308 research outputs found

    Individuation in the Main Characters of J.K. Rowling's HARRY POTTER Series

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    This paper examines the individuation of Potter and Voldemort in Harry Potter series. To be a holistic individual, a person needs to be individuated by managing their three main archetypes. The three main archetypes are persona, shadow, and anima or animus. Potter and Voldemort have to manage their archetypes their journey as human beings. Each of them has to know his persona including his appearance, behavior and role; confront his shadow; and balance his anima. In the end, Potter manages himself to be a individuated person who can lead a good life, while Voldemort fails to be an individuated person and, as a result, he died

    Carbon Emission Disclosure: Studi Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap pengungkapan emisi karbon. Faktor yang diuji di dalam penelitian ini meliputi ukuran Perusahaan, profitabilitas, kompetisi, per­tumbuhan, rasio utang pada ekuitas, dan reputasi Kantor Akuntan Publik. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengukur seberapa luas pengungkapan emisi karbon mengadopsi dari check list yang dikembangkan berdasarkan lembar permintaan yang diperoleh dari Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). Sampel penelitian ini dipilih menggunakan purposive sampling dan terseleksi 19 per­USAhaan pemanufakturan yang lterdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia berturut-turut mulai dari tahun 2012- 2013. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa rasio utang pada ekuitas berpengaruh negatif signifikan pada pengungkapan emisi karbon, sementara faktor lainnya tidak berpengaruh signifikan


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    Research Purposes. This study aims to test whether there are differences in resource cost allocations when decision makers receive negative or positive information.Research Methods. This research with a 2x3x2 mixed subject design was conducted using an internet-based experimental application with the final result of 132 participants who passed the manipulation check.Research Results and Findings. The study results do not show differences in resource cost allocations when there are differences in performance achievement. The effectiveness of the strategy map is proven to be significant when the decision makers get the strategy map visualization, that is, there is no excessive allocation compared to those in the group without the strategy map visualization

    Pemberian Endapan Effluent Land Application Pabrik Kelapa Sawit pada Media Pmk di Pembibitan Utama Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guinensis Jacq.)

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    The research aims to determine the effect of effluent land application on PMK media and determine the good deposition of effluent land application dose on the growth of oil palm seeds in main nursery. The design used in this research was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with giving effluent deposition application consist of 6 treatments that A0 (Without effluent deposition application), A1 (dose of 0,5 kg/plant), A2 (dose 1,0 kg/plant), A3 (dose of 1,5 kg/plant), A4 (dose of 2,0 kg/plant) and A5 (dose of 2,5 kg/plant). Parameters measured were the increase of plant height, number of leaves, leaf length, stump diameter and leaf area. Data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance, then further tested using Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) at 5% level. Results of research shows giving the deposition effluent application for PMK planting media significantly effected on all parameters measured of oil palm seeds with the better treatment was dose of 2,0 kg/plant

    Manfaat Standarisasi Kinerja Angkutan Perkotaan

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    Low quality of service in urban public transport results in the people preference to use private vehicles over the public transportation. This study tries to evaluate some performance standards implemented in some cities in the world. Based on this study, the standardization of urban transport performance for Indonesian cities is needed so that public transport service in those cities can be provided at optimum level. The standardization of public transportation service should address the needs of passenger, operator, regulator, and other users. In addition, the standardization has to consider sustainable environment and law enforcement as well

    Model Kapasitas Landas Pacu Bandar Udara

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    Kapasitas landas pacu merupakan salah satu aspek penentu kapasitas sisi udara suatu bandar udara. Perhitungan kapasitas landas pacu dengan konfigurasi tunggal lebih kompleks dibandingkan dengan perhitungan kapasitas landas pacu dengan konfigurasi landas pacu lebih dari satu, karena dalam operasinya landas pacu tunggal melayani operasi campuran, untuk kedatangan dan keberangkatan pesawat terbang yang dilayani. Model kapasitas landas pacu untuk operasi campuran memperhitungkan tingkat kedatangan dan keberangkatan pesawat terbang dengan berbagai tipe dan berbagai kecepatan pendekatan pendaratan (approach anding speed) yang berbeda. Di samping, dengan memperhatikan situasi di mana kedatangan pesawat terbang mengalami suatu tingkat kesalahan tertentu dari yang semestinya, maka kapasitas landas pacu terpakai harus dikoreksi dengan memperhatikan hal tersebut. Dengan model kapasitas landas pacu bandar udara untuk operasi campuran dapat dibuat jadwal penerbangan yang aman bagi bandar udara tersebut.Kata

    Pengaruh beban lampu terhadap tegangan, arus, dan RPM pada turbin angin ODGV 7 sudu

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    Renewable energy is energy that can replace fossil energy that will run out, renewable energy sources can come from the sun, water, geothermal, biomass and wind. Based on this explanation, the researchers conducted research on the conversion of wind energy into electricity by making ODGV wind turbines, for the purpose of this study was to find out how the number of blades and the load affect the performance of ODGV type wind turbines. The type of research that the author uses is quantitative research, in this method the author conducts research using a total of 7 blades and variations in lamp load 0, 3, 6 and 9 watts. The analyzed values ​​include voltage, current and revolutions per minute. From the results of the study, it was found that the ODGV wind turbine with a total of 7 blades produced a maximum value, namely, a voltage of 10 volts, a current of 0 watts and an RPM of 280.4 with a lamp load of 0 watts

    Pengaruh beban lampu terhadap tegangan, arus, dan rpm pada turbin angin savonius 2 sudu

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    Right now using of electrical energy in society is increasing. This is reason in doing the work, peoples using tools machine that required voltage source as driver. The explanation to be basic for research about convertion of wind energy to electrical with making vertical axis wind turbine. The aim is find out effect of lamp load to voltage, current, and RPM on the 2 blade savonius wind turbine. This is a experiment research. This research using quantitative descriptive analysis, with independent variables are lamp load 0, 3, 6, 9 watts and the dependent variables are voltage, current, and RPM. Results obtain from testing then analysis and conclusion attract. Results research show highest performance of savonius 2 blades wind turbine on 0 watt lamp load it producting, 11.68 volts, 0 ampere, and 334.2 RPM. Lowest performance of 2 blades savonius wind turbine on 9 watt lamp load producting, 7.68 volts, 0.13 amperes, and 272.9 RPM. Based of  results on the test can concluded that, The more lamp loads activated, voltage and RPM values decrease while, current value increases. This is because number of lamp loads increas then, amount electric charge moving per unit of time also increas
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