19 research outputs found

    Reflektyvios praktikos modelis kaip aukštojo mokslo paradigmos virsmą įgalinantis veiksnys (anglų kalbos dėstytojų rengimo kontekste)

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    Article reveals some aspects of both liberal and indoctrinated processes of studies in the context of the shift from the traditional teaching into alternative life-long learning paradigm in higher education. While implementing communicative approach to foreign language teaching and learning, as well as transferring from behaviourist and cognitive craft and applied science models into holistic-interactive-reflective model in higher education (HE), liberalism and indoctrination are often in opposition. This confrontation is preconditioned by the social context, value system, and attitude towards preservation of culture, political, historical and ideological traditions in a certain country. Communicative approach to ESL teaching and learning emphasizes the main features specific of liberal education. Its realization in any local system of schooling could change or, at least, modify students' beliefs towards language teaching and learning, provided, prospective teachers of English are trained taking four major principles of higher education into account: democracy, dynamics, integration, and critical thinking or reflective thinking. Reflective model of studies in HE serves as a precondition for having "nontraditional" and liberal students on a scale and, moreover, empowers them to facilitate the shift of the traditional teaching paradigm in HE into the alternative life-long learning one

    Reflektyvios praktikos modelis kaip aukštojo mokslo paradigmos virsmą įgalinantis veiksnys (anglų kalbos dėstytojų rengimo kontekste)

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    Article reveals some aspects of both liberal and indoctrinated processes of studies in the context of the shift from the traditional teaching into alternative life-long learning paradigm in higher education. While implementing communicative approach to foreign language teaching and learning, as well as transferring from behaviourist and cognitive craft and applied science models into holistic-interactive-reflective model in higher education (HE), liberalism and indoctrination are often in opposition. This confrontation is preconditioned by the social context, value system, and attitude towards preservation of culture, political, historical and ideological traditions in a certain country. Communicative approach to ESL teaching and learning emphasizes the main features specific of liberal education. Its realization in any local system of schooling could change or, at least, modify students' beliefs towards language teaching and learning, provided, prospective teachers of English are trained taking four major principles of higher education into account: democracy, dynamics, integration, and critical thinking or reflective thinking. Reflective model of studies in HE serves as a precondition for having "nontraditional" and liberal students on a scale and, moreover, empowers them to facilitate the shift of the traditional teaching paradigm in HE into the alternative life-long learning one

    Translation strategies in the process of translation : a psycholinguistic invesigation

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    The article presents and analyzes the mental translation strategies employed by language users and translation students in the process of translation. In the psycholinguistic investigation, presented in this article, the empirical data are elicited by using a special kind of introspection - the method of thinking-aloud. The article defines and highlights the particularities of the procedure used for the analysis of the data, i. e. the interpretive reconstruction by means of indicators. Moreover, it is assigned to provide theoretical framework of the model, which is taken up for the analysis of the mental translation process and strategies as well as to present reliable results of the present investigation

    Reflective study practice of prospective EFL teachers as an empowering factor for the shift in the paradigm of higher education

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    The article deals with special features of reflective practise by the teacher of English and its implementation opportunities as the paradigm of higher education is being transformed from teaching to learning. The objective of the article is to reveal and support the need for reflective study practise in terms of factor facilitating transformation and expression of a paradigm, in order to accomplish new quality-wise study process, i.e. one based on synthesis (praxis) of theory and practise. The paper relies on theoretical statements by numerous authors and empiric results of studies by the author, and presents special features of reflection-based studies and highlights advantages and issues connected to transformation from student of traditional way of thinking to reflective student. Conclusions: 1. Transformation of traditional teaching paradigm to alternative learning one is a consequence of a gradual, dialectic shift from behaviouristic, cognitive theories of higher education to holistic theories of higher education, based on reflection, activity studies and synthesis (praxis) of practise and theory. 2. Reflective study practise helps tackling stereotypical relation of theory and practise, i.e. theory is regarded as source of information, helping to deal with practical issues and not as determining force for practical activities, imposing theoretical principles and solutions. 3. Reflective practise (i.e. praxis implemented in practical studies) by studies of teachers of English allows for transformation and expression of higher education paradigm

    Phenomenographical analysis of a consecutively interpreted text

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    This study aims at the investigation of the process and results of self-reflection in the consecutive interpreting that allows identifying a variety of linguistic and cognitive translation strategies. Self-reflection is a significant part of consecutive interpreting. It empowers the interpreter to reconstruct, to think over and to assess the results of interpreting as well as to get a deeper insight into the strengths and weaknesses of their personal interpreting, to avoid errors and to constantly seek the improvement. The phenomenographical method of investigation in the context of the consecutive interpreting allows making a claim that the fourth year students of English Philology orient their thinking not only towards linguistic translation strategies, but also towards their linguistic knowledge, skills, reasons for making errors and self-analysis. The most common translation strategies are of compensatory nature: omission constitutes 34% and paraphrase 28%

    Phenomenographical research of philological & translation practice

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    The purpose of this article is, firstly, to show the possibilities of qualitative research in analyzing such a subtle phenomenon as reflection. Reflection means individual‘s readiness to consider, in a thoughtful way, subjects that do come within the range of experience, readiness that contrasts strongly with the disposition to pass judgment on the basis of the mere custom, tradition or prejudice. And, secondly, the goal was to analyze how mentors and tutors reflect on the quality of translation and philological practice. The main issue for the research was to analyze whether different approaches of reflection have different impact on how mentors and tutors think about their instructional and professional strategies. The study was carried out within the framework of a qualitative research approach called phenomenography (Marton, 1981, 1988). Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: 1) mentors‘ and tutors‘ reflective skills belong to the mode of phenomena and should be researched in the frame of phenomenological or phenomenographic qualitative research; 2) reflective studying model corresponds to all the requirements of modern higher education in EU, that enables and enhances the realization of major principles in higher education, such as: democracy, academic freedom, and emancipatory relationships between lecturers and students; 3) the phenomenographical strategy of research revealed differences in mentors‘ and tutors‘ reflective way of thinking: if mentors focus their reflective thinking on personal qualities and competences of translation or philological practice, meanwhile tutors‘ reflective thinking is focused on students‘ mistakes and quality of translation

    Iššūkiai verčiant meninių tekstų humorą

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    The problems of translating English humour into Lithuanian have not been thoroughly studied, therefore it has been chosen as a subject of this article. This research focuses on the analysis of examples of different sorts of humour in J. K. Jerome’s novel "Three Men on a Bummel" and compares the source text with the target text. The present paper is assigned to provide a theoretical framework of phenomenon of humour, its classification and translation peculiarities as well as to reveal the complexity of phenomenon of humour which exists in every part of the world, nevertheless, travels from one language to another with difficulties. The aim of the research is to identify and perceive the main challenges in translating humour that contains culture-specific items and instances of untranslatibility. Among the sorts of humour found in the book irony makes the largest part. It is most frequently translated using concretization, addition and substitution. Because of structural differences between the English language and the Lithuanian language the translator is obliged to either use a more concrete Lithuanian word for an English one having a wide meaning, add some extra words in the translated phrase, or substitute certain words in the source text by the ones of different part of speech in order to retain the style and the meaning of the original. It can be asserted that the translator managed to convey the humorous effect of irony, ridicule, bombast, and exaggeration successfully. The least successful examples of translating humour were certain instances of allusion containing particular cultural realia unknown to the Lithuanian reader

    Spaces for the mentally disabled

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    Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos protinę negalią turinčių asmenų jausena ir elgsena skirtingose erdvėse. Pasitelkus kokybinius apklausos ir naratyvo metodus, pavyko ištirti protiškai neįgalių asmenų socialinę aplinką, jų tarpusavio santykius, pasireiškiančią empatiją, materialinę paramą ir domėjimąsi jų gyvenimu. Atlikus diagnostiką, neįgaliųjų erdvė buvo suskirstyta į tris kategorijas, arba mažesnes erdves: šeimą, globos institucijas, bendruomenę. Empirinis tyrimas parodė, jog saugiausiai globotiniai jaučiasi šeimose ir mažose bendruomenėse. Daugiausia konfliktų ir nesusikalbėjimo kyla globos institucijose

    The development of sociolinguistic competence in EFL textbooks

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    The article reveals the multi-dimensionality of linguistic competence, highlighting the synthesis of the structural and pragmatic competencies of language. Special attention is paid to sociolinguistics and its components: sociopragmatics and pragmalinguistics. Sociopragmatics studies the assumptions and situations in which communication takes place, while the object of study in pragmalinguistics is the linguistic apparatus and communication strategies that produce the conditions for successful communication in a foreign language. The article raises the issue of whether pragmatic competence can or should be taught. Alternative views on this issue are discussed. The authors of the article are of the opinion that the educational environment is a suitable place to learn and to teach pragmatism, because foreigners may tolerate grammatical or structural errors, whereas they are sensitive to a lack of pragmatic competence […]. The authors of the article have chosen two popular textbooks: Headway Upper-Intermediate and Landmark Upper-Intermediate […]. The comparison of these two textbooks and the statistical analysis method helped the authors to identify the amount and quality of sociopragmatics and pragmalinguistics exercises. Empirical observation showed that these elements are fragmentary in the Headway textbook, while in the Landmark textbook there are 36 pages devoted to training in pragmatic competence. The authors are of the opinion that the people who write and publish textbooks should keep in mind the multi-dimensionality of linguistic competence and should therefore provide an appropriate balance of exercises for structural-grammatical competence training on the one hand and pragmatic competence training on the other hand […]