13 research outputs found

    Rozwój i zastosowanie teorii psychologicznych we współczesnym doradztwie karier w kontekście integracji transkulturowej

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    Obecnie mamy do czynienia z istotnymi zmianami strukturalnymi na rynku pracy, obejmującymi takie zjawiska, jak: globalizacja, zmiany strukturalne istoty pracy, zastępowanie kwalifikacji przez kompetencje, rozwój karier „bez granic”. Zmiany te prowadzą w mniej znanych kierunkach zarówno ekonomi­kę rynków pracy, jak i samą pracę. W ostatnich latach tradycyjne kierunki działań w poradnictwie zawodowym zostały zastąpione przez nowe trendy w pomaganiu ludziom w sprawach zawodowych, rozwojowych i życiowych, które najbardziej syntetycznie oddaje koncepcja doradztwa karier (Bańka, 2003a; Herr i Crame , 1996[...

    Design tożsamości a przystosowanie osobowości zawodowej do płynnej rzeczywistości rynku pracy

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    The article describes popular paradoxes that come together with changes taking place on labour markets, it also presents the outline for operational concepts that can tone down the negative effects of pushing people out of labour markets and enhance the need among ageing societies for preserving or even extending their professional life. The basie thesis, being the axis for the conducted considerations, is that being a part of the dynamie reality of labour markets, people have to be venturesome, i.e. physically and professionally active – especially when at pre-retirement age. The constantly changing professional reality forces people to adjust their professional profiles to it. However, it is necessary to provide external support for these processes. Thus, the present article describes the role of vocational education and career guidance for employment and professional reconversion – especially in terms of mental preparation among people with dying professions.Artykuł przedstawia podstawowe paradoksy, jakie niosą ze sobą trendy zmian na rynkach pracy, a także zarys koncepcji działań, dzięki którym można będzie łagodzić negatywne skutki zachodzących procesów wypierania ludzi z rynku pracy, przy jednoczesnym wzroście potrzeby zachowania, a nawet wydłużania aktywności zawodowej starzejących się społeczeństw. Podstawową tezą stanowiącą oś przeprowadzanych rozważań jest uznanie, że w płynnej rzeczywistości rynku pracy ludzie muszą wykazywać się, szczególnie w wieku przedemerytalnym, dużą mobilnością psychiczną i zawodową, czyli przedsiębiorczością. Zmieniające się realia życia zawodowego narzucają jednostkom konieczność przystosowywania swojej osobowości zawodowej do zmieniającej się rzeczywistości. Niezbędne jest jednak wsparcie zewnętrzne tych procesów. Dlatego w artykule tym omówiono również rolę szkolnictwa zawodowego i doradztwa kariery w promocji zatrudnienia w rekonwersji zawodowej, a w szczególności w przystosowaniu się mentalnym ludzi do zajęć w zawodach recesywnych

    The quality and professionalism of consulting in institution management practice

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    Postwar creations of strangers and estrangement: Notes on the ways to recovery and normalization

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    This paper is an attempt at exploring the phenomenon of creation of strangers and estrangement as post-war trauma effects. It starts with an observation that post-war is a mental state manifesting itself in individuals as estrangement from themselves, environment, other people, and from the very meaning of life. The post-war trauma triggers a tendency for recovery and normalization of life, which, however, never ends. The paper focuses mainly on four aspects. Firstly, critical moments of the evolution of post-war periods in Europe are discussed, starting with the end of war until now. Secondly, the evolution of change in mental moral grammar in specific post-war periods is looked upon. Thirdly, paths to recovery and normalization through the creation of strangers and estrangement in consecutive, critical post-war periods are indicated. Lastly, this paper tries to present the paradoxes of all the periods of the post-war syndrome

    Quality of life at work and everyday life : ecological perspective

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    Decisional procrastination of school-to-work transition: Personality correlates of career indecision

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    Procrastination as putting off until tomorrow what one had intended to do today is well-known tendency in everyday life. In an attempt to understand the character of procrastination in different life-domains, a large body of research has been accumulated over the last decades. This article was aimed to evaluate a specific decisional procrastination of school-to-work transition (SWT) that is treated as maturity postponement. Two studies are reported examining SWT procrastination defined as career indecision among Polish students graduating universities. In Study 1 (N=366), attitudinal and identity statuses were analyzed as correlates of career procrastination. A path analysis conducted for the model, which was aimed to explain the influence of career self-efficacy and occupational commitment on career indecision (dependent variable), revealed its very good fitness (RMSEA=.000). Those two independent variables explain 10% of career indecision variance. Stepwise multiple regression analyses conducted to ascertain relationship of five identity statuses (Brzezińska, Piotrowski, 2010) to procrastination measure (career indecision) showed that Commitment Making and Ruminative Exploration are strongest predictor variables. In study 2 (N=157), the stepwise multiple regression analyses conducted to ascertain the independent relationship of each of Big Five personality factor revealed that Neuroticism and Extraversion accounts of the most of explained variance of school-to-work transition procrastination

    The structure of the teacher Machiavellianism model in social interactions in a school environment

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    The aim of this article is to present study results concerning the structure of teacher Machiavellianism. Machiavellianism was researched extensively throughout the last 40 years as a personality feature comprising traits related to leadership manipulation tactics. Psychology describes Machiavellianism as a part of the universal model called “the dark triad of personality” alongside with subclinical narcissism, subclinical psychopathy and low empathy. The teacher Machiavellianism model presented in this article, as opposed to the universal models, strongly accentuates the context-specifi c variables related to the organization of life in a school, alongside with personality variables. To achieve a new insight into the mechanism of how teacher Machiavellianism is generated, structural equation modeling (SEM) was used, which incorporates personality variables such as: self-effi cacy, disposition for gratitude, values, one’s personal resources, professional burnout, alongside context-specifi c variables like: organizational culture, work attitude, tenure and specialization in the tasks performed. Results of two studies are shown, discussing the empirical structure of teacher Machiavellianism components in relation to the initial theoretical model