41 research outputs found

    Sindrom Pernapasan Akut Parah Akibat Infeksi Virus Corona-2 (Sars Cov-2) pada Kucing Bengal

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    Sindrom pernapasan akut yang parah coronavirus-2 (SARS CoV-2) adalah agen etiologi covid-19 merupakan agen jenis baru yang sebelumnya belum pernah diidentifikasi pada manusia atau hewan, juga tidak terkait dengan virus corona kucing (FCoV) yang umum terjadi terkait dengan infeksi peritonitis kucing. Seekor kucing bengal betina steril bernama Inka berumur 8 tahun 7 bulan dengan bobot 5,45 kg dibawa ke klinik dengan keadaan terdapat luka terbuka di dekat anus dan ekor. Setelah 5 hari perawatan di klinik, kucing mengalami gejala bersin, batuk, adanya leleran pada mata, dan juga terdapat perubahan pada konsistensi feses. Pemeriksaan hematologi rutin ditemukan peningkatan jumlah total leukosit dan neutrofil serta penurunan platelet. Pada pemeriksaan biokimia darah ditemukan kenaikan aktiva Alanine Aminotransferase. Hasil pemeriksaan rapid tes antigen dan Reverse Trancription Polymerase Chain Reaction menunjukkan kucing positif SARS Cov-2. Berdasarkan anamesis, gejala klinis dan pemeriksaan laboratoris kucing didiagnosis SARS Cov-2. Penanganan yang dilakukan dengan memberikan nebulasi VentolinĀ® sebanyak 1,25mL, PulmicortĀ® sebanyak tiga tetes, dan gentamycin 0,1 mL. Kucing mengalami perbaikan klinis pada hari ke-21 dan dinyatakan sembuh dari SARS Cov-2 pada hari ke-32

    Studi Kasus: Paraplegia Lumbosacral Akibat Traumatik pada Anak Kucing Lokal

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    A local female cat who was Ā±3 months old with a body weight of 1.5 kg presented to hind legs with complaints of being unable to stand. The inspection showed that the cat was not able to stand upright especially on its two hind legs. When palpated, the hind legs muscle tension begins to decrease. Based on the postural examination, pelvic limb reflexes, and nociceptive examinations, it was pointed to an abnormal disturbance in both hind legs and additionally, there was no response anal sphincter area. A series of neurological examinations indicated that the cat had a lumbosacral nerve disorder. Hematological examinations suggesting the anemia indicated. X-ray examination showed the fracture of an os. vertebrae lumbar I. The cat was diagnosed with paraplegia due to a trauma, where the muscles of the body are paralyzed and weak. The prognosis for this case was infausta. Medications and therapies provided were neurotropic vitamins, dexamethasone, and HemobionĀ®, and train cats to stand and walk every day. After being given treatment for ten days, the cat case did not show any changes in the two hind legs

    Kepadatan dan Kekuatan Tulang Sapi Bali Betina yang Dipelihara Masyarakat di Bali (THE DENSITY AND STRENGTH OF FEMALE BALI CATTLE BONE REARING BY BALINESE COMMUNITY)

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    Bali cattle (Bos (Bibos) banteng) often experience fractures (fractures) of metacarpale, femur bone or tibia-fibular bone. This study was aim to reveal the strength and density of female Bali cattle bone which determines the occurrence of fractures. In order to reveal the strength of bali cattle bones, the elements that need to be explored include: bone density, cortical thickness of tibia bone, bone diameter, and bone resistance to pressure.Ā  To determine bone density performed by measuring bone specific graavity, cortical thickness of bone, carried out by splitting the bone by sawing the tibia bone extensively, then measuring the thickness of the wall of the bone cylinder using a caliper.Ā  Measurement of bone resistance to pressure was done by weighing the bone with a certain weight until the bone breaks or cracks and then measured by checking in which load the bones breaks or cracks. The result shown that the average density of Bali cow os tibia is 1.95 g/mL, average os tibia diameter is 26.45 mm, os tibia cortical thickness from top, middle, and bottom in sequence are 5.50 mm, 6.25 mm, and 5.35 mm. The result of os tibia compressive strength test is 9.26 Pascal with average load can be hold is 56.75 Newton and average wide of os tibia cross section cut is 6.05 cm2. This study result can be used as representation of Bali cow os tibia strength that has not been widely reported and can be used as recommendation for improvement of female Bali cattle livestock management

    Studi Kasus: Babesiosis (Piroplasmosis) disertai Infestasi Caplak yang Berat pada Anjing Gembala Jerman

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    Babesiosis is a parasitic disease in red blood cells due to protozoan infection of the genus Babesia which is transmitted through tick vectors. A 5-years-old male German shepherd had decreased appetite, weakness, and infestation of ticks throughout his body. Clinical examination showed Capillary Refill Time (CRT) <2 seconds, pale mouth mucosa, erythema throughout the body, philtrum was dry and slow skin turgor.  The results of a complete blood examination of the dog had hyperchromic microcytic anemia and lymphocytopenia, while the results of blood smear showed the existence of intraerythrocyte inclusion bodies. The dog was diagnosed with Babesiosis and treated with Ringer Lactate fluid therapy, administration of Clindamycin (25mg/kg BW; PO), Oxytetracycline (15mg/kg BW; PO), Anti-inflammatory Dexamethasone (0.5-1mg/kg BW; PO) and Hematodine (1ml/5kg BB; IV) given for seven days.  After treatment, the dog has increased appetite and after 14 days shows improvement in clinical signs

    Cover, Staf Redaksi, Daftar Isi

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    Cover, Staf Redaksi, Daftar Is

    Cover, Staf Redaksi, Daftar Isi

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    Cover, Staf Redaksi, Daftar Is


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    Canine parvovirus (CPV) is an infectious disease with clinical signs of bloody diarrhea (hemorrhagic enteritis) which is cause of death in infected dogs. A five-month-old female local dog with a weight of 4.3 kg, black and white coat on the ventral side came to the Rumah Sakit Hewan Pendidikan, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University with complaints of weakness, loss of appetite since the day before and vomiting in the morning of the examination. The dog is rescued and never been vaccinated before. Clinical examination showed weakness such as holding pain, pink pale eye mucosae, delayed skin turgor, Capillary Refill Time (CRT) more than two seconds, and increased respiratory rate. Dogs do not respond to handfeeding. On observation the dog experienced clear and foamy vomiting and foul-smelling bloody diarrhea. The native stool faecal examination showed negative results, while the CPV antigen rapid test examination showed positive results. Complete blood count showed that on the first day of hospitalization the dog had leukopenia, granulocytopenia, hyperchromic normocytic anemia and thrombocytopenia. The dog was diagnosed with CPV with a dubious prognosis. Dogs were given fluid therapy using sodium chloride 0.9% infusion and vitamin B complex, anti-emetic ondansetron, antibiotic cefotaxime, and vitamin K. Dogs were also treated with traditional medicine Fu Fang 1 mL and trigona honey 1 mL. Dogs are given a special feed Hills Prescription Diet A/D Urgent Care. The dog's condition improved after offering therapy for seven days and the dog was declared cured and could be sent home on the ninth day

    Tinjauan Pustaka: Kolaborasis pada ayam pedaging

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    Kolibasilosis pasa unggas merupakan penyakit menular yang menyerang saluran pernafasan, disebabkan oleh infeksi kuman Eschericha coli

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mendorong Kejadian Rabies pada Anjing di Desa-Desa di Bali (FACTORS ENCOURAGING THE INCIDENCE OF RABIES IN DOGS IN VILLAGES IN BALI)

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    Rabies has been spread to all over part of Bali, caused 160 people and thousands of dogsā€™ death. Theeffort for preventing rabies have been done, many villages after six months of eradicating rabies programmedhave been free, but a few villages still infected with the rabies. The aim of the study was to find the factorsthat make a number of villages are still infected with rabies. The study was conducted by doing a fieldsurvey to the nine districts of Bali. The survey was aimed at villages that remain infected despite effortsto control rabies has been done in the village. The device of survey is equipped with open ended and closedended questionnaire to be asked to the respondents. Characteristic villages infected with rabies will befigured out after the data were analyzed descriptively. The risk factors that prominent that make Baliinfected rabies include: dogs kept by releasing freely; presence of rabies carrier animals other than dogs;dog free contact with other dogs; the dogs were kept without having fed; puppies obtained from others; theflow of the dogs in and out to the village; And many communities have not obtained adequate counselingregarding the rabies. The conclusion that may be drawn is that there are some of factors that make Baliremain infected rabies

    Pemetaan dan Analisis Kejadian Rabies di Kabupaten Buleleng Tahun 2010-2016

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    Rabies merupakan salah satu penyakit menular yang masih menjadi permasalahan di Indonesia terutama di Pulau Bali. Kejadian rabies di Pulau Bali khususnya di Kabupaten Buleleng masih tinggi. Tercatat pada tahun 2010 terdata sebanyak 6 kasus akibat gigitan dari anjing yang positif terinfeksi virus rabiesĀ  pada manusia dan tahun 2015 masih ditemukan kejadian rabies pada anjing sebanyak 77 kasus. Korelasi antara kejadian rabies pada anjing dan manusia selanjutnya di analisis dengan Uji Spearman, yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui signifikasi hubungan kejadian rabies pada manusia dan anjing di Kabupaten Buleleng. Selain itu untuk mengatahui pola persebaran kejadian rabies di Kabupaten Buleleng juga dibuatkan peta persebaran rabies. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kejadian rabies pada anjing di Kabupaten Buleleng tahun 2010 sampai 2016 sebanyak 182 ekor dan 12 orang pada manusia serta hubungan korelasi kejadian rabies pada anjing dan manusia tidak menunjukan adanya hubungan sebab akibat (P > 0,05) yang artinya bahwa kejadian rabies anjing tinggi tidak selalu diikuti dengan kejadian rabies pada manusia