112 research outputs found

    Análise do perfil proteico durante a evolução da maturação em maçãs cv. Gala.

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo identificar proteínas diferentemente expressas e que sejam diretamente associadas ao processo de amadurecimento

    Differential reactivity of the inner and outer positions of Au25(SCH2CH2Ph)18 dimeric staples under place exchange conditions

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    The kinetic anal. of the place exchange reaction on the neutral Au25(SCH2CH2Ph)\u200b18 cluster by using 4-\u200bfluorobenzylthiol and a series of substituted arylthiols allowed us to establish, for the first time, that the selectivity for the inner and outer positions of the dimeric staples of the cluster can be modulated by using incoming thiols with different structures

    Efeito do 1-Metilciclopropeno no amadurecimento de quivi.

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    O quivi é um fruto extremamente sensível ao etileno. Pequenas concentrações desse fitohormônio causam amadurecimento e amolecimento precoces nesse fruto. O 1-MCP, um inibidor da ação do etileno, vem sendo utilizado para retardar o processo de amadurecimento em diferentes frutos. Esse inibidor bloqueia temporariamente o acesso do etileno aos receptores, inibindo sua ação nos tecidos vegetais. A resposta ao tratamento com 1-MCP depende da dose, espécie, cultivar e do estádio de desenvolvimento em que o produto é aplicado. Diferentes estudos têm sido realizados visando elucidar a ação do 1-MCP em quivis, entretanto, a maioria dos estudos relata o efeito desse inibidor em quivis após o armazenamento em atmosfera refrigerada e controlada, não elucidando o papel do 1-MCP em temperatura ambiente, além disso, os autores não relatam o efeito do gás sobre a qualidade sensorial de quivis. Nesse sentido, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito do 1-MCP durante a evolução da maturação de quivis em temperatura ambiente. Nesse estudo foram utilizadas duas cultivares de quivi, Monty, a qual é mais bem estudada durante o período pós-colheita, e Tewi, que apresenta poucas informações do manejo pós-colheita. Frutos de ambas as cultivares, tratados e não tratados com 1-MCP após a colheita foram mantidos em temperatura ambiente durante 15 dias. A evolução da maturação foi monitorada a cada três dias através da medida da firmeza de polpa, teor de sólidos solúveis, acidez total titulável e avaliação da qualidade sensorial. Conforme esperado, a firmeza de polpa foi menor nos frutos não tratados com 1-MCP e maior nos frutos que receberam o tratamento em ambas cultivares estudadas e em todos os períodos avaliados. O teor de SS e de ácido cítrico foi influenciado significativamente pela aplicação de 1-MCP nos frutos de ambas as cultivares e em todos os períodos de avaliação, verificando-se maior teor de SS e menor de ácido cítrico em frutos não tratados. O 1-MCP foi eficiente no atraso do processo de amadurecimento de quivis das cultivares Monty e Tewi, onde se verificou a manutenção da firmeza de polpa dos frutos. No entanto, frutos que receberam o tratamento apresentaram qualidade sensorial inferior no período analisado

    Determination of rosmarinic acid in Cordia verbenacea by liquid chromatography : applicability in seasonal study

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    Neste estudo, uma técnica de cromatografia líquida de alta resolução em fase reversa (CLAE-FR) para a determinação de ácido rosmarínico em Cordia verbenacea foi desenvolvida e validada. A análise de regressão foi avaliada, com observação de uma boa linearidade (r = 0,9997). Os valores obtidos para a precisão e exatidão estão de acordo com as diretrizes do ICH e com a legislação brasileira. Os valores de repetibilidade e precisão intermediária foram 2,79% e 4,76%, respectivamente. Os limites de detecção e de quantificação de ácido rosmarínico foram de 1,92 µg/mL e 5,81 µg/mL, respectivamente. Os resultados mostraram que o método desenvolvido é uma técnica por CLAE-FR de confiança para a determinação de ácido rosmarínico em tintura de C. verbenacea. Além disso, essa metodologia foi aplicada em estudo sazonal, que revela uma correlação positiva relativamente forte entre o período de chuvas e o teor de ácido rosmarínico.In this study, a reverse phase-high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) technique for determination of rosmarinic acid in the Cordia verbenacea was developed and validated. A regression analysis was performed, with the observation of good linearity (r =0.999949). The values obtained for precision and accuracy determination are in agreement with ICH guidelines and the Brazilian legislation. The values of repeatability and intermediate precision were 2.79% and 4.76%, respectively. The detection and the quantitation limits of the rosmarinic acid were 1.92 µg/mL and 5.81 µg/mL, respectively. The results demonstrated that the developed method is a reliable RP-HPLC technique for the determination of rosmarinic acid in C. verbenacea tincture. In addition, this methodology was applied at a seasonal study indicating relatively strong positive correlation between the rain period and the rosmarinic acid content

    Caregiver awareness of reproductive health issues for women with intellectual disabilities

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Limited attention has been paid to the issue of reproductive health as it affects women with intellectual disabilities, despite reproductive health being a vital issue in public health policy for women in the general population. This paper describes caregiver awareness of reproductive health issues relative to women with intellectual disabilities who are being cared for in welfare institutions in Taiwan.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study employed a cross-sectional, questionnaire-based study which recruited 1,152 caregivers (response rate = 71.87%) from 32 registered disability welfare institutions in Taiwan. We classified their understanding/awareness of reproductive health issues into four domains: menstrual (1) and menopause (2) issues, sex education (3), and reproductive health services (4). Each domain had five associated yes/no questions and the total score for the four domains was out of a maximum of 20. Data were analyzed using SPSS 15.0 software.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that most of the caregivers were familiar with matters concerning sex education, menopause, and reproductive health services, but they lacked adequate understanding of issues associated with menstruation in women with ID. Many aspects of reproductive health such as "menstrual pain", "age at menarche", "masturbation", "diet during perimenopause", and "publicly available reproductive health services" were issues in which caregivers lacked adequate knowledge and required further instruction. Logistic regression analysis revealed that female caregivers with a university degree, and those who had experience assisting with reproductive health care were more inclined to have higher reproductive health awareness scores than their counterparts.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study highlights that service providers should offer appropriate reproductive health education to institutional caregivers, and that more attention be focused on the personal experiences and concerns of intellectually disabled women in future research.</p

    Messages that increase women’s intentions to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy: results from quantitative testing of advertising concepts

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    Background: Public awareness-raising campaigns targeting alcohol use during pregnancy are an important part of preventing prenatal alcohol exposure and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Despite this, there is little evidence on what specific elements contribute to campaign message effectiveness. This research evaluated three different advertising concepts addressing alcohol and pregnancy: a threat appeal, a positive appeal promoting a self-efficacy message, and a concept that combined the two appeals. The primary aim was to determine the effectiveness of these concepts in increasing women’s intentions to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy.Methods: Women of childbearing age and pregnant women residing in Perth, Western Australia participated in a computer-based questionnaire where they viewed either a control or one of the three experimental concepts. Following exposure, participants’ intentions to abstain from and reduce alcohol intake during pregnancy were measured. Other measures assessed included perceived main message, message diagnostics, and potential to promote defensive responses or unintended consequences.Results: The concepts containing a threat appeal were significantly more effective at increasing women’s intentions to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy than the self-efficacy message and the control. The concept that combined threat and self-efficacy is recommended for development as part of a mass-media campaign as it has good persuasive potential, provides a balance of positive and negative emotional responses, and is unlikely to result in defensive or unintended consequences.Conclusions: This study provides important insights into the components that enhance the persuasiveness and effectiveness of messages aimed at preventing prenatal alcohol exposure. The recommended concept has good potential for use in a future campaign aimed at promoting women’s intentions to abstain from alcohol during pregnanc