239 research outputs found

    Zoneamento agroecológico para a região de Ribeirão Preto utilizando um sistema de informações geográficas.

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    Objetivando contribuir com a metodologia de identificação de potencialidades de uso das terras, este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de zoneamento agroecológico da quadrícula de Ribeirão Preto, SP, localizada entre as coordenadas de 21o00'S a 21o30'S e 47o30'W a 48o00'W, com base em características de solo, relevo e clima, utilizando-se de um Sistema de Informações Geográficas. Para caracterizar o regime térmico-hídrico da área utilizou-se os dados de temperatura do ar e de chuva, de 22 localidades, referentes ao período de 1967 a 1996. De acordo com os critérios adotados, quanto a capacidade de uso das terras, o zoneamento identificou seis unidades de utilização da área: agricultura (I); agricultura (II); agricultura (III); pecuária; agrossilvicultura e preservação. As principais conclusões referentes à área de estudo foram: o regime térmico-hídrico é praticamente homogêneo, a vocação dominante é para agricultura (I) representando aproximadamente 191.118 hectares, correspondentes a 66,3% da área e cerca de 82,5% das terras possuem vocação para agropecuária e 10,4% devem ser preservadas ou utilizadas seguindo técnicas conservacionistas

    The initial dissolution rates of simulated UK Magnox-ThORP blend nuclear waste glass as a function of pH, temperature and waste loading

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    The first comprehensive assessment of the dissolution kinetics of simulant Magnox–ThORP blended UK high-level waste glass, obtained by performing a range of single-pass flow-through experiments, is reported here. Inherent forward rates of glass dissolution were determined over a temperature range of 23 to 70°C and an alkaline pH range of 8.0 to 12.0. Linear regression techniques were applied to the TST kinetic rate law to obtain fundamental parameters necessary to model the dissolution kinetics of UK high-level waste glass (the activation energy (E a), pH power law coefficient (η) and the intrinsic rate constant (k0)), which is of importance to the post-closure safety case for the geological disposal of vitreous products. The activation energies based on B release ranged from 55 ± 3 to 83 ± 9 kJ mol–1, indicating that Magnox–THORP blend glass dissolution has a surface-controlled mechanism, similar to that of other high-level waste simulant glass compositions such as the French SON68 and LAW in the US. Forward dissolution rates, based on Si, B and Na release, suggested that the dissolution mechanism under dilute conditions, and pH and temperature ranges of this study, was not sensitive to composition as defined by HLW-incorporation rate

    Extent and Causes of Chesapeake Bay Warming

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    Coastal environments such as the Chesapeake Bay have long been impacted by eutrophication stressors resulting from human activities, and these impacts are now being compounded by global warming trends. However, there are few studies documenting long-term estuarine temperature change and the relative contributions of rivers, the atmosphere, and the ocean. In this study, Chesapeake Bay warming, since 1985, is quantified using a combination of cruise observations and model outputs, and the relative contributions to that warming are estimated via numerical sensitivity experiments with a watershed–estuarine modeling system. Throughout the Bay’s main stem, similar warming rates are found at the surface and bottom between the late 1980s and late 2010s (0.02 +/- 0.02C/year, mean +/- 1 standard error), with elevated summer rates (0.04 +/- 0.01C/year) and lower rates of winter warming (0.01 +/- 0.01C/year). Most (~85%) of this estuarine warming is driven by atmospheric effects. The secondary influence of ocean warming increases with proximity to the Bay mouth, where it accounts for more than half of summer warming in bottom waters. Sea level rise has slightly reduced summer warming, and the influence of riverine warming has been limited to the heads of tidal tributaries. Future rates of warming in Chesapeake Bay will depend not only on global atmospheric trends, but also on regional circulation patterns in mid-Atlantic waters, which are currently warming faster than the atmosphere. Supporting model data available at: https://doi.org/10.25773/c774-a36