748 research outputs found

    A system for the simulation and evaluation of satellite communication networks

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    With the emergence of a new era in satellite communications brought about by NASA's thrust into the Ka band with multibeam and onboard processing technologies, new and innovative techniques for evaluating these concepts and systems are required. To this end, NASA, in conjunction with its extensive program for advanced communications technology development, has undertaken to develop a concept for the simulation and evaluation of a complete communications network. Incorporated in this network will be proof of concept models of the latest technologies proposed for future satellite communications systems. These include low noise receivers, matrix switches, baseband processors, and solid state and tube type high power amplifiers. To accomplish this, numerous supporting technologies must be added to those aforementioned proof of concept models. These include controllers for synchronization, order wire, and resource allocation, gain compensation, signal leveling, power augmentation, and rain fade and range delay simulation. Taken together, these will be assembled to comprise a system capable of addressing numerous design and performance questions. The simulation and evaluation system as planned will be modular in design and implementation, capable of modification and updating to track and evaluate a continuum emerging concepts and technologies

    Technology achievements and projections for communication satellites of the future

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    Multibeam systems of the future using monolithic microwave integrated circuits to provide phase control and power gain are contrasted with discrete microwave power amplifiers from 10 to 75 W and their associated waveguide feeds, phase shifters and power splitters. Challenging new enabling technology areas include advanced electrooptical control and signal feeds. Large scale MMIC's will be used incorporating on chip control interfaces, latching, and phase and amplitude control with power levels of a few watts each. Beam forming algorithms for 80 to 90 deg. wide angle scanning and precise beam forming under wide ranging environments will be required. Satelllite systems using these dynamically reconfigured multibeam antenna systems will demand greater degrees of beam interconnectivity. Multiband and multiservice users will be interconnected through the same space platform. Monolithic switching arrays operating over a wide range of RF and IF frequencies are contrasted with current IF switch technology implemented discretely. Size, weight, and performance improvements by an order of magnitude are projected

    An airborne meteorological data collection system using satellite relay (ASDAR)

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has developed an airborne data acquisition and communication system for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). This system known as ASDAR, the Aircraft to Satellite Data Relay, consists of a microprocessor based controller, time clock, transmitter and antenna. Together they acquire meteorological and position information from existing aircraft systems on B-747 aircraft, convert and format these, and transmit them to the ground via the GOES meteorological satellite series. The development and application of the ASDAR system is described with emphasis on unique features. Performance to date is exceptional, providing horizon-to-horizon coverage of aircraft flights. The data collected is of high quality and is considered a valuable addition to the data base from which NOAA generates its weather forecasts

    LTV beta-bremsstrahlung spectrometer for Gemini 12 Final report

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    Design and operation of combination bremsstrahlung spectrometer and data processor for radiation monitoring during Gemini 7 fligh

    Review of SERT 2 power conditioning

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    SERT 2 spacecraft power conditioner performanc

    Conductance and localization in disordered wires: role of evanescent states

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    This paper extends an earlier analytical scattering matrix treatment of conductance and localization in coupled two- and three Anderson chain systems for weak disorder when evanescent states are present at the Fermi level. Such states exist typically when the interchain coupling exceeds the width of propagating energy bands associated with the various transverse eigenvalues of the coupled tight-binding systems. We calculate reflection- and transmission coefficients in cases where, besides propagating states, one or two evanescent states are available at the Fermi level for elastic scattering of electrons by the disordered systems. We observe important qualitative changes in these coefficients and in the related localization lengths due to ineffectiveness of the evanescent modes for transmission and reflection in the various scattering channels. In particular, the localization lengths are generally significantly larger than the values obtained when evanescent modes are absent. Effects associated with disorder mediated coupling between propagating and evanescent modes are shown to be suppressed by quantum interference effects, in lowest order for weak disorder

    Self-Enforcing Trade Agreements: Evidence from Time-Varying Trade Policy

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    The Bagwell and Staiger (1990) theory of cooperative trade agreements predicts new tariffs (i) increase with imports, (ii) increase with the inverse of the sum of the import demand and export supply elasticities, and (iii) decrease with the variance of imports. We find US import policy during 1997-2006 to be consistent with this theory. A one standard deviation increase in import growth, the inverse of the sum of the import demand and export supply elasticity, and the standard deviation of import growth changes the probability that the US imposes an antidumping tariff by 35%, by 88%, and by -76%, respectively

    Absence of charge backscattering in the nonequilibrium current of normal-superconductor structures

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    We study the nonequilibrium transport properties of a normal-superconductor-normal structure, focussing on the effect of adding an impurity in the superconducting region. Current conservation requires the superfluid velocity to be nonzero, causing a distortion of the quasiparticle dispersion relation within the superconductor. For weakly reflecting interfaces we find a regime of intermediate voltages in which Andreev transmission is the only permitted mechanism for quasiparticles to enter the superconductor. Impurities in the superconductor can only cause Andreev reflection of these quasiparticles and thus cannot degrade the current. At higher voltages, a state of gapless superconductivity develops which is sensitive to the presence of impurities.Comment: Latex file, 11 pages, 2 figures available upon request [email protected], to be published in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Adiabatic Dynamics of Superconducting Quantum Point Contacts

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    Starting from the quasiclassical equations for non-equilibrium Green's functions we derive a simple kinetic equation that governs ac Josephson effect in a superconducting quantum point contact at small bias voltages. In contrast to existing approaches the kinetic equation is valid for voltages with arbitrary time dependence. We use this equation to calculate frequency-dependent linear conductance, and dc I ⁣ ⁣VI\!-\!V characteristics with and without microwave radiation for resistively shunted quantum point contacts. A novel feature of the I ⁣ ⁣VI\!-\!V characteristics is the excess current 2Ic/π2I_c/\pi appearing at small voltages. An important by-product of our derivation is the analytical proof that the microscopic expression for the current coincides at arbitrary voltages with the expression that follows from the Bogolyubov-de Gennes equations, if one uses appropriate amplitudes of Andreev reflection which contain information about microscopic structure of the superconductors.Comment: 12 Pages, REVTEX 3.0, 3 figures available upon reques