1,056 research outputs found

    Amorphous ferromagnetism and re-entrant magnetic glassiness in Sm2_{2}Mo2_{2}O7_{7}: new insights into the electronic phase diagram of pyrochlore molybdates

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    We discuss the magnetic properties of a Sm2_{2}Mo2_{2}O7_{7} single crystal as investigated by means of different experimental techniques. In the literature, a conventional itinerant ferromagnetic state is reported for the Mo4+^{4+} sublattice below ∼78\sim 78 K. However, our results of dc magnetometry, muon spin spectroscopy (μ+\mu^{+}SR) and high-harmonics magnetic ac susceptibility unambiguously evidence highly disordered conditions in this phase, in spite of the crystalline and chemical order. This disordered magnetic state shares several common features with amorphous ferromagnetic alloys. This scenario for Sm2_{2}Mo2_{2}O7_{7} is supported by the anomalously high values of the critical exponents, as mainly deduced by a scaling analysis of our dc magnetization data and confirmed by the other techniques. Moreover, μ+\mu^{+}SR detects a significant static magnetic disorder at the microscopic scale. At the same time, the critical divergence of the third-harmonic component of the ac magnetic susceptibility around ∼78\sim 78 K leads to additional evidence towards the glassy nature of this magnetic phase. Finally, the longitudinal relaxation of μ+\mu^{+} spin polarization (also supported by results of ac susceptibility) evidences re-entrant glassy features similar to amorphous ferromagnets.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figure

    Orbital polaron lattice formation in lightly doped La1-xSrxMnO3

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    By resonant x-ray scattering at the Mn K-edge on La7/8Sr1/8MnO3, we show that an orbital polaron lattice (OPL) develops at the metal-insulator transition of this compound. This orbital reordering explains consistently the unexpected coexistence of ferromagnetic and insulating properties at low temperatures, the quadrupling of the lattice structure parallel to the MnO2-planes, and the observed polarization and azimuthal dependencies. The OPL is a clear manifestation of strong orbital-hole interactions, which play a crucial role for the colossal magnetoresistance effect and the doped manganites in general

    Ballistic heat transport of quantum spin excitations as seen in SrCuO2

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    Fundamental conservation laws predict ballistic, i.e., dissipationless transport behaviour in one-dimensional quantum magnets. Experimental evidence, however, for such anomalous transport has been lacking ever since. Here we provide experimental evidence for ballistic heat transport in a S=1/2 Heisenberg chain. In particular, we investigate high purity samples of the chain cuprate SrCuO2 and observe a huge magnetic heat conductivity κmag\kappa_{mag}. An extremely large spinon mean free path of more than a micrometer demonstrates that κmag\kappa_{mag} is only limited by extrinsic scattering processes which is a clear signature of ballistic transport in the underlying spin model

    Magnetisation of hole-doped CuO2 spin chains in Sr14-xCaxCu24O41

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    We report on magnetisation measurements of Sr14-xCaxCu24O41, with 0 <= x <= 12, in magnetic fields up to 16 T. The low temperature magnetic response of the CuO2 spin chains changes strongly upon doping. For x = 0, the ground state with nearly independent dimers is confirmed. Reduction of the number of holes in the chains through Ca-doping leads to an additional contribution to the magnetisation, which depends linearly on the magnetic field. Remarkably, the slope of this linear contribution increases with the Ca content. We argue that antiferromagnetic spin chains do not account for this behaviour but that the hole dynamics might be involved.Comment: In v2, spelling of author names has been change

    Pseudogap and charge density waves in two dimensions

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    An interaction between electrons and lattice vibrations (phonons) results in two fundamental quantum phenomena in solids: in three dimensions it can turn a metal into a superconductor whereas in one dimension it can turn a metal into an insulator. In two dimensions (2D) both superconductivity and charge-density waves (CDW) are believed to be anomalous. In superconducting cuprates, critical transition temperatures are unusually high and the energy gap may stay unclosed even above these temperatures (pseudogap). In CDW-bearing dichalcogenides the resistivity below the transition can decrease with temperature even faster than in the normal phase and a basic prerequisite for the CDW, the favourable nesting conditions (when some sections of the Fermi surface appear shifted by the same vector), seems to be absent. Notwithstanding the existence of alternatives to conventional theories, both phenomena in 2D still remain the most fascinating puzzles in condensed matter physics. Using the latest developments in high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) here we show that the normal-state pseudogap also exists in one of the most studied 2D examples, dichalcogenide 2H-TaSe2, and the formation of CDW is driven by a conventional nesting instability, which is masked by the pseudogap. Our findings reconcile and explain a number of unusual, as previously believed, experimental responses as well as disprove many alternative theoretical approaches. The magnitude, character and anisotropy of the 2D-CDW pseudogap are intriguingly similar to those seen in superconducting cuprates.Comment: 14 pages including figures and supplementary informatio

    Revisiting the chain magnetism in Sr14Cu24O41: Experimental and numerical results

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    We study the magnetism of the hole doped CuO2 spin chains in Sr14Cu24O41 by measuring the Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) and the static magnetization M in applied magnetic fields up to 14 T. In this compound, the dimerized ground state and the charge order in the chains are well established. Our experimental data suggest that at low temperatures the Curie-like increase of M as well as the occurrence of the related ESR signal are due to a small amount of paramagnetic centers which are not extrinsic defects but rather unpaired Cu spins in the chain. These observations qualitatively confirm recent ab initio calculations of the ground state properties of the CuO2 chains in Sr14Cu24O41. Our complementary quantum statistical simulations yield that the temperature and field dependence of the magnetization can be well described by an effective Heisenberg model in which the ground state configuration is composed of spin dimers, trimers, and monomers.Comment: revised versio

    Effect of external pressure on the magnetic properties of RRCoAsO (RR = La, Pr, Sm): a μ\muSR study

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    We report on a detailed investigation of the itinerant ferromagnets LaCoAsO, PrCoAsO and SmCoAsO performed by means of muon spin spectroscopy upon the application of external hydrostatic pressures pp up to 2.42.4 GPa. These materials are shown to be magnetically hard in view of the weak dependence of both critical temperatures TCT_{C} and internal fields at the muon site on pp. In the cases RR = La and Sm, the behaviour of the internal field is substantially unaltered up to p=2.4p = 2.4 GPa. A much richer phenomenology is detected in PrCoAsO instead, possibly associated with a strong pp dependence of the statistical population of the two different crystallographic sites for the muon. Surprisingly, results are notably different from what is observed in the case of the isostructural compounds RRCoPO, where the full As/P substitution is already inducing a strong chemical pressure within the lattice but pp is still very effective in further affecting the magnetic properties.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Plasmon Evolution and Charge-Density Wave Suppression in Potassium Intercalated Tantalum Diselenide

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    We have investigated the influence of potassium intercalation on the formation of the charge-density wave (CDW) instability in 2H-tantalum diselenide by means of Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy and density functional theory. Our observations are consistent with a filling of the conduction band as indicated by a substantial decrease of the plasma frequency in experiment and theory. In addition, elastic scattering clearly points to a destruction of the CDW upon intercalation as can be seen by a vanishing of the corresponding superstructures. This is accompanied by a new superstructure, which can be attributed to the intercalated potassium. Based on the behavior of the c-axis upon intercalation we argue in favor of interlayer-sites for the alkali-metal and that the lattice remains in the 2H-modification
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