423 research outputs found

    Statistical Properties of the Exponentiated Generalized Inverted Exponential Distribution

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    We provide another generalization of the inverted exponential distribution which serves as a competitive model and an alternative to both the generalized inverse exponential distribution and the inverse exponential distribution. The model is positively skewed and its shape could be decreasing or unimodal (depending on its parameter values). The statistical properties of the proposed model are provided and the method of Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) was proposed in estimating its parameters

    On the Performance of RESET and Durbin Watson Tests in Detecting Specification Error

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    When a model is created which correctly leaves out one or more important variables, one rarely know which test has the highest power for detecting the associated specification error. This research adopts the use of bootstrapping experiment. The models investigated consist of three omitted variables which have a coefficient that varies from 0.1 through 1 and 2. A bootstrap simulation approach was used to generate data for each of the models at different sample sizes (n) 20, 30, 50, and 80 respectively, each with 100 replications(r). For the models considered, the experiment reveals that the Ramsey Regression Equation Specification Error Test (RESET test) is more efficient than that of Durbin-Watson test in detecting the error of omitted variable in specification error

    Reproductive performance of rabbits fed maize-milling waste based diets

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    The influence of maize-milling waste on the reproductive performance of rabbits was assessed. The treatments comprised of autoclaved and unautoclaved maize-milling waste, groundnut cake/maize meal diets formulated with 0 (I), 25 (II), 50 (III), 75 (IV) and 100% (V) replacement of maize with maize-milling waste. Each of the diets contains 18% crude protein and was unpelleted. There were two parity periods and the duration was 15 weeks. In the first parity period, the conception rates were 33.33, 100, 75, 66.66 and 75% for treatments I, II, III, IV and V, respectively, while the second parity conceptions rates were 50, 75 and 50% for treatments II, III and IV, respectively. No conceptions were observed for treatments I and V. The first breeding trials had abortion rates of 50 and 25% for treatments II and V, respectively. Autoclaved maize-milling waste was used for the second breeding trials. Autoclaving maize milling waste was observed to improve the nutritional value of the diets and neither abortion nor still births were seen for the second parity period. Therefore, simple diet comprising maize-milling waste and groundnut cake can support normal growth and reproduction of rabbits for meat production.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 4 (5), pp. 437-443, 200


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    Control and treatment of hazardous effects of heavy molecular weight oil (bitumen) pollution are essential in contaminated soil. This study involved the isolation and screening of microorganisms capable of utilizing heavy molecular weight hydrocarbon from oil impacted, non oil impacted soil and natural deposits of bitumen. Total heterotrophic bacterial counts in the samples ranged from 1.4 ªª? 105 CFU/g to 2.0 ªª? 106 CFU/g. Total oil utilizing bacterial counts varied from 1.5 ªª? 104 CFU/g to 3.6 ªª? 105 CFU/g. Isolates were identified using API 20E kit. They belong to the genera Burkholderia, Pseudomonas, and Serratia. Degradation efficiency of the isolates on Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), Dual Purpose Kerosene (DPK) and Low Pour Point Fuel Oil (LPFO) were carried out by a colorimetric rapid screen test using 2, 6-dichlorophenol indophenol (DCPIP) reduction test which was monitored by measuring absorbance at 600 nm at every 24 hrs for 120 hrs. Order of ability of the isolates to degrade PMS: P. aeruginosa > P. mendocina > P. borbori > S. rubidae > P. cichorii > B. cepacia while for DPK is P. cichorii > P. borbori > S. rubidae > P. mendocina > B. cepacia > P. aeruginosa. Ability to degrade LPFO: P. cichorii > P. borbori > P. aeruginosa > P. mendocina > B. cepacia > S. rubidae.ª¤

    On A New Weighted Exponential Distribution: Theory and Application

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    A new two-parameter weighted exponential distribution which has more mild algebraic properties than the existing weighted exponential distribution was studied. Explicit expressions for some of its basic statistical properties including moments, reliability analysis, quantile function and order statistics were derived. Its parameters were estimated using the method of maximum likelihood estimation. The new probability model was applied to four real data sets to assess its flexibility over the existing weighted exponential distributio

    An Assessment Of The Performance Of Discriminant Analysis And The Logistic Regression Methods In Classification Of Mode Of Delivery Of An Expectant Mother

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    The study compares two statistical methods: Discriminant analysis and the Logistic regression model in predicting Mode of Delivery of an expectant mother, Natural birth and Caesarian section. Of the 184 cases examined for Mode of Delivery of an expectant mother, Discriminant Analysis classified the Natural birth correctly (64.6%) while it recorded (64.7%) success rate in classifying the Caesarian section. In the case of the Logistic regression, it recorded (76.8%) and (52.9%) success rate in classifying the Natural birth and Caesarian section respectively. The overall predictive performance of the two models was high with the Logistic regression having the highest value (64.7%) and (65.8%) for Discriminant Analysis. Among the five characteristics examined, Mothers height, Baby’s weight and gender were not significant variables for identifying Mode of delivery by both methods while Mothers weight is important identifying variable for both except Mothers age which was significant in the Discriminant analysis. The study shows that both techniques estimated almost the same statistical significant coefficient and that the overall classification rate for both was good while either can be helpful in selection of Mode of delivery for an expectant mother. However, given the failure rate to meet the underlying assumptions of Discriminant Analysis, Logistic Regression is preferabl

    Improvement of hydroelectric power generation using pumped storage system

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    Hydroelectric power is a renewable source of energy. By principle, hydroelectric power generation relies on the law of conservation of energy where kinetic energy that resulted from the movement of the mass of water from the river is translated into electr icity, the quantum of which depends on systemic variables viz: plant efficiency, volumetric water flow through the turbine and the head of the water from the water surface to the turbine. Understanding the dynamics of these variables, and the correlation b etween them are core to proper planning and management of a hydroelectric power station. In this Study, simple mathematical methods that include linear programming and statistical analysis based on simulation techniques were used to evaluate vital parameters based on the data obtained from the Hydrologic units of the Shiroro Power Stations in Nigeria. The overall aim of the study is to idealize power generation at Shiroro dam in and out of raining season so as to ensure optimum generation of electricity all year round in order to achieve energy sufficiency in Nigeria. The result of the study is encouraging as it supports the viability of the pumped storage system for generating hydroelectric power all year round. The coupling of the hydroelectric power with pumped storage system if properly harnessed could be the needed panacea for the erratic power supply in Nigeria. Keywords: hydroelectric power, pumped storage, reservoir inflows, turbine, hydrological variables, simulation technique

    On A New Weighted Exponential Distribution: Theory and Application

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    A new two-parameter weighted exponential distribution which has more mild algebraic properties than the existing weighted exponential distribution was studied. Explicit expressions for some of its basic statistical properties including moments, reliability analysis, quantile function and order statistics were derived. Its parameters were estimated using the method of maximum likelihood estimation. The new probability model was applied to four real data sets to assess its flexibility over the existing weighted exponential distributio

    Optimizing Hydroelectric Power Generation: The Case of Shiroro Dam

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    Abstract—Hydroelectric power, one of the most important sources of mass generation of electric power, is a renewable source of energy. The amount of electricity that can be produced by a hydro-electricity generating system depends on systemic variables viz; plant efficiency, volumetric water flow through the turbine and the head of the water from the water surface to the turbine. The availability of the Water in the reservoir is a function of some hydrological variables principal among which are rainfall, reservoir inflows and evaporation. Understanding the dynamics of these variables, and the correlation between them are core to proper planning and management of a hydroelectric power station. In this Study, simple mathematical methods that include linear programming and statistical analysis based on simulation techniques were used to evaluate vital parameters based on the hydrologic data obtained from the Hydrologic Units of the Shiroro Power Stations in Nigeria. The overall aim of the study is to idealize power generation at Shiroro dam in and out of rain season so as to ensure optimum generation of electricity all year round in order to achieve energy sufficiency in Nigeria
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