995 research outputs found

    An environmental and health perspective for COVID-19 outbreak: Meteorology and air quality influence, sewage epidemiology indicator, hospitals disinfection, drug therapies and recommendations

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    This Opinion Paper wishes to provide a summary of recent findings and solutions for a better understanding of the environmental and health problems associated with COVID-19. The list of topics covered is large: meteorology and air quality factors with correlation number of infections, sewage waters as a way to reveal the scale of COVID-19 outbreak, current hospital disinfection procedures and new eco-friendly technologies and list of drug therapies recommend waiting for the desired vaccine to come. During the last two months we did notice an increase in the scientific literature regarding COVID-19 with a partial vision of this problem. The current Opinion Paper is one of the first attempts, to my understanding, to summarize and integrate environmental and human health aspects related to the monitoring, fate and treatment solutions for COVID-19. That being said I believe that this Opinion Paper can serve as multipurpose document, not only for scientists of different disciplines but for social media and citizens in general.Peer reviewe

    Datos para el estudio de la climatología cuaternaria de Baleares

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    The Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA)

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    Environmental risk assessment of persistent organic pollutants in river-basin through fuzzy logic

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    Presented at 11th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering, 2008, Barcelona (Spain).This Study is funded by the European Union through the projectsRISKBASE (GOCE 036938), AQUATERRA (project number 505428) and by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science through the project CEMAGUA (CGL2007-64551/HID).Peer reviewe

    Edifici Institut Català de Recerca de l'Aigua

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    L'Institut Català de Recerca de l’Aigua (ICRA) va ser creat l’octubre de 2006 pel Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya, en el marc del Programa de centres de recerca de Catalunya (CERCA). L’ICRA és una fundació privada que té com a patrons el Departament d’Innovació, Universitats i Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya, la Universitat de Girona i l’Agència Catalana de l’Aigua. L’Edifici H2O és la seu oficial de l’Institut, ubicat al Parc Científic i Tecnològic de la Universitat de Girona. Aquest edifici, en construcció des de 2007, es va acabar el maig de 2009, moment en què l’ICRA inicià el desenvolupament del seu Pla estratègic de recerca i posà en marxa totes les seves perspectives i instal·lacions, amb la incorporació de personal investigador. La investigació en el camp del cicle integral de l’aigua és un dels camps que requereixen i requeriran un esforç investigador i una contribució de solucions tecnològiques i de gestió durant els propers anys. En aquest sentit, s’hauran d’abordar des d’aspectes relacionats amb la qualitat ecològica de mars i rius, passant pel desenvolupament de noves tecnologies de tractament d’aigües residuals o per a consum humà, fins a l’estudi d’estratègies de disponibilitat del recurs que considerin els aspectes de sostenibilitat, percepció social i costos (econòmics i socials) relacionats

    Formation of iodo-trihalomethanes, iodo-haloacetic acids, and haloacetaldehydes during chlorination and chloramination of iodine containing waters in laboratory controlled reactions

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    Iodine containing disinfection byproducts (I-DBPs) and haloacetaldehydes (HALs) are emerging disinfection by-product (DBP) classes of concern. The former due to its increased potential toxicity and the latter because it was found to be the third most relevant DBP class in mass in a U.S. nationwide drinking water study. These DBP classes have been scarcely investigated, and this work was performed to further explore their formation in drinking water under chlorination and chloramination scenarios. In order to do this, iodo-trihalomethanes (I-THMs), iodo-haloacetic acids (I-HAAs) and selected HALs (mono-HALs and di-HALs species, including iodoacetaldehyde) were investigated in DBP mixtures generated after chlorination and chloramination of different water matrices containing different levels of bromide and iodide in laboratory controlled reactions. Results confirmed the enhancement of I-DBP formation in the presence of monochloramine. While I-THMs and I-HAAs contributed almost equally to total I-DBP concentrations in chlorinated water, I-THMs contributed the most to total I-DBP levels in the case of chloraminated water. The most abundant and common I-THM species generated were bromochloroiodomethane, dichloroiodomethane, and chlorodiiodomethane. Iodoacetic acid and chloroiodoacetic acid contributed the most to the total I-HAA concentrations measured in the investigated disinfected water. As for the studied HALs, dihalogenated species were the compounds that predominantly formed under both investigated treatments.C.P. acknowledges support from the European Union 7th R&D Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement 274379 (Marie Curie IOF) and the Secretary for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia and the COFUND Programme of the Marie Curie Actions of the EU’s FP7 (2014 BP_B00064). The EU is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. This work has been financially supported by the Government of Catalonia (Consolidated Research Groups 2014 SGR 418-Water and Soil Quality Unit and 2014 SGR 291-ICRA).Peer reviewe

    Les cavitats de la serra de na Burguesa

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    [cat] Es presenta la descripció i topografia de 18 cavitats del SO de la serra de na Burguesa, entre les quals destaquen l’avenc de sa Botilla de 42 m de fondària i l’avenc des Xuclamel de 27 m i que pot representar un tipus d’espeleogènesi poc freqüent a la serra de na Burguesa relacionat amb la dinàmica del penya-segat proper. Una de les cavitats de la nostra zona d’estudi (la cova de Son Boronat) és un jaciment arqueològic de gran importància per a la prehistòria balear i altres cavitats conserven restes d’haver estat utilitzades en el passat per diversos usos (estabulació, refugi de pastors o carboners, etc...).[spa] Se presenta la descripción y topografia de 18 cavidades de la zona SO de la Serra de Na Burguesa, entre las que destacan el Avenc de sa Botilla de 42 m de profundidad y el Avenc des Xuclamel de 27 m y que podría corresponder a un tipo de espeleogénesis poco habitual en la Serra de na Burguesa, relacionado con la dinámica del acantilado situado a corta distancia. Una de las cavidades que se halla en nuestra zona de estudio (la Cova de Son Boronat) proporcionó un yacimiento arqueológico de gran importancia para la prehistoria balear, otras cavidades conservan rastros que delatan usos tradicionales (estabulación, refugio para pastores o carboneros, etc...).[eng] We present the descriptions and surveys of 18 caves on the south-west part of the Serra de na Burguesa, out of which we highlight Avenc de sa Botilla, reaching -42 m, and Avenc des Xuclamel, reaching -27 m, which could represent a type of cave-genesis unfrequent on the Serra de na Burguesa related to cliff dynamics. One of the caves in the northern part of the study area (the Cova de Son Boronat) is an archaeological site of great importance for the Balearic pre-history and other caves contain remains that indicate they were put to diverse uses in the past (animal pens, shelters for shepherds and charcoalers, etc. ...