1,662 research outputs found

    Theoretical and experimental studies of femto-second streak and picosecond framing image tubes

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    Imperial Users onl

    Theoretical and experimental studies of femtosecond streak and picosecond framing image tubes

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    Master of Fine Arts

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    thesisToday, empathy is repeatedly considered a highly important influence in human interaction, yet our active and embodied practice of empathy seems scarce. Empathy is commonly recognized by many academic fields including philosophy, psychology and biology. In my experience as a dancer, my movement education has had a profound influence on my understanding of others. Teaching and learning movement is an interchange that is inescapably an act of empathy. But what is empathy? What does it require of the body? What is our empathic capacity? The main purpose of this thesis is to illuminate the relationship between movement and empathy. I will review many scientific models and draw parallels to my creative endeavors by analyzing and reflecting on two choreographic works Sync and Revealing Wavelengths. I use empathy in the creative process and as the subject and product of my art. How can choreography as a research tool add to the current empathic paradigms? Conclusively, I determine that human movement and physical experience are fundamental to the empathic process. My choreographic explorations were effective in underlying complexity and intricate details of this concept of humanity, which will continue to educate me in life and in the field of dance

    Why is a Mulligan?

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    In fairness to the Division of Home Economics, in whose official publication this article appears, let it be said that full responsibility .for all statements · contained is assumed by the author, a mere man, and nothing is to be construed as having the sanction of anyone connected with the above named division. We realize that, were the dietitian\u27s measuring stick applied to the formula proposed for the wish described, many readjustments would be indicated. If the nutritive ratio were determined or the number of calories calculated, doubtless great discrepancy would be shown in the blending of the ingredients. One thing can certainly be claimed, however, and that is that the mixture contains all the vitamins known to science

    Memoirs, Diplomacy, and Implicit Consequences: Religion in U.S. Foreign Affairs

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    This senior thesis investigates how former Secretaries of State invoke religion in their memoirs in order to understand the implications of how religion is conceptualized and categorized in U.S. foreign service work. By focusing on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a case study, I analyze how former secretaries represented the ways religion informed their policies and diplomatic efforts through their own religious upbringing, how they saw religion as a tool for engaging with the world, and whether or not they took religion seriously or superficially within memoir representations of their work. The thesis explores a twenty-year period from 1997-2017 by analyzing a memoir by each Madeline Albright, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, and John Kerry. Drawing on secondary scholarship from political science and religious studies, especially the work of scholar Elizabeth Shakman Hurd, this thesis contributes to a broader understanding of how religion and international affairs intersect. By exploring how these secretaries chose to include or exclude religion within their retrospective memoir writings, I highlight some of the political, diplomatic, and personal implicit consequences of various ways of conceptualizing religion. In the end, I demonstrate the need for leaders within the international relations arena to take religion more seriously while also being mindful of the many dangers that can come with ignoring its complexity.Savko Undergraduate Research GrantNo embargoAcademic Major: International StudiesAcademic Major: Religious Studie

    Controlled trials of artificial irrigation methods to combat high sea turtle nest temperatures

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    Climate change-induced rises in incubation temperatures pose a threat to sea turtle reproductive success, resulting in increased embryonic mortality, skewed sex ratios, and modified hatchling phenotypes. This study evaluated the effects of three irrigation regimes (single large event, intermittent, daily) on sand temperatures at nest depths under controlled conditions and at a rookery in Southern Turkey. In controlled settings, daily irrigation decreased mean nest temperatures by up to 1.21°C compared to controls but increased diel variation by 0.84 ± 0.05 °C SE. Single applications elevated temperatures by up to 0.75°C. In the field trial, seawater irrigation led to elevated salinityat nest depth, potentially reaching lethal thresholds (16.28 ppt at 35 cm depth). Field trials conducted in extreme heat conditions (max 52.95°C) validated the effectiveness of daily irrigation, resulting in mean temperature reductions of up to 0.8°C. In extreme heat environments, sufficiently reducing temperatures to influence sex ratios is unlikely to be achievable – instead, the aim should focus on providing enough cooling to mitigate embryonic mortality

    Substrate Induced Denitrification over or under Estimates Shifts in Soil N2/N2O Ratios

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    Funding: Funding was provided by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, BBSRC UK (http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk). Grant number BB/H013431/1. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Nitrous oxide from incorporated crop residues and green manures

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    A series of field and laboratory experiments were undertaken to examine the effects of incorporation of plant material on emissions of N₂0 from agricultural soils. The overall aim was to increase understanding of that part of the agricultural N cycle, associated with the release of N after incorporation of crop residues and green manures into soil, and subsequent N₂0 emissions to the atmosphere. N20 emissions from growing crops and following addition of various residues and green manures to soil were measured and compared. The effects of crop type, fertiliser application, cultivation techniques, soil type, and climatic conditions, and also of the addition of high C substrate in the form of paper waste, on these emissions were investigated.Emissions of N₂0 were increased after cultivation of soil, attributed to increased accessibility of organic matter to soil microbes, and improved gaseous diffusion. Emissions were higher following incorporation of plant material than emissions from bare soil. Generally, fluxes were increased within a few hours or days after cultivation and/or incorporation, but the effect was short-lived. Most of the N₂0 was emitted during the first 2 weeks. The magnitude and timing of N₂0 released within this period was highly dependent on temperature and rainfall following incorporation, and the cultivation technique employed.The C:N ratio of the incorporated plant material had a considerable effect on rates of decomposition, and on subsequent N₂0 production during nitrification and denitrification. Higher emissions were typically measured after incorporation of material with a low C:N ratio, such as legumes, than when material with higher ratios, such as cereal straw, was involved. When material with a high C:N ratio was added, N was immobilised. Nevertheless, the presence of high C:N paper waste increased N₂0 emissions from incorporated vegetable crop residues. This was attributed to the creation of more anaerobic sites in the soil.Emissions of N₂0 increased within a few days of applying mineral N fertiliser to spring-sown cereal crops. Again, these fluxes were short-lived. Use of 15N-labelling in this experiment showed that approximately 50% of crop N at harvest was derived from applied fertiliser. In other experiments, the presence of a growing crop, particularly a legume, increased emissions, compared with those measured from bare soil

    A Case Study of the Attributes of Teacher Efficacy

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    A Case Study of the Attributes of Teacher Efficacy

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