21 research outputs found

    Do Companies Have a Conscience? Reflections on the Moral Subjectivity of Organizations

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    Contemporary organizations are one of the most important actors in social life. This is particularly true of business organizations whose activity often has extremely moral consequences. The aim of the paper is to present the problem of moral subjectivity and reflection on the possibility of recognizing an organization as a moral subject. The basis for the considerations were three reference points developed in subsequent parts of the article. The first is the category of moral responsibility. The second concerns the approach of moral subjectivity through the process of moral development. The third point is the category of conscience. Each of these points has been described as an attribute of a moral subject. On the basis of the examples, comments and discussions cited, the arguments for and against the attribution of the organization of moral subjectivity were confronted

    The impact of aggressive behavior of patients on staff employed in psychiatric wards

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    Introduction: Aggression and violence in the workplace are phenomena that occur more and more often, especially towards the staff working in Psychiatric Wards. The effects of these behaviors may be disturbances in the sphere of professional, social and mental health of employees.Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to analyze the phenomenon of patient aggression, to determine the frequency of patients' aggressive behavior and to assess their impact on the staff.Material and methods: The study was conducted among the staff working in the Bielsko Psychiatry Centre. The study used the diagnostic survey method, the research tool that was used in the work was a self-questionnaire.Results: Aggression of patients was experienced by 100% of the respondents. The most common manifestations of verbal aggression are vulgar words and shouting, and physical hitting and jerking. Physicians have less contact with physical aggression than other personnel. Despite this, most staff do not intend to change their place of employment and try to solve and prevent dangerous situations and minimize aggression on the part of patients with their professional approach to the patient. After attacks of aggression, the staff most often turns to a colleague for help and does not use the help of a psychologist.Conclusions: The analysis of the obtained data showed that aggression on the part of patients is a frequent phenomenon in the work of psychiatric ward staff

    The impact of socioeconomic status on the quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Introduction: In addition to the traditional biomedical parameters, quality of life (QoL) evaluation has found its well-deserved place in the overall assessment of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The impact of socioeconomic status (SES) was rarely evaluated in QoL studies in such patients with no such studies having been conducted in Poland. The aim of our study was to compare QoL between COPD patients and the control group and to evaluate the impact of SES, selected demographic characteristics, smoking and bronchial tree obstruction on the QoL in COPD patients. Material and methods: We enrolled 120 patients with COPD (98 men and 22 women; mean age: 62.3 years) with no comorbidities and 85 healthy individuals (39 men and 46 women; mean age: 56.0 years). All the COPD patients underwent spirometry. QoL was assessed with the SF-36 Health Survey and the St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire. To assess SES, demographic variables and smoking we used a questionnaire of our own authorship. Results: COPD patients showed a significantly lower QoL compared to controls. Univariate analysis demonstrated effects of educational background, income, occupation, employment status and bronchial obstruction on the individual QoL domains. Multivariate regression analysis revealed that the sociodemographic factors significantly affecting the overall QoL included: present occupation, employment status, monthly income, educational background and total exposure to cigarette smoke. No effects of age, sex or smoking status on the QoL in COPD were shown. Conclusions: The QoL in patients with COPD is affected by many factors. In addition to spirometric abnormalities the significant factors that modify QoL are: educational background, monthly income, present occupation and employment status, while sex, age and smoking status do not significantly affect QoL.Wstęp: Badania nad jakością życia znalazły, obok tradycyjnych parametrów biomedycznych, szerokie zastosowanie w całościowej ocenie pacjentów z przewlekłą obturacyjną chorobą płuc (POChP). Wpływ statusu socjoekonomicznego (SES) rzadko był przedmiotem oceny w badaniach nad jakością życia u tych chorych. W Polsce nie przeprowadzono takich badań. Celem pracy było porównanie jakości życia chorych na POChP z grupą kontrolną oraz ocena wpływu SES, wybranych wskaźników demograficznych, nałogu palenia oraz obturacji drzewa oskrzelowego na jakość życia u chorych na POChP. Materiał i metody: W badaniu wzięło udział 120 pacjentów z POChP (22 kobiety i 98 mężczyzn), średnia wieku: 62,3 roku, którzy nie byli leczeni z powodu innych chorób, oraz 85 zdrowych osób (46 kobiet, 39 mężczyzn), średnia wieku: 56 lat. U chorych na POChP wykonano badanie spirometryczne. W ocenie jakości życia wykorzystano kwestionariusze SF-36 oraz Szpitala św. Jerzego. W ocenie statusu socjoekonomicznego, zmiennych demograficznych oraz nałogu palenia wykorzystano własną ankietę. Wyniki: Chorzy na POChP wykazywali istotnie niższą jakość życia w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Wykorzystując analizę jednoczynnikową wykazano wpływ wykształcenia, dochodu, wykonywanego zawodu, statusu zatrudnienia oraz obturacji drzewa oskrzelowego na poszczególne domeny jakości życia. W analizie regresji wielokrotnej czynnikami socjodemograficznymi istotnie wpływającymi na ogólną jakość życia są: wykonywany zawód, zatrudnienie, dochód miesięczny, wykształcenie oraz całkowita ekspozycja na dym tytoniowy. Nie wykazano wpływu wieku, płci oraz statusu palenia na jakość życia w POChP. Wnioski: Na jakość życia chorych na POChP wpływa wiele czynników. Oprócz zaburzeń spirometrycznych istotnymi czynnikami modyfikującymi jakość życia są: wykształcenie, miesięczny dochód, wykonywany zawód oraz status zatrudnienia, natomiast płeć, wiek oraz status palenia nie mają istotnego wpływu na jakość życia

    Quality of life in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    The impact of aggressive behavior of patients on staff employed in psychiatric wards

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    Introduction: Aggression and violence in the workplace are phenomena that occur more and more often, especially towards the staff working in Psychiatric Wards. The effects of these behaviors may be disturbances in the sphere of professional, social and mental health of employees. Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to analyze the phenomenon of patient aggression, to determine the frequency of patients' aggressive behavior and to assess their impact on the staff. Material and methods: The study was conducted among the staff working in the Bielsko Psychiatry Centre. The study used the diagnostic survey method, the research tool that was used in the work was a self-questionnaire. Results: Aggression of patients was experienced by 100% of the respondents. The most common manifestations of verbal aggression are vulgar words and shouting, and physical hitting and jerking. Physicians have less contact with physical aggression than other personnel. Despite this, most staff do not intend to change their place of employment and try to solve and prevent dangerous situations and minimize aggression on the part of patients with their professional approach to the patient. After attacks of aggression, the staff most often turns to a colleague for help and does not use the help of a psychologist. Conclusions: The analysis of the obtained data showed that aggression on the part of patients is a frequent phenomenon in the work of psychiatric ward staff

    Distribution and ecology of two interesting diatom species Navicula flandriae Van de Vijver et Mertens and Planothidium nanum Bąk, Kryk et Halabowski in rivers of Southern Poland and their spring areas

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    In this paper, we report new records of rare diatoms that have recently been found in Southern Poland. Planothidium nanum was found only in the upper reaches of the Centuria River, which is not exposed to human influence, while Navicula flandriae was found in two rivers (the Bolina and the Mleczna) affected by salt mine water from hard coal mines. The impact of anthropogenic salinity on diatom communities is as yet poorly documented. Therefore, we conducted a survey on this phenomenon. We surveyed seven sampling sites for diatom assemblages and habitat characteristics, including three sampling sites impacted by mine water. Navicula flandriae was recorded at both sampling sites affected by salt mine water and in two other rivers (the Centuria and the Mitręga), indicating its wide preference for salinity. We confirmed the occurrence of P. nanum at the same site where this species was found and described in our previous paper. In addition, we recorded the occurrence of this species at two other sites in habitats with similar characteristics (lower reaches of the Centuria and Wiercica rivers). Our results indicate a more common occurrence of N. flandriae and P. nanum, which means that further monitoring of diatoms is necessary

    Ethical programs as an example of the institutionalization of ethics in companies. Conditions and postulates

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    Przedmiotem artykułu są refleksje nad zjawiskiem instytucjonalizacji etyki w organizacjach. Proces ten przyjmuje różne formy, z których najpopularniejszą są programy etyczne firm. Celem artykułu jest konfrontacja teoretycznych założeń, które określają wzorce programów etycznych z motywacja- mi firm, które je implementują. Przeprowadzona została analiza możliwych motywacji. Przyjęto założenie, że powód, dla którego wprowadza się programy etyczne, determinuje jego szczegółowe rozwiązania i wpływa na sprawność jego funkcjonowania.The subject of the article is a reflection on the phenomenon of the institutionalization of ethics in organizations. This process takes various forms, the most popular of which are ethical programs of companies. The aim of the article is to confront theoretical assumptions that define patterns of ethical programs with motivations of companies that implement them. An analysis of possible motivations was carried out. The assumption was made that the reason for introducing ethical programs determines its detailed solutions and affects the efficiency of its functioning

    The Implementation of Ethical Programs in Public Institutions Exemplified on Health Sector. The External Stakeholder Perspective

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    The subject of this article is implementation of ethics programs in public institutions. The term implementation is similar to introduction and copying. The fundamental question is a possibility of transferring the ethical solutions from business to public organizations. The article shows a need for ethical programs in the health sector. The article also presents the role of stakeholders in creation of ethical standards of cooperation, using the example of suppliers of medical hardware. Stakeholders also initiate changes that influence transparency. The article raises the question of whether law regulations in public organizations should also include ethical standards. The article also discusses issues of compliance policy and examines the arguments for introducing such mechanisms in the public sector. Finally, the article concentrates on the role of the external stakeholder who can propose such solutions

    An idea of ethical dilemma. A draft of the problem of ethical dilemma in organisations

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    This article is an attempt to analyse the phenomenon of “ethical dilemma.” One assumes that an ethical dilemma consists of conflicts both in values and normative systems. The essence of an ethical dilemma is the choice between two positive possibilities. A particular feature of ethical dilemmas is that of “double moral evaluation:” It is both a positive – as an affirmation of a choice of one good – as well as a negative – as an experience of discomfort after the rejection of the other good. This article describes ethical dilemmas in organisational decision-making and shows factors which can favour or limit the ability to solve the