29 research outputs found

    Un algorithme Quasi-Newton dans le domaine fréquentiel pour l'égalisation de transmission en salves

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    Dans ce papier, nous proposons un nouveau type d'égaliseur qui appartient à la famille des algorithmes Quasi-Newton (QN).Nous présentons un Egaliseur Linéaire Transverse et un Egaliseur à Retour de Décisions. Dans le premier cas, le Hessien est approché par un développement en série de matrices de Toeplitz. Cette formulation nous permet de développer un algorithme performant dans le domaine fréquentiel (DF). Cette même approche est utilisée pour l'algorithme d'adaptation du filtre direct de l'ERD. L'algorithme obtenu ainsi offre à la fois les avantages de vitesse de convergence des algorithmes QN et de moindre complexité due à la formulation dans le DF

    Efficient Spatial Image Watermarking via New Perceptual Masking and Blind Detection Schemes

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    A new fast block adaptive algorithm

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    This paper describes a novel efficient algorithm appropriate for adapting filters of long order. The scheme is an exact block processing counterpart of the recently introduced fast Newton transversal filtering algorithm, The filters required by the algorithm blocks are much smaller than the filter length, and the obtained estimates are mathematically equivalent to those of the sample-by-sample version. This leads to a substantial saving in computational complexity without sacrificing performance as well as not having to resort to long processing delays, which limit the performance of the adaptive system

    Efficient Symmetric Algorithms for the Modified Covariance Method for Autoregressive Spectral Analysis

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    A frequency domain conjugate gradient algorithm and its application to channel equalization

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    Publication in the conference proceedings of EUSIPCO, Florence, Italy, 200

    A new adaptive covariance symmetric algorithm and a fast initialization scheme for least squares FIR filters with symmetric impulse response

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    A new fast adaptive algorithm for LS FIR filters with symmetric impulse response is developed. The algorithm has a novel structure and it evolves around symmetrical internal variables. This results in a substantial reduction in computational complexity compared to other already existing schemes. The approximate number of the required multiplications is 14.5p and the number of additions is 16.5p per time recursion with p being the order of the filter. The important task of the algorithm's initialization is also considered and a fast O(p) initializing scheme is developed. © 1989