13 research outputs found

    Validation of the Short-Version of Rose Angina Questionnaire in Brazil

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    Background: Stable angina pectoris is a serious condition with few epidemiological studies in Brazil. Objective: To validate the short-version of the Rose angina questionnaire in Brazilian Portuguese for its implementation in surveys and longitudinal studies. Methods: A total of 116 consecutive patients from an outpatient clinic without prior myocardial infarction and/or coronary revascularization were enrolled for application of three questions of the Rose angina questionnaire addressing chest pain after exertion. We used the treadmill test as the gold standard with the Ellestad protocol. Results: The short-version of the Rose angina questionnaire of the 116 subjects submitted to the exercise treadmill test disclosed 89.7% of accuracy, 25% of sensitivity, 92.0% of specificity, 10.0% of positive predictive value, 97.2% of negative predictive value, and 3.1 of positive likelihood ratio and 0.82 of negative likelihood ratio. Conclusion: The Portuguese version with three items of the Rose angina questionnaire is suitable for epidemiological purposes. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2012; 99(5): 1056-1059

    Validation of the angina questionnaire of the oms on the short version using as gold standard the exercise treadmill test and the pharmacological stress echocardiography

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a validade da versão curta do questionário de angina da OMS/Rose em português, em adultos de 40 a 74 anos, moradores do Butantã, área de referência do Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil usando como padrão-ouro o teste ergométrico e o ecocardiograma sob estresse farmacológico. Analisar ainda se a associação do questionário de dispnéia da American Thoracic Society ao questionário de angina da OMS/Rose altera a sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo (VPP) e negativo (VPN), a razão de verossimilhança positiva (RVP) e negativa (RVN). MÉTODOS: A versão curta do questionário de angina, traduzida e adaptada para o português, consiste das três primeiras perguntas que caracterizam dor no peito aos esforços e foi aplicada a 116 pessoas classificadas como de baixo e alto risco, de acordo com o escore de Framingham, utilizando como padrão-ouro o teste ergométrico Em um subgrupo de 74 participantes foi utilizado o ecocardiograma sob estresse farmacológico como padrão-ouro. Foram calculados a sensibilidade, especificidade, acurácia, VPP, VPN, RVP, RVN.. O PRIME-MD foi usado para diagnóstico de ansiedade e depressão. Utilizou-se o questionário de dispnéia da American Thoracic Society (ATS) traduzido RESULTADOS: A frequência de angina foi de 8,7%, similar a outros estudos e, de isquemia 4,8% semelhante à população geral do município de São Paulo. Dentre 126 participantes, 116 pessoas apresentaram um teste de esforço conclusivo, sendo 44 do grupo de alto risco, escore de Framingham médio 9,3 (2,5) com idade média 53,6 (7,0) anos, mais altos quando comparados aos 72 do grupo de baixo risco com escore de 3,3 (3,0) (p=0,000) e idade 49,2 (7,3) anos (p=0,002). No grupo de baixo risco ocorreu a maioria dos casos de isquemia. Dos 126 participantes, 88 foram submetidos ao ecocardiograma sob estresse e ele foi conclusivo em 74, 29 pessoas no grupo de alto risco apresentaram um escore médio de Framingham de 9.4 (2.7) e 45 do grupo de baixo risco com escore de 3.4 (3.4) (p=0.000).O questionário de angina comparado ao teste ergométrico apresentou sensibilidade de 25,0%, especificidade de 92,0%, acurácia de 89,7%, VPP de 10,0%, VPN de 97,2%, RVP de 3,1 e RVN de 0,82. Não houve nenhum caso de isquemia ao ecocardiograma sob estresse associado ao questionário de angina positivo. A freqüência de ansiedade foi 18,3% e de depressão 13,5% mas, houve associação entre presença de depressão ou ansiedade definida pelo questionário com presença de angina avaliada pelo questionário de angina da OMS/Rose (p=0,076). Nenhum participante com dispnéia apresentou sinais de isquemia aos exames. CONCLUSÃO: A versão curta do questionário de angina traduzida para o português tem parâmetros de qualidade de teste similar aos encontrados em outros estudos em amostras maiores, ou seja, baixa sensibilidade e alta especificidade, e sua utilização depende dos objetivos do estudo. Os transtornos mentais estudados se associaram com a positividade ao questionário de angina. Dispnéia não foi um sintoma equivalente de isquemia miocárdica na amostra estudadaOBJECTIVE: To assess the validity of the short version of the WHO/Rose angina questionnaire in Portuguese, applied to adults aged 40-74 years, living at Butantã, reference area of the Hospital Universitário - Universidade de São Paulo, in Brazil using exercise treadmill test and pharmacological stress echocardiography as gold standard. To analyze if the association of the American Thoracic Society (ATS) dyspnea questionnaire to the WHO/Rose angina questionnaire modifies de sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive (PPV) and negative (NPV) predictive values, positive (PLR) and negative (NLR) likelihood ratios. METHODS: The short version of the angina questionnaire adapted and translated into Portuguese has three first questions to characterize exertional chest pain. It was applied to 116 individuals classified into low- and high-risks groups according to the Framingham score, using the exercise treadmill test as the gold standard. Pharmacological stress echocardiography was used as the gold standard in a group of 74 participants. Sensibility, specificity, accuracy, PPV, NPV, PLR and NLR were calculated. The PRIME-MD was used to diagnose anxiety and depression. The translated version of the dyspnea questionnaire of the American Thoracic Society (ATS) was also employed. RESULTS: The frequency of angina was 8.7%, similar to that found in other studies, and of 4.8% for ischemia, which is similar to the general population of the city of Sao Paulo. Among 126 participants, 116 individuals had a conclusive exercise treadmill test; 44 subjects in the high-risk group had a mean Framingham score of 9.3 (2.5) and mean age of 53.6 (7.0) years these figures are higher as compared to 72 individuals of the low-risk group, with a score of 3.3 (3.0) (p=0.000) and mean age of 49.2 (7.3) years (p=0.002). Most cases of ischemia were in the low-risk group. Out of 126 participants, 88 were submitted to the stress echocardiography and it was conclusive in 74, 29 subjects in the high-risk group had a mean Framingham score of 9.4 (2.7) and 45 of the low-risk group had a score of 3.4 (3.4) (p=0.000). The angina questionnaire was compared to the exercise treadmill test and presented sensibility of 25.0%, specificity of 92.0%, accuracy of 89.7%, PPV of 10.0%, NPV of 97.2%, PLR of 3.1 and NLR of 0.82. There was no case of ischemia on stress echocardiography associated to a positive angina questionnaire. The frequency of anxiety was 18.3% and of depression was 13.5%, there was association among presence of the depression and anxiety as questionnaire defined with angina presence the assessed by the OMS/Rose angina questionnaire (p=0.076). No participant with dyspnea presented signs of ischemia on exams. CONCLUSION: The short version of the angina questionnaire translated into Portuguese has quality parameters of test that are similar to those of other studies with larger samples, that is, low sensibility and high specificity and its utilization depends on the study objectives. The mental disorders assessed were associated with positive angina questionnaire. Dyspnea was not a myocardial ischemia equivalent symptom in studied sampl

    La Voz de Asturias : diario de información: Año X Número 2797 - 1932 Abril 05

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    OBJETIVO: O artigo descreve as estratégias do Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto (ELSA-Brasil) para a manutenção da adesão dos participantes ao longo do tempo e seu seguimento adequado. Isto é fundamental para garantir a validade interna de estudos longitudinais e identifi car, investigar e classifi car os desfechos incidentes de interesse. MÉTODOS: A metodologia de seguimento da coorte combina contatos telefônicos anuais com re-exames e entrevistas a cada três ou quatro anos. O objetivo é identifi car desfechos incidentes de natureza transitória, reversíveis ou não; desfechos fi nais, de natureza irreversível; bem como complicações relacionadas à evolução das doenças cardiovasculares e diabetes, principais doenças estudadas. RESULTADOS: As entrevistas telefônicas visam monitorar a saúde dos participantes e identifi car possíveis eventos ocorridos, como internações hospitalares, exames ou procedimentos especializados defi nidos previamente. O participante também é incentivado a comunicar a ocorrência de algum evento de saúde ao Centro de Pesquisa. A partir da identifi cação de um potencial evento, é iniciado um processo de investigação, que inclui acesso a prontuários médicos para verifi cação de datas e informações detalhadas sobre aquele evento. Os documentos obtidos são analisados sem identifi cação do paciente, profi ssional ou serviço de saúde e classifi cados por um comitê de especialistas médicos. A classifi cação de desfechos incidentes adotada baseia-se em critérios internacionais consagrados, garantindo comparabilidade e reduzindo o erro de classifi cação deles. Além dessas estratégias, a ocorrência de desfechos poderá ser investigada por meio do relacionamento de dados com bases secundárias do Ministério da Saúde, como as de mortalidade e internações. CONCLUSÕES: A correta identifi cação de desfechos permitirá estimar sua incidência na coorte e investigar o efeito das exposições estudadas no ELSABrasil em sua linha de base e nas ondas posteriores.OBJECTIVE: The article describes the strategies adopted by the Brazilian Longitudinal Study for Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) for participation and retention of subjects. This is key to ensure internal validity of longitudinal studies, and to identify, investigate, and ascertain outcomes of interest. METHODS: The follow-up strategies include annual telephone contacts with new assessments and interviews every three to four years this approach aims to identify transient outcomes (reversible or not), permanent outcomes as well as complications related to the progression of major diseases – cardiovascular diseases and diabetes – to be studied. RESULTS: Telephone interviews are designed to monitor subjects’ health status and to identify potential health-related events such as hospital admissions, medical visits or pre-selected medical procedures. Subjects are also encouraged to report to the ELSA-Brasil team any new health-related events. When a potential event is identifi ed, a thorough investigation is carried out to collect relevant information about that event from medical records. All data are blinded and reviewed and analyzed by a medical expert committee. Incident outcome ascertainment follows well-established international criteria to ensure data comparability and avoid misclassifi cation. In addition to these strategies, the occurrence of health-related events is also investigated through linkage of secondary databases, such as national mortality and hospital admission databases. CONCLUSIONS: Accurate identification of outcomes will allow to estimating their incidence in the study cohort and to investigate the effect of the exposures studied in the ELSA-Brasil at baseline and at its subsequent waves

    Amazon Amandaba—Sociodemographic Factors, Health Literacy, Biochemical Parameters and Self-Care as Predictors in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Health literacy (HL) and its domains (functional, critical, and communicative) appear to be related to self-care adherence in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). This study aimed to verify if sociodemographic variables are predictors of HL, if HL and the sociodemographic factors affect biochemical parameters together, and if HL domains are predictors of self-care in DM2. Methods: We used the baseline assessment data from 199 participants ≥ 30 years in the project, “Amandaba na Amazônia: Culture Circles as a Strategy to Encourage Self-care for DM in Primary Health Care,” which took place in November and December 2021. Results: In the HL predictor analysis, women (p = 0.024) and higher education (p = 0.005) were predictors of better functional HL. The predictors of biochemical parameters were: glycated hemoglobin control with low critical HL (p = 0.008); total cholesterol control with female sex (p = 0.004), and low critical HL (p = 0.024); low-density lipoprotein control with female sex (p = 0.027), and low critical HL (p = 0.007); high-density lipoprotein control with female sex (p = 0.001); triglyceride control with low Functional HL (p = 0.039); high levels of microalbuminuria with female sex (p = 0.014). A low critical HL was a predictor of a lower specific diet (p = 0.002) and a low total HL of low medication care (p = 0.027) in analyses of HL domains as predictors of self-care. Conclusion: Sociodemographic factors can be used to predict HL, and HL can predict biochemical parameters and self-care