335 research outputs found

    Revista de estabilidad financiera. Nº 36 (primavera 2019)

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    Encuesta Financiera de las Familias (EFF) 2022: métodos, resultados y cambios desde 2020

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    This paper presents the main results of the Spanish Survey of Household Finances 2022, which reflect the financial situation of Spanish households as at end-2022. These results are of particular interest, since they allow the income, assets, debt and spending of Spanish households to be analysed in a context of particularly high uncertainty, amid the latter stages of the pandemic, supply chain problems and extraordinary energy and commodity price increases. The paper also describes the key changes in those variables since the last edition of the survey (2020).En este documento se presentan los resultados principales de la Encuesta Financiera de las Familias 2022, que muestran la situación financiera de los hogares españoles a finales de ese año. Estos resultados son de especial interés, dado que permiten caracterizar conjuntamente las rentas, los activos, las deudas y los gastos de los hogares españoles en un contexto de especial incertidumbre, caracterizado por las últimas fases de la pandemia, los problemas en las cadenas de suministros y el aumento extraordinario de los precios de la energía y las materias primas. Asimismo, se describen los cambios más relevantes ocurridos en estas dimensiones con respecto a la última edición de la encuesta, correspondiente a 2020

    Revista de estabilidad financiera. Nº 37 (otoño 2019)

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    Revista de estabilidad financiera. Nº 32 (mayo 2017)

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    Survey of household finances (EFF) 2020: methods, results and changes since 2017

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    Artículo de revistaThis article presents the main results of the Survey of Household Finances 2020, which reflect the financial position of Spanish households at end-2020. These results are of particular interest, since they allow for overall analysis of the income, assets, debt and spending of Spanish households in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The article also describes the key changes compared with the last edition of the survey, referring to 2017

    Quarterly report and macroeconomic projections for the Spanish economy. March 2023

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    The Quarterly report on the Spanish economy analyses recent developments in the economy, within the international and euro area context, and also certain economic topics considered to be relevant. It includes an editorial summarising the essential content of the report, and an update of the macroeconomic projections for the Spanish economy

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    Report on the Latin American Economy: second half of 2021: outlook, vulnerabilities and policy space

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    Artículo de revistaThe economic recovery in Latin America appears to have firmed in the second half of the year, having come to a halt in practically all the countries in Q2 owing to the unfavourable course of the pandemic. This has led in recent months to an across-the-board upward revision in growth forecasts in the region for 2021. Against this background, the region’s banking systems remain healthy, although some indicators, such as non-performing loans, are beginning to be impacted by the persistence of the crisis. There has also been a notable slowdown in lending, linked partly to the generalised withdrawal of support programmes. The path of the recovery, which is uneven from country to country, will be determined by the pandemic being overcome. It is expected that the recovery will continue to be underpinned by the strength of external demand and commodities prices, by the widespread support of economic policies (albeit gradually with less intensity) and by the favourable financing conditions in the region which, though they have recently tightened, remain accommodative in historical terms. One key conditioning factor will be inflation, which has risen notably across the region as a whole, and, specifically, how transitory this development proves. Given the high uncertainty surrounding the economic outlook, the Report presents alternative scenarios referring to a series of epidemiological, economic and financial variables. The indicators of macro-financial vulnerability in the region remain contained in the external and banking sectors but high in respect of public finances, against a backdrop of notable uncertainty over the future course of economic policies