13 research outputs found

    Effect of aqueous extract of Althaea root on tracheal smooth muscle in rat

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    چکیده: زمینه و هدف: بررسی اثر عوامل تاثیر گذار بر فعالیت انقباضی عضلات صاف نای می تواند گامی در جهت کنترل بیماری های انسدادی ریوی باشد. این پژوهش با هدف بررسی اثر عصاره آبی ریشه ختمی بر فعالیت انقباضی نای جدا شده موش صحرایی انجام شده است. روش بررسی: این مطالعه تجربی روی 30 قطعه نای (mm 5) جدا شده از 15 راس موش صحرایی نر سالم در 6 گروه (5 قطعه ای) انجام شد. اثر عصاره آبی (µg/ml 6/14، 8، 6/6، 6/2، 6/0، 2/0)، اپی نفرین (mµ 5) و پروپرانولول (mµ1) بر تغییر قدرت انقباض ناشی از کلرور پتاسیم (M m60) به روش ایزومتریک تحت کشش یک گرم در حمام بافت حاوی محلول کربس- هانسلیت اندازه گیری شد. برای مقایسه داده ها از آزمون های کروسکال والیس و تعقیبی دان استفاده شد. یافته ها: غلظت های تجمعی عصاره آبی ریشه ختمی (µg/ml 6/14، 6/6، 6/2، 6/0، 2/0) به صورت وابسته به غلظت و اپی نفرین به تنهایی انقباض نای ناشی از کلرور پتاسیم را کاهش داد (001/0

    Evaluation of the Insecticidal Activities of Three Eucalyptus Species Cultivated in Iran, Against Hyphantria Cunea Drury (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae)

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    In the current study, the larvicidal activity of leaf essential oils from three eucalyptus species (Eucalyptus largiflorens Meull, Eucalyptus oleosa Meull, and Eucalyptus spathulata Hook) against American white moth, Hyphantria cunea Drury 1773 (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae), was investigated. Mortality was recorded daily for three days after treatment. Leaf disc bioassays revealed that all three oils had strong insecticidal activity on the experimental insects insofar as 50% lethal concentrations (LC50) for E. oleosa, E. spathulata, and E. largiflorens at 24 h exposure time were 0.36, 0.61, and 1.24%, respectively. The time needed to kill 50% (LT50) values were calculated as 9.09 h with E. largiflorens, 11.03 h with E. oleosa, and 13.03 h with E. spathulata at the highest concentrations (2.5% for E. largiflorens, 2% for E. oleosa, and 2.5% for E. spathulata). Based on probit analysis, an increase in the susceptibility of the insect was associated with an increase in the different concentrations of all oils and the increase in the time of exposure. The results of this study show that leaf essential oils of E. largiflorens, E. oleosa, and E. spathulata might be considered as a potent source for the production of fine natural larvicides

    Unusual secondary metabolites of the aerial parts of dionysia diapensifolia bioss. (primulaceae) and their anti-inflammatory activity

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    The genus Dionysia, belonging to the Primulaceae family, encompasses more than 50 species worldwide with a center of diversity located in the arid Irano-Turanian mountains. In this study, a phytochemical investigation of the aerial parts of D. diapensifolia Bioss. led to the isolation of 24 phenolic compounds 1–7 and 9–25, and one sesquiterpenoid 8. Compound 1 was identified as new natural product, while isolation of 2 and 3, already known as synthetic products, from a natural source is reported for the first time in the present study. Isolation of compound 8 from a Dionysia species and indeed the whole Primulaceae family is reported for the first time too. Structure elucidation was performed by extensive spectroscopic analyses (1D-, 2D-NMR, and MS), and by comparison with reported literature data. Furthermore, DP4+ chemical shift probability calculations were performed to establish the relative configuration of compound 1. Additionally, subfractions obtained by liquid-liquid extraction of the methanolic extract of the plant, and subsequently the isolated new and selected known compounds 1–4, 6, 8–11 obtained from the diethyl ether subfraction were investigated for their inhibitory effect on NO release and iNOS and COX-2 expression in J774A.1 murine macrophages. The results showed a potential anti-inflammatory activity of the obtained subfractions, of which the diethyl ether subfraction was the most active one in inhibiting NO release and COX-2 expression (p < 0.001). Among the investigated isolated compounds, compound 4 significantly (p < 0.001) inhibited NO release and iNOS and COX-2 expression in a comparable manner like the used positive controls (L-NAME and indomethacin, respectively). Moreover, other isolated substances displayed moderate to high inhibitory activities, illustrating the potential anti-inflammatory activity of Dionysia diapensifolia

    The Chemical Composition and in vitro Antifungal Activities of Essential Oils of Five Eucalyptus Species

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    Abstract: This study was designed to examine the chemical composition of essential oils of three Eucalyptus spices (E. spathulata, E. microtheca, and E. torquata) and in vitro antifungal activities of the essential oils of five Eucalyptus spices (E. largiflorens, E. oleosa, E. spathulata, E. microtheca, and E. torquata). The chemical composition of the hydrodistilled essential oils of leaves of these three spices were analyzed by GC-MS and GC-FID. The predominant and common components in the all oils were α-pinene (2.3 - 14.5 ), 1,8- cineole (6.6 - 69.6 ), terpinen-4-ol (0.8 - 9.6 ), α-terpineol (1.1 - 4.3 ), aromadenderene (0.3 - 10.5 ) and viridiflorol (0.0 - 5.7 ). The antifungal activities of essential oils have been investigated by minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and disc diffusion methods against A. flavus, A. parasiticus, A. niger, P. chryzogenum and P. citrinum. A high antifungal activity was found in the leaf oil of E. largiflorens. The relationship between the some major constituents and the antifungal activity was also discussed. We concluded that the terpinen-4-ol may be considered as correspond antifungal constituent. © 2015 Har Krishan Bhalla & Sons

    Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of the essential oils and extracts of Dorema ammoniacum roots and aerial parts

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    Background and objectives: Dorema ammoniacum D. Don (Apiaceae) is a monocarpic plant endemic to central Iran. The gum resin of this species is a known therapeutic agent in Iranian, Indian and Western traditional medicines. The aim of the present study was to investigate essential oil constituents and evaluation of antioxidant and antibacterial activities of the essential oils and extracts of D. ammoniacum aerial parts and roots.  Methods: Essential oils were analyzed using GC and GC/MS. The oils together with n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of the plant samples were subjected to antioxidant evaluation by DPPH and FRAP assays and antibacterial screening using disk diffusion and micro-well dilution methods. Results: Thirty-four compounds were identified in the aerial parts oil, among them β-himachalene (9.3%) and β-chamigrene (8.7%) were the main constituents. Thirty-five compounds were also characterized in the roots oil, of which β-bisabolene (15.1%) and hexadecanal (13.2%) were the main components. Ethyl acetate extract of the roots showed the highest antioxidant activity in both DPPH (IC50 21.3 ± 2.7 μg/mL) and FRAP (112.7 ± 8.1 mmol FeSO4.7H2O equivalent/g) assays. In antibacterial assay, the ethyl acetate and chloroform extracts of the roots exhibited strong antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. Essential oils were also found to be active against Shigella dysenteriae. Conclusion: Considerable antioxidant and antibacterial activities of D. ammoniacum make it an appropriate candidate for further studies and identification of its bioactive principles

    Evaluating the chemical composition of the essential oil obtained from the vegetative and reproductive organs and an antimicrobial activity of essential oil and extract of two Salvia species in Kashan region

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    Background: Different species of Salvia L. genus were used for disinfection and blood glucose regulation in traditional and modern medicine. This study aimed to evaluate the chemical compositions of the essential oils of S. sclarea L. and S. reuterana Boiss. and their antimicrobial properties.Materials and Methods: The species collected from the heights of Kashan mountains were dried. Volatile fractions were isolated by simultaneous distillation-extraction technique. The analysis of the essential oils was performed using the GC and GC-MS. The in-vitro antimicrobial activities against 10 bacterial strains were evaluated using the disk diffusion and micro-well dilution techniques.Results: Twenty-nine and 12 compositions were identified in leaves and flowers of the essential oil of S. sclarea, respectively. Twenty-six compositions were identified in leaves and 31 in flowers of the essential oil of S. reuterana. The S. sclarea L. essential oil showed the highest sensitivity against Proteus vulgaris. Moreover, the lowest concentration of S. reuterana essential oil was highly effective in inhibiting the growth of Candida albicans. A. niger was the most resistant microbes against the extract of flowers and leaves of the two species of the essential oils. Staphylococcus aureus was highly resistant to the essential oil and extract of flowers and leaves of S. sclarea and also the essential oil of flowers and leaves of S. reuterana, but it showed sensitivity to the extract of flowers and leaves of S. reuterana. Conclusion: Considering the relatively high antimicrobial activities of the species, the effective compounds in the flowers can be used for antibacterial purposes

    ORIGINAL ARTICLES Bioactive Properties of Oil and Methanol Extracts of Pimpinella aurea DC

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    Am.-Eurasian J. Sustain. Agric., 3(2): 151-156, 2009 ABSTRACT The present study was conducted to evaluate the in vitro antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of es s ential oil and methanol extracts from aerial parts of Pimpinella aurea. Antimicrobial activity of the P. aurea was tested against 10 bacteria and fungi by disk diffusion method, whereas the extract remained inactive. M in imal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) values of each active sample were determined. The antioxid ativ e potential of the samples were evaluated using inhibition of free radical 2,2-d iphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and â-caro ten e/lino leic acid as s ay . Th e p o lar s u b fractio n o f th e meth an o l extract w as ab le to red u ce th e s tab le 50 free radical DPPH with an IC of 108 ±0.5 µg/ml, which was higher than that of synthetic antioxidant 50 butylated hydroxyl toluene (BHT) with IC =19.8 ± 0.5 µg/ml. In contrast the nonpolar subfraction showed majo r effectiv en es s in â-caro ten e/lino leic a c id a s s ay with 65.87% inh ib itio n . Th e amo u n ts o f to tal ph en o lic compounds were als o determined in this s tudy

    Evaluating the Immunoreactivity of Ailanthus Altissima (The Tree of Heaven) Pollen Extract in Atopic Patients

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    IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reaction to pollens is a common health problem in atopic patients. In this regard, the assessment of the allergenicity of highly pollinating plants would be demanding. Based on the increment of Ailanthus altissima (A. altissima) tree in some parts of Iran and considering its probable role in respiratory allergy, in this study, we aimed to investigate its IgE-immunoreactivity and in diagnostic applications. One hundred and twenty-five allergic rhinitis patients who were diagnosed as high IgE responders and demonstrated seasonal rhinitis or rhinoconjunctivitis, as well as 20 healthy controls (HCs) with no allergic symptoms, were enrolled in this study. Total protein extract was prepared from A. altissima pollens and subjected to quality control experiments and finally used in ELISA and western blotting studies. Approximately 24 of the atopic patients (30 from 125) showed positive immunoreactivity to A. altissima extract. The median (IQR) of absorbance (450 nm) of the specific IgE against A. altissima pollen extract in HCs and positive groups were 0.33 (0.28-0.42) and 0.59 (0.36-0.79), respectively (p<0.001). Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve analysis of the specific ELISA results, revealed a cut-off value of 0.46 and a sensitivity of 70 and specificity of 100. Western blotting with the sera positive cases revealed that the main immunoreactive proteins range from 10 to 70 kDa. This study revealed that some of A. altissima pollen proteins ranging from 10 to 70 kDa show IgEreactivity in atopic patients and may play a role in their allergic reaction symptoms. © 2020 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved