46 research outputs found

    A Literature Review on Writing Proficiency Outcomes

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    The main target of language training is to help students acquire proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Each language skill is complementary to the other in nature. As one of these skills, writing is based on narration. Through writing studies, the level of progression of the listening, speaking, and reading skills of the students can be objectively monitored. Therefore, writing studies should be emphasized as much as other language skills. This study aims to conduct a literature review about the outcomes of writing proficiency. In this qualitative study, the relevant parts of the literature were reviewed, and B2 level writing skill outcomes were compiled. The writing skill outcomes obtained as the result of the literature review were categorized and were classified as “the national level writing skill outcomes list for B2 level”, “the international level writing skill outcomes list for B2 level,” and “the writing outcomes, reduced to 11 items as the result of the literature review” after obtaining the relevant expert opinion. At the final stage of the study, the outcomes were submitted to the review of 3 experts in the field by using the “Writing Outcomes Compliance Assessment Form.” After the feedback was received from the experts, a total of eight writing skill outcomes for B2 level, indicated in List 4, were generated. The obtained outcomes were submitted to the literature to contribute to the field

    Sosyalleşmenin Bir Aracı Olarak Anadili Öğretimi: Anadili Ders Kitaplarındaki Sosyalleşmeye Yönelik Tema ve Kodlar (Türkçe ve Almanca Örneğinde)

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    It is a qualitetive research and made by document review.In the research all of social contented texts were analysed in present Turkish and German lesson 6th grade lesson books. After the analysis, in the texts,theme,subtheme and relevant codes leading to socialization were determined. As a result, it was seen that subthemes of socialization themes in lesson books were given in a clear and hidden way, while codes were given as terms. After comparison, it was observed that theme, subtheme and codes leading to socialization in Turkish texts were given in detail, socialization side of mother tongue teaching was ignored. While, social contended themes,subtheme and codes in German lesson books studied the subject on how children should be prepared for life. In this context, it was detected that children had been suggested solutions regarding to problems they may encounter in daily life and sample events for their socialization.Bu çalışma nitel olup doküman incelemesiyle yapılmıştır. Çalışmada halen okutulmakta olan altıncı sınıf Türkçe ve Almanca ders kitaplarındaki sosyal içerikli tüm metinler analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda metinlerde bireyi sosyalleştirmeye yönelten tema, alt tema ve buna bağlı olarak kodlar belirlenmiştir. Buna göre ders kitaplarındaki sosyalleştirme temalarının alt temaları açık ve gizli bir biçimde, kodların ise birer kavram olarak verildiği görülmüştür. Karşılaştırma sonucunda Türkçe metinlerdeki sosyalleştirmeye yönelik tema, alt tema ve kodların dolaylı olarak verildiği; anadili öğretiminin sosyalleştirici yönünün ise ikinci plana itildiği belirlenmiştir. Almanca ders kitabındaki sosyal içerikli metinlerdeki tema, alt tema ve kodların ise çocukların yaşama nasıl hazırlanmaları gerektiği konusunu işlemiştir. Bu bağlamda temalarla çocuklara, günlük yaşamda karşılaşabileceği sorunlara yönelik çözümler önerildiği ve çocukların sosyalleşmesini sağlayacak örnek olayların sunulduğu belirlenmiştir

    Effect of using Culture-Themed Documentaries on Guided Writing Skills in Teaching Turkish to Foreigners

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    The present study aimed to determine whether using culture-themed documentaries in Turkish teaching of B2 level international students has effects on the development of guided writing skills. The study had an action-research design, which is one of the qualitative study approaches. The study group consisted of 12 international students at the B2 level who learned Turkish in the 2022-2023 academic year at the Turkish Teaching Application and Research Center of a state university in Turkey. The data collection process was performed under two headings as “developing an action plan” and “implementing the action plan”. During the developing an action plan stage, the themes and documentaries to be used in the activities were determined by receiving the opinions of the experts. In the next step, guided writing activities were prepared in line with the writing acquisitions by consulting experts. The pilot applications of the activities were performed at the Turkish Teaching Application and Research Center of a state university in Turkey. Quantitative and qualitative data collection tools were used and the developmental status of the students was monitored to interpret how the guided writing skill activities developed in the classroom environment progressed. The worksheets of the students were evaluated by using the “Guided Writing Scoring Key”, which was developed by the researchers. Students’ pre-test, application order, post-test, and permanency scores were determined with this key. Based on the findings obtained in the study, it was concluded that using culture-themed documentaries in Turkish teaching of international students improved the guided writing skill levels of the students

    Examination of The Students' Mistakes of Oral Reading

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    In this study, it is aimed to examine the level of oral reading of the students studying on their 3rd degree, who are at the age range of 60-66 months, and the students who completed their 72nd month and started primary school. The sample of the study is constituted of 100 students in the 3rd grade who study in primary schools Usak city center. 51 of the students are between the age range of 60-66 months. 49 of the students were recorded to be 72-months old. As a result of the study, it has been identified that the students who started primary school between the age range of 60-66 months made the mistake of oral reading by omitting the syllable and adding the syllable rather than the students who had completed their 72nd month. The students did not make the translation of the words at all. The students made the mistake of contemplating most at the level of concern. It was observed that starting the process of reading with open syllables decreased the mistakes of oral reading. It was determined that time dependent reading and emotional problems increase the mistakes of oral reading

    Critical Visual Reading Skills of Students

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    Mother tongue education is accomplished with four basic language skills. These skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. One of the basic skills that increase the vocabulary of the individual is the reading skill. Understanding and comprehension are important in this skill. Understanding of reading is a complicated process. There are many factors that affect the meaning of this process. The content of the text, such as the type and the punctuation, also affect the meaning. Visual reading has understanding qualities like text reading. Therefore, visual reading and visual comprehension also carry a textual characteristic. Accordingly, readers are expected to interpret the visuals with a critical approach in order to capture the details of the visuals. The purpose of this research is to determine whether the students are critical readers about the visuals. The study was qualitative based on a document review. The study was conducted with 20 students. Participants consisted of 10 fifth grade students and 10 sixth grade students. The data of the study were collected by taking the opinions of the students about visuals. The collected data were evaluated by content analysis. As a result of the study, it was seen that the students evaluated the images with a critical eye and the female students were more critical than the male students. As a result, it has been determined that the students differ in terms of mental development stages

    Teaching mother tongue as a means of socialization:Themes and codes for socialization in mother tongue lesson books (in Turkish and German example)

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    Bu çalışma nitel olup doküman incelemesiyle yapılmıştır. Çalışmada halen okutulmakta olan altıncı sınıf Türkçe ve Almanca ders kitaplarındaki sosyal içerikli tüm metinler analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda metinlerde bireyi sosyalleştirmeye yönelten tema, alt tema ve buna bağlı olarak kodlar belirlenmiştir. Buna göre ders kitaplarındaki sosyalleştirme temalarının alt temaları açık ve gizli bir biçimde, kodların ise birer kavram olarak verildiği görülmüştür. Karşılaştırma sonucunda Türkçe metinlerdeki sosyalleştirmeye yönelik tema, alt tema ve kodların dolaylı olarak verildiği; anadili öğretiminin sosyalleştirici yönünün ise ikinci plana itildiği belirlenmiştir. Almanca ders kitabındaki sosyal içerikli metinlerdeki tema, alt tema ve kodların ise çocukların yaşama nasıl hazırlanmaları gerektiği konusunu işlemiştir. Bu bağlamda temalarla çocuklara, günlük yaşamda karşılaşabileceği sorunlara yönelik çözümler önerildiği ve çocukların sosyalleşmesini sağlayacak örnek olayların sunulduğu belirlenmiştir.It is a qualitetive research and made by document review.In the research all of social contented texts were analysed in present Turkish and German lesson 6th grade lesson books. After the analysis, in the texts,theme,subtheme and relevant codes leading to socialization were determined. As a result, it was seen that subthemes of socialization themes in lesson books were given in a clear and hidden way, while codes were given as terms. After comparison, it was observed that theme, subtheme and codes leading to socialization in Turkish texts were given in detail, socialization side of mother tongue teaching was ignored. While, social contended themes,subtheme and codes in German lesson books studied the subject on how children should be prepared for life. In this context, it was detected that children had been suggested solutions regarding to problems they may encounter in daily life and sample events for their socialization

    Women and the socio- pyschologic characteristics of woman in idioms and Proverb

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    Atasözü ve deyimler, bir toplumun sosyal yapısına ışık tutan birer veri kaynağı olarak görülmektedir. Bu veri kaynakları sosyal ilişkileri, günlük yaşamı ve kültürel yapıyı gözler önüne sermektedir. Toplumun geçmişten günümüze bireyin tutum ve davranışlarına ilişkin bakışını anlamak için atasözü ve deyimlerin önemli bir yer tuttuğu düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışma genel tarama modelinde yapılmıştır. Çalışmada atasözleri ve deyimler taranarak kadın kavramının geçtiği sözler tespit edilmiştir. Daha sonra kadının kalıp sözlerdeki anlamı ve görevi sözlerden hareketle incelenmiştir. Sonuçta kalıplaşmış sözlerde kadın, bazen sadakatin bazen karşılıksız sevginin bazen düşmanlığın bazen de kin ve nefretin kaynağı olarak gösterilmiştir.Proverbs and idioms are seen as a data source shedding light on a society's social structure. These data sources reveal social relations, daily life and the cultural context. Proverbs and idioms are thought to hold an important place to understand the society’s views towards individual's attitude and behavior from the past to present. This study made by general scanning model. Proverbs and idioms were scanned and words, which included women, identified. After that, meaning and mission of woman in bloc words analyzed. In conclusion, women showed sometimes source of fidelity, sometimes dishonored affection, sometimes hostility and sometimes antagonism and repulsion in bloc words

    Place of semiotics in teaching of the mother tongue:analysis of the entirities of verbal and visual texts in the lesson books of the mother tongue

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    Ana dili öğretimi, çok yönlü bir kültürlenme sürecidir. Bu süreçte Türkçe dersi, ana dili öğretiminin önemli saç ayaklarından birini oluşturmaktadır. Bu ders sayesinde çocuklar bir yandan dillerini, bir yandan da kültürel ve sosyal yapıya ait normları öğrenmektedirler. Bu nedenle dersin sıradanlıktan çıkarılıp seviyeye ve konuya uygun görsellerle daha eğlenceli bir hale getirilmesi sağlanmalıdır. Bu çalışma betimsel olup doküman incelemesi yöntemiyle yapılmıştır. Çalışmada ana dili öğretiminin etkinlik alanları, gösterge biliminin ana dili öğretiminde kullanımının yararları ve çocuğa göreliği kuramsal olarak tartışılmıştır. Çalışmanın uygulama kısmında ise ana dili/Türkçe, ders kitaplarında yer alan sözel ve görsel metinlerin incelemesi yapılmış ve bunların bütünselliği, gösterge bilim bağlamında ele alınmıştır.Mother tongue teaching is multiple acculturation period. During the period, Turkish lesson is one of the important factors of mother tongue teaching. For this reason, it is thought that lesson should be out of simplicity, it should be taught in detail. The study is descriptive and it was carried out by document review method. In the study domains of mother tongue, benefits of using semiotics in teaching of mother tongue and its level according to child were discussed theoretically, as to application of the study, verbal and visual texts in lesson boks of the mother tongue/Turkish were viewed and their entireties were discussed in the context of semiotics

    The Examples of comprehensive and narrative skills in Divanu Lugati’t-Turk

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    Dil öğretimi, dil becerileri ile dil bilgisi kurallarının eşgüdümüyle gerçekleşen uzun bir süreçtir. Bu süreçte dil becerilerinden olan anlama (dinleme-okuma) ve anlatma (konuşma-yazma) becerilerinin birlikte yürütülmesi ve dil bilgisi kurallarıyla desteklenerek sürdürülmesi, dil öğretiminin başarısı açısından oldukça önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışma doküman incelemesine dayalı olarak yapılmış, çalışmada Divânü Lûgati’t-Türk’teki (DLT) dil becerileri tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. DLT’de sırasıyla dinleme, konuşma, okuma ve yazma becerilerinin geçtiği cümle ve madde başları taranarak incelenmiştir. Eserde, beceriler verilirken günlük konuşma dilindeki kelimelerin kullanıldığı belirlenmiştir.Language teaching is a lenghty process which comes into being through the coordination of language skills and grammar rules. It is of great importance for the success of language teaching that comprehensive (listening-reading) and narrative (speaking-writing) skills are carried out hand in hand and supported by grammar rules in that process. This work was produced through document analysis and is aimed at determining the language skills in Divanu Lugati’t Turk (DLT). For this purpose, the sentences and article titles in DLT were scanned and studied respectively in terms of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. It was conluded that, while these skills are conveyed, words of everyday speech were used in DLT