67 research outputs found

    Estat de conservació i propostes de gestió per a Stachys maritima Gouan a la Península Ibèrica

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    Es documenta la disminució de l'àrea de distribució i del nombre d'individus i s'avalua l'extensió actual d'Stachys maritima a la península Ibèrica, restringida a menys de 200 individus amb una àrea d'ocupació de només 8 km2. L'espècie és requalificada com a CR (en perill crític) en aquest territori, incrementant l'anterior valoració com a VU (vulnerable). Se suggereixen les mesures de conservació adequades que permetin garantir simultàniament activitats de turisme sostenibles.The decline of distribution area and number of individuals of Stachys maritima in the Iberian Peninsula is documented and its current extension is evaluated as restricted to less than 200 individuals, with an occupancy area of only 8 km2. This species is requalified as CR (critically endangered) in this territory, upgrading the previous evaluations as VU (vulnerable). Adequate conservation measures which allow simultaneous activities of sustainable tourism are suggested

    Willow Warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)

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    Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava)

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    Bee-eater (Merops apiaster)

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    Hoopoe (Upupa epops)

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    Common Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita)

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    Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)

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    Western Bonelli’s Warbler (Phylloscopus bonelli)

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    The effects of isolation and natural park coverage for landrace in situ conservation : an approach from the Montseny Mountains (NE Spain)

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    Human isolation in mountain areas has an extra cost for the people living there, because they occasionally have to face harsh environmental conditions. Such adaptation to the environment can be faced in several ways, and in situ landrace conservation is a proposed strategy that concerns food acquisition and maintenance. However, human isolation could also be affected as a result of residing inside a protected area. In this paper, we assess the correlation between the in situ landraces conserved by farmers and the location of the farms inside or outside of a protected area (Montseny Mountains Biosphere Reserve and Natural Park). The variables of isolation, calculated as the time needed to reach the nearest market and the effect of altitude, were also considered. We interviewed 28 farmers, 12 inside and 16 outside of the protected area, and identified a total of 69 landraces. Those farms located inside the boundaries of the Natural Park retained more landraces than those located outside. There was also a positive and significant correlation between the landraces cultivated and the degree of isolation. The effect of altitude did not appear to be a relevant variable. Finally, a total of 38 landraces were located only on farms inside the Natural Park, 13 were found outside and 18 were cropped in both territories