36 research outputs found

    Complementary stereotyping of ethnic minorities predicts system justification in Poland

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    We investigate the phenomenon of complementary stereotyping of ethnic minorities in Poland and its relationship to system justification. Using results from a nationally representative survey we test the hypothesis that complementary stereotypes—according to which ethnic minorities are seen as possessing distinctive, offsetting strengths and weaknesses—would be associated with system justification among Polish majority citizens. For four minorities, results indicated that stereotyping them as (a) low in morality but high in competence or (b) high in morality but low in competence predicted greater system justification. These results suggest that even in a context that is low in support for the status quo, complementary stereotyping of ethnic minorities is linked to system justification processes. For the three minority groups that were lowest in social status, complementary stereotyping was unrelated to system justification. It appears that negative attitude towards these groups can be expressed openly, regardless of one’s degree of system justification

    Estimating the loss of soil at different probabilities of erosive rainfalis - a case study of experimental farm in Puczniew

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    W pracy wyliczono masę erodowanej gleby dla warunków Puczniewa (woj. łódzkie). Do obliczeń wykorzystano roczne maksymalne dobowe sumy opadów z lat 1972-2002. Wykonano test Kołmogorowa- Smirnowa, aby ocenić zgodność danej cechy z rozkładem normalnym, następnie opracowano dystrybuantę rozkładu prawdopodobieństwa. Dla prawdopodobieństwa 1, 20 i 50% wyliczono erozyjność opadów i straty gleby za pomocą opracowanego przez Wischmeiera i Smitha równania strat glebowych - USLE. Przyjęto następujące warianty: stoki o spadkach 5%, 10%; zagospodarowanie: użytki zielone i grunty orne; założono użytkowanie płużne - uprawa w poprzek stoku i wzdłuż. Straty gleby są ponad 10-krotnie mniejsze w przypadku użytków zielonych niż gruntów ornych.The mass of eroded soil was calculated for the conditions prevailing in Puczniew (Poland). Annual maximum daily rainfall from the years 1972-2002 was used for calculations. Kołmogorow-Smirnow test was used to check the distribution of a given characteristics and then the probabilisty distribution was developed. For a probability of 1%, 20% and 50% the erosive rainfall properties and soil loss were calculated using Wischmeier and Smith's equation for soil losses - USLE. The following variants were adopted: slopes of the inclination of 5% and 10%; land use: grassland and arable land; arable land use with soil ploughing across and along the slope was assumed. Soil losses were over 10 times smaller in grasslands than in arable lands in Puczniew

    Changes of soil microrelief under the influence of simulated rainfall

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    Soil microrelief is one of the factors affecting wind and water erosion process. Spatial variability of soil surface (microrelief) influences initiation of the surface runoff and water flow mainly through depressions, where the runoff is delayed and infiltration increases owing to the interception of the flowing water. The research was conducted to assess the changes of relief of two soils (sandy loam and fine sand) under the influence of rainfall in a model experiment. The soil microrelief was determined by means of a contactless 3D scanner using the effect of line distortion as light beam illuminating the object surface (so called Moire pattern). On the basis of obtained results, maps of the differences in the scanned surface elevations were plotted in ArcGIS programme and the soil losses volume was computed. RR indicator calculated for sandy loam was decreasing with increasing depth of simulated rainfall. No such dependence was observed for loose sand

    An assessment of rainfall effectiveness in the formation of water resources in brown bare soil

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    Celem pracy jest ocena efektywności opadów atmosferycznych w kształtowaniu zasobów wodnych gleby pod powierzchnią nieporośniętą. Badania prowadzono na terenie Obserwatorium Agroi Hydrometeorologii, należącego do Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu. Do analiz wykorzystano dobowe zmiany zasobów wodnych gleby w warstwach o miąższości 5, 20 i 40 cm, dobowe sumy opadów poprzedzające dzień, w którym obliczano zmiany zasobów wodnych, średnie dobowe wartości temperatury powietrza oraz stan zasobów wodnych gleby w dniu, w którym wystąpił opad, w okresach od maja do sierpnia lat 2003-2008. Stwierdzono statystycznie istotne związki między dobową zmianą zasobów wodnych gleby a sumą opadów atmosferycznych występujących w dniu poprzednim, bez względu na miąższość warstwy gleby i analizowany miesiąc. Oprócz opadów atmosferycznych istotny wpływ na zmiany retencji w powierzchniowej warstwie gleby miał stan zasobów wodnych gleby w chwili występowania opadu atmosferycznego. Związków takich nie obserwowano w przypadku warstw o większej miąższości pod powierzchnią nieporośniętą.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of precipitation on the formation of water resources in bare soil. The study was performed in the Observatory of Agro- and Hydrometeorology that belongs to Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Daily changes of soil water reserves in soil horizons 0-5, 0-20 and 0-40 cm were used for the analysis together with daily sum of precipitation on the day before the changes were calculated, mean daily values of air temperature and soil water status on the rainy day from May to August of the years 2003-2008. Statistically significant relationship was found between the day to day changes of soil water content and the sum of precipitation occurring the day before irrespective of soil layer thickness and analysed month. Daily chan ges of water content in the surface soil layer were also affected by the soil water status on the rainy day. Such relationship was not observed for layers of a greater thickness under the bare soil

    Water retention on the extensive green roof models

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    One of the main problems of urbanization is the continuous growth of sealed surfaces. Impermeable surfaces i.e. roofs, roads or pavements have dominated land cover, increasing surface runoff and limiting groundwater runoff, often contributing to increased flood risk. The practice of many countries has shown that green roofs are one of the solutions to the problem of rainwaters on the urban areas. The aim of the study was to assess the retention ability of three green roofs of extensive type with different substrate composition (two mineral-organic mixtures, one mineral mixture). The research was carried out at the Water Centre of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in Warsaw (Ursynów district) in the period from June to November in 2016. The obtained results were compared with observation of the reference model – bituminous roof. Model studies have shown that green roofs retained water in the range from 9.5 mm to 67.1 mm. The average runoff coefficients for green roof types in the period from June to November in 2016 were from 0.31 to 0.33. The obtained results showed slight differences in outflows with different substrates. During high rainfall, the differences in the runoff between the green roofs and the reference roof were negligible

    The efficiency of filtration materials (Polonite® and Leca®) supporting phosphorus removal in on site treatment systems with wastewater infiltration

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    The most of the on site wastewater treatment systems in Poland discharges treated effluent to the soil. The goal of phosphorus (P) reduction from dispersed sources of pollution can be achieved by application of P reactive materials in the construction of wastewater infiltration systems. Two P reactive materials were tested in this study: Polonite® in grains of 2÷6 mm and lightweight aggregate Leca® in grains of 4÷10 mm. Apparent P sorption capacity was assesed on 40.9 mg·g-1 (Polonite®) and 5.1 mg·g-1 (Leca®). Both materials sorbed P-PO4 very fast, after 15 min over 90% of P was removed from solution and wastwater. Wastewater used in this study came from the outlet from the septic tank of on site septic system. P-PO4 solution was prepared from KH2 PO4 and the tap water. In the small column experiment, four collumns (2 filled with Polonite® and 2 filled with Leca®) were fed with wastewater and P-PO4 solution in hydraulic loadings of 30÷40 dm3 ·m-2·d-1. All the columns removed significant amounts of P from both solution and wastewater with the reduction between 28.3% and 72.5%. The mean P-PO4 effluent concentrations ranged from 1.21 mg·dm-3 to 7.12 mg·dm-3. The best overall performance was achieved by the Polonite® fed with solution. Both tested materials can support wastewater treatment in on site systems

    Potrzeby i możliwości budowy przydomowych oczyszczalni ścieków w zagrodach leśnych

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    Forest lodges are often located far from settlements which makes that water supply and sewage treatment problems must be treated in an individual manner. Domestic waste waters from free-standing buildings not connected to sewerage systems should be collected in septic tanks and transported to sewage treatment plants or treated in place of their production in the so-called on-site wastewater treatment plants. Based on data from 33 forest commissions subjected to the Regional Authority of State Forests in Olsztyn an assessment of the equipment of forest lodges in water and waste water infrastructure. Water supply and waste water management was the subject of analyses. From among 795 analysed forest lodges 59% were supplied in water from the water mains out of which 11 lodges possessed also their own water intake. The remaining 41% of lodges had their own intakes of potable water. Sixty percent of forest lodges were equipped with septic tanks. Slightly more than a half of them had a contract for waste water disposal, others had bills for such services. From among analysed lodges 18% were connected to sewer systems and 22% had on site wastewater treatment plants. Technology of on site wastewater treatment was presented in this paper. Their advantages and disadvantages were discussed and practical solutions to be applied in analysed forest lodges were presented.Zagrody leśne, szczególnie leśniczówki i podleśniczówki, są często znacznie oddalone od osad, co powoduje, że problem zaopatrzenia w wodę i zagospodarowania ścieków mieszkańcy muszą rozwiązywać w sposób indywidualny. Ścieki bytowe z wolnostojących budynków, niepodłączonych do zbiorczej sieci kanalizacyjnej powinny być gromadzone w szczelnych zbiornikach i wywożone do grupowych oczyszczalni lub też oczyszczane w miejscu ich powstawania, w tzw. przydomowych oczyszczalniach ścieków (POŚ). Na podstawie informacji pochodzących z 33 nadleśnictw na terenie RDLP w Olsztynie przeprowadzono ocenę stanu wyposażenia zagród leśnych w infrastrukturę wodno-ściekową. Przedmiotem analizy był sposób zaopatrzenia w wodę oraz zagospodarowania ścieków. Spośród 795 analizowanych zagród leśnych 59% zaopatrywane jest w wodę z sieci wodociągowej, w tym 11 zagród posiada również własne ujęcie wody. Pozostałe 41% zagród ma własne ujęcia wody pitnej. 60% zagród leśnych wyposażone jest w szczelne zbiorniki na ścieki. Nieco ponad połowa z nich ma podpisane umowy na wywóz ścieków do oczyszczalni, pozostałe takich umów nie mają, natomiast posiadają faktury za wywóz. Spośród analizowanych zagród 18% jest podłączone do zbiorczej sieci kanalizacyjnej, a 22% posiada przydomowe oczyszczalnie ścieków. Przedstawiono technologie przydomowego oczyszczania ścieków. Przedyskutowano ich wady i zalety oraz wskazano rozwiązania do zastosowania w analizowanych zagrodach