28,616 research outputs found

    Sharp asymptotics for metastability in the random field Curie-Weiss model

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    In this paper we study the metastable behavior of one of the simplest disordered spin system, the random field Curie-Weiss model. We will show how the potential theoretic approach can be used to prove sharp estimates on capacities and metastable exit times also in the case when the distribution of the random field is continuous. Previous work was restricted to the case when the random field takes only finitely many values, which allowed the reduction to a finite dimensional problem using lumping techniques. Here we produce the first genuine sharp estimates in a context where entropy is important.Comment: 56 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum fields are not fields. Comment on "There are no particles, there are only fields," by Art Hobson [Am. J. Phys. 81(3), 211-223 (2013)]

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    We comment on a recent paper by Hobson, explaining that quantum "fields" are no more fields than quantum "particles" are particles, so that the replacement of a particle ontology by an all-field ontology cannot solve the typical interpretational problems of quantum mechanics.Comment: To appear in the Am. J. Phys., with a response from the autho

    Probing Fuzzballs with Particles, Waves and Strings

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    We probe D1D5 micro-state geometries with massless particles, waves and strings. To this end, we study geodetic motion, Klein-Gordon equation and string scattering in the resulting gravitational background. Due to the reduced rotational symmetry, even in the simple case of a circular fuzzball, the system cannot be integrated elementarily. Yet, for motion in the plane of the string profile or in the orthogonal plane to it, one can compute the deflection angle or the phase shift and identify the critical impact parameter, at which even a massless probe is captured by the fuzzball if its internal momentum is properly tuned. We find agreement among the three approaches, thus giving further support to the fuzzball proposal at the dynamical level.Comment: 35 pages. Extended and improved discussions on the integrability of the geodetic equations and on the critical impact parameter

    Identifying short motifs by means of extreme value analysis

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    The problem of detecting a binding site -- a substring of DNA where transcription factors attach -- on a long DNA sequence requires the recognition of a small pattern in a large background. For short binding sites, the matching probability can display large fluctuations from one putative binding site to another. Here we use a self-consistent statistical procedure that accounts correctly for the large deviations of the matching probability to predict the location of short binding sites. We apply it in two distinct situations: (a) the detection of the binding sites for three specific transcription factors on a set of 134 estrogen-regulated genes; (b) the identification, in a set of 138 possible transcription factors, of the ones binding a specific set of nine genes. In both instances, experimental findings are reproduced (when available) and the number of false positives is significantly reduced with respect to the other methods commonly employed.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    A perturbative re-analysis of N=4 supersymmetric Yang--Mills theory

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    The finiteness properties of the N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory are reanalyzed both in the component formulation and using N=1 superfields, in order to discuss some subtleties that emerge in the computation of gauge dependent quantities. The one-loop corrections to various Green functions of elementary fields are calculated. In the component formulation it is shown that the choice of the Wess-Zumino gauge, that is standard in supersymmetric gauge theories, introduces ultraviolet divergences in the propagators at the one-loop level. Such divergences are exactly cancelled when the contributions of the fields that are put to zero in the Wess-Zumino gauge are taken into account. In the description in terms of N=1 superfields infrared divergences are found for every choice of gauge different from the supersymmetric generalization of the Fermi-Feynman gauge. Two-, three- and four-point functions of N=1 superfields are computed and some general features of the infrared problem are discussed. We also examine the effect of the introduction of mass terms for the (anti) chiral superfields in the theory, which break supersymmetry from N=4 to N=1. It is shown that in the mass deformed model no ultraviolet divergences appear in two-point functions. It argued that this result can be generalized to n-point functions, supporting the proposal of a possible of use of this modified model as a supersymmetry-preserving regularization scheme for N=1 theories.Comment: 41 pages, LaTeX2e, uses feynMP package to draw Feynman diagram

    Precision Spectroscopy and Higher Spin symmetry in the ABJM model

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    We revisit Kaluza-Klein compactification of 11-d supergravity on S^7/Z_k using group theory techniques that may find application in other flux vacua with internal coset spaces. Among the SO(2) neutral states, we identify marginal deformations and fields that couple to the recently discussed world-sheet instanton of Type IIA on CP^3. We also discuss charged states, dual to monopole operators, and the Z_k projection of the Osp(4|8) singleton and its tensor products. In particular, we show that the doubleton spectrum may account for N=6 higher spin symmetry enhancement in the limit of vanishing 't Hooft coupling in the boundary Chern-Simons theory.Comment: 44 page

    Sewing Constraints and Non-Orientable Open Strings

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    We extend to non-orientable surfaces previous work on sewing constraints in Conformal Field Theory. A new constraint, related to the real projective plane, is described and is used to illustrate the correspondence with a previous construction of open-string spectra.Comment: phyzzx, 11 pages and 4 figures, ROM2F-93/3
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