25,377 research outputs found

    Canonical Quantization of the Self-Dual Model coupled to Fermions

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    This paper is dedicated to formulate the interaction picture dynamics of the self-dual field minimally coupled to fermions. To make this possible, we start by quantizing the free self-dual model by means of the Dirac bracket quantization procedure. We obtain, as result, that the free self-dual model is a relativistically invariant quantum field theory whose excitations are identical to the physical (gauge invariant) excitations of the free Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory. The model describing the interaction of the self-dual field minimally coupled to fermions is also quantized through the Dirac bracket quantization procedure. One of the self-dual field components is found not to commute, at equal times, with the fermionic fields. Hence, the formulation of the interaction picture dynamics is only possible after the elimination of the just mentioned component. This procedure brings, in turns, two new interaction terms, which are local in space and time while non-renormalizable by power counting. Relativistic invariance is tested in connection with the elastic fermion-fermion scattering amplitude. We prove that all the non-covariant pieces in the interaction Hamiltonian are equivalent to the covariant minimal interaction of the self-dual field with the fermions. The high energy behavior of the self-dual field propagator corroborates that the coupled theory is non-renormalizable. Certainly, the self-dual field minimally coupled to fermions bears no resemblance with the renormalizable model defined by the Maxwell-Chern-Simons field minimally coupled to fermions.Comment: 16 pages, no special macros, no corrections in the pape

    Non-Abelian Proca model based on the improved BFT formalism

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    We present the newly improved Batalin-Fradkin-Tyutin (BFT) Hamiltonian formalism and the generalization to the Lagrangian formulation, which provide the much more simple and transparent insight to the usual BFT method, with application to the non-Abelian Proca model which has been an difficult problem in the usual BFT method. The infinite terms of the effectively first class constraints can be made to be the regular power series forms by ingenious choice of XαβX_{\alpha \beta} and ωαβ\omega^{\alpha \beta}-matrices. In this new method, the first class Hamiltonian, which also needs infinite correction terms is obtained simply by replacing the original variables in the original Hamiltonian with the BFT physical variables. Remarkably all the infinite correction terms can be expressed in the compact exponential form. We also show that in our model the Poisson brackets of the BFT physical variables in the extended phase space are the same structure as the Dirac brackets of the original phase space variables. With the help of both our newly developed Lagrangian formulation and Hamilton's equations of motion, we obtain the desired classical Lagrangian corresponding to the first class Hamiltonian which can be reduced to the generalized St\"uckelberg Lagrangian which is non-trivial conjecture in our infinitely many terms involved in Hamiltonian and Lagrangian.Comment: Notable improvements in Sec. I

    Magnetic glass in Shape Memory Alloy : Ni45Co5Mn38Sn12

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    The first order martensitic transition in the ferromagnetic shape memory alloy Ni45Co5Mn38Sn12 is also a magnetic transition and has a large field induced effect. While cooling in the presence of field this first order magnetic martensite transition is kinetically arrested. Depending on the cooling field, a fraction of the arrested ferromagnetic austenite phase persists down to the lowest temperature as a magnetic glassy state, similar to the one observed in various intermetallic alloys and in half doped manganites. A detailed investigation of this first order ferromagnetic austenite (FM-A) to low magnetization martensite (LM-M) state transition as a function of temperature and field has been carried out by magnetization measurements. Extensive cooling and heating in unequal field (CHUF) measurements and a novel field cooled protocol for isothermal MH measurements (FC-MH) are utilized to investigate the glass like arrested states and show a reverse martensite transition. Finally, we determine a field -temperature (HT) phase diagram of Ni45Co5Mn38Sn12 from various magnetization measurements which brings out the regions where thermodynamic and metastable states co-exist in the HT space clearly depicting this system as a 'Magnetic Glass'.Comment: Magnetic field tunes kinetic arrest and CHUF shows devitrification and melting of Magnetic glas

    Conversion of glassy antiferromagnetic-insulating phase to equilibrium ferromagnetic-metallic phase by devitrification and recrystallization in Al substituted Pr0.5{_{0.5}}Ca0.5_{0.5}MnO3{_3}

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    We show that Pr0.5{_{0.5}}Ca0.5_{0.5}MnO3{_3} with 2.5% Al substitution and La0.5{_{0.5}}Ca0.5_{0.5}MnO3{_3} (LCMO) exhibit qualitatively similar and visibly anomalous M-H curves at low temperature. Magnetic field causes a broad first-order but irreversible antiferromagnetic (AF)-insulating (I) to ferromagnetic (FM)-metallic (M) transition in both and gives rise to soft FM state. However, the low temperature equilibrium state of Pr0.5_{0.5}Ca0.5_{0.5}Mn0.975_{0.975}Al0.025_{0.025}O3_3 (PCMAO) is FM-M whereas that of LCMO is AF-I. In both the systems the respective equilibrium phase coexists with the other phase with contrasting order, which is not in equilibrium, and the cooling field can tune the fractions of the coexisting phases. It is shown earlier that the coexisting FM-M phase behaves like `magnetic glass' in LCMO. Here we show from specially designed measurement protocols that the AF-I phase of PCMAO has all the characteristics of magnetic glassy states. It devitrifies on heating and also recrystallizes to equilibrium FM-M phase after annealing. This glass-like AF-I phase also shows similar intriguing feature observed in FM-M magnetic glassy state of LCMO that when the starting coexisting fraction of glass is larger, successive annealing results in larger fraction of equilibrium phase. This similarity between two manganite systems with contrasting magnetic orders of respective glassy and equilibrium phases points toward a possible universality.Comment: Highlights potential of CHUF (Cooling and Heating in Unequal Fields), a new measurement protoco

    Magnetocaloric properties of nanocrystalline La0.125_{0.125}Ca0.875_{0.875}MnO3_{3}

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    Some recent experimental studies show the invisibility of antiferromagnetic transition in the cases of manganites when their particle size is reduced to nanometer scale. In complete contrast to these cases, we have observed the signature of antiferromagnetic transition in the magnetocaloric properties of nanocrystalline La0.125_{0.125}Ca0.875_{0.875}MnO3_{3} of average particle size 70 and 60 nm similar to its polycrystalline bulk form. The system exhibit inverse magnetocaloric effect in its polycrystalline and nanocrystalline form. An extra ferromagnetic phase is stabilized at low temperature for the sample with particle size ∼60\sim 60 nm.Comment: 3 Figure

    Development of an integrated BEM approach for hot fluid structure interaction: BEST-FSI: Boundary Element Solution Technique for Fluid Structure Interaction

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    As part of the continuing effort at NASA LeRC to improve both the durability and reliability of hot section Earth-to-orbit engine components, significant enhancements must be made in existing finite element and finite difference methods, and advanced techniques, such as the boundary element method (BEM), must be explored. The BEM was chosen as the basic analysis tool because the critical variables (temperature, flux, displacement, and traction) can be very precisely determined with a boundary-based discretization scheme. Additionally, model preparation is considerably simplified compared to the more familiar domain-based methods. Furthermore, the hyperbolic character of high speed flow is captured through the use of an analytical fundamental solution, eliminating the dependence of the solution on the discretization pattern. The price that must be paid in order to realize these advantages is that any BEM formulation requires a considerable amount of analytical work, which is typically absent in the other numerical methods. All of the research accomplishments of a multi-year program aimed toward the development of a boundary element formulation for the study of hot fluid-structure interaction in Earth-to-orbit engine hot section components are detailed. Most of the effort was directed toward the examination of fluid flow, since BEM's for fluids are at a much less developed state. However, significant strides were made, not only in the analysis of thermoviscous fluids, but also in the solution of the fluid-structure interaction problem
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