31,143 research outputs found

    Hugo in the Time of Dying

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    A catalogue of West Indies Anthribidae (Coleoptera)

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    This is a catalogue of 23 described and 6 undescribed genera, and 48 described and 157 undescribed species of West Indian Anthribidae distributed from the Bahamas to Grenada. Each described genus has author, date, page, type species and how designated, World distribution, number of World species, and synonyms. Each described species has author, date, page, original generic name if a transfer has occurred, type locality, sex and location of type(s) if known, synonyms, and island-by-island distribution. New taxa are numbered, with data on museum location and island distribution. There are brief comments on New World distributions as they relate to the Antilles, and on missing Suffrian and Wolfrum types

    Mutual grooming in cucujoid beetles (Coleoptera: Silvanidae)

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    Mutual grooming in two genera of silvanid beetles is described, and appears to be the first report of this behavior in the order Coleoptera. In Uleiota debilis (LeConte), allogrooming recipients were either stationary or moved away during the acts, without solicitation or facilitation. In Nausibius major Zimmermann, allogrooming was much more extensive and the individual being groomed appeared to facilitate the process by immobility or by changes in posture, there were no recognizable sexual overtones, no solicitations, and no avoidance movements. Gregarious behaviors of some other silvanid beetles are reviewed

    A review of Nearctic and some related Anthribidae (Coleoptera)

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    Taxonomy, synonymy, distribution, and biologies of Nearctic (and a few Neotropical and Pale arctic) Anthribidae are reviewed, new keys are provided, and four new genera and eleven new species are described. Allandrus Leconte, 1876 (=Tropiderinus Reitter, 1916). Anthribus Geoffrey, 1762 (=Pseudobrachytarsus Pierce, 1930). Araecerus Schoenherr, 1823 (=Araeocorynus Jekel, 1855); Araecerus coffeae Fabricius, 1801 (=Tropideres (Rhaphitropis) mateui Cobos, 1954). Brachycorynus n. gen., type species Tropideres rectus Leconte, 1876; congeneric: Homocloeus distentus Frieser, 1983 from Cuba and Florida, and B. hirsutus n. sp. from Texas. Choragus major n. sp., Ohio, etc., striolatus n. sp., Ohio, and exophthalmus n. sp., Virginia. Corrhecerus Schoenherr, 1826 (=Paranthribus Jordan, 1904) resulting in Corrhecerus rufescens (Jordan, 1904), new combination. Eurymycter Leconte, 1876, and Gonotropis Leconte, 1876, are removed from synonymy with Tropideres Schoenherr, 1823, and returned to full generic rank. Eusphyrus Leconte, 1876 is removed from synonymy with Ormiscus Waterhouse, 1845, and returned to full generic rank; Tropideres (Opisthotropis) vasconicus Hoffmann and Tempere, 1954, from France is transferred to Eusphyrus, with Opisthotropis a generic synonym; Eusphyrus pulicarius Boheman, 1859, Brasil, is transferred from Brachytarsus, and the species eusphyroides Schaeffer and quercus Schaeffer are transferred from Ormiscus. Gymnognathus triangularis n. sp., Texas. Habroxenus n. gen., type species H. politus n. sp., Texas and Maryland, also H. fuscus n. sp., Guatemala, and H. sarmenticola n. sp., Haiti. Neoxenus n. gen., type species N. versicolor n. sp., Texas, etc.; congeneric: Notioxenus ater and polius Jordan, 1907, Central America, andpallipes Suffrian, 1870, Cuba. Phoenicobiella trituberculata (Suffrian, 1870, Cuba) transferred from Toxonotus Lacordaire, 1866. Piesocorynus lateralis Jordan, 1906 (=P. virginicus Leng, 1918). Sicanthus n. gen., type species S. rhizophorae n. sp., Florida. Toxonotus bipunctatus Schaeffer, 1904 (=Neanthribus obtusus Jordan, 1906); Toxonotus penicellatus Schaeffer, 1906 (=Neanthribus segregus Jordan, 1906); Toxonotus vagus Horn, 1894 (=Neanthribus hieronymus Jordan, 1906). Trigonorhinus lepidus n. sp., California; Trigonorhinus limbatus Say, 1827 (=Brachytarsus plumbeus and B. vestitus Leconte, 1876, and Brachytarsoides minor, quadratus, quadratus ssp. nigrinus and rufodorsalis Dethlefsen, 1954); Trigonorhinus grise us Leconte, 1876 (=Brachytarsus riddelliae Schaeffer, 1906, and Brachytarsoides cylindratus, elongatus, nevadensis, nevadensis ssp. tigrinus, and vulgaris Dethlefsen, 1954); Trigonorhinus tomentosus Say, 1827 (=Brachytarsus paululus Casey, 1884, B. beyeri Schaeffer, 1906, B. franseria Barrett, 1931, and B. irregularis Tanner, 1934); Trigonorhinus zeae Wolfrum, 1931 (=Opanthribus trimaculatus Senoh, 1986); Trigonorhinus areolatus Boheman, 1845 (=Tropideres (Tropideres), bagueni Cobos, 1954, Spain). Introgressive hybridization is invoked for the Trigonorhinus limbatus-griseus complex. New keys are provided for the species of Brachycorynus, Choragus, Habroxenus, Neoxenus, Phoenicobiella, Trigonorhinus, and Eusphyrus, plus a new key to Nearctic tribes and genera, and a new Nearctic checklist. New distribution and life-history data are given for many species

    The scientific name of the coffee bean weevil and some additional bibliography (Coleoptera: Anthribidae: Araecerus Schönherr)

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    The name Araecerus fasciculatus (DeGeer 1775) is resurrected for the coffee bean weevil, with the following synonyms: Bruchus cacao Fabricius 1775, Bruchus peregrinus Herbst 1797, Bruchus capsinicola Fabricius 1798, Anthribus coffeae Fabricius 1801, Amblycerus japonicus Thunberg 1815 (probably a synonym), Anthribus alternans Germar 1824, Phloeobius griseus of Stephens 1831, not Fabricius 1792, Cratoparis parvirostris Thomson 1858, Araecerus seminarius Chevrolat 1871, and Tropideres (Rhaphitropis) mateui Cobos 1954. Lectotypes are designated for A. fasciculatus, B. capsinicola, and A. alternans. A diagnosis distinguishes Araecerus from all 650 anthribid genera and a diagnosis for the species is as complete as possible with materials studied. Some additional species of Araecerus are discussed: Bruchus crassicornis Fabricius 1798 is distinguished from A. fasciculatus and a lectotype is designated. Araecerus suturalis Boheman 1839 is diagnosed and shown to be dissimilar from the species recently reported as A. suturalis from South Africa. The identity of Araecerus suturalis of Frieser, not Boheman, is not yet clear. Araecerus sambucinus Boisduval 1835 and Trepideres [sic] fragilis Walker 1859 may be synonyms of A. fasciculatus but pertinent data are insufficient. Brachytarsus niveovariegatus Roelofs 1879 (spelled nigrovariegatus by Bovie (1906)), listed as a synonym of A. fasciculatus by Wolfrurn (1929) is removed to Anthribus Forster 1770 with Anthribus lajievorus Chao 1976 as a new synonym
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