9 research outputs found

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    Smith-Lemli-Opitz sendromu otozomal resesif geçen, çok sayıda doğuştan malformasyonun eşlik ettiği nadir görülen bir sendromdur. Smith-Lemli-Opitz sendromlu olgularda kolesterol biyosentezinin son basamağında 7-dehidrokolesterolü kolesterole çeviren ve geni 11q13'de lokalize bir enzim olan 7-dehidrokolesterol redüktazın doğuştan eksikliği mevcuttur. Otuz beş haftalık 1500 gr doğan bebeğin cildi kuru ve parşömen kâğıdı görünümünde, mikrognati, hipertelörizm, düşük kulak, antevert burun delikleri, belirgin filtrum, yarık damak, el parmaklarında ulnar deviasyon ve distal fleksiyon kontraktürü, çomaklaşma, ayaklarda pes ekino varus deformitesi ve çekiç topuk, sağ ayakta sindaktili, ambigius genitalya mevcuttu. İncelemelerde total kolesterol 108 mg/dl LDL kolesterol 48.8 mg/dl bulundu. Yirmi beşinci gün hayatını kaybeden olgunun otopsisinde iki loblu sağ akciğer, atriyal septal defekt, patent duktus arteriyozus, üreterlerde iki taraflı yerleşim anomalisi, sol sürrenalde insitu saptandı.Verrucous carcinoma is a very rare entity in the urinary bladder, and it is usually associated with Condyloma accuminatum and schistosomiasis. Though chronic irritation is accepted as a common etiological factor in few rare cases, bladder stone has not been demonstrated among irritative etiologic agents. Verrucous carcinoma in the bladder of a man of 54 years, who underwent three surgical interventions in the last 20 years because of bladder stone, is presented. The histopathological diagnosis of the specimen from the third operation was verrucous carcinoma of the bladder. Recently the fourth operation; a transurethral resection was performed, as the verrucous carcinoma relapsed

    Primitive neuroectodermal tumor coexistent with anaplastic ganglioglioma

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    Abstract Primitive neuroectodermal tumors are among the most common tumors of childhood and th

    Role of Melatonin on Follicle Development and Apoptotic Changes in Pinealectomized Rat Ovary

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to determine the effect of pinealectomy and exogenous melatonin STUDY DESIGN: Twenty-one Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups: (I) Sham-operated (Non-Px), (II) pinealectomized (Px), (III) pinealectomized and melatonin. Sham and Px groups had received vehicle whereas group III had received 4 mg/kg melatonin. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxyuridine 5-triphosphate nick end-labeling activity (TUNEL) assessment was used to identify follicles that contain fragmented nuclei, an indication of apoptosis. TUNEL staining was evaluated semi-quantitatively and ovarian cysts were counted. RESULTS: In Px group, TUNEL activity was significantly higher than sham group. Melatonin administration did not reduce the intensity of TUNEL positive follicles. The difference between pinealectomy and melatonin groups regarding TUNEL activity was insignificant. Significantly increased ovarian cysts were detected after pinealectomy and melatonin did not prevent this increase. Px and melatonin groups were not significantly different than each other regarding the TUNEL activities and ovarian cysts. CONCLUSIONS: Pinealectomy increases ovarian cysts and apoptosis in the follicles that can not be prevented by melatonin which was probably a result of the dose and duration of melatonin


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    WOS: 000284717900013Prognostic factors of prostate cancer such as PSA stage Gleason grade and surgical margins have limitations they are inable to indicate metastatic potential The aim of this study was to investigate expression of e-cadherin cox-2 p53 and bcl-2 in prostate carcinomas and to search association with tumor differentiation and metastatic potential Eighty-seven prostate cancer specimens were retreived from tissue blocks embedded in parafin and expression patterns of e-cadherin cox-2 p53 and bcl-2 were investigated by immunoperoxidase method Gleason scoring system was used for tumor grading and expression patterns of these antibodies were compared among different tumor grades Seven cases (8%) had well-differentiated 39(45%) had moderately differentiated and 41 (47%) had poorly differentiated tumors Metastases were present in 31 patients (35%) There was a statistically significant association between tumor differentiation and expression of e-cadherin or bcl-2 (p 0 01) There was no association between expressions of e-cadherin cox-2 p53 or bcl-2 and metastasis E-cadherin expression is less frequent in poorly differentiated tumors whereas bcl-2 expression is more frequent However there is no relation with metastatic potential and expression of these markers Expression of cox-2 and p53 is neither related to the degree of differentiation nor to the metastatic potentialDicle UniversityDicle UniversityThis study was supported by the Dicle University Research Project Commissio