152 research outputs found

    Pola Agihan dan Intensitas Penyakit Busuk Pangkal Batang Lada di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara

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    The success of foot rot disease control is largely dependent on information data of pepper cultivation conditions, distribution pattern of the disease, and the magnitude of the intensity of the disease. This study aimed to determine the condition of pepper cultivation, distribution pattern of pepper foot rot disease, the development of disease symptoms, and intensity of pepper foot rot disease in Southeast Sulawesi. Data cultivation conditions, distribution of the disease, progression of symptoms, and the intensity of the disease were obtained by means of surveys in pepper plantations and interviews with pepper farmers. The results showed that the pepper plantations in Southeast Sulawesi were cultivated on flat to hilly topography, and the cultivation method was very conventional but herbicide use was very intensive. The development of wilt symptoms on pepper plants was very quick in dry weather but slow in the wet. Pepper foot rot disease has patch distribution. The highest intensity of the pepper foot rot disease was in less weedy plantations with intensive use of herbicides. The intensity of the pepper foot rot disease in Southeast Sulawesi was 61,2% with the spread in each district namely South Konawe at 53,8%, Konawe at 63,7% and Kolaka by 61,2%

    Productividad de la rotación anual raigrás- maíz en galicia: evaluación durante cinco años en regadío y secano y bajo dos sistemas de siembra

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    Es un estudio sobre la productividad de la rotación anual raigrás- maíz en galicia: evaluación durante cinco años en regadío y secano y bajo dos sistemas de siembr

    Deteksi Dan Penghitungan Kerapatan Inokulum Phytophthora Capsici Dalam Tanah Dengan Menggunakan Umpan Daun Lada

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    Phytophthora capsiciis a causal agent for footrot disease in pepper and classified as a soil-borne pathogen. The inoculums of P. capsici in the soilis difficultto detect. The dynamics of P. capsici population in the soil is frequently and rapidly fluctuates and hard to detect, causing the pathogen to produce disease rapidly. The aimsof this research were todetect the pathogen P.capsici using black pepper leaf baiting and to quantify the inoculum of the pathogen P.capsici in the soil belonging to several disease intensities of the black pepper foot rot in the field. The first experiment: detecting the pathogen P. capsici using black pepper leaf baiting in the soil artificially infested using several sporangia, anda second experiment: quantification of propagul of the P.capsici in various categories of intensity on the black pepper foot rot disease in the field. The research results showed that the black pepper leaf baiting could be used to detect the existence of the propagul of P.capsiciin the soil artificially infested in various densities of sporangia. The increase in disease intensity occurred in parallel with the greater density of P. capsici inocula in soil. The density of P. capsici inocula in the soil tended to decline when the disease intensity reached the highest level

    Epidemi Penyakit Busuk Pangkal Batang Lada Pada Kondisi Lingkungan Yang Bervariasi

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    Foot rot disease epidemic on black pepper in variety of environmental conditions. The foot rot disease on black pepper caused by Phytophthora capsici Leonian, is often destructive to farmers of black pepper. This research aims to study the infection rate and the pattern of development of the black pepper foot rot disease in various condition of the environment. The research was conducted in the areas of black pepper cultivation in the Ultisol and Entisol soils. In each location plots were set with few (75%) weeds. Variable observed was disease incidence. The data were used to analyze model of development of the black pepper foot rot disease and infection rate. Results of the research showed that the model of development of the black pepper foot rot disease was not affected by soil type, but the type of soil affected the infection rate. At the pepper plantation with abundance of weeds, the disease development followes Gompertz model. At the plantation with few weeds, however the disease developed in a logistic model. The rate of disease infection on the black pepper plant with abundant weeds lower compared with those with few weeds

    A comparative study on the effectiveness of bupivacaine and ropivacaine for supraclavicular block

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    Background: Bupivacaine and Ropivacaine have been extensively studied &their properties with respect to onset, duration and quality of block. This study aims to detect whether addition of clonidine to both of them changes their properties. This study also aims to use lower than usual dosages for both the local anesthetics to prevent adverse effects of local anesthetics.Methods: After obtaining ethical approval, the study was carried out on patients undergoing elective upper limb surgeries. They were randomly divided into two Groups: Group B and Group R. The onset and duration of sensory and motor blockade and other parameters were assessed.Results: The onset of blockade, both sensory & motor was earlier in Ropivacaine as compared to Bupivacaine group. Mean duration of blockade, both sensory & motor, was more in the Bupivacaine group.  Conclusions: Addition of Clonidine enabled the use of low concentrations (0.25%) of both the anesthetics. Also, Ropivacaine (0.25%) has faster onset of sensory and motor blockade, shorter duration of action and less motor blockade compared to Bupivacaine

    Kinematically Redundant Octahedral Motion Platform for Virtual Reality Simulations

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    We propose a novel design of a parallel manipulator of Stewart Gough type for virtual reality application of single individuals; i.e. an omni-directional treadmill is mounted on the motion platform in order to improve VR immersion by giving feedback to the human body. For this purpose we modify the well-known octahedral manipulator in a way that it has one degree of kinematical redundancy; namely an equiform reconfigurability of the base. The instantaneous kinematics and singularities of this mechanism are studied, where especially "unavoidable singularities" are characterized. These are poses of the motion platform, which can only be realized by singular configurations of the mechanism despite its kinematic redundancy.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    An instance of abnormally ripe ovaries in the Indian Mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier)

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    A case of abnormally ripe ovaries, the first of its kind, is reported wherein an additional lobe in stage VI was found along with the normal pair of ovaries in stage IV. The estimated number of ripe and maturing ova in this abnormal sac was 18,600 each

    The catfish resources of south west coast of India - prospects and management problems

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    The marine catfishes of the genus Tachysurus form an important resource along Kerala-Karnataka coast. Till early seventies this resource was mainly exploited by indigenous gears and to a lesser extent by trawlers. The sudden introduction of large number of purse seines brought in a boost in the production of catfishes along Karnataka coast. This increase In the production was achieved exclusively by exploiting shoe's of brooders which frequent the coastal waters for spawning in the monsoon and post monsoon months. The exploitation of the brooders year after year has led to the decline in production, probably due to poor recruitment. The steady yield of catfishes along Kerala showed a decreasing trend after the massive purse seine operations in Karnataka. The possible extent and effects of this decline are discussed in detail. The yield trends of various species of catfishes by different gears at the important fishing centres in Kerala and Karnataka have been studied in the light of declining production, and destruction of brooders. This account is an attempt to establish the degree of destruction of brooders, spawners and eggs'larvae along the entire coastal stretch, especially during September-October period. An attempt has been made to suggest suitable managerial measures to overcome this situation, so that the maximum sustainable yield can be achieved without affecting the spawning population and thereby the stock