32 research outputs found

    Trade-off analysis in a wine market research in Hungary

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    Marketing managers are faced with numerous difficult tasks directed at assessing future profitability, sales, and market share for new product entries or modifications of existing products or marketing strategies. Each of the identified marketing problems may be addressed and solved using the trade-off analysis methodology. In addition, a trade-off based competitive strategy may be implemented by modifying the marketing mix, i.e., new product/concept identification, pricing, advertising and distribution. In this article the main steps of the model is shown in a study through the research of the Hungarian wine market. A set of wine attributes that are anticipated as the most important factors when buying wine were shown to respondents. These attributes included growing site, variety, quality and price. Each of the attributes was further divided into levels, e.g. growing site consisted of CsongrĂĄd, MĂĄtraalja, Eger and HajĂłs-Baja, while other attributes had their particular levels according to their characteristics. Twenty out of the total combination of attributes were chosen and so call profile cards were made. Respondents were asked to rank order cards according to their preference, thus simulating a purchase situation. The analysis calculated the utility of each levels of attribute for all of the respondents

    Chilorophyil Fluorescence Responses to Pesticides with Copper Active Ingredient in Pannon frankos and NarancsízƱ grape varieties

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    Pulse Amplitude Modulated (PAM) fiuorometry is a sensitive and rapid method used to assess toxic effect of chemical components in plants. This study evaluates the difference in leaf sensitivity of two grapevine varieties, Pannon frankos and NarancsízƱ, to copper. The Photosynthetic efficiency of the varieties was measured as the ratio of variable to maximal chlorophyil fiuorescence (Fv/Fm). Young and older leaves of these varieties were exposed to four different pesticides with copper active ingredients in the recommended dosage: Bordói por (copper sulphate), Champion (copper hydroxide), Rézoxiklorid (copper-oxychloride) and Ridomil Gold Plus (mefenoxamcopper-oxychlorid) and their physiology were studied 4 times, on the 27, 4", 8" and 12" days after treatments. These pesticides caused proportional decrease in the photosynthetic efficiency

    Copper fluorescence based copper toxicity assessment of two grape varieties

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    Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis has become one of the most powerful and widely used techniques available to plant physiologists and ecophysiologists. This review aims to provide an introduction for the novice into the methodology and applications of chlorophyll fluorescence. After a brief introduction into the theoretical background of the technique, the methodology and some of the technical pitfalls that can be encountered are explained. A selection of examples is then used to illustrate the types of information that fluorescence can provide. In recent years, the technique of chlorophyll fluorescence has become ubiquitous in plant ecophysiology studies. This study evaluates the difference in leaf sensitivity of two grapevine varieties, Pannon frankos and NarancsízƱ, to copper. The photosynthetic efficiency of the varieties was measured as the ratio of variable to maximal chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm). Young and older leaves of these varieties were exposed to four different pesticides with copper active ingredients in the recommended dosage: Bordói por (copper sulphate), Champion 50 WP (copper hydroxide), Rézoxiklorid 50 WP (copper-oxychloride) and Ridomil Gold Plus 42,5 WP (mefenoxam+copper-oxychlorid) and their physiology were studied 4 times, on the 2nd, 4th, 8th and 12th days after treatments. These pesticides caused proportional decrease in the photosynthetic efficiency

    Chlorophyil fiuorescence, an indicator of plant physiology disorder

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    Chlorophyil fluorescence analysis has become one of the most powerful and widely used techniques available to plant physiologists and ecophysioloqists. This review aims to provide an introduction for the novice into the methodology and applications of chlorophyil fluorescence. After a brief introduction into the theoretical background of the technique, the methodology and some of the technical pitfalls that can be encountered are explained. A selection of examples is then used to illustrate the types of information that fluorescence can provide. In recent years, the technique of chlorophyil fluorescence has become ubiquitous in Plant ecophysiology studies. No investigation into the photosynthetic performance of plants under field conditions seems complete without some fluorescence data

    A Merlan rezisztens szƑlƑfajta borĂĄszati Ă©rtĂ©kelĂ©se = Enological Evaluation of Merlan Resistant Grape Variety

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    A rezisztens kĂ©kszƑlƑfajtĂĄkbĂłl kĂ©szĂ­tett vörösborokban megegyezƑ borĂĄszati technolĂłgia mellett 15-3596-al magasabb a polifenoltartalom, mint a Vitis vinifera fajtĂĄk boraiban. SzĂ­nĂŒk mĂ©lyebb, Ă­zĂŒk viszont kesernyĂ©sebb. Tanninban szegĂ©nyebbek, ezĂ©rt boruk nem mutatja a vörösborok jellegĂ©t, Ă©rlelĂ©sre nem alkalmasak. Boraik elsƑdleges Ă­z - Ă©s aromaanyagai sajĂĄtosak, kellemetlenĂŒl zavarĂłak lehetnek, ezĂ©rt speciĂĄlis borĂĄszati technolĂłgiĂĄt igĂ©nyelnek. KedvezƑtlen termƑhelyeken termĂ©sbiztonsĂĄguk, termƑkĂ©pessĂ©gĂŒk miatt azonban kockĂĄzatmentesen termeszthetƑek, termĂ©sĂŒkbƑl olcsĂł asztali bor kĂ©szĂ­thetƑ. A vizsgĂĄlt Merlan szƑlƑfajta rozĂ© borĂĄnak minƑsĂ©ge a Pannon frankosbĂłl kĂ©szĂ­tett savasabb rozĂ© borral hĂĄzasĂ­tva javult, szĂ­ne Ă©lĂ©nkebb lett, savtartalma pedig magasabb

    Az Aletta Ă©s az Ottonel muskotĂĄly szƑlƑfajtĂĄk termesztĂ©sĂ©nek gazdasĂĄgossĂĄga egy alföldi szƑlƑtermesztƑ gazdasĂĄgban

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    A kedvezƑtlen ökolĂłgiai viszonyokat leginkĂĄbb a megfelelƑ szƑlƑfajta kivĂĄlasztĂĄsĂĄval tudjuk ellensĂșlyozni. A takarĂĄsos fejmƱvelĂ©s kĂ©zimunka-igĂ©nyessĂ©ge miatt kiszorulĂłban van, helyĂ©t a magas mƱvelĂ©sƱ ĂŒltetvĂ©nyek veszik ĂĄt. A tĂ©li fagy miatt csak fagy- , Ă©s tĂ©ltƱrƑ fajtĂĄk jöhetnek szĂĄmĂ­tĂĄsba. A KunsĂĄgi borvidĂ©ken a megtermelt borok 90%-a asztali minƑsĂ©gƱ. Az ilyen olcsĂł borok elƑállĂ­tĂĄsĂĄhoz alacsony önköltsĂ©ggel termeszthetƑ fajta szĂŒksĂ©ges. A termesztĂ©sben rĂ©gĂłta ismert Ottonel muskotĂĄlyhoz egy 2009-ben minƑsĂ­tett rezisztens szƑlƑfajtĂĄt, az AlettĂĄt hasonlĂ­tottam össze. KiszĂĄmoltam az egyes termesztĂ©stechnolĂłgiai mƱveletek költsĂ©gĂ©t, a termĂ©seredmĂ©nybƑl az önköltsĂ©get, majd a felvĂĄsĂĄrlĂĄsi alapjĂĄn a nyeresĂ©get. A szĂĄmĂ­tĂĄsokbĂłl kiderĂŒlt, hogy bĂĄr az Ottonel muskotĂĄly szƑlƑfajta termeszthetƑ az Alföldön, egy-egy nagyobb tĂ©li lehƱlĂ©s komoly termĂ©skiesĂ©st eredmĂ©nyez. Az Aletta fagytƱrƑ kĂ©pessĂ©ge jobb, többet terem, kisebb költsĂ©ggel termeszthetƑ. A felvĂĄsĂĄrlĂĄsi ĂĄra megegyezik az Ottonel muskotĂĄllyal, tehĂĄt Ă©rdemesebb inkĂĄbb ezt a fajtĂĄt termeszteni. Ezt az ĂĄllĂ­tĂĄst a fajta terjedĂ©se is alĂĄtĂĄmasztja. TermƑterĂŒlete 2013-ra meghaladta az 13000 hektĂĄrt

    SzƑlƑfajtĂĄk rĂŒgykĂĄrosodĂĄnak vizsgĂĄlata a 2016/2017-es tĂ©li nyugalmi idƑszak lehƱlĂ©seit követƑen KecskemĂ©ten = Evaluation of Grapevine Bud Damage After the 2016/2017 Winter Dormancy in KecskemĂ©t

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    Az alföldi szƑlƑtermƑ tĂĄj kĂŒlönösen kitett a tavaszi Ă©s tĂ©li fagyoknak. Ez utĂłbbiak zöme sajnos a kĂ©nyszernyugalmi idƑszakra esik, amikor a rĂŒgyek Ă©rzĂ©kenyebbek a lehƱlĂ©sre. 2017. januĂĄr elejĂ©n hajnalban több napon keresztĂŒl -20 "C alĂĄ sĂŒllyedt a hƑmĂ©rƑ higanyszĂĄla KecskemĂ©ten. A rĂŒgyek kĂĄrosodĂĄsa — 25 eurĂĄzsiai Ă©s rezisztens bor- Ă©s csemegeszƑlƑfajta — esetĂ©ben kerĂŒlt kimutatĂĄsra. Az eredmĂ©nyek kiĂ©rtĂ©kelĂ©se egytĂ©nyezƑs varianciaanalĂ­zissel Ă©s klaszterelemzĂ©ssel törtĂ©nt. A vizsgĂĄlt fajtĂĄk közĂŒl a Rajnai rizling, Cabernet franc Ă©s MagyarorszĂĄgon kevĂ©sbĂ© ismert Hibernal, Regent Ă©s Merlan szerepeltek legjobban

    Comparison of Aletta and Bianca grape varieties in Hungary

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    LIn recent years there has been an increasing interest in growing grapes in ecologically friendly and organic viticulture. The Research Station of Viticulture and Enology in Eger has introduced several interspecific cultivars free from an undesired off flavour by crossing American Vitis species with traditional European Vitis vinifera. This cultivar is the result of crossing Muscat Ottonel with Seyve-Villard 12375. In this paper a new resistant hybrid, ‘Aletta’ was evaluated during the registration process. The evaluation was performed within the period of 2005-2009 in several production sites in Hungary. ‘Aletta’ was compared to ‘Bianca’ cultivar. ‘Aletta’ showed about 50% more yield but was distinguished by lower sugar content. Wine acidity was not significantly different from ‘Bianca’. In sensory evaluation ‘Aletta’ achieved better scores. The wine had harmonious acid composition and muscat flavour. Vine is vigorous but spur pruning is recommended because of the big cluster weight and high bud fertility. The intemodes are long and the canopy is loose that results an easier canopy management. Since ‘Aletta’ was registered in 2009 its vineyard surface has reached 1300 hectares in Hungary

    Dry flower consumer behaviour in Hungary

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    A quantitative survey was conducted to find up-to-date information about today’s dry flower purchasing behaviour in Hungary. 130 questionnaires were filled in Kecskemet and in Hortus Hungaricus flower exhibition in Budapest. The data was analyzed by SPSS 11.5 statistical package program. Frequencies and cross tabs were calculated. Multivariate statistics (factor, correspondence analysis) were applied to find latent variables. ANOVA model revealed significant statistic differences. The questionnaires were filled mostly by women. The age and income were evenly distributed in the sample. Another goal of our research was to deep interview wholesaler and retailers. In the conclusions practical management suggestions are provided to both wholesalers and retailers, small and big shops alike. Up to date catalogues, direct marketing, wide choice are the key issues that retailers should consider

    A Greenman Agro termĂ©snövelƑ kĂ©szĂ­tmĂ©ny hatĂĄsa nĂ©hĂĄny szƑlƑfajta gyökeresedĂ©sĂ©re

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    Egy szƑlƑszaporĂ­tĂłanyag termelƑ ĂŒzem sikeres tevĂ©kenysĂ©gĂ©nek legfontosabb zĂĄloga, hogy egysĂ©gnyi terĂŒleten mennyi gyökeres szaporĂ­tĂłanyagot tud elƑállĂ­tani. Ez a szaktudĂĄson Ă©s a gyökereztetĂ©s feltĂ©telein mĂșlik, nem is beszĂ©lve a szaporĂ­tĂł alapanyag minƑsĂ©gĂ©tƑl. HagyomĂĄnyosan szintetikus gyökereztetƑ hormonokkal lehet növelni az eredĂ©st, az utĂłbbi Ă©vekben azonban megjelentek olyan biostĂ­mulĂĄtor anyagok, melyek a gyökĂ©rkĂ©pzƑdĂ©sen tĂșl a növĂ©nyek fejlƑdĂ©sĂ©re, ellenĂĄllĂł kĂ©pessĂ©gĂ©re is pozitĂ­van hatnak. Ezzel a kihozatal javul, a gyökeres szaporĂ­tĂłanyag pedig fejlettebb lesz. KĂ­sĂ©rletĂŒnkben a Greenman Agro biostimulĂĄtort alkalmaztuk a dugvĂĄnyok beĂĄztatĂĄsĂĄra, tĂĄpoldatozĂĄsra Ă©s permetezĂ©sre. Az összes fajta esetĂ©ben a kezelt növĂ©nyek szignifikĂĄnsan növeltĂ©k a hajtĂĄsok hosszĂĄt, viszont a pozĂ­tĂ­v hatĂĄs nem minden fajtĂĄnĂĄl volt megfigyelhetƑ. A talaj a domborzat nagymĂ©rtĂ©kben mĂłdosĂ­totta az eredmĂ©nyeket, ezĂ©rt cĂ©lszerƱ lenne a kĂ­sĂ©rletet tenyĂ©szedĂ©nyben megismĂ©telni