37 research outputs found

    S wave Splitting in Central Apennines (Italy): anisotropic parameters in the crust during seismic sequences

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    In this work, we reviewed the main anisotropic results obtained in the last two decades along the Central Apennines. Moreover, we improved this database, with new results coming from the seismicity that occurred in the Montereale area, between 2009 and 2017, which corresponds to a spatio-temporal gap in the previously analyzed datasets. The examined papers concerned both seismic sequences (as Colfiorito in 1997, Pietralunga in 2010, L’Aquila in 2009, Amatrice in 2016) and background seismicity (as the 2000-2001 Città di Castello experiment). The whole of the collected results shows a general NW-SE fast shear wave direction consistent with both the orientation of the extensional active Quaternary and inherited compressive fault systems, focal mechanisms and local stress field. Also, we observed a more intense anisotropy strength (normalized delay time > 0.006 s/km) nearby the strongest events (M > 5), all concentrated in the hanging-wall of the activated fault systems. In fact, this area is deeply affected by the surrounding rock volume perturbations that, in turn, have altered both the local stress field and crustal fracturing network. The most common anisotropic interpretative models that could explain our results are 1) the stress-induced anisotropy according to the Extensive-Dilatancy Anisotropy (EDA) model where the anisotropic pattern is related to the local stress variation and most of the variability is visible in time; 2) the tectonic-controlled anisotropy according to the Structural-Induced Anisotropy (SIA) model where the anisotropic pattern is related to the major structural features and most of the variability is visible only in space. As reported by the examined studies in Central Apennines the possibility to discriminate between stress and structural anisotropy is quite complex in a region where the directions of the extensional regime, the in situ horizontal maximum stress, the strike of major faults, both active and inherited coincide. Generally, in this review, we noted an overlap and mixture of the two aforementioned mechanisms and, just through a temporal analysis, made in the Montereale area, we supposed a predominant stressinduced anisotropy only in rock volumes where anisotropic parameter variations have been detected

    Peeking inside the mantle structure beneath the Italian region through SKS shear wave splitting anisotropy: a review

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    Over the years, seismic anisotropy characterization has become one of the most popular methods to study and understand the Earth’s deep structures. Starting from more than 20 years ago, considerable progress has been made to map the anisotropic structure beneath Italy and the Central Mediterranean area. In particular, several past and current international projects (such as RETREAT, CAT/SCAN, CIFALPS, CIFALPS-2, AlpArray) focused on retrieving the anisotropic structure beneath Italy and surrounding regions, promoting advances in the knowledge of geological and geodynamical setting of this intriguing area. All of these studies aimed at a better understanding the complex and active geodynamic evolution of both the active and remnant subduction systems characterising this region and the associated Apennines, Alps and Dinaric belts, together with the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian basins. The presence of dense high-quality seismic networks, permanently run by INGV and other institutions, and temporary seismic stations deployed in the framework of international projects, the improvements in data processing and the use of several and even more sophisticated methods proposed to quantify the anisotropy, allowed to collect a huge amount of anisotropic parameters. Here a collection of all measurements done on core refracted phases are shown and used as a measure of mantle deformation and interpreted into geodynamic models. Images of anisotropy identify well-developed mantle flows around the sinking European and Adriatic slabs, recognised by tomographic studies. Slab retreat and related mantle flow are interpreted as the main driving mechanism of the Central Mediterranean geodynamics

    Shallow subsurface imaging of the Piano di Pezza active normal fault (central Italy) using high-resolution refraction and electrical resistivity tomography coupled with time-domain electromagnetic data

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    The Piano di Pezza fault (PPF) is the north-westernmost segment of the >20 km long Ovindoli-Pezza active normal fault-system (central Italy). Although existing paleoseismic data document high vertical Holocene slip rates (~1 mm/yr) and a remarkable seismogenic potential of this fault, its subsurface setting and Pleistocene cumulative displacement are still unknown. We investigated the shallow subsurface of a key section of the PPF using seismic and electrical resistivity tomography coupled with time-domain electromagnetic measurements (TDEM). We provide 2-D Vp and resistivity images showing details of the fault structure and the geometry of the shallow basin infill down to 35-40 m depth. We can estimate the dip and the Holocene vertical displacement of the master fault. TDEM measurements in the fault hangingwall indicate that the pre-Quaternary carbonate basement may be found at ~90-100 m depth

    Geometry and evolution of a fault-controlled Quaternary basin by means of TDEM and single-station ambient vibration surveys: The example of the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake area, central Italy

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    We applied a joint survey approach integrating time domain electromagnetic soundings and single-station ambient vibration surveys in the Middle Aterno Valley (MAV), an intermontane basin in central Italy and the locus of the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake. By imaging the buried interface between the infilling deposits and the top of the pre-Quaternary bedrock, we reveal the 3-D basin geometry and gain insights into the long-term basin evolution. We reconstruct a complex subsurface architecture, characterized by three main depocenters separated by thresholds. Basin infill thickness varies from ~200–300m in the north to more than 450m to the southeast. Our subsurface model indicates a strong structural control on the architecture of the basin and highlights that the MAV experienced considerable modifications in its configuration over time. The buried shape of the MAV suggests a recent and still ongoing predominant tectonic control by the NW-SE trending Paganica-San Demetrio Fault System (PSDFS), which crosscuts older ~ENE and NNE trending extensional faults. Furthermore, we postulate that the present-day arrangement of the PSDFS is the result of the linkage of two previously isolated fault segments. We provide constraints on the location of the southeastern boundary of the PSDFS, defining an overall ~19 km long fault system characterized by a considerable seismogenetic potential and a maximum expected magnitude larger than M6.5. This study emphasizes the benefit of combining two easily deployable geophysical methods for reconstructing the 3-D geometry of a tectonically controlled basin. Our joint approach provided us with a consistent match between these two independent estimations of the basin substratum depth within 15%.Published2236–22597T. Struttura della Terra e geodinamica2TR. Ricostruzione e modellazione della struttura crostaleJCR Journa

    Imaging the three-dimensional architecture of the Middle Aterno basin (2009 L’Aquila earthquake, Central Italy) using ground TDEM and seismic noise surveys: preliminary results

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    We present preliminary results from a multidisciplinary geophysical approach applied to the imaging of the threedimensional architecture of the Middle Aterno basin, close to the epicentral area of the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake (central Italy). We collected several time domain electromagnetic soundings (TDEM) coupled with seismic noise measurements focusing on the characterization of the bedrock/infill interface. Our preliminary results agree with existing geophysical data collected in the area, and show that the southeastern portion of the basin is characterized by a deepening of the Mesozoic-Tertiary bedrock down to a depth of more than 450 m. We found that a joint use of electromagnetic and seismic methods significantly contributes in obtaining new insights on the 3D geometry of the Middle Aterno basin. Moreover, we believe that our combined approach based on TDEM and noise measurements can be adopted to investigate similar geological settings elsewhere.PublishedPescina, Fucino Basin, Italy2T. Tettonica attiva7A. Geofisica di esplorazioneope

    The subduction structure of the Northern Apennines: results from the RETREAT seismic deployment

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    The project Retreating-trench, extension, and accretion tectonics, RETREAT, is a multidisciplinary study of the Northern Apennines (earth.geology.yale.edu/RETREAT/), funded by the United States National Science Foundation (NSF) in collaboration with the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) and the Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences (GAAV). The main goal of RETREAT is to develop a self-consistent dynamic model of syn-convergent extension, using the Northern Apennines as a natural laboratory. In the context of this project a passive seismological experiment was deployed in the fall of 2003 for a period of three years. RETREAT seismologists aim to develop a comprehensive understanding of the deep structure beneath the Northern Apennines, with particular attention on inferring likely patterns of mantle flow. Specific objectives of the project are the crustal and lithospheric thicknesses, the location and geometry of the Adriatic slab, and the distribution of seismic anisotropy laterally and vertically in the lithosphere and asthenosphere. The project is collecting teleseismic and regional earthquake data for 3 years. This contribution describes the RETREAT seismic deployment and reports on key results from the first year of the deployment. We confirm some prior findings regarding the seismic structure of Central Italy, but our observations also highlight the complexity of the Northern Apennines subduction system

    Imaging the three-dimensional architecture of the Middle Aterno basin (2009 L’Aquila earthquake, Central Italy) using ground TDEM and seismic noise surveys: preliminary results

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    We present preliminary results from a multidisciplinary geophysical approach applied to the imaging of the threedimensional architecture of the Middle Aterno basin, close to the epicentral area of the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake (central Italy). We collected several time domain electromagnetic soundings (TDEM) coupled with seismic noise measurements focusing on the characterization of the bedrock/infill interface. Our preliminary results agree with existing geophysical data collected in the area, and show that the southeastern portion of the basin is characterized by a deepening of the Mesozoic-Tertiary bedrock down to a depth of more than 450 m. We found that a joint use of electromagnetic and seismic methods significantly contributes in obtaining new insights on the 3D geometry of the Middle Aterno basin. Moreover, we believe that our combined approach based on TDEM and noise measurements can be adopted to investigate similar geological settings elsewhere

    Catalogo completo della sequenza sismica di Amatrice-Visso-Norcia (Italia centrale, Bollettino Sismico Italiano 2016-2018)

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    In questo lavoro presentiamo il catalogo completo delle localizzazioni dei terremoti appartenenti alla più importante sequenza sismica avvenuta in Italia negli ultimi 30 anni, ovvero la sequenza sismica di Amatrice-Visso-Norcia (AVN) iniziata il 24 Agosto del 2016 in Appennino centrale. Si tratta di 102582 eventi sismici registrati dalle 129 stazioni della Rete Sismica Nazionale (RSN, http://doi.org/10.13127/SD/X0FXNH7QFY) e della rete temporanea installata nella regione epicentrale (Moretti et al., 2016), dal 14 agosto 2016 al 31 agosto 2018 e analizzati manualmente dagli analisti del Bollettino Sismico Italiano (BSI, http://cnt.rm.ingv.it/bsi). Le fasi P ed S e le ampiezze di questi terremoti, stimate in tempo reale nella sala di sorveglianza dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) di Roma, sono state successivamente riviste in dettaglio, per tutti gli eventi di M≽ 2.3, con l’intento di aumentare la qualità dei parametri di localizzazione e della stima della magnitudo. Gli analisti hanno inoltre inserito le fasi P ed S osservate a quelle stazioni che il sistema di acquisizione non aveva eventualmente incluso nelle soluzioni automatiche in real-time. Per i primi mesi della sequenza l'analisi ha riguardato anche l’integrazione delle registrazioni di 9 stazioni temporanee standalone che non entravano automaticamente nelle localizzazioni della sala sismica; per i giorni nei quali si sono verificati gli eventi di M≽ 5.5 la revisione è stata particolarmente accurata anche per eventi di magnitudo inferiore a 2.3 (Improta et al. 2019) Il dataset così costruito consiste in 25496 terremoti rivisti dagli analisti del bollettino (versione 1000) e 77426 eventi elaborati dai turnisti in sala sismica (versione 100). Le 1705987 fasi P che ne sono derivate, e le 1271757 fasi S, sono disponibili nel database ISIDe (DOI: 10.13127/ISIDe). Tutte le letture dei tempi di arrivo sono state utilizzate per localizzare gli ipocentri della sequenza utilizzando il codice di inversione non lineare NonLinLoc (NLL, Lomax et al., 2001): l’utilizzo di questa tecnica ha migliorato, rispetto ai lavori precedenti, la stima dei parametri ipocentrali fornendo delle soluzioni più robuste ai fini della ricostruzione sismotettonica dell’area interessata dalla sequenza sismica AVN. Rispetto ai dati forniti in tempo reale dal personale in servizio di sorveglianza sismica dell’INGV, questo nuovo catalogo presenta un notevole miglioramento in termini di omogeneità della stima della ML, almeno nel range definito dalla soglia inferiore di revisione pari a ML≽ 2.3. Questa maggiore omogeneità del catalogo permetterà ulteriori analisi per la stima della Mc (Magnitudo di completezza). Inoltre, all’interno del catalogo sono presenti 75 terremoti con ML≽4.0: per 47 di questi eventi sismici abbiamo calcolato il meccanismo focale a partire dalle prime polarità utilizzando il codice FPFIT (Reasenberg and Oppenheimer, 1985). Un catalogo di questo tipo, di alta qualità, basato quindi su un imponente numero di fasi e ampiezze riviste manualmente, ha una particolare importanza e può essere un valido riferimento per l’applicazione per esempio di tecniche di detection basate sulla crosscorrelazione di registrazioni di terremoti templates, per la validazione di cataloghi composti da letture automatiche dei tempi di arrivo, o anche per l’ottimizzazione di algoritmi di picking automatici. La qualità delle localizzazioni dei mainshocks e degli aftershocks della sequenza sismica AVN diventa fondamentale per capire l'analisi dell'evoluzione spazio-temporale della sismicità, anche di bassa magnitudo, e le complesse geometrie delle faglie attivate durante la sequenza sismica, contestualmente alle relazioni tra esse esistenti.PublishedRoma - Italia4IT. Banche dat

    Bollettino Sismico Italiano: Analisys of Early Aftershocks of the 2016 MW 6.0 Amatrice, MW 5.9 Visso and MW 6.5 Norcia earthquakes in Central Italy

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    The Amatrice-Visso-Norcia seismic sequence is the most important of the last 30 years in Italy. The seismic sequence started on 24 August, 2016 and still is ongoing in central Apennines. At the end of February 2017 more than 57,000 events were located, 80,000 events up to the end of September 2017 (Fig. 1). The mainshocks of the sequence occurred on 24 August 2016 (Mw 6.0 and Mw 5.4), 26 October 2016 (Mw 5.4 and Mw 5.9), 30 October 2016 (Mw 6.5), 18 January 2017 (four earthquakes Mw≥ 5.0). In this seismic sequence, all the waveforms recorded by temporary stations deployed by the SISMIKO emergency group (stations T12**; Moretti et al., 2016) where available in real- time at the surveillance room of INGV. Because of the high level of seismicity and the dense seismic network installed in the region, more than 150 events per day were located at the end of February 2017; still 60 events per day were located up to the end of August 2017.The Amatrice-Visso-Norcia is the most important seismic sequence since 2015, the time when the analysis procedures of the BSI group (Bollettino Sismico Italiano) were revised (Nardi et al., 2015). BSI is now available every four months on the web: bulletins contain revised earthquakes (location and magnitude) with ML≥ 1.5, quasi-real time revision of ML≥ 3.5 earthquakes and phase arrivals from waveforms recorded on seismic stations available from the European Integrated Data Archive (EIDA), (Mazza et al., 2012). These last procedures allow the integration of signals from temporary seismic stations (Moretti et al., 2014) installed by the emergency group SISMIKO (Moretti and Sismiko working group, 2016), even when they are not in real time transmission, if they are rapidly archived in EIDA, together with real time signals from the seismic stations of the permanent INGV network. The analysis strategy of the BSI group for the Amatrice -Visso - Norcia seismic sequence (AVN.s.s in the following) was to select the earthquakes located in the box with min/max latitude: 42.2/43.2 - and min/max longitude: 12.4/14.1 to prepare a special volume of BSI on the seismic sequence.PublishedTrieste, Italy1SR. TERREMOTI - Servizi e ricerca per la Societ

    Rapporto Sulle AttivitĂ  Svolte Dal Gruppo Bollettino Sismico Italiano A Seguito Della Sequenza Sismica Del Centro Italia 2016-2017 Nel Periodo Tra Il 23-9-2016 Ed Il 16-01-2017

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    La sequenza sismica del centro Italia, successivamente al terremoto di Amatrice di fine agosto, è stata caratterizzata da altri forti terremoti alla fine del mese di ottobre 2016. Il 26 ottobre due eventi di Mw 5.4 e 5.9 hanno interessato l’area posta al confine Marche-Umbria tra i Comuni di Castelsantangelo sul Nera (MC), Norcia (PG) e Arquata del Tronto (AP). La mattina del 30 ottobre un terremoto di Mw 6.5 con epicentro non lontano da Norcia ha interessato l’intera area già profondamente colpita dalla sequenza; questo è stato il più forte terremoto registrato negli ultimi 30 in Italia. A 5 mesi dall’inizio dell’emergenza sismica, il Bollettino Sismico Italiano ha portato a termine la revisione di tutti gli eventi con ML≥ 3.5: parte di questi (insieme alla revisione delle ore che hanno seguito il primo mainshock) sono stati oggetto del primo report (3 ottobre 2016) e del lavoro Marchetti et al. (2016), un’altra parte degli eventi “forti” è stata pubblicata il 17 novembre in ISIDe e nella pagina CNT.ingv.it (insieme anche alla revisione delle prime ore del 30 ottobre, fino alle 7:30 UTC) con relativo comunicato fatto dal funzionario INGV. I restanti eventi già rivisti dagli analisti del BSI sono elencati in questo report e saranno pubbicati a fine gennaio. Gli eventi rivisti integrano all’interno del BSI tutte le stazioni i cui dati sono archiviati nello European Integrated Data Archive, cioè oltre alle stazioni delle varie reti permanenti che costituiscono la Rete Sismica Nazionale Italiana vengono integrate le stazioni delle reti permanenti presenti nelle Marche e le stazioni temporanee installate dal gruppo di emergenza SISMIKO, le cui registrazioni vengono archiviate in EIDA, in tempi brevi, insieme alle stazioni trasmesse in real-time. Durante la sequenza molti degli analisti del BSI sono stati impegnati a coprire la turnazione prevista per lo svolgimento del servizio di sorveglianza nella sala sismica dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) di Roma e in DICOMAC; questa esigenza non ha consentito di procedere rapidamente nella revisione dell’intera sequenza ma grazie al supporto di personale INGV generalmente non impiegato nel BSI si sta organizzando la revisione della stessa che sarà realizzata nel corso del 2017. A partire dal 23 settembre 2016 (facendo quindi riferimento all’ultimo report del BSI) fini al 16 gennaio 2017 sono stati analizzati e ricontrollati 221 eventi in generale di magnitudo ML≥ 3.5 (con qualche eccezione...INGV DPCPublished1SR. TERREMOTI - Servizi e ricerca per la Societ