3,635 research outputs found

    \u3ci\u3eClimate, Complacency and American Culture: The Role of Narrative in the Era of the Misinformation Amid the Anthropocene\u3c/i\u3e

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    This article explores the relationship between climate misinformation campaigns and narratives in light of skepticism and denial of climate change in the era of the Anthropocene. Beginning in the earliest moments of human existence, this paper establishes the importance of narratives in the founding of modern humanity and how such foundational stories has led to our current Anthropogenic world. It goes on to examine misinformation created and funded by politically powerful foundations and companies that distorts the current discussions of climate change among the American public. In leu of the abundance of climate misinformation, this paper also analyzes how the complex emotions inherent in climate change can rationalize the blatant fallacies presented in misinformation campaigns and why they remain socially and politically salient. Given such emotional perils that are unequivocally intertwined with existing in a radically shifting climate, it is necessary to invoke a greater emotional response that overpowers the fear and anxiety that rationalizes the belief in misinformation. Grounded in such emotions inherent in the era of the Anthropocene, this paper argues that narratives and the art of storytelling, the very foundation of what it means to be human, are uniquely suited to convey the severity of climate change. They have the power to invoke an empathic response which works to reverse the hold misinformation has over a sector of the American public that drives climate change skepticism and denial

    Normativity of law and interpretive approaches : (a discussion on the relation between law and reason)

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    The debates about the interrelations between reason and law have undergone a change after the eighteenth century. References to the recta ratio of jusnaturalistic tradition have not disappeared, but other comprehensions of legal reason have developed. The European debate over legal positivist science has contributed to this in a manifestation of the rationality of law. This transformation may be considered the basis for the development of true “legal technologies” throughout the twentieth century. On the other hand, in the context of theories of positive law which have taken the relation between ethics and legal reason as a problem, the formation of discourses on coercion (Austin and Holmes), on validity (Kelsen and Hart) and on justification (Alexy and Dworkin) has also contributed to the emergence of new models of legal rationality. In this paper, it is highlighted that the construction of these models is linked to the “points of view” which theories have proposed as legitimate for the interpretation of legal phenomenon. And it is suggested that the discussion over points of view (defined as “focuses”, term which is close to the notion of “attitude”, “stance” or “place of speech”) may aid in the debate on the normativity of law

    TESS Discoveries

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    TESS discoveries have already become fruitful targets for HST follow up, and this will undoubtedly continue through the JWST era. In addition to providing targets for atmospheric characterization, TESS' Level One Science Requirement is to measure masses for 50 transiting planets smaller than 4 Earth radii. A full suite of ground based facilities will be working together to optimize the TESS science yield. Somewhat surprisingly though, no study has quantified the accuracy of mass constraints required to yield robust atmospheric properties of small planets. Previous work showed that the mass of a transiting exoplanet could be inferred from its transmission spectrum alone. The method leverages the effect of the planet's surface gravity on the atmospheric scale height, which in turn influences the transmission spectrum. However, significant degeneracies exist between transmission spectra of planets with different masses and compositions, making difficult to unambiguously determine the planet's mass and composition in many cases. I will present the first quantitative answer to this pressing question. Our analysis places definitive limits on how accurate mass constraints need to be in order to unambiguously determine atmospheric composition for a diverse array of planets ranging from terrestrial-size (TRAPPIST-1-like) to mini-Neptunes and hot Jupiters. These results broadly impact the community of scientists working on exoplanets -- from the full breadth of ground based observers conducting TESS follow-up, to those studying planet populations, and finally to those planning atmospheric investigations. This is particularly timely as the STScI Director charged the HST-TESS Advisory committee to report to the Space Telescope Users Committee on how HST can best support follow-up observations of TESS exoplanet discoveries. The community needs to determine optimal strategies for maximizing the rapid scientific return from TESS targets

    Selection, Prioritization, and Characteristics of Kepler Target Stars

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    The Kepler Mission began its 3.5-year photometric monitoring campaign in May 2009 on a select group of approximately 150,000 stars. The stars were chosen from the ~half million in the field of view that are brighter than 16th magnitude. The selection criteria are quantitative metrics designed to optimize the scientific yield of the mission with regards to the detection of Earth-size planets in the habitable zone. This yields more than 90,000 G-type stars on or close to the Main Sequence, >20,000 of which are brighter than 14th magnitude. At the temperature extremes, the sample includes approximately 3,000 M-type dwarfs and a small sample of O and B-type MS stars <200. Small numbers of giants are included in the sample which contains ~5,000 stars with surface gravities log(g) < 3.5. We present a brief summary of the selection process and the stellar populations it yields in terms of surface gravity, effective temperature, and apparent magnitude. In addition to the primary, statistically-derived target set, several ancillary target lists were manually generated to enhance the science of the mission, examples being: known eclipsing binaries, open cluster members, and high proper-motion stars.Comment: Submitted to Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Numerical analysis of hot deep drawing of din 27MNCRB5 steel sheets under controlled stretching

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    Hot stamping has been widely studied and increasingly applied in the automotive industry. This process is characterized by its ability to stamp high strength steels, yielding products with high mechanical strength, thus reducing the weight of stamped components and therefore the vehicles weight. It also demands less energy because steel sheets are heated by induction, more efficient than electric furnaces. With controlled stretching it is possible to manufacture thinner stamped parts with high mechanical strength, therefore it is necessary to know the formability limits to prevent failure and achieve the largest possible thickness reduction. In this work the hot formability of DIN 27MnCrB5 steel sheets under stretching conditions was evaluated by numerical simulation with the finite element software Forge2008. The numerical results were compared to experimental results. Initially hot tensile tests were simulated to define the strain rate in different regions of the sample and to evaluate the deformation at fracture. For tests at 700, 800 and 900ºC it was found that the strain rates vary from 0.01 to 0.5 s-1. Experimental tensile tests were also carried out with the same conditions as simulated. Both simulation and experiments presented very similar results for the ultimate tensile strength, and therefore it was possible to assume the experimental fracture strain as a consistent input for the numerical models. With the results of the tensile tests, hot Nakazima tests were simulated to evaluate the highest dome which could be formed without failure risks caused by sheet thickness thinning. The simulation results were validated by experimental tests, and as a result, a new numerical strategy was elaborated to define the hot formability based on the plastic instability and necking localization as a function of the stamping temperature and blank dimensions

    Kepler's First Rocky Planet: Kepler-10b

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    NASA's Kepler Mission uses transit photometry to determine the frequency of Earth-size planets in or near the habitable zone of Sun-like stars. The mission reached a milestone toward meeting that goal: the discovery of its first rocky planet, Kepler-10b. Two distinct sets of transit events were detected: (1) a 152 ± 4 ppm dimming lasting 1.811 ± 0.024 hr with ephemeris T [BJD] = 2454964.57375^(+0.00060)_(–0.00082) + N * 0.837495^(+0.000004)_(–0.000005) days and (2) a 376 ± 9 ppm dimming lasting 6.86 ± 0.07 hr with ephemeris T [BJD] = 2454971.6761^(+0.0020)_(–0.0023) + N * 45.29485^(+0.00065) _(–0.00076) days. Statistical tests on the photometric and pixel flux time series established the viability of the planet candidates triggering ground-based follow-up observations. Forty precision Doppler measurements were used to confirm that the short-period transit event is due to a planetary companion. The parent star is bright enough for asteroseismic analysis. Photometry was collected at 1 minute cadence for >4 months from which we detected 19 distinct pulsation frequencies. Modeling the frequencies resulted in precise knowledge of the fundamental stellar properties. Kepler-10 is a relatively old (11.9 ± 4.5 Gyr) but otherwise Sun-like main-sequence star with T_(eff) = 5627 ± 44 K, M_⋆ = 0.895 ± 0.060 M_⊙ , and R_⋆ = 1.056 ± 0.021 R_⊙. Physical models simultaneously fit to the transit light curves and the precision Doppler measurements yielded tight constraints on the properties of Kepler-10b that speak to its rocky composition: M_P = 4.56^9+1.17)_(–1.29) M_⊕, R_P = 1.416^(+0.033)_(–0.036) R_⊕, and ρ_P = 8.8^(+2.1)_(–2.9) g cm^(–3). Kepler-10b is the smallest transiting exoplanet discovered to date

    Construcción y validación de un instrumento para la evaluación de aspectos rítmicos en danza

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    La búsqueda del movimiento global en danza aparece asociada a una comprensión del fenómeno ritmo. El trabajo del ritmo aporta al individuo una experiencia mucho más rica y completa, en tanto permite la puesta en juego de las componentes perceptivas, motoras y afectivas. La elaboración de un instrumento objetivo que permita la adecuada identificación y abordaje de problemas de evaluación resulta de trascendental importancia, en tanto en muchas ocasiones la calificación y conceptualización del alumnado depende de la evaluación realizada por el profesorado. A través de este estudio, se puede comprobar que es posible evaluar de una forma objetiva la capacidad rítmica en danza. La creación de una prueba para evaluar dicha capacidad pretende convertirse en un instrumento que indique la realidad, limitaciones y posibilidades del alumnado en el aula, así como el nivel de aprendizaje conseguido por el mismo. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido la construcción y validación de un instrumento de medida para la evaluación de la capacidad rítmica en danza con niños/as de Educación Primaria. Para ello, se partió de 60 ejercicios originales (24 de palmas y 36 de zapateado). Dos observadores evaluaron la capacidad rítmica de 159 sujetos en dos ocasiones: a) antes de recibir ningún tipo de instrucción en danza, y b) tras recibir un curso de adiestramiento en esta actividad. Fueron seleccionados 15 ejercicios en total (9 de palmas y 6 de zapateado). La validación del test construido resultó satisfactoria, posibilitando medir la capacidad rítmica del alumnado ante dos modelos de expresión rítmica (transcripción y reproducción). Los resultados obtenidos permitieron alcanzar conclusiones sobre los niveles de ejecución motora del alumnado ante esta variable


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    Em qualquer actividade desportiva o equilíbrio muscular é de extrema importância para a manutenção da funcionalidade das articulações e consequentemente para a prevenção de lesões. Existem algumas modalidades em que, essencialmente devido ao seu carácter repetitivo, o treino pode produzir descompensações musculares nas articulações mais implicadas nas acções específicas em causa. Assim, o aumento do volume de treino em atletas em fase de formação pode promover um incremento das diferenças musculares entre agonistas, antagonistas e estabilizadores, o que, a longo prazo, pode implicar lesões tendinosas e musculares difíceis de recuperar (Bak & Magnusson, 1997; Kammer e tal., 1999). A Natação Pura Desportiva (NPD) é, sem qualquer dúvida, uma modalidade desportiva não traumática que quando convenientemente orientada, tem grande valor profiláctico e terapêutico. No entanto, apesar dos evidentes e inquestionáveis benefícios que lhe são inerentes, a prática competitiva, particularmente nas faixas etárias mais baixas, pode repercutir-se negativamente na integridade física do jovem, situação que poderá ser evitada se considerarmos o factor – prevenção. Sendo a Natação é considerada uma modalidade de resistência, para o desenvolvimento das suas diferentes formas de manifestação, solicita-se ao praticante a realização de tarefas que acarretam um considerável volume de treino. Numa fase intermédia os jovens podem ser levados a nadar 5000 metros/dia, enquanto nadadores de elite realizam mais de 300.000 braçadas por temporada (Kammer e tal., 1999). Tratando-se de uma modalidade em que os movimentos são cíclicos e bilaterais (alternados ou simultâneos, consoante a técnica utilizada), onde a articulação do ombro desempenha um papel fundamental, será fácil perceber que existe uma maior propensão para lesões nesta articulação, essencialmente motivadas pelos desequilíbrios entre os músculos rotadores internos e externos (Blanch, 2004). Os principais objectivos a atingir com esta comunicação serão não só sensibilizar os técnicos para a importância do reforço muscular dos ombros dos nadadores, mas também, com base em alguns estudos experimentais, efectuar algumas propostas de trabalho efectivo que funcionem de modo preventivo, complementares ao “tradicional” treino de força

    a study on anaphoric pronouns

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