192 research outputs found

    Changes in the cerebellar cytoarchitecture of hibernating hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus L. (Mammalia): an immunocytochemical approach

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    Hibernation is an amazing animal strategy to survive when the environmental temperature is very low and food resources are scarce. Successful hibernation requires a variety of complex biological adaptations, in which the brain plays a central regulatory role. Currently, little information is available regarding the morphology and functional activity of specific neurons within the cerebellar cytoarchitecture of hibernating animals. In the present study, we investigated the immunohistochemical expression of essential proteins in the cerebellum of a mammalian hibernator (i.e. hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus L.), focusing on (i) Purkinje neurons, the sole output cells of the cerebellar cortex; (ii) selected neurotransmitters involved in hibernation processes; (iii) intracellular calcium homeostasis, considering that calcium is also an important regulator of neurotransmission mechanisms; and (iv) cytoskeletal proteins, involved in maintenance of neuronal shape and axon calibre. Specifically, we studied in situ immunocytochemical changes during the torpor state of hibernation (November–March) versus the activity phase (April–September). We employed different selected markers, i.e. glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD67) and postsynaptic glutamate ionotropic receptor GluR2-3, different calcium-binding proteins (i.e. calbindin, parvalbumin and calretinin) and cytoskeletal components (i.e. pNF-H and MAP2). In summary, our data in hibernating animals demonstrated: (i) downregulation of GAD67, indicating loss/changes of synaptic contacts on Purkinje somata and dendrites; (ii) GluR2-3 upregulation in Purkinje neurons, with a drastic decrease of calbindin expression; and (iii) decrease of normal mechanisms regulating intracellular calcium homeostasis. We also found a decrease/modification in the distribution of cytoskeletal proteins, particularly evident for pNF-H. Changes in the functional activity of Purkinje cells were accompanied by some morphological dendrite alterations, signs of degeneration in cell somata and flattened basket pinceaux at the Purkinje axon hillock. These findings confirm that hibernation makes heterothermic animals a valuable model to study physiological adaptations to adverse conditions, and also for understanding cellular and molecular mechanisms aimed at preserving mammalian organs from full degeneration and death

    Developing Central Nervous System and Vulnerability to Platinum Compounds

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    Comparative studies on the effects of the platinum complexes in use or in clinical trials are carried out in order to discover differences in the neurotoxic potential and the reversibility of neurotoxicity. In this paper, we summarized the current literature on neurotoxicity and chemoresistance of cisplatin (cisPt) and discussed our recent efforts on the interference of cisPt and a new platinum compound [Pt(O,O′-acac)(γ-acac)(DMS)] (PtAcacDMS), with high specific reactivity with sulphur ligands instead of nucleobases as cisPt, on some crucial events of rat postnatal cerebellum development. The acute effects of drug treatments on cell proliferation and death in the external granular layer and granule cell migration and the late effects on the dendrite growth of Purkinje cells were evaluated. Together with the demonstrated antineoplastic effectiveness in vitro, compared with cisPt, data suggest a lower neurotoxicity of PtAcacDMS, in spite of its presence in the brain that involves considerations on the blood brain barrier permeability

    Updates on the CDK4/6 inhibitory strategy and combinations in breast cancer

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    Breast Cancer (BC) is the second most common type of cancer worldwide and displays the highest cancer-related mortality among women worldwide. Targeted therapies have revolutionized the way BC has been treated in recent decades, improving the life expectancies of millions of women. Among the different molecular pathways that have been of interest for the development of targeted therapies are the Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDK). CDK inhibitors are a class of molecules that already exist in nature and those belonging to the Cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors family INK4 that specifically inhibit CDK4/6 proteins. CDK4/6 inhibitors specifically block the transition from the G1 to the S phase of the cell cycle by dephosphorylation of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein. In the past four years, the CDK4/6 inhibitors, palbociclib, ribociclib, and abemaciclib, received their first FDA approval for the treatment of Hormone Receptor (HR)-positive and Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor 2 (HER2)-negative breast cancer after showing significant improvements in progression-free survival in the PALOMA-1, MONALEESA-2 and the MONARCH-2 randomized clinical trials, respectively. After the encouraging results from these clinical trials, CDK4/6 inhibitors have also been investigated in other BC subtypes. In HER2-positive BC, a combination of CDK4/6 inhibitors with HER2-targeted therapies showed promise in preclinical studies and their clinical evaluation is ongoing. Moreover, in triple-negative BC, the efficacy of CDK4/6 inhibitors has been investigated in combination with other targeted therapies or immunotherapies. This review summarizes the molecular background and clinical efficacy of CDK4/6 inhibitors as single agents or in combination with other targeted therapies for the treatment of BC. Future directions for ongoing clinical trials and predictive biomarkers will be further debated

    Nitric oxide synthase-dependent NADPH-diaphorase activity in the optic lobes of male and female Ceratitis capitata mutants

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    Nitric oxide (NO) is acknowledged as a messenger molecule in the nervous system with a pivotal role in the modulation of the chemosensory information. It has been shown to be present in the optic lobes of several insect species. In the present study, we used males and females from four different strains of the medfly Ceratitis capitata (Diptera, Tephritidae): or; or,wp (both orange eyed); w,M360 and w,Heraklion (both white eyed), as models to further clarify the involvement of NO in the mutants' visual system and differences in its activity and localization in the sexes. Comparison of the localization pattern of NO synthase (NOS), through NADPH-diaphorase (NADPHd) staining, in the optic lobes of the four strains, revealed a stronger reaction intensity in the retina and in the neuropile region lamina than in medulla and lobula. Interestingly, the intensity of NADPHd staining differs, at least in some strains, in the optic lobes of the two sexes; all the areas are generally strongly labelled in the males of the or and w,M360 strains, whereas the w,Heraklion and or,wp mutants do not show evident sexdependent NADPHd staining. Taken as a whole, our data point to NO as a likely transmitter candidate in the visual information processes in insects, with a possible correlation among NOS distribution, eye pigmentation and visual function in C. capitata males. Moreover, NO could influence behavioural differences linked to vision in the two sexes

    Diagnosi prenatale di piede torto congenito:importanza dell\u27approccio multidisciplinare.

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    ...Definizione Piede torto: Anomalia strutturale del piede , che risulta da un arresto di sviluppo, che fissa il piede in un atteggiamento che ? proprio del periodo precoce della vita embrionaria, con persistenza dell\u27atteggiamento in equinovaro- supinazione. PREVALENZA 1-3 / 1000 nati M : F 2 : 1 - Bilateralit? 65% cas

    Feasibility and cost-effectiveness of a multidisciplinary home-telehealth intervention programme to reduce falls among elderly discharged from hospital: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Fall incidents are the third cause of chronic disablement in elderly according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Recent meta-analyses shows that a multifactorial falls risk assessment and management programmes are effective in all older population studied. However, the application of these programmes may not be the same in all National health care setting and, consequently, needs to be evaluated by cost-effectiveness studies before to plan this intervention in regular care. In Italy structured collaboration between hospital staff and primary care is generally lacking and the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in a fall prevention programme at home has never been explored