677 research outputs found

    Diffusive Transport in Quasi-2D and Quasi-1D Electron Systems

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    Quantum-confined semiconductor structures are the cornerstone of modern-day electronics. Spatial confinement in these structures leads to formation of discrete low-dimensional subbands. At room temperature, carriers transfer among different states due to efficient scattering with phonons, charged impurities, surface roughness and other electrons, so transport is scattering-limited (diffusive) and well described by the Boltzmann transport equation. In this review, we present the theoretical framework used for the description and simulation of diffusive electron transport in quasi-two-dimensional and quasi-one-dimensional semiconductor structures. Transport in silicon MOSFETs and nanowires is presented in detail.Comment: Review article, to appear in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscienc

    Electron mobility in silicon nanowires

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    The low-field electron mobility in rectangular silicon nanowire (SiNW) transistors was computed using a self-consistent Poisson-Schr\"{o}dinger-Monte Carlo solver. The behavior of the phonon-limited and surface-roughness-limited components of the mobility was investigated by decreasing the wire width from 30 nm to 8 nm, the width range capturing a crossover between two-dimensional (2D) and one-dimensional (1D) electron transport. The phonon-limited mobility, which characterizes transport at low and moderate transverse fields, is found to decrease with decreasing wire width due to an increase in the electron-phonon wavefunction overlap. In contrast, the mobility at very high transverse fields, which is limited by surface roughness scattering, increases with decreasing wire width due to volume inversion. The importance of acoustic phonon confinement is also discussed briefly

    Concentrations of heavy metals in soil and leaves of plant species Paulownia elongata S.Y.Hu and Paulownia fortunei Hemsl

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    This paper sums up the results of the research on heavy metals contents (Pb, Ni, Fe, Zn and Mn) in soil and leaves of the plant species, Paulownia elongata S.Y. Hu and Paulownia fortunei Hemsl. at the plantation established on the eutric brown soil in Banat (Vojvodina). The plantation, which served asthe control field is at the municipality of Bela Crkva, far away from the main traffic lines. Concentrations of analyzed heavy metals in the leaves of the tree species, Paulownia growing in urban and suburban conditions were compared with the concentration of polluters in the leaves of the tree species, P. elongata and P. fortunei in the experimental field in Bela Crkva

    Relationship between electrocardiogram‐based features and personality traits: Machine learning approach

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    Background: Based on the known relationship between the human emotion and standard surface electrocardiogram (ECG), we explored the relationship between features extracted from standard ECG recorded during relaxation and seven personality traits (Honesty/humility, Emotionality, eXtraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness, and Disintegration) by using the machine learning (ML) approach which learns from the ECG-based features and predicts the appropriate personality trait by adopting an automated software algorithm. Methods: A total of 71 healthy university students participated in the study. For quantification of 62 ECG-based parameters (heart rate variability, as well as temporal and amplitude-based parameters) for each ECG record, we used computation procedures together with publicly available data and code. Among 62 parameters, 34 were segregated into separate features according to their diagnostic relevance in clinical practice. To examine the feature influence on personality trait classification and to perform classification, we used random forest ML algorithm. Results: Classification accuracy when clinically relevant ECG features were employed was high for Disintegration (81.3%) and Honesty/humility (75.0%) and moderate to high for Openness (73.3%) and Conscientiousness (70%), while it was low for Agreeableness (56.3%), eXtraversion (47.1%), and Emotionality (43.8%). When all calculated features were used, the classification accuracies were the same or lower, except for the eXtraversion (52.9%). Correlation analysis for selected features is presented. Conclusions: Results indicate that clinically relevant features might be applicable for personality traits prediction, although no remarkable differences were found among selected groups of parameters. Physiological associations of established relationships should be further explored.Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant/Award Number: 179018 and TR33020; Abbott Laboratorie


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    The effect of foliar fertilization with organic fertilizers on the yield and the chemical content of potatoes grown in Strumica region were studied, in the period from the year of 2011-2012. The experiment was set in four variants and three repetitions. The variants in the experiment were: Control (no-fertilizing variant); Humusil (organic matter 1.86%; organic carbon 1.08%; humin acids 0.14%; N 224 mg/L; P2O5 71 mg/L; K2O 1024 mg/L; CaO 180 mg/L); Humustim (organic matter 58.63 %; dry matter 12.38 %; humin acids 20.40 %; fulvo acids 2.15%; N 3%; P2O5 1.02%; K2O 7.92%; Ca 3.70 %; Mg 1.03%); Ingrasamant foliar (N 0 %; P2O5 130 g/L; K2O 130 g/L; ME in helate form and plant extracts 0.005 g/L). The experiment was arranged in 12 rows and in each variant and repetition was involved 100 plants, total in all experiment were involved 1200 plants. The planting was made in rows at a distance of 60 cm row by row and 20 cm in the rows. The row’s length was 20 m. Three foliar treatments were applied with given above fertilizers at a concentration of 0.4%. The soil where the experiment was carried had a good fertility with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The foliar fertilization had a positive influence on potatoes yield in all of the variants treated with different organic fertilizers. The highest potatoes yield of 54.62 t ha-1 was established in variant 4. The foliar fertilization had a positive influence on the chemical content of tubers potato, too. In three variants treated with different fertilizers, higher content of all tested parameters was found, compared to the control untreated variant. The highest average content of vitamin C (2.60 mg/100g), phosphorus (0.90 %), and potassium (1.30 %) was determined in the tubers potato in variant 3