77 research outputs found
Sosyal medyada işveren markalaşması: bankacılık sektöründe karşılaştırmalı bir analiz
xvii, 203 sayfa29 cm. 1 CDÖZETMarkalar veya şirketler icin rekabet sadece piyasadaki urun ve hizmetlerindedeğil, aynı zamanda da, bu urun ve hizmetlerin uretilmesine katkı sağlayan mevcut ve potansiyel calışanlarının yer aldığı sosyal medya mecralarında da gercekleşmektedir. Gunumuzun dijitalleşen dunyasında her şeyin sayılabilir hale gelmesi durumu cok buyuk miktarda verinin ortaya cıkmasına neden olmaktadır. Yığınlar halinde bulunan veri ve onun anlamlandırılarak analiz edilmesi, markalar icin hedef kitlelerini anlama ve ona gore işveren markaları kapsamında sosyal medya yonetim stratejileri geliştirmeleri konusu her gecen gun daha da onem kazanmaktadır. Cunku bir markanın sosyal medyadaki başarısı gunun sonunda takipcileriyle girdiği etkileşim kadarolmasından dolayı, şirketlerin veya markaların mevcut ve potansiyel takipcilerinin ilgi ve isteklerine gore sosyal medyadaki işveren markalaşmaları kapsamında icerik uretimiyle etkileşim sağlanabilecek olması durumu ancak elde edilen verilerin doğru bir şekilde analiz edilmesiyle gercekleşebilecektir.ABSTRACTCompetition for brands or companies does not only occur in their goods and services, it occurs in social media which are used by the existing and potential employees contributing to produce those goods and services as well. The condition on being countable of almost everything in today’s digitalized world causes to emerge huge amount of data. Analyzing and interpreting of mass data are significant day by day for brands or companies to understand their target audiences and create social media strategies in the context of employer brand. Because success of a brand in social media depending on engagement with its own followers, social media contents in the context of employer branding can be produced with respect to interests of existing and potential followers only if a brand analyze data correctly
Ömer-Gecek (Afyonkarahisar) jeotermal sahası rezervuar kayaçlarının mineropetrografik ve jeokimyasal özellikleri
The most important elements of the geothermal system are fluid, reservoir-cover rock, heat source,
and fault lines. In geothermal basins, it is necessary to have a reservoir rock of sufficient thickness with
high porosity and permeability. This study aims to determine the mineralogic-petrographic and
geochemical features of the marbles, which are the reservoir rocks of Omer-Gecek geothermal region.
In this scope, the samples taken from both the outcrops and the geothermal drillings made in the region
were investigated and the possible effects of water-rock interaction were determined. There are low
and medium temperature (45-128ºC) fluids produced from Omer-Gecek region, the most important
geothermal field in Afyonkarahisar (Western Turkey). Afyon metamorphics, which are composed of
Bayramgazi schists and Oyuklu Tepe marbles, are the basement rocks of the study area and the marble
lenses/bands form the reservoir rock. As a result of the analyses, it has been determined that the
samples are mainly composed of calcite and dolomite minerals, and these minerals are accompanied
by quartz and mica minerals with secondary minerals and kaolinite minerals as alteration minerals. The
granoblastic textured outcrop marble samples gained breccia texture due to alteration and secondary
manganese and iron-rich solutions were deposited into the pores and micro-cracks. According to the
geochemical analysis results, while the CaO is the most important component in outcrop samples, it is
significantly depleted in drilling samples, while MgO, Al2O3, and SiO2 levels are enriched.Jeotermal sistemin en önemli elemanlarını akışkan, rezervuar kayaç, örtü-ısıtıcı kayaç ve fay hatları
oluşturmaktadır. Jeotermal havzalarda her şeyden önce yüksek porozite ve permeabiliteye sahip olan
yeterli kalınlıkta rezervuar kayacın bulunması zorunludur. Bu çalışmanın amacı Ömer-Gecek jeotermal
bölgesinin rezervuar kayacı olan mermerlerin mineralojik-petrografik ve jeokimyasal özelliklerinin
belirlenmesidir. Bu kapsamda hem mostra yüzeylerinden, hem de bölgede yapılmış olan jeotermal
sondajlardan alınan kırıntı numuneler üzerinde incelemeler yapılarak, su-kayaç etkileşiminin muhtemel
etkileri belirlenmiştir. Afyonkarahisar ilindeki en önemli jeotermal saha olan Ömer-Gecek bölgesinden
düşük ve orta sıcaklıkta (45-128ºC) akışkan üretilmektedir. Bayramgazi şistleri ve Oyuklu Tepe
mermerlerinden oluşan Afyon metamorfikleri inceleme alanının temel kayaçları olmakla birlikte, bu istif
içerisinde yer alan mermer mercek ve bantları akışkanların ana rezervuarını oluşturmaktadır. Yaptırılan
analizler sonucunda örneklerin başlıca kalsit ve dolomit minerallerinden oluştuğu, bu minerallere tali
oranda kuvars ve mika mineralleri ile alterasyon minerali olarak kaolinit mineralinin eşlik ettiği
görülmektedir. Makroskobik olarak şekerimsi doku gösteren mermerler alterasyonun etkisiyle breşik
yapı kazanmış ve sekonder mangan ve demir bakımından zengin eriyikler kayaç içindeki boşluk ve mikro
çatlaklara yerleşmiştir. Jeokimyasal sonuçlara göre, mostra örneklerinde CaO kimyasal bileşimindeki en
önemli bileşen olarak göze çarpmakta iken kırıntı örneklerde CaO önemli derecede azalmakta ve MgO,
Al2O3 ve SiO2 miktarlarında artış gözlenmektedir
Smart Control Systems And Energy Saving Applications For Outdoor Lighting in Example Of Public Parks And Organized Industrial Zones
Kamu aydınlatması enerji kullanımının büyük bir bölümünü oluşturduğu için akıllı aydınlatma kontrol sistemleri, kent parkları ve organize sanayi bölgelerinde akıllı şehre ulaşmanın ve enerji tasarrufu elde etmenin en önemli adımıdır. Bu bildiride kent parkları ve organize sanayi bölgeleri için akıllı şehir aydınlatmasına ve uygulamalarına odaklanılmış ve mevcut altyapıya kolaylıkla uygulanabilen bir akıllı sokak aydınlatması kontrol sistemi önerilmiştir. Sonuçlar göstermektedir ki, akıllı şehir aydınlatma sistemi kullanıldığı zaman esnek olmayan ve ön tanımlı davranışa sahip sistemlere nazaran %50-60’a yakın enerji tasarrufu sağlanmaktadır.
Smart lighting control systems are the most important step for public parks and organized industrial zones to achive smart city and energy savings since public lighting system is one of the largest part of the energy usage. In this paper we focus on smart city lighting and its applications for public parks and organized industrial zones and propose an intelligent street lighting control system which can be easily implemented on existing infrastructure. The results reveal energy savings close to 50-60% when the smart city lighting control system is implemented as opposed to a rigid, predefined behaviors and system
Relieving the burden of intensive labeling for stress monitoring in the wild by using semi-supervised learning
Stress, a natural process affecting individuals' wellbeing, has a profound impact on overall quality of life. Researchers from diverse fields employ various technologies and methodologies to investigate it and alleviate the negative effects of this phenomenon. Wearable devices, such as smart bands, capture physiological data, including heart rate variability, motions, and electrodermal activity, enabling stress level monitoring through machine learning models. However, labeling data for model accuracy assessment poses a significant challenge in stress-related research due to incomplete or inaccurate labels provided by individuals in their daily lives. To address this labeling predicament, our study proposes implementing Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) models. Through comparisons with deep learning-based supervised models and clustering-based unsupervised models, we evaluate the performance of our SSL models. Our experiments show that our SSL models achieve 77% accuracy with a classifier trained on an augmented dataset prepared using the label propagation (LP) algorithm. Additionally, our deep autoencoder network achieves 76% accuracy. These results highlight the superiority of SSL models over unsupervised learning techniques and their comparable performance to supervised learning models, even with limited labeled data. By relieving the burden of labeling in daily life stress recognition, our study advances stress-related research, recognizing stress as a natural process rather than a disease. This facilitates the development of more efficient and accurate stress monitoring methods in the wild
Bayatcık jeotermal sahasında (Afyonkarahisar) yer alan bayatcık-1 kuyusunun jeolojisi ve alterasyon mineralojisi
Bayatçık geothermal field is located 7 km northwest of the Afyonkarahisar. The aim of this study is to determine the borehole geology and hydrothermal alteration mineralogy of Bayatçik-1 well, was drilled in 2013. The well is 925 meters deep. The types of rock that were encountered in this well were alluvium, volcanic and sedimentary sections of the Köprülü volcanosedimanter sequence, basal conglomerate, marble and schist sections. The cover rocks of the geothermal system consisting of volcanic and sedimentary rocks were drilled in the first 528m. Basal conglomerate was observed in 528- 558 m level. Marble unit (Mrb1), which is the reservoir rock of the geothermal system at depths of 558- 574 m, micaschist (Sch1) between 574-622 m, marble-2 between 622-746 m (Mrb2), micaschist-2 (Sch2) between 746-830 m, marble-3 between 830-890 m (Mrb3) and finally at depths of 890-920 m is a schist unit which acts as the impermeable basement rock of the system. The analyzes such as stereo and polarizing light microscope, x-ray diffractometer (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were applied to the clastic samples taken at 2m intervals from Bayatçik-1 well. The result of the study is aimed to reveal the development of the geothermal system in the Bayatcık region by the differences in the hydrothermal alteration mineralogy of the samples. In the study, mineralogical-petrographical data were obtained with the presence of smectite, illite and kaolinite minerals formed at a temperature lower than 200oC.Bayatçık jeotermal sahası Afyonkarahisar ilinin 7 km kuzeybatısında yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı 2013 yılında açılan Bayatçik-1 kuyusunun kuyu içi jeolojisi ve hidrotermal alterasyon mineralojisini belirlemektir. 925 metre derinliğindeki sondaj boyunca; Köprülü volkanosedimanter istifinin alüvyon, volkanik ve sedimanter kısımları ile taban konglomerası, mermer ve şist birimleri kesilmiştir. İlk 528 m'de jeotermal sistemin örtü kayaları olan volkanik ve sedimanter kayalar, 528-558 m’lerde taban konglomerası, 558-574 m derinlikte Jeotermal sistemin rezervuar kayası olan mermer (Mrb1), 574-622 m arasında mikasşist (Sch1), 622-746 m arasında mermer-2 (Mrb2), 746-830 m arasında mikaşist-2 (Sch2), 830-890 m arasında mermer-3 (Mrb3) ve son olarak 890-920 m derinliklerde sistemin geçirimsiz temel kayası olan şist birimleri geçilmiştir. Bayatcık-1 kuyusundan 2m aralıklarla alınan klastik örneklere stereo ve polarize mikroskop, x-ışını difraktometre (XRD) ve tarama elektron mikroskobu (SEM) gibi analizler uygulanarak, Bayatcık bölgesindeki jeotermal sistemin gelişimini örneklerin hidrotermal alterasyon mineralojisindeki farklılıklar ile ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada 200oC’den düşük sıcaklıkta oluşan simektit, illit ve kaolinit minerallerinin varlığıyla ilgili mineralojik-petrografik verilere ulaşılmıştır
Large-scale orientational order in bacterial colonies during inward growth
During colony growth, complex interactions regulate the bacterial
orientation, leading to the formation of large-scale ordered structures,
including topological defects and microdomains. These structures may benefit
bacterial strains, providing invasive advantages during colonization. Active
matter dynamics of growing colonies drives the emergence of these ordered
structures. However, additional biomechanical factors also play a significant
role during this process. Here we show that the velocity profile of growing
colonies creates strong radial orientation during inward growth when crowded
populations invade a closed area. During this process, growth geometry sets
virtual confinement and dictates the velocity profile. Herein, flow-induced
alignment and torque balance on the rod-shaped bacteria significantly differed,
resulting in new stable orientational equilibrium in the radial direction. Our
analysis revealed that the dynamics of these orientational defects depend on
bacterial length and can promote the survival of the longest bacteria around
localized nutritional hot spots. The present results indicate a new mechanism
underlying structural order and provide mechanistic insights into the dynamics
of bacterial growth on complex surfaces
Intraosseous Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of the Jaw: Report of Three Cases
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) is the most common malignant tumor of the salivary glands and is seen most commonly in the parotid gland. Intraosseous MECs can be rarely seen and is mostly detected in the posterior part of the mandible. This condition can be acknowledged as an entity different from salivary gland MECs. In this case series, we delineated three patients of intraosseous MEC, two mandible tumors and one maxillary tumor and discussed the diagnostic characteristics and treatment methods of this rare entity
Comparison of radon concentrations in soil gas and indoor environment of Afyonkarahisar province
It is well known that radon is the main source of natural radiation exposure to the population. Indoor radon concentrations in an area are affected by ascending radon migration following the convection of groundwater and soil gas along fractures and faults in the bedrock sediments. There are various studies showing that positive radon anomalies in the soil gas are found to coincide with the locations of houses showing the highest concentrations. Moreover, soil gas radon levels and soil permeability are important factors in determining the radon potential of an area, because high permeability enables the increased migration of radon from the soil into houses. Since radon in homes originates mainly from soil gas radon, it is of public interest to study the correlation between soil gas radon and indoor radon in different geographic locations. In the present work, a correlation study was carried in conjunction with radon concentrations in soil gas and indoor environment of Afyonkarahisar Province. The provincial center was assumed to be divided into four regions according to the rock types and tectonic structure to show also the geological structure effect on radon concentrations. The indoor radon concentrations were measured in 74 dwellings using CR-39 passive nuclear track detectors, and the radon concentrations in soil gas were determined in 243 drilled holes using AlphaGUARD detector. The correlation coefficient of 0.97 was obtained between radon concentrations in soil gas and indoor environment of Afyonkarahisar Province.Turkish Atomic Energy Authority
Afyon Kocatepe University Science Research Projects Coordination Uni
Outcomes of high-risk breast lesions diagnosed using image-guided core needle biopsy: results from a multicenter retrospective study
PURPOSEThe clinical management of high-risk lesions using image-guided biopsy is challenging. This study aimed to evaluate the rates at which such lesions were upgraded to malignancy and identify possible predictive factors for upgrading high-risk lesions.METHODSThis retrospective multicenter analysis included 1.343 patients diagnosed with high-risk lesions using an image-guided core needle or vacuum-assisted biopsy (VAB). Only patients managed using an excisional biopsy or with at least one year of documented radiological follow-up were included. For each, the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) category, number of samples, needle thickness, and lesion size were correlated with malignancy upgrade rates in different histologic subtypes. Pearson’s chi-squared test, the Fisher–Freeman–Halton test, and Fisher’s exact test were used for the statistical analyses.RESULTSThe overall upgrade rate was 20.6%, with the highest rates in the subtypes of intraductal papilloma (IP) with atypia (44.7%; 55/123), followed by atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) (38.4%; 144/375), lobular neoplasia (LN) (12.7%; 7/55), papilloma without atypia (9.4%; 58/611), flat epithelial atypia (FEA) (8.7%; 10/114), and radial scars (RSs) (4.6%; 3/65). There was a significant relationship between the upgrade rate and BI-RADS category, number of samples, and lesion size Lesion size was the most predictive factor for an upgrade in all subtypes.CONCLUSIONADH and atypical IP showed considerable upgrade rates to malignancy, requiring surgical excision. The LN, IP without atypia, pure FEA, and RS subtypes showed lower malignancy rates when the BI-RADS category was lower and in smaller lesions that had been adequately sampled using VAB. After being discussed in a multidisciplinary meeting, these cases could be managed with follow-up instead of excision
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