9 research outputs found

    Az átmeneti (puffer)-zóna geológiai értékvédelemben játszott szerepének bemutatása az Egri-Bükkalja mintaterülete alapján = The importance of the Buffer-zone in case of geological values. The Southern Foothill of the Bükk Mts. (Bükkalja) as a study area

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    - Az Egri-Bükkalja földtani értékeinek kataszterezési eredményei azt igazolják, hogy a kutatási terület geológiai értékvédelemben játszott szerepe - lehetőségeihez viszonyítva - nem kiaknázott a Bükki Nemzeti Park déli előterében. Napjainkban csak 32 geológiai feltárásra, felszíni formára terjed ki a hivatalos védelem, ezek (geológiai korokhoz viszonyított) aránya az alábbi: 34% miocén Gyulakeszi Riolittufa F.; 15-15% triász Bervai Mészkő F. és a Miocén Tari Dácittufa F.; 12% oligocén Kiscelli Agyag F.; 6%-6% miocén Harsányi Riolittufa F., Miocén Gyulakeszi R. F. Kisgyőri Tagozat; 3-3% eocén Szépvölgyi Mészkő F., oligocén Egri F. és a holocén üledékrétegek feltárásai. 19 védett felszíni mikroformát ismerünk a területen, ua. a geomorfológiai térképezések alapján minden település esetében legalább 10-15 olyan mikro- és mezoformát jelölhetünk ki, amelyek a táj egyéni és karakteres formaelemeit mutathatják be. Ex lege védelemre javasoljuk a rétegtani alapszelvényeket és a kaptárköveket. - 1-1 mintaterületen részletes felmérési eredményeket közlünk, amelyek terepi (geológiai szelvényi) felmérésekre, szedimentológiai vizsgálatokra, geomorfológiai térképezési eredményekre épülnek. A mintaterületek értékelését helyenként mikrobiológiai, algológiai, kémiai és botanikai kutatási eredményekkel is kiegészítettük. | The results of the geological values' cadastral survey in the southern foreground of the Bükk National Park (foothill areas) show that the study area is rich in different geological and morphological values, but their development possibilities are neglected. Today only 32 geological exposures and landforms are preserved in this territory. Their classification based on geological times are the following: 34% Miocene Gyulakeszi Rhyolite Tuff Formation, 15-15% Triassic Bervai Limestone F. and Miocene Tari Dacite Tuff F.; 12% Oligocene Kiscelli Clay F.; 6%-6% Miocene Harsányi Rhyolite Tuff F., Miocene Gyulakeszi R. F. Kisgyőr Member; 3-3% Eocene Szépvölgyi Limestone F., Oligocene Egri F. and sections of Holocene sediment layers. We know 19 protected micro landforms in the study areas. In case of geomorphological mapping, we can mark more than 10-15 micro and mezo landforms per settlements, which are specific or characteristic elements in the Bükk Foreland and excellent for the protection and public presentation. The stratigraphical columns, exposures and 'Hive-stones' are recommended under Ex lege protection. Detailed scientific results are published in different study areas based on the field surveys, sedimentological investigations and geomorphological mapping. These results are completed with microbiological, algological, chemical and botanical scientific investigation results too

    Production of Hypoallergenic Antibacterial Peptides from Defatted Soybean Meal in Membrane Bioreactor: A Bioprocess Engineering Study with Comprehensive Product Characterization

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    Hipoalergeni antibakterijski peptidi male molekularne mase proizvedeni su iz nemasne sojine sačme u membranskom bioreaktoru. U prvom su koraku proteini sojine sačme razgrađeni pomoću tripsina u šaržnom bioreaktoru. Optimalni uvjeti za razgradnju tripsinom bili su: koncentracija sojine sačme od 75 g/L, temperatura od 40 °C i pH=9. Nakon toga su peptidi male molekularne mase pročišćeni pomoću „cross-flow“ membrane (veličina pora 100 μm), a zatim pomoću keramičke cjevaste membrane (veličine pora koja ne propušta molekule veće od 5 kDa). Ispitan je utjecaj transmembranskog pritiska i primjene statičkih promotera turbulencije na smanjenje koncentracijske polarizacije blizu površine ultrafiltracijske membrane, te je potvrđen njihov pozitivan učinak. Transmembranski pritisak od 3•105 Pa i diskontinuirana dijafiltracija provedena u tri koraka bili su optimalni za filtraciju pomoću ultrafiltracijske membrane. Distribucija molekularne mase peptida pročišćenih pomoću ultrafiltracijske membrane utvrđena je pomoću metode LC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS. Više od 96 % peptida (izraženih kao relativna frekvencija) iz permeata ultrafiltracijske membrane imalo je molekularnu masu manju od 1,7 kDa, a najveća je molekularna masa bila 3,1 kDa. Smanjenje alergenih svojstava proteina za više od 99,9 % nakon obrade tripsinom i membranske filtracije utvrđeno je imunoenzimskim testom. Također je zaključeno da peptidi pročišćeni pomoću ultrafiltracijske membrane pozitivno djeluju na rast bakterije Pediococcus acidilactici HA6111-2, te sprečavaju rast bakterije Bacillus cereus.Hypoallergenic antibacterial low-molecular-mass peptides were produced from defatted soybean meal in a membrane bioreactor. In the first step, soybean meal proteins were digested with trypsin in the bioreactor, operated in batch mode. For the tryptic digestion of soybean meal protein, optimum initial soybean meal concentration of 75 g/L, temperature of 40 °C and pH=9.0 were determined. After enzymatic digestion, low-molecular-mass peptides were purified with cross-flow flat sheet membrane (pore size 100 μm) and then with tubular ceramic ultrafiltration membrane (molecular mass cut-off 5 kDa). Effects of transmembrane pressure and the use of a static turbulence promoter to reduce the concentration polarization near the ultrafiltration membrane surface were examined and their positive effects were proven. For the filtration with ultrafiltration membrane, transmembrane pressure of 3·10^5 Pa with 3-stage discontinuous diafiltration was found optimal. The molecular mass distribution of purified peptides using ultrafiltration membrane was determined by a liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry setup. More than 96 % of the peptides (calculated as relative frequency) from the ultrafiltration membrane permeate had the molecular mass M≤1.7 kDa and the highest molecular mass was found to be 3.1 kDa. The decrease of allergenic property due to the tryptic digestion and membrane filtration was determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and it was found to exceed 99.9 %. It was also found that the peptides purifi d in the ultrafi tration membrane promoted the growth of Pediococcus acidilactici HA6111-2 and they possessed antibacterial activity against Bacillus cereus

    The continuing story of SN IIb 2013df: new optical and IR observations and analysis

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    This work has been supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) Grants NN107637, K104607, K83790, and K113117. TS is supported by the OTKA Postdoctoral Fellowship PD112325. JCW’s Supernova group at the UT Austin is supported by NSF Grant AST 11-09881 grant. JMS is supported by an NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship under award AST-1302771. KS and AP are supported by the ‘Lend¨ulet-2009’ Young Researchers Program and the LP2012-31 grant of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, respectively; KS is also supported by the ESA PECS Contract no. 4000110889/14/NL/NDe.SN 2013df is a nearby Type IIb supernova that seems to be the spectroscopic twin of the well-known SN 1993J. Previous studies revealed many, but not all interesting properties of this event. Our goal was to add new understanding of both the early- and late-time phases of SN 2013df. Our spectral analysis is based on six optical spectra obtained with the 9.2 m Hobby-Eberly Telescope during the first month after explosion, complemented by a near-infrared spectrum. We applied the SYNAPPS spectral synthesis code to constrain the chemical composition and physical properties of the ejecta. A principal result is the identification of 'high-velocity' He i lines in the early spectra of SN 2013df, manifest as the blue component of the double-troughed profile at ~5650 Å. This finding, together with the lack of clear separation of H and He lines in velocity space, indicates that both H and He features form at the outer envelope during the early phases. We also obtained ground-based BVRI and g'r'i'z' photometric data up to +45 d and unfiltered measurements with the ROTSE-IIIb telescope up to +168 d. From the modelling of the early-time quasi-bolometric light curve, we find Mej ~ 3.2-4.6 M⊙ and Ekin ~ 2.6-2.8 × 1051 erg for the initial ejecta mass and the initial kinetic energy, respectively, which agree well with the values derived from the separate modelling of the light-curve tail. Late-time mid-infrared excess indicates circumstellar interaction starting ~1 yr after explosion, in accordance with previously published optical, X-ray, and radio data.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The continuing story of SN IIb 2013df: new optical and IR observations and analysis

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    SN 2013df is a nearby Type IIb supernova that seems to be the spectroscopic twin of the well-known SN 1993J. Previous studies revealed many, but not all interesting properties of this event. Our goal was to add new understanding of both the early- and late-time phases of SN 2013df. Our spectral analysis is based on six optical spectra obtained with the 9.2 m Hobby-Eberly Telescope during the first month after explosion, complemented by a near-infrared spectrum. We applied the SYNAPPS spectral synthesis code to constrain the chemical composition and physical properties of the ejecta. A principal result is the identification of 'high-velocity' He i lines in the early spectra of SN 2013df, manifest as the blue component of the double-troughed profile at ~5650 Å. This finding, together with the lack of clear separation of H and He lines in velocity space, indicates that both H and He features form at the outer envelope during the early phases. We also obtained ground-based BVRI and g'r'i'z' photometric data up to +45 d and unfiltered measurements with the ROTSE-IIIb telescope up to +168 d. From the modelling of the early-time quasi-bolometric light curve, we find Mej ~ 3.2-4.6 M⊙ and Ekin ~ 2.6-2.8 × 1051 erg for the initial ejecta mass and the initial kinetic energy, respectively, which agree well with the values derived from the separate modelling of the light-curve tail. Late-time mid-infrared excess indicates circumstellar interaction starting ~1 yr after explosion, in accordance with previously published optical, X-ray, and radio data.</p