3,276 research outputs found

    Note on the pumped storage potential of the Onslow-Manorburn depression, New Zealand

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    The Onslow-Manorburn depression in the South Island of New Zealand has possibility for development as the upper reservoir of the world's largest pumped storage scheme, as measured by an energy storage capacity of 10,200 GWh of realisable potential energy. This would more than triple the total national hydro-power energy storage capacity. It is envisaged that the scheme could either operate on a seasonal cycle or act as a passive energy reserve to buffer existing hydro-power capacity against the effect of dry years

    The sustainable global energy economy: Hydrogen or silicon?

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    A sustainable global silicon energy economy is proposed as a potential alternative to the hydrogen economy. This first visualisation of a silicon energy economy is based on largescale and carbon-neutral metallic silicon production from major smelters in North Africa and elsewhere, supplied by desert silica sand and electricity from extensive solar generating systems. The resulting “fuel silicon” is shipped around the world to emission-free silicon power stations for either immediate electricity generation or stockpiling. The high energy density of silicon and its stable storage make it an ideal material for maintaining national economic functioning through security of base load power supply from a renewable source. This contrasts with the present situation of fossil fuel usage with its associated global warming and geopolitical supply uncertainties. Critical technological requirements for the silicon economy are carbon-neutral silicon production and the development of efficient silicon-fired power stations capable of high-temperature rapid oxidation of fuel silicon. A call is made for the development of research effort into these specific engineering issues, and also with respect to large-scale economical solar power generation

    A goodness of fit measure related to r² for model performance assessment

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    Checking the predictive worth of an environmental model inevitably includes a goodness of fit metric to quantify the degree of matching to recorded data, thereby giving a measure of model performance. Considerable analysis and discussion have taken place over fit indices in hydrology, but a neglected aspect is the degree of communicability to other disciplines. It is suggested that a fit index is best communicated to colleagues via reference to models giving unbiased predictions, because unbiased environmental models are a desirable goal across disciplines. That is, broad recognition of a fit index is aided if it simplifies in the unbiased case to a familiar and logical expression. This does not hold for the Nash–Sutcliffe Efficiency E which reduces to the somewhat awkward unbiased expression E = 2 – 1/r², where r² is the coefficient of determination. A new goodness of fit index V is proposed for model validation as V =  r²/(2-E), which simplifies to the easily communicated V = r4 in the unbiased case. The index is defined over the range 0 ≤ V ≤ 1, and it happens that V < E for larger values of E. Some synthetic and recorded data sets are used to illustrate characteristics of V in comparison to

    Note on y-truncation: a simple approach to generating bounded distributions for environmental applications

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    It may sometimes be desirable to introduce bounds into probability distributions to formalise the presence of upper or lower physical limits to data to which the distribution has been applied. For example, an upper bound in raindrop sizes might be represented by introducing an upper bound to an exponential drop-size distribution. However, the standard method of truncating unbounded probability distributions yields distributions with non-zero probability density at the resulting bounds. In reality it is likely that physical bounding processes in nature increase in intensity as the bound is approached, causing a progressive decline in observation relative frequency to zero at the bound. Truncation below a y-axis point is proposed as a simple alternative means of creating more natural truncated probability distributions for application to data of this type. The resulting “y-truncated” distributions have similarities with the traditional truncated distributions but probability densities have the desirable feature of always declining to zero at the bounds. In addition, the y-truncation approach can also serve in its own right as a mean

    The optimal management of research portfolios

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    Risky research projects are, other things being equal, intrinsically harder to monitor than projects that are less risky. It is shown using agency theory that a standard cost benefit analysis, which ignores the agency problem, will introduce a bias towards excessively risky projects, and it will under‐estimate the benefits from complementary investments in libraries, scientific equipment and other expenditures that increase the productivity of scientists. Research managers should be risk‐averse in their choice of projects, and they should aim to hold a balanced portfolio of projects. The nature of this portfolio problem is, however, quite different from the portfolio management problem in financial markets.Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Recursive Contracts

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    We model career design as a recursive contract design problem in an overlapping generations firm. Agents live two periods. In period 1 they may be hired as employees, paid a wage, and produce output. In period 2 they may be promoted to become joint owners (partners) of the firm, producing no output directly, but setting the rules and receiving the residual income. Professional partnerships, such as the traditional law firm, are often organized like this. Employees are motivated not only by the wage but by the possibility of promotion to the partnership, and the opportunity to set the rules in the next period; the reward structure is thus recursive. The contracts that emerge in this environment are always inefficient. In many circumstances the inefficiency takes the form of “rat-race” contracts that specify very low wages and an inefficiently high level of effort. This conclusion seems to be robust to a range of variations in the environment.recursive contracts, mechanism design, overlapping generations,rat-race

    Missing Environmental Markets and the Design of

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    Market failure is pervasive in the environmental sector, and naturally occurring markets are, in many cases, unlikely to produce socially optimal environmental outcomes. Despite this, the case for using “market based instruments” has recently become popular in the Australian environmental policy debate. The purpose of this paper is to survey some of the broad issues that arise in this debate. What do we mean by market based instruments, and what is the conceptual foundation for their use? What contribution can they make to Australian environmental policy? What needs to be done to improve policy development and implementation, in order to use these new instruments effectively?

    Temporal moments of a tracer pulse in a perfectly parallel flow system

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    Perfectly parallel groundwater transport models partition water flow into isolated one-dimensional stream tubes which maintain total spatial correlation of all properties in the direction of flow. The case is considered of the temporal moments of a conservative tracer pulse released simultaneously into N stream tubes with arbitrarily different advective–dispersive transport and steady flow speeds in each of the stream tubes. No assumptions are made about the form of the individual stream tube arrival-time distributions or about the nature of the between-stream tube variation of hydraulic conductivity and flow speeds. The tracer arrival-time distribution g(t,x) is an N-component finite-mixture distribution, with the mean and variance of each component distribution increasing in proportion to tracer travel distance x. By utilising moment relations of finite mixture distributions, it is shown (to r=4) that the rth central moment of g(t,x) is an rth order polynomial function of x or φ, where φ is mean arrival time. In particular, the variance of g(t,x) is a positive quadratic function of x or φ. This generalises the well-known quadratic variance increase for purely advective flow in parallel flow systems and allows a simple means of regression estimation of the large-distance coefficient of variation of g(t,x). The polynomial central moment relation extends to the purely advective transport case which arises as a large-distance limit of advective–dispersive transport in parallel flow models. The associated limit g(t,x) distributions are of N-modal form and maintain constant shapes independent of travel distance. The finite-mixture framework for moment evaluation is also a potentially useful device for forecasting g(t,x) distributions, which may include multimodal forms. A synthetic example illustrates g(t,x) forecasting using a mixture of normal distributions

    A simple graphical technique for conditional long range forecasting of below-average rainfall periods in the Tuvalu Islands, Western Pacific

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    For the Tuvalu Island group in the western Pacific, a simple graphical method is proposed as a means of forecasting whether rainfall totals for the next 1, 2,…,6 months will be below average. The method is based on scatter plots where the points are color-coded as above- or below-average rainfall, with the plot axes being lag-1 and lag-2 NINO4 sea surface temperatures. Within the scatter plots there are reasonably clear data fields with higher frequencies of below-average rainfalls associated with cooler precursor NINO4 temperatures. These data fields are defined by subjectively emplaced separation lines which bifurcate the scatter plots into “predictable” and “unpredictable” fields. If two precursor NINO4 temperature values define a point located in a predictable field then a warning would be issued for below-average rainfall over the next n-month period, depending on the time scale of the scatter plot. A long rainfall record at Funafuti in Tuvalu indicates that success in predictable-field forecasting of below-average rainfalls would range between 68% for 1-month rainfall totals and 89% for 6-month totals. The forecasting success derives from persistence of cooler NINO4 sea surface temperatures which are associated with lower rainfalls in Tuvalu. However, many dry periods are also located in the unpredictable field and cannot be forecast by this method
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