497 research outputs found

    Development of a paradigm for studying the effects of brief Goal Management Training with Implementation Intentions

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    Cognitive rehabilitation interventions such as Goal Management Training (GMT) and the Implementation Intentions strategy have been developed with the aim of improving prospective memory (PM) in everyday life. The aim of this study was to provide “proof of concept” for an experimental paradigm that could be used to evaluate the effects of Goal Management Implementation Intentions training (GMTii) derived from the principles of GMT and Implementation Intentions. Thirty adults were randomised to either GMTii or a control training condition. A computerised PM task that involved an ongoing task into which a PM task was embedded was completed pre-training and post-training. In addition, a novel yet similar PM task was completed post-training to assess generalisability of any effect. The two groups had similar overall performance pre-training. Post-training, the GMTii group demonstrated significantly better performance on the familiar computerised PM task showing less performance decay over time compared to the control group. The GMTii group also showed better performance on the novel task. The results demonstrated that brief GMTii significantly improved PM performance compared to control training and that computerised PM tasks were sensitive to this effect. The results suggest that this paradigm could be used to study the effects of metacognitive rehabilitation interventions

    He amphoras that were found in 2006-2007 tralleis excavation

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    Karia kenti olan Tralleis, antik dönemde Batı Anadolu'da önemli bir yere sahipti. Hellenistik ve Roma Döneminde heykeltıraşlıktan başka, seramik alanında da öne çıktığı, yapılan çalışmalar ve ele geçen buluntulardan anlaşılmaktadır. Kentin Sigillata üretimi yaptığı antik kaynaklarda geçmektedir. Kazı çalışmalarındaki buluntular ile yapılan çalışmalar bunu kanıtlar niteliktedir. Şimdiye kadar detaylı bir şekilde incelenmeyen Tralleis amphoraları hakkında detaylı bilgiler edilmeye çalışılmıştır. 2006-2007 kazı çalışmalarında bulunan 141 adet amphora parçalarının ışığında kentin hangi tip amphoraları kullandığı ve amphora üretimindeki yeri belirlenmek istenmiştir. Hellenistik ve Roma Döneminde sevilerek kullanılan tiplerin örneklerine buluntular arasında da rastlamaktayız. En yoğun buluntumuz olan LR 3 tipi amphoralar üretildikleri yerlere göre farklı form özellikleri göstermektedir. Elimizdekilerle farklı bölge üretimi LR 3 amphoralarını karşılaştırıldığında, aynı form özelliğini göstermediğini görmekteyiz. Böylece Sigillata üretim merkezi olan kentin LR 3 tipini de üretmiş olması olasıdır.Tralleis which was a Karia city was an important place in the West Anatolia in ancient times.It has been understood that from the studies and foundlings it was led not only sculpture but also ceramics during Hellenistics and Rome times.It had been passed in the ancient resources that the city did the Sigillata production.The foundlings that were in diggings and the studies proved this.The Tralleis amphoras that weren?t examined detailly up to know and the detail knowledge has to be tried to find.During 2006-2007 Foundling studies amphoras were found and it was tried to determine which types of amphoras were used and what place was it at the production of the amphora. We see the examples of the foundlings that were used lovely during Hellenistics and Rome times.The most common foundlings are LR3 types of amphoras and they show the different specialities that were found place.When the amphoras we see that they can't show the same form speciality.So the city that was Sigillata production center had produced the LR3 type too

    A Novel Project Risk Assessment Method Development via AHP-TOPSIS Hybrid Algorithm

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    In project planning, risk assessment method plays vital role. Poorly assessed project risks cause degeneration at project cost, project completion time, and project output quality and project scope. Each project activity risk influence these project success factors. Implementation performance of a project activity triggers or smooth of its successor’s activity risks. Because of this; employing robust and detailed risk assessment methods is important to reach those project goals. In project risk assessment literature, when it is investigated, it is noticed that risk assessment and evaluation methods are only developed at whole project level. Actually, they are not comprehensive enough to evaluate the project risks at activity level. Besides that traditional risk assessment methods such as risk matrix does not able analyze project risk quantitatively. With this motivation, main aim of this study is developing a multi-criteria based decision method which prioritizing project risks at activity level. AHP and TOPSIS method are combined to developed novel method. In this hybrid method, Constructing AHP model is to prioritize work packages with respect to relative importance of project time, project output quality and project cost. Broken down structure of these work packages are used as input for weighted criteria for TOPSIS method. In second layer of this decision method, TOPSIS model is used for prioritizing predetermined activity risks according weighted project work packages success criteria. In the application of this method, a case study approach is followed. In this sense, “Global Furniture Ltd.” which is established in Istanbul, Turkey is chosen as a case to apply newly developed model. Results showed that application of AHP-Stochastic TOPSIS Hybrid Algorithm provides a platform that project risks could be analyzed as quantitative and also at project activity level

    Inula viscosa metanol ve hekzan ekstraktlarının antibakteriyel ve antikanserojenik etkilerinin incelenmesi

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    Objective: Inula viscosa is a perennial medicinal plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. This study aimed at investigating the antibacterial and anticarcinogenic activities of methanol and hexane extracts derived from I. viscosa. Methods: The antibacterial activity of different concentrations of I. viscosa methanol (1.56-800 mg/ml) and hexane (0.19-100 mg/ml) extracts was tested using the disc diffusion method. Listeria monocytogenes, Micrococcus luteus, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae were used as standard reference strains. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of the extracts were made for each bacteria using the microdilution method. MIC value was determined as the lowest extract concentration at which growth was not observed. Minimum bactericide concentrations (MBC) were determined for all wells after MIC. The anticarcinogenic activity of I. viscosa was examined using the MTT test. MDA-MB-231 and HT-29 cells were stained with acridine orange and propidium iodide at the IC50 values of the extracts to determine the viable, apoptotic and necrotic cells. Results: Zone diameters of the methanol extract for L. monocytogenes, M. luteus, E. coli and K. pneumoniae were 8, 16, 7 and 9 mm, respectively. Zone diameters of the hexane extract for M. luteus, E. coli and K. pneumoniae were 14, 7 and 9 mm, respectively. MIC values of the methanol extract were 25 mg/ml for M. luteus, 200 mg/ml for L. monocytogenes and K. pneumoniae, and 400 mg/ml for E. coli. MIC values of the hexane extract were 400 mg/ml for L. monocytogenes, E. coli ve K. pneumoniae, and 100 mg/ml for M. luteus. MBC values were similar to MIC values. IC50 values for MDA-MB-231 and HT-29 cells were 25 mg/ml and 200 mg/ ml for the methanol extract, and 6.25 mg/ml and 12.5 mg/ml for the hexane extract, respectively. Depending on increased concentration levels, the presence of necrotic and early apoptotic cells was observed among MDA-MB-231 and HT-29 cells. Conclusion: Methanol and hexane extracts of I. viscosa were found to have antibacterial effects on the studied bacteria and anticarcinogenic activity on MDA-MB-231 and HT-29 cells. Conducting further studies to demonstrate the effects of these extracts on different cancer cell lines and bacterial strains will contribute to the field of complementary medicine. © 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Radiolucent esophageal foreign body presenting as a middle mediastinal mass and tracheoesophageal fistula

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    Comparative Study of the Length-Weight Relationships of Some Fish Species along the Turkish Coasts

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    This study presents 738 length-weight relationships for 242 species found in Turkish seas. All length-weight relationships presented were collected from a total of 33 studies. These studies were all performed in Turkish coastal waters between 1997 and 2013. For all studies, the median of a value was calculated as 0.014 and the median of b value was calculated as 3.016

    Diffusion assisted synthesis of metal nanotubes

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    Music for Sleep: Music-based interventions to promote sleep in adults

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    Abstract available at each chapter