9 research outputs found

    Relationship between body mass index and the development of cranium in Arak newborns (Central Iran)

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    Adaptive responses which occur under changing environment enable a species existence during long periods of time. This study aimed at investigating the relationship between body mass index (BMI and characteristic of brain in newborns. This study was undertaken on 1800 healthy live born singletons (822 males and 978 females) routinely delivered at the Gynecology Hospital of Arak Medical Sciences University between 2002 and 2003. Anthropometric data were analyzed by linear regression and regression analysis using SPSS software for Windows (version 15). The results showed that BMI (body mass index) was significantly associated with cerebral index upon adjusting for sex. The strict correlation between BMI and cerebral index suggests that newborn fat deposition may have increased to allow for high myelination in the human brain. The extraordinary fat storage in newborns would be a consequence of the selection for larger brain size in hominid evolution

    Growth pattern in 7-12 years old Arak children (central Iran) in comparison with other ethnic subgroups of Iran

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    Background: growth is a remarkable index of health and can be influenced by genetic and environment conditions. The pattern of growth is unique for every nation and worldwide studies have demonstrated separate national standards. In the case of Iran, there is not enough information in this field. Methods: This study was undertaken on 7-12 years old children from Arak. The data for each individual such as age, height, weight and body mass index (BMI) were recorded. Differences in the data between two sexes were tested by means of the paired sample t- test and the mean BMI was compared with sex- and age-specific reference values from the National Center for Health Statistics of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) 2000 growth chart using independent sample t-tests. Levels of P < 0.05, P < 0.01 and P < 0.001 were recorded as significant. Results: In this study, males were significantly taller and heavier than females at the same age (P ≤ 0.01) except for length at age 10 and weight at age 12. The BMI curves were between 50th and 25th percentiles of CDC. Conclusions: The present study shows the effect of socioeconomic background that had been also considered in other studies in Iran. There is a need for ethnic specific growth charts and BMI cut-off points for underweight, overweight and obesity in children of each ethnic subgroup of Iranian population

    Histological Changes of the Ovary in Pregnant Mice Vaginally Exposed to Toxoplasma gondii

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    Background:Congenital toxoplasmosis is one cause of abortion. Infection can disrupt ovarian cycles and because toxoplasmosis is an infectious disease may have a similar effect on the ovaries. The purpose of this study was to investigate the pathological changes in the ovaries due to toxoplasmosis.  Methods:Tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii were harvested from peritoneal fluid of mice, experimentally infected. Two females and one male mouse were housed per cage for mating in the overnight. The pregnant mice were divided into experi-mental and control groups. Experimental group were infected by parasite but the control group received the normal saline. The experimental and control mice were euthanized. Ovaries and uterine horns of animals were removed and prepared for light microscopy. Results:Ovaries of infected pregnant mice presented gross morphological differ-ences compared to the control groups. In ovaries of experimental groups, changes of corpus luteum were observed. The comparison of experimental and control groups revealed that the number of primary follicles, secondary follicle, atretic pri-mary follicles and atretic secondary follicles had significant differences (P≤0.001). Conclusion:Toxoplasma gondii alters ovarian follicular growth and development in mice. In addition, it alters number of different phases of follicles and corpus lu-teum in ovaries of mice

    Effect of low electromagnetic fields on fetal death and bone marrow megakaryocytes in NMRI mouse neonates

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    Background and Objective: Low electromagnetic fields (LEMF) are produced by instruments which are works with electricity. This study was done to determine the effect of LEMF on fetal death and bone marrow megakaryocytes in NMRI mouse neonates. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study 64 females’ mice with 6-8 old weeks were used. 2 female mice coupled with one male, and positive vaginal plaque was interpreted as the zero day of pregnancy (GD=0). The pregnant mice were randomly categorized into control and experimental groups. The experimental group were exposed to50HZ, 0.5 mT Low electromagnetic fields on 7-11 days of pregnant period (8h/d). The weight of neonate and death fetus were studied after delivery. The live neonates were dissected on 15th day, and 1 ml of bone marrow was extracted from Tibia and vertebral column, by pressing method. The bone marrow cells suspended in 1:1 IMDM in 15cc (FULCON) tubule and cells was counted with neobar lam. The data were tested by t-student test significance was set up at p<0.05. Results: There was significant differences between the mean weight of one day neonate in cases with controls (P<0.05). The mean of dead fetus in experimental group was higher than controls (P<0.05). The mean of megakaryocytes numbers higher than controls, but this differences was not significant. Conclusion: This study showed that the number of megakaryocytes and fetal death were increased by low electromagnetic fields exposure during pregnancy

    Effects of prenatal exposure to extremely low electro-magnetic field on in vivo derived blastocysts of mice

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    Background: Indisputable population exposure to widespread electromagnetic fields, has grown concerns over the probable health effects of these fields. Objective: The present study was aimed to examine the possible effects of 50 Hz extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF) exposure on the number and quality of mice blastocysts. Materials and Methods: In present study, 66 NMRI pregnant females divided into two treated and non-treated groups. The treated group exposed to ELF-EMF (50 Hz and 6×10-3 T). Subsequently, embryos were collected by flushing the uterine horn and Fallopian tubes on the day 3 of gestation. Number of trophoectoderm (TE) and Inner Cell Mass (ICM) cells in blastocysts were determined after differential nuclei staining using a modified method. Furthermore, number of all flushed blastocysts calculated in each group. Results: There was no significant difference in mean number of blastocysts in treated (6.64±1.34) and none treated (8.22±1.59) groups. In treated group, there were significant decreased in total cell number of blastocysts (p=0.000), number of ICM cells (p=0.000), and number of TE cells (p=0.001) whereas the ratio of ICM/TE cells increased (p=0.002). Conclusion: The data indicate that ELF-EMF is able to affect cellular composition of blastocysts, but it can't omit total volume of blastocysts

    Effect of exposure to extremely low electro-magnetic field during prenatal period on mice spleen

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    634-638Total body weight of newborns, the volume of spleen, and the number of megakaryocytes decreased following the exposure to ELF-MF (6x10-3 T and 50 Hz) at 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, and 16-20 days of pregnancy of mice. The complete period of gestation was sensitive to ELF-MF exposure; the initial days were more prone to exposure. The results suggest that the use of ELF-MF producing instruments should be limited during gestation

    Sonic hedgehog inhibition induces mouse embryonic stem cells to differentiate toward definitive endoderm

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    201-207In the experimental group (shh inhibited group), there were significant decreases in the expression of Oct4, Nanog, Shh, GATA4, Brachyury and Goosecoid, while increases were observed for TAT and Pdx1. The expression of Sox17 did not differ between two control and experimental groups. In experimental group, the amount of GSC positive cells was somehow lower but it seems that there was no difference for Sox17. Shh inhibition induces ESCs to differentiate toward definitive endoderm by committing mesendodermal lineages. </span

    The role of curcumin during pregnancy on the exposed fetuses’ tissues of Wistar rats to electromagnetic field

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    To investigate curcumin (CUR) as the protector against the harmful effects of low-frequency electromagnetic field(LF- EMF, 50 Hz) during pregnancy period, 5 males and 15 females of Wistar rat mated and vaginal plaques were observed. Then, the pregnant rats were divided into six groups. During pregnancy(21 days), the EMF group was exposed to EMF for 30 min/day, the CUR group received a single dose of 50 mg/kg/daily CUR intraperitoneal, the EMF+CUR group was injected CUR and exposed to EMF daily. The DMSO(dimethyl sulfoxide) group was injected solvent of CUR (DMSO) intraperitoneal with the same volume of CUR solvent, the sham group was placed through the solenoid in the same conditions as the first group without exposure and the control group was kept in their cage in normal condition. After four weeks, babies born were divided according to the mother groups and sacrificed. Then, the three tissues injuries were investigated. EMF exposure led to an increase in outstanding necrotic areas in hippocampal tissue, an increase in the amount of hyperemia(p = 0.017) and necrotic(p = 0.005) in kidneys, and degeneration in liver tissue(p = 0.007) in the EMF group compared with EMF+CUR groups. A single dose of CUR daily during pregnancy can protect these tissues from injuries caused by LF-EMF exposure in rat fetuses. Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are able to penetrate and be absorbed by the body. The researchers showed that these radiations might be harmful and lead to cancers, cardiovascular diseases, mental disorders, and fetal abnormalities. Curcumin as an active component in turmeric has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-hyperlipidemia properties. It can protect the body against diseases such as arthritis, anxiety, and metabolic syndrome. This study examined the effects of curcumin as the protector against the harmful effects of EMF (50Hz) during pregnancy period. So the pregnant rats were divided into six groups. During pregnancy, a group was exposed to EMF for 30 min/day, the second group was injected a dose of curcumin 50mg/kg/daily, the third group was injected curcumin and exposed to EMF daily. The fourth group was injected a curcumin solvent dose, the sham group was placed through the field generator in the same conditions as the first group without exposure and the control group was kept in their cage in normal condition. After four weeks, babies born were divided according to the mother groups and sacrificed. Then, the liver, kidney, and hippocampal tissues were investigated. EMF exposure led to an outstanding increase in necrotic areas in hippocampal tissue, a notable increase in the amount of hyperemia and necrosis in kidneys, and degeneration in liver tissue(p=0.007) in the EMF group compared with the third group that was exposed to EMF and received curcumin. A single dose of curcumin daily during pregnancy can protect these tissues from injuries caused by EMF(50Hz) exposure in rat fetuses.</p