29,578 research outputs found

    Helioseismology of Pre-Emerging Active Regions II: Average Emergence Properties

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    We report on average subsurface properties of pre-emerging active regions as compared to areas where no active region emergence was detected. Helioseismic holography is applied to samples of the two populations (pre-emergence and without emergence), each sample having over 100 members, which were selected to minimize systematic bias, as described in Leka et al. We find that there are statistically significant signatures (i.e., difference in the means of more than a few standard errors) in the average subsurface flows and the apparent wave speed that precede the formation of an active region. The measurements here rule out spatially extended flows of more than about 15 m/s in the top 20 Mm below the photosphere over the course of the day preceding the start of visible emergence. These measurements place strong constraints on models of active region formation.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, ApJ (published

    Resolving velocity space dynamics in continuum gyrokinetics

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    Many plasmas of interest to the astrophysical and fusion communities are weakly collisional. In such plasmas, small scales can develop in the distribution of particle velocities, potentially affecting observable quantities such as turbulent fluxes. Consequently, it is necessary to monitor velocity space resolution in gyrokinetic simulations. In this paper, we present a set of computationally efficient diagnostics for measuring velocity space resolution in gyrokinetic simulations and apply them to a range of plasma physics phenomena using the continuum gyrokinetic code GS2. For the cases considered here, it is found that the use of a collisionality at or below experimental values allows for the resolution of plasma dynamics with relatively few velocity space grid points. Additionally, we describe implementation of an adaptive collision frequency which can be used to improve velocity space resolution in the collisionless regime, where results are expected to be independent of collision frequency.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Phys. Plasma

    Measurement of Spin Transfer Observables in Antiproton-Proton -> Antilambda-Lambda at 1.637 GeV/c

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    Spin transfer observables for the strangeness-production reaction Antiproton-Proton -> Antilambda-Lambda have been measured by the PS185 collaboration using a transversely-polarized frozen-spin target with an antiproton beam momentum of 1.637 GeV/c at the Low Energy Antiproton Ring at CERN. This measurement investigates observables for which current models of the reaction near threshold make significantly differing predictions. Those models are in good agreement with existing measurements performed with unpolarized particles in the initial state. Theoretical attention has focused on the fact that these models produce conflicting predictions for the spin-transfer observables D_{nn} and K_{nn}, which are measurable only with polarized target or beam. Results presented here for D_{nn} and K_{nn} are found to be in disagreement with predictions from existing models. These results also underscore the importance of singlet-state production at backward angles, while current models predict complete or near-complete triplet-state dominance.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    The HI Content of Compact Groups of Galaxies

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    The HI content of Hickson Compact Groups in the southern hemisphere is measured using data from the HI Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS), and dedicated observations using the narrowband filter on the Multibeam instrument on the Parkes telescope. The expected HI mass of these groups was estimated using the luminosity, diameter and morphological types of the member galaxies, calibrated from published data. Taking careful account of non-detection limits, the results show that the compact group population that has been detected by these observations has an HI content similar to that of galaxies in the reference field sample. The upper limits for the undetected groups lie within the normal range; improvement of these limits will require a large increase in sensitivity.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in PAS

    On the Symmetries of the Edgar-Ludwig Metric

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    The conformal Killing equations for the most general (non-plane wave) conformally flat pure radiation field are solved to find the conformal Killing vectors. As expected fifteen independent conformal Killing vectors exist, but in general the metric admits no Killing or homothetic vectors. However for certain special cases a one-dimensional group of homotheties or motions may exist and in one very special case, overlooked by previous investigators, a two-dimensional homethety group exists. No higher dimensional groups of motions or homotheties are admitted by these metrics.Comment: Plain TeX, 7 pages, No figure

    Characterizing Multi-planet Systems with Classical Secular Theory

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    Classical secular theory can be a powerful tool to describe the qualitative character of multi-planet systems and offer insight into their histories. The eigenmodes of the secular behavior, rather than current orbital elements, can help identify tidal effects, early planet-planet scattering, and dynamical coupling among the planets, for systems in which mean-motion resonances do not play a role. Although tidal damping can result in aligned major axes after all but one eigenmode have damped away, such alignment may simply be fortuitous. An example of this is 55 Cancri (orbital solution of Fischer et al., 2008) where multiple eigenmodes remain undamped. Various solutions for 55 Cancri are compared, showing differing dynamical groupings, with implications for the coupling of eccentricities and for the partitioning of damping among the planets. Solutions for orbits that include expectations of past tidal evolution with observational data, must take into account which eigenmodes should be damped, rather than expecting particular eccentricities to be near zero. Classical secular theory is only accurate for low eccentricity values, but comparison with other results suggests that it can yield useful qualitative descriptions of behavior even for moderately large eccentricity values, and may have advantages for revealing underlying physical processes and, as large numbers of new systems are discovered, for triage to identify where more comprehensive dynamical studies should have priority.Comment: Published in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 25 pages, 10 figure

    Effective chiral-spin Hamiltonian for odd-numbered coupled Heisenberg chains

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    An L×∞L \times \infty system of odd number of coupled Heisenberg spin chains is studied using a degenerate perturbation theory, where LL is the number of coupled chains. An effective chain Hamiltonian is derived explicitly in terms of two spin half degrees of freedom of a closed chain of LL sites, valid in the regime the inter-chain coupling is stronger than the intra-chain coupling. The spin gap has been calculated numerically using the effective Hamiltonian for L=3,5,7,9L=3,5,7,9 for a finite chain up to ten sites. It is suggested that the ground state of the effective Hamiltonian is correlated, by examining variational states for the effective chiral-spin chain Hamiltonian.Comment: 9 Pages, Latex, report ICTP-94-28
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