76 research outputs found

    A Cell-Based Model for Quorum Sensing in Heterogeneous Bacterial Colonies

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    Although bacteria are unicellular organisms, they have the ability to act in concert by synthesizing and detecting small diffusing autoinducer molecules. The phenomenon, known as quorum sensing, has mainly been proposed to serve as a means for cell-density measurement. Here, we use a cell-based model of growing bacterial microcolonies to investigate a quorum-sensing mechanism at a single cell level. We show that the model indeed predicts a density-dependent behavior, highly dependent on local cell-clustering and the geometry of the space where the colony is evolving. We analyze the molecular network with two positive feedback loops to find the multistability regions and show how the quorum-sensing mechanism depends on different model parameters. Specifically, we show that the switching capability of the network leads to more constraints on parameters in a natural environment where the bacteria themselves produce autoinducer than compared to situations where autoinducer is introduced externally. The cell-based model also allows us to investigate mixed populations, where non-producing cheater cells are shown to have a fitness advantage, but still cannot completely outcompete producer cells. Simulations, therefore, are able to predict the relative fitness of cheater cells from experiments and can also display and account for the paradoxical phenomenon seen in experiments; even though the cheater cells have a fitness advantage in each of the investigated groups, the overall effect is an increase in the fraction of producer cells. The cell-based type of model presented here together with high-resolution experiments will play an integral role in a more explicit and precise comparison of models and experiments, addressing quorum sensing at a cellular resolution

    Heterogeneous Response to a Quorum-Sensing Signal in the Luminescence of Individual Vibrio fischeri

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    The marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri regulates its bioluminescence through a quorum sensing mechanism: the bacterium releases diffusible small molecules (autoinducers) that accumulate in the environment as the population density increases. This accumulation of autoinducer (AI) eventually activates transcriptional regulators for bioluminescence as well as host colonization behaviors. Although V.fischeri quorum sensing has been extensively characterized in bulk populations, far less is known about how it performs at the level of the individual cell, where biochemical noise is likely to limit the precision of luminescence regulation. We have measured the time-dependence and AI-dependence of light production by individual V.fischeri cells that are immobilized in a perfusion chamber and supplied with a defined concentration of exogenous AI. We use low-light level microscopy to record and quantify the photon emission from the cells over periods of several hours as they respond to the introduction of AI. We observe an extremely heterogeneous response to the AI signal. Individual cells differ widely in the onset time for their luminescence and in their resulting brightness, even in the presence of high AI concentrations that saturate the light output from a bulk population. The observed heterogeneity shows that although a given concentration of quorum signal may determine the average light output from a population of cells, it provides far weaker control over the luminescence output of each individual cell

    Widespread Over-Expression of the X Chromosome in Sterile F1 Hybrid Mice

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    The X chromosome often plays a central role in hybrid male sterility between species, but it is unclear if this reflects underlying regulatory incompatibilities. Here we combine phenotypic data with genome-wide expression data to directly associate aberrant expression patterns with hybrid male sterility between two species of mice. We used a reciprocal cross in which F1 males are sterile in one direction and fertile in the other direction, allowing us to associate expression differences with sterility rather than with other hybrid phenotypes. We found evidence of extensive over-expression of the X chromosome during spermatogenesis in sterile but not in fertile F1 hybrid males. Over-expression was most pronounced in genes that are normally expressed after meiosis, consistent with an X chromosome-wide disruption of expression during the later stages of spermatogenesis. This pattern was not a simple consequence of faster evolutionary divergence on the X chromosome, because X-linked expression was highly conserved between the two species. Thus, transcriptional regulation of the X chromosome during spermatogenesis appears particularly sensitive to evolutionary divergence between species. Overall, these data provide evidence for an underlying regulatory basis to reproductive isolation in house mice and underscore the importance of transcriptional regulation of the X chromosome to the evolution of hybrid male sterility

    Short-Lived Trace Gases in the Surface Ocean and the Atmosphere

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    The two-way exchange of trace gases between the ocean and the atmosphere is important for both the chemistry and physics of the atmosphere and the biogeochemistry of the oceans, including the global cycling of elements. Here we review these exchanges and their importance for a range of gases whose lifetimes are generally short compared to the main greenhouse gases and which are, in most cases, more reactive than them. Gases considered include sulphur and related compounds, organohalogens, non-methane hydrocarbons, ozone, ammonia and related compounds, hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Finally, we stress the interactivity of the system, the importance of process understanding for modeling, the need for more extensive field measurements and their better seasonal coverage, the importance of inter-calibration exercises and finally the need to show the importance of air-sea exchanges for global cycling and how the field fits into the broader context of Earth System Science


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    Evolutionary stabilization of cooperative toxin production through a bacterium-plasmid-phage interplay

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    Colicins are toxins produced and released by Enterobacteriaceae to kill competitors in the gut. While group A colicins employ a division of labor strategy to liberate the toxin into the environment via colicin-specific lysis, group B colicin systems lack cognate lysis genes. In Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Tm), the group B colicin Ib (ColIb) is released by temperate phage-mediated bacteriolysis. Phage-mediated ColIb release promotes S. Tm fitness against competing Escherichia coli. It remained unclear how prophage-mediated lysis is realized in a clonal population of ColIb producers and if prophages contribute to evolutionary stability of toxin release in S. Tm. Here, we show that prophage-mediated lysis occurs in an S. Tm subpopulation only, thereby introducing phenotypic heterogeneity to the system. We established a mathematical model to study the dynamic interplay of S. Tm, ColIb, and a temperate phage in the presence of a competing species. Using this model, we studied long-term evolution of phage lysis rates in a fluctuating infection scenario. This revealed that phage lysis evolves as bet-hedging strategy that maxi-mizes phage spread, regardless of whether colicin is present or not. We conclude that the ColIb system, lacking its own lysis gene, is making use of the evolutionary stable phage strategy to be released. Prophage lysis genes are highly prevalent in nontyphoidal Salmonella genomes. This suggests that the release of ColIb by temperate phages is widespread. In conclusion, our findings shed new light on the evolution and ecology of group B colicin systems. IMPORTANCE Bacteria are excellent model organisms to study mechanisms of social evolution. The production of public goods, e.g., toxin release by cell lysis in clonal bacterial populations, is a frequently studied example of cooperative behavior. Here, we analyze evolutionary stabilization of toxin release by the enteric pathogen Sal-monella. The release of colicin Ib (ColIb), which is used by Salmonella to gain an edge against competing microbiota following infection, is coupled to bacterial lysis mediated by temperate phages. Here, we show that phage-dependent lysis and subsequent release of colicin and phage particles occurs only in part of the ColIb-expressing Salmonella population. This phenotypic heterogeneity in lysis, which rep-resents an essential step in the temperate phage life cycle, has evolved as a bet-hedging strategy under fluctuating environments such as the gastrointestinal tract. Our findings suggest that prophages can thereby evolutionarily stabilize costly toxin release in bacterial populations
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