257 research outputs found

    Carbonatites and Alkaline Igneous Rocks in Post-Collisional Settings: Storehouses of Rare Earth Elements

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Springer via the DOI in this recordThe rare earth elements (REE) are critical raw materials for much of modern technology, particularly renewable energy infrastructure and electric vehicles that are vital for the energy transition. Many of the world’s largest REE deposits occur in alkaline rocks and carbonatites, which are found in intracontinental, rift-related settings, and also in syn- to post-collisional settings. Post-collisional settings host significant REE deposits, such as those of the Mianning-Dechang belt in China. This paper reviews REE mineralisation in syn- to post-collisional alkaline-carbonatite complexes worldwide, in order to demonstrate some of the key physical and chemical features of these deposits. We use three examples, in Scotland, Namibia, and Turkey, to illustrate the structure of these systems. We review published geochemical data and use these to build up a broad model for the REE mineral system in post-collisional alkaline-carbonatite complexes. It is evident that immiscibility of carbonate-rich magmas and fluids plays an important part in generating mineralisation in these settings, with REE, Ba and F partitioning into the carbonate-rich phase. The most significant REE mineralisation in post-collisional alkaline-carbonatite complexes occurs in shallow-level, carbothermal or carbonatite intrusions, but deeper carbonatite bodies and associated alteration zones may also have REE enrichment.European Union Horizon 2020Natural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Enrichment of heavy REE and Th in carbonatite-derived fenite breccia

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Cambridge University Press via the DOI in this recordEnrichment of the heavy rare earth elements (HREE) in carbonatites is rare as carbonatite petrogenesis favours the light (L)REE. We describe HREE enrichment in fenitised phonolite breccia, focussing on small satellite occurrences 1–2 km from the Songwe Hill carbonatite from the Chilwa Alkaline Province, Malawi. Within the breccia groundmass, a HREE-bearing mineral assemblage comprises xenotime, zircon, anatase/rutile, and minor huttonite/thorite, as well as fluorite and apatite. A genetic link between HREE mineralisation and carbonatite emplacement is indicated by the presence of Sr-bearing carbonate veins, carbonatite xenoliths and extensive fenitisation. We propose that the HREE are retained in hydrothermal fluids which are residually derived from a carbonatite after precipitation of LREE minerals. Brecciation provides a focussing conduit for such fluids, enabling HREE transport and xenotime precipitation in the fenite. Continued fluid-rock interaction leads to dissolution of HREE-bearing minerals and further precipitation of xenotime and huttonite/thorite. At a maximum Y content of 3,100 ΞΌg/g, HREE concentrations in the presented example are not sufficient to constitute ore, but the similar composition and texture of these rocks to other cases of HREE enrichment related to carbonatite suggests that all form via a common mechanism linked to fenitisation. Precipitation of HREE minerals only occurs where a pre-existing structure provides a focussing conduit for fenitising fluids, reducing fluid-country rock interaction. Enrichment of HREE and Th in fenite breccia serves as an indicator of fluid expulsion from a carbonatite, and may indicate the presence of LREE mineralisation within the source carbonatite body at depth.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)European Union Horizon 202

    Alkaline-Silicate REE-HFSE Systems

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from the Society of Economic Geologists via the DOI in this recordDevelopment of renewable energy infrastructure requires critical raw materials, such as the rare earth elements (REEs, including scandium) and niobium, and is driving expansion and diversification in their supply chains. Although alternative sources are being explored, the majority of the world’s resources of these elements are found in alkaline-silicate rocks and carbonatites. These magmatic systems also represent major sources of fluorine and phosphorus. Exploration models for critical raw materials are comparatively less well developed than those for major and precious metals, such as iron, copper, and gold, where most of the mineral exploration industry continues to focus. The diversity of lithologic relationships and a complex nomenclature for many alkaline rock types represent further barriers to the exploration and exploitation of REE-high field strength element (HFSE) resources that will facilitate the green revolution. We used a global review of maps, cross sections, and geophysical, geochemical, and petrological observations from alkaline systems to inform our description of the alkaline-silicate REE + HFSE mineral system from continental scale (1,000s km) down to deposit scale (~1 km lateral). Continental-scale targeting criteria include a geodynamic trigger for low-degree mantle melting at high pressure and a mantle source enriched in REEs, volatile elements, and alkalies. At the province and district scales, targeting criteria relate to magmatic-system longevity and the conditions required for extensive fractional crystallization and the residual enrichment of the REEs and HFSEs. A compilation of maps and geophysical data were used to construct an interactive 3-D geologic model (25-km cube) that places mineralization within a depth and horizontal reference frame. It shows typical lithologic relationships surrounding orthomagmatic REE-Nb-Ta-Zr-Hf mineralization in layered agpaitic syenites, roof zone REE-Nb-Ta mineralization, and mineralization of REE-Nb-Zr associated with peralkaline granites and pegmatites. The resulting geologic model is presented together with recommended geophysical and geochemical approaches for exploration targeting, as well as mineral processing and environmental factors pertinent for the development of mineral resources hosted by alkaline-silicate magmatic systems.European Union Horizon 202

    All-Optical Rotational Ultrasound Imaging

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    Miniaturised high-resolution imaging devices are valuable for guiding minimally invasive procedures such as vascular stent placements. Here, we present all-optical rotational B-mode pulse-echo ultrasound imaging. With this device, ultrasound transmission and reception are performed with light. The all-optical transducer in the probe comprised an optical fibre that delivered pulsed excitation light to an optical head at the distal end with a multi-walled carbon nanotube and polydimethylsiloxane composite coating. This coating was photoacoustically excited to generate a highly directional ultrasound beam perpendicular to the optical fibre axis. A concave Fabry-PΓ©rot cavity at the distal end of an optical fibre, which was interrogated with a tuneable continuous-wave laser, served as an omnidirectional ultrasound receiver. The transmitted ultrasound had a βˆ’6 dB bandwidth of 31.3 MHz and a peak-to-peak pressure of 1.87 MPa, as measured at 1.5 mm from the probe. The receiver had a noise equivalent pressure <100 Pa over a 20 MHz bandwidth. With a maximum outer probe diameter of 1.25 mm, the probe provided imaging with an axial resolution better than 50 ¡m, and a real-time imaging rate of 5 frames per second. To investigate the capabilities of the probe, intraluminal imaging was performed in healthy swine carotid arteries. The results demonstrate that the all-optical probe is viable for clinical rotational ultrasound imaging

    Proteomic comparisons of opaque and transparent variants of <i>Streptococcus pneumoniae</i> by two dimensional-differential gel electrophoresis

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae (the pneumococcus) is a human pathogen, accounting for massive global morbidity and mortality. Although asymptomatic colonization of the nasopharynx almost invariably precedes disease, the critical determinants enabling pneumococcal progression from this niche to cause invasive disease are poorly understood. One mechanism proposed to be central to this transition involves opacity phase variation, whereby pneumococci harvested from the nasopharynx are typically transparent, while those simultaneously harvested from the blood are opaque. Here, we used two dimensional-differential gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) to compare protein expression profiles of transparent and opaque variants of 3 pneumococcal strains, D39 (serotype 2), WCH43 (serotype 4) and WCH16 (serotype 6A) in vitro. One spot comprising a mixture of capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis protein and other proteins was significantly up-regulated in the opaque phenotype in all 3 strains; other proteins were differentially regulated in a strain-specific manner. We conclude that pneumococcal phase variation is a complex and multifactorial process leading to strain-specific pathogenicity.Melissa H. Chai, Florian Weiland, Richard M. Harvey, Peter Hoffmann, Abiodun D. Ogunniyi, James C. Pato

    Survey of A_LT' asymmetries in semi-exclusive electron scattering on He4 and C12

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    Single spin azimuthal asymmetries A_LT' were measured at Jefferson Lab using 2.2 and 4.4 GeV longitudinally polarized electrons incident on He4 and C12 targets in the CLAS detector. A_LT' is related to the imaginary part of the longitudinal-transverse interference and in quasifree nucleon knockout it provides an unambiguous signature for final state interactions (FSI). Experimental values of A_LT' were found to be below 5%, typically |A_LT'| < 3% for data with good statistical precision. Optical Model in Eikonal Approximation (OMEA) and Relativistic Multiple-Scattering Glauber Approximation (RMSGA) calculations are shown to be consistent with the measured asymmetries.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Hippocampus specific iron deficiency alters competition and cooperation between developing memory systems

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    Iron deficiency (ID) is the most common gestational micronutrient deficiency in the world, targets the fetal hippocampus and striatum and results in long-term behavioral abnormalities. These structures primarily mediate spatial and procedural memory, respectively, in the rodent but have interconnections that result in competition or cooperation during cognitive tasks. We determined whether ID-induced impairment of one alters the function of the other by genetically inducing a 40% reduction of hippocampus iron content in late fetal life in mice and measuring dorsal striatal gene expression and metabolism and the behavioral balance between the two memory systems in adulthood. Slc11a2hipp/hipp mice had similar striatum iron content, but 18% lower glucose and 44% lower lactate levels, a 30% higher phosphocreatine:creatine ratio, and reduced iron transporter gene expression compared to wild type (WT) littermates, implying reduced striatal metabolic function. Slc11a2hipp/hipp mice had longer mean escape times on a cued task paradigm implying impaired procedural memory. Nevertheless, when hippocampal and striatal memory systems were placed in competition using a Morris Water Maze task that alternates spatial navigation and visual cued responses during training, and forces a choice between hippocampal and striatal strategies during probe trials, Slc11a2hipp/hipp mice used the hippocampus-dependent response less often (25%) and the visual cued response more often (75%) compared to WT littermates that used both strategies approximately equally. Hippocampal ID not only reduces spatial recognition memory performance but also affects systems that support procedural memory, suggesting an altered balance between memory systems

    An AP Endonuclease 1–DNA Polymerase Ξ² Complex: Theoretical Prediction of Interacting Surfaces

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    Abasic (AP) sites in DNA arise through both endogenous and exogenous mechanisms. Since AP sites can prevent replication and transcription, the cell contains systems for their identification and repair. AP endonuclease (APEX1) cleaves the phosphodiester backbone 5β€² to the AP site. The cleavage, a key step in the base excision repair pathway, is followed by nucleotide insertion and removal of the downstream deoxyribose moiety, performed most often by DNA polymerase beta (pol-Ξ²). While yeast two-hybrid studies and electrophoretic mobility shift assays provide evidence for interaction of APEX1 and pol-Ξ², the specifics remain obscure. We describe a theoretical study designed to predict detailed interacting surfaces between APEX1 and pol-Ξ² based on published co-crystal structures of each enzyme bound to DNA. Several potentially interacting complexes were identified by sliding the protein molecules along DNA: two with pol-Ξ² located downstream of APEX1 (3β€² to the damaged site) and three with pol-Ξ² located upstream of APEX1 (5β€² to the damaged site). Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, ensuring geometrical complementarity of interfaces, enabled us to predict interacting residues and calculate binding energies, which in two cases were sufficient (βˆΌβˆ’10.0 kcal/mol) to form a stable complex and in one case a weakly interacting complex. Analysis of interface behavior during MD simulation and visual inspection of interfaces allowed us to conclude that complexes with pol-Ξ² at the 3β€²-side of APEX1 are those most likely to occur in vivo. Additional multiple sequence analyses of APEX1 and pol-Ξ² in related organisms identified a set of correlated mutations of specific residues at the predicted interfaces. Based on these results, we propose that pol-Ξ² in the open or closed conformation interacts and makes a stable interface with APEX1 bound to a cleaved abasic site on the 3β€² side. The method described here can be used for analysis in any DNA-metabolizing pathway where weak interactions are the principal mode of cross-talk among participants and co-crystal structures of the individual components are available

    Context and Crowding in Perceptual Learning on a Peripheral Contrast Discrimination Task: Context-Specificity in Contrast Learning

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    Perceptual learning is an improvement in sensitivity due to practice on a sensory task and is generally specific to the trained stimuli and/or tasks. The present study investigated the effect of stimulus configuration and crowding on perceptual learning in contrast discrimination in peripheral vision, and the effect of perceptual training on crowding in this task. 29 normally-sighted observers were trained to discriminate Gabor stimuli presented at 9Β° eccentricity with either identical or orthogonally oriented flankers with respect to the target (ISO and CROSS, respectively), or on an isolated target (CONTROL). Contrast discrimination thresholds were measured at various eccentricities and target-flanker separations before and after training in order to determine any learning transfer to untrained stimulus parameters. Perceptual learning was observed in all three training stimuli; however, greater improvement was obtained with training on ISO-oriented stimuli compared to CROSS-oriented and unflanked stimuli. This learning did not transfer to untrained stimulus configurations, eccentricities or target-flanker separations. A characteristic crowding effect was observed increasing with viewing eccentricity and decreasing with target-flanker separation before and after training in both configurations. The magnitude of crowding was reduced only at the trained eccentricity and target-flanker separation; therefore, learning for contrast discrimination and for crowding in the present study was configuration and location specific. Our findings suggest that stimulus configuration plays an important role in the magnitude of perceptual learning in contrast discrimination and suggest context-specificity in learning
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