regardless of whether or not they were on active cancer treatment. Women were not eligible to enroll if they had any contraindication to exercise. Groups of no more than 15, completed hour-long supervised group exercise sessions twice weekly that were led by a physical therapist or exercise specialist. These sessions included resistance training, aerobic, flexibility, balance, aquatic or yoga exercises. The weekly education sessions included topics such as nutrition, sleep disturbance, depression, coping, lymphedema, exercise habits, healing arts, women’s health, spirituality, and stress management. This intervention was offered at no cost to participants, with funding provided by the hospital foundation. Participants reported their pre- and post-intervention perceptions of fatigue, pain, depression, sleep disturbance and quality of life on a 0 -10 point Likert scale (0 = none, 10 = worst). We used the related-sample Wilcoxon Signed Rank test to compare pre- and post- intervention scores and independent sample Mann-Whitney U test to compare change scores between those on and off treatment. Results Approximately 80% (n=139) of the women having a mean age of 53.6 years (SD=11.8; range 23-87) completed the 12-week intervention. Upon completion, we found significant decreases in the perceptions of self-reported fatigue (-5.5, p\u3c.001), pain (-0.5, p=.017), depression (-1.0, p\u3c.001), sleep disturbance (-0.5, p\u3c.001), and quality of life (-1.4, p\u3c.001). However, a subgroup analysis revealed that the impact of the intervention varied according to treatment status. Specifically, perceptions of fatigue decreased significantly for the 49 women who were on treatment (-1.4 vs. -0.03 p=.007) as compared to the 90 women who had completed treatment. Women on active treatment reported significantly higher levels of fatigue at the start of the intervention than did the women who had completed treatment (6.4 vs. 5.0, p\u3c.0001). Our findings indicate that implementation of an evidence-based exercise and education intervention in a medically-based wellness center is effective in improving self-reported outcomes for women with cancer. The most significant impact of the intervention appeared to be in decreasing fatigue for women on active cancer treatment
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