293 research outputs found

    Use of Articulated Transport Systems in the Mining Industry

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    The work is devoted to the possibility and prospects of the use of all-wheels drive articulated transport systems in the mining complex. A comparative analysis of the traditional methods of exporting minerals in open pit mining and the method of using active trailed elements are given. The trailer has a load factor several times higher than the same rate for mining dump trucks. The use of an active trailer makes it possible to reduce the mass of the tractor and trailer by almost 40 tons and increase the specific power of the road train. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Regional lexicography: zoological vocabulary in ideographic dictionary

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    In the article the working results on one section of the thematic dictionary of Samara dialects are summarized. The study is novel in the application of the ideographic description technique to the large lexical material, which was extracted from the unpublished files of dialectological expeditions in the villages of the Samara region. The author of the article reported that the language corps of vocabulary fixations was used as the main source of the thematic group of zoological vocabulary, which was compiled using the thematic questionnaire, given to respondents. The thematic zoological vocabulary was classified and divided into two main semantic blocks: Wild Animals and Home Animals.The author states that both semantic blocks represent complex system formations with developed differentiation of dialect nominations. Attention is drawn to the fact that the first block is dominated by the names of fish, birds, insects, and reptiles, while the most part of the second block consists of the animals and birds names grown in the household. In the Samara dialects there is a variety of word-formation dialect modifications of words, the presence of productive affixes. The author raises the question, if it is possible to represent systematically the names of individual members of the animal world, which were borrowed by Russians from the other languages of the Volga region people, in the dialect dictionary. The author claims that the material of the Samara dialects is optimally reflected in the dictionary compiled using the technique of ideographic description. The article concludes that the systemic connections identified as a result of the study in the thematic group of zoological names can be used in the complex characteristic of secondary dialects of the Volga region, along with the facts of other dialect languages levels

    Dialect Lexicography: to the Problem of Thematic Presentation of Vocabulary of the Middle Volga Dialects

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    The results of work on a multi-aspect thematic dictionary of Samara dialects is summarized in the article. The novelty of the study is that the created dictionary is the first combined dialect dictionary in the region. It is reported that the language corpus of vocabulary fixations compiled by participants in dialectological expeditions using the methodology for presenting a thematic questionnaire to respondents is used as the main source of material for the thematic dictionary. The question is raised about the possibility of a systematic representation of the vocabulary of secondary dialects. The idea is proved that the thematic presentation of vocabulary material occupies an essential place in the complex characterization of the Volga dialects along with methods for presenting facts at other levels of the language (phonetic, morphological, etc.). The possibility of establishing classifying semantic and word-formation features is demonstrated in the example of separate thematic groups of the dictionary. Attention is drawn to the variety of word-formation formants in lexical-semantic groups, their role in the organization of a certain semantic space. It is concluded that the publication of a thematic dictionary offers great opportunities for the study of dialects of territories of late settlement in various aspects. The author of the article states that the thematic principle of the presentation of vocabulary material makes the structure of the dictionary open, the study of the lexical level of modern dialects is promising

    Intellect and intellectual practices in the digitalized world: review of the 5th International scientific conference “Interdisciplinarity in the modern social-humanitarian knowledge - 2020

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    Objective: to familiarize a wide range of the Journal readers with the results of the “Interdisciplinarity-2020” conference and the new ideas and research results presented in the reports of Russian and foreign scientists focused on the problem of intelligence in the digital world. Methods: a systematic approach to the cognition of social phenomena has determined the use of the following research methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, structural and functional methods, content analysis.Results: the content of the main reports presented at the international scientific event is described (by G. B. Kleiner, D. V. Ushakov, R. M. Nureyev, E. V. Balatsky, S. G. Kirdina-Chandler and other researchers), which analyze various aspects of the functioning and development of intelligence in the digital world, the types and levels of intelligence, and the impact on socio-economic processes. The speakers presented various views on the processes of digital transformation of the economy and society, including the analysis of the main risks of implementing a digital project in Russia in terms of its impact on economic growth in the context of global political and economic trends. The thesis is formulated about the inevitability of the transition to a new type of economy - the intellectual economy, in which knowledge is the subject, and intelligence is the means of labor. Speakers from interdisciplinary positions hightlighted a number of urgent fundamental scientific problems that need to be solved: the creation of intellectual economy institutions; the change of the legal environment; the formation of a legal system that ensures the functioning of intellectualized sociotechnical systems. The complex of problems and tasks in the field of higher education aimed at the formation of intellectual competencies for the digital world is considered, the role and position of universities in the modern world are assessed. Scientific novelty: interdisciplinarity as one of the current trends in the development of scientific knowledge about man, nature and society is aimed at overcoming the fragmentation of disciplinary knowledge to ensure the effectiveness, consistency and harmony of social management and design. The novelty of the problems discussed at the conference was due to a special focus - “Intelligence in the digital world: influence, management, development”. Intelligence is considered as the main means of achieving social goals at both macro-, meso- and microsocial levels. The reports presented in the article are focused on a comprehensive analysis of the key factors of socio-economic and humanitarian development, the most important of which today are knowledge and intelligence. The scientific novelty of the discussed problems lies in the totality of the object, subject and research methods: a comprehensive analysis of intelligence in the modern digital world; expansion of the semantic content of this concept; the analysis of the phenomena of various types of intelligence interweaving (natural, artificial, social), based on an interdisciplinary approach; and uniting the efforts of economists, sociologists, linguists, philosophers, lawyers, historians, as well as representatives of technical branches of knowledge.Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the review can be used in scientific and educational activities to improve the level and quality of information interaction when implementing interdisciplinary practices of the academic community, to identify and disseminate the best practices of interdisciplinary research, as well as to improve the management and planning of innovation activities of academic organizations, evaluation and expertise of research activities

    Presentational Vocabulary of Samara Dialects

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    The specifics of the system-structural organization of presentational vocabulary in the Russian dialects of the Samara region is considered. Lexical materials of dialectological expeditions, supplementing the Volga Atlas, are used. The relevance of the study is determined by the importance of information about the originality of Russian folk dialects in the peripheral areas. The array of words indicating the names of the realities from the sphere of the household of a traditional Russian house is identified, the typology of dialect correspondences is defined. Generic-specific, variable and synonymic relations are examined. Special attention is paid to dialectal names from the point of view of the nominating and derivational components, organizing the thematic groups. The existence of dialectal variants of popular words and dialectal lexemes absent in the literary language and its varieties, the variety of principles and methods of nomination, the predominance of words with clear etymology is stated. It is shown that most of the dialectal lexemes denoting household items are all-Russian. It is established that locally limited vocabulary has typological similarities with the dialects of other areas of both polar dialectal groups of the Russian language. Group of local vocabulary that unites Samara dialects with the other dialects of the Volga region is identified. It is concluded that the study of the presentational vocabulary extends the idea of the typology of Samara secondary dialects

    Features of the distribution of manganese in soils of the Prichulym taiga in Tomsk region during forest logging

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    In the course of the summer expedition, soil samples were taken from the upper, the most ‘active’ for migration and pollution by chemical elements, horizon in the taiga zone of Zyryanskiy district, Tomsk region. Soils were sampled in two plots: in a typical taiga forest and in the area after selective logging carried out six years ago. The selected soil samples were analyzed for the presence and total content of manganese. As a result of statistical data processing, the average value of the content of this element was obtained. Changes in the species composition of vegetation in the logged area could affect the redistribution of the considered chemical element in the soil. For a complete picture of the deposition and the reasons for possible migration of manganese in the upper layer of the soil horizon, the acid-base conditions and the organic component (humus) were additionally determined in the soil samples. The global indicators of the world’s soils – clarke values – were used as standards to compare with the average values of the manganese content in soil. The obtained average values of manganese in the upper horizon of soils in the studied areas were compared with respect to the data on the content of manganese in soils of the taiga forest zone of Eurasia. The southeast of Tomsk region is included in this zone. Based on the ecological and geochemical analysis, the reasons for the change in the content of manganese and the degree of its dangerous impact have been revealed. This characteristic made it possible to interpret the data obtained on the manganese content in the soil of the study areas, as well as to assess the state of the environment after anthropogenic transformation and other possible factors

    Species Differences of Imperative Mood of Russian Verbs in the Linguodidactic Aspect

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    One of the most difficult topics to be learned by students of Russian as a foreign language is represented by the verb aspects at the imperative mood. In this paper, the authors underline the need to develop a new approach to explain the differences and the correct use of imperative aspects used at the imperative mood, starting from the analysis of the directive speech acts linguopragmatic characteristics and based on the algorithmic learning method. The authors here present their algorithm, the aim of which is to make it easier for students to choose either the imperfect or the perfect aspect of an imperative verb in different communicative situations. The structure of the algorithm is defined on the base of three main factors: (1) the presence of the word “ ne ” (do not) which makes the sentence negative; (2) situations when, due to the action nature (repetitive or long-term procedural action), only the imperfect aspect must be used; (3) situations when the choice of the aspect relies on the pragmatic characteristics of the causative action, the more relevant of which authors identified in the expectedness / unexpectedness of the causative action. The algorithm developed by the authors was successfully implemented during a pilot experiment held at the Insubria University (Como, Italy) with students of Russian as a foreign language. The results of the experiment showed that algorithmization is an optimal method to train students in the correct use of the imperative aspects, since it allows to take into account at once the totality of linguistic and extralinguistic communication factors and to structure and better control the mental steps students have to make towards the correct solution

    Unresolved problems of Okinawa: Towards the 50th anniversary of Okinawa Prefecture’s reversion to Japan

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    The article addresses the current problems of the Japanese prefecture of Okinawa, the origins of which should be sought in the post-war history of the Ryukyu Islands, which were put under the occupation of the United States in 1945–1972. The authors have identified several problems that remain unresolved after Japan regained all legal and administrative rights to Okinawa in 1972. These issues include the economic development of Okinawa lagging behind the so-called “Japan proper” and the high concentration of American military bases and American servicepersons, which also exerts negative influence on the environmental and security situations in the island. Currently, more than 70% of all US military bases in Japan are located in Okinawa Prefecture. Against the background of emerging threats to regional and national security of Japan, which are associated with China’s growing military power and its territorial claims against Japan, as well as fears of change of the global order due to Russia conducting the special military operation in Ukraine and the escalation of tensions over Taiwan, the government of Japan tends to continue fulfilling their allied obligations to the United States. In this regard, the reduction of US military presence in Okinawa seems unlikely. On the contrary, future militarization of the region is to be expected. Meanwhile, prefectural authorities and the islands’ residents fear that, in the case of a military conflict, Okinawa will be the main target of enemy strikes. The results of public opinion polls of Okinawa residents, which have been conducted since the 1970s to the present times, show that, while the level of public support for the reversion of Okinawa to Japan is high, at the same time, dissatisfaction with the presence of US military bases in Okinawa persists. Most Okinawans support either a complete withdrawal of military facilities from the territory of the prefecture, or a fair division of the burden of US military bases’ presence with other prefectures, emphasizing their own distinct identity

    Media Communications of Executive Power: Assessing Effectiveness

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    Assessing the Effectiveness of Media Communications of Executive Power: An Analysis of Speeches. This study focuses on developing a method to evaluate the effectiveness of communication between Russian executive authorities and citizens. The empirical data was collected from posts on the official pages of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Perm Krai Ministry of Health, and Sverdlovsk Oblast Ministry of Health on the social media platform VKontakte. The relevance of this research lies in the need to establish objective measures of speech performance based on verifiable data. One such measure is the engagement coefficient of users, determined through the online service Popsters.ru. The novelty of this study lies in interpreting effectiveness as a complex characteristic represented by the reactions of recipients — likes, comments, and reposts. The proposed algorithm for evaluating the effectiveness of media dialogue between authorities and citizens includes the following procedures: determining criteria for selecting content, automatic analysis of material, ranking publications, content analysis of publications, and identifying their discursive-stylistic features. It has been proven that the engagement of users in communication with authorities is influenced by the content, thematic, linguistic, and non-verbal parameters of the text (question-answer complexes, evaluative vocabulary, prospective and exclamatory constructions, categorization, emojis, etc.). This methodology can be used to assess the effectiveness of media dialogue between executive power and citizens on other digital platforms


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    The article considers the system and structural organization of designation of clothing and footwear in the Russian dialects of the Samara region. The lexical data of dialectological archives and personal records of dialect words made in dialectological expeditions are used. The relevance of the investigation is determined by the problems of the adequate description of the vocabulary of clothing and footwear in the dictio­nary of the Samarа dialects. The article solves the problem of including archaic words and designations of clothing and footwear recorded in dictionaries of literary language into the dialect dictionary. The structure of this thematic group is presented. The dialect vocabulary under study can be divided into seven groups: generalized designations of clothing and footwear; designation of men’s and women’s outer clothing; designations of the outer humeral clothing (shirt); designations of clothing with a belt (apron); designations of footwear; designations of clothing for hands (glove) and clothing for legs (stockings). Special attention is paid to the nominating components organizing the thematic groups. The typology of correspondence between the dialect words and their literary equivalents is worked out. The paper notes the development of the semantic structure of the dialect words designating clothing. It is established that designation of clothing and footwear has typological similarities with dialects of both polar dialect groups of the Russian language. A group of vocabulary that unites the Samara dialects with other dialects of the Volga region is identified. Designations of clothing in the Samara secondary dialects are concluded to be of a specific character