255 research outputs found

    3D Electrospinning of Al2O3/ZrO2 fibrous aerogels for multipurpose thermal insulation

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    Ceramic aerogels are excellent ultralight-weight thermal insulators yet impractical due to their tendency towards structural degradation at elevated temperatures, under mechanical disturbances, or in humid environments. Here, we present flexible and durable alumina/zirconia fibrous aerogels (AZFA) fabricated using 3D sol–gel electrospinning — a technique enabling in situ formation of 3D fiber assemblies with significantly reduced time consumption and low processing cost compared to most existing methods. Our AZFAs exhibit ultralow density (> 3.4 mg cm−3), low thermal conductivity (> 21.6 mW m−1 K−1), excellent fire resistance, while remaining mechanically elastic and flexible at 1300 °C, and thermally stable at 1500 °C. We investigate the underlying structure-thermal conductivity relationships, demonstrating that the macroscopic fiber arrangement dictates the solid-phase thermal conduction, and the mesopores in the fiber effectively trap air thereby decreasing the gas conduction. We show experimentally and theoretically that directional heat transport, i.e., anisotropic thermal conductivity, can be achieved through compressing the fiber network. We further solve the moisture sensitivity problem of common fibrous aerogels through fluorination coating. The resulting material possesses excellent hydrophobicity and self-cleaning properties, which can provide reliable thermal insulation under various conditions, including but not limited to high-temperature conditions in vehicles and aircraft, humid conditions in buildings, and underwater environments for oil pipelines. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Fluoride alters type I collagen expression in the early stages of odontogenesis

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    Fluoride alters the expression and post-translational modifications of extracellular matrix proteins in dentin. The aim of our study was to determine the effects of fluoride on type I collagen expression during the early stages of tooth germ development in rats. Pregnant dams were divided into three groups and fed a standard diet. From the fifth day of pregnancy the three groups received tap water with, respectively, trace amounts of fluoride (C), a low fluoride concentration (FL) or and a high fluoride concentration (FH). Changes in type I collagen expression and distribution were evaluated. The expression of type I collagen was restricted to the extracellular spaces of cells of mesenchymal origin. In the youngest animals the most intense immunoreactivity for type I collagen was detected in predentin of the FL group. Although the intensity of immunostaining increased in proportion to the age of the animals, the largest increase in the groups investigated was detected in the FL group. We concluded that a low concentration of fluoride can act as a stimulator of type I collagen deposition in the extracellular matrix of dentin, while high concentrations of fluoride have an opposite effect, acting as an inhibitor of type I collagen formation in dentin

    UV cross-linked polyvinylpyrrolidone electrospun fibres as antibacterial surfaces

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    Many bacteria become progressively more resistant to antibiotics and it remains a challenging task to control their overall levels. Polymers combined with active biomolecules come to the forefront for the design of antibacterial materials that can address this encounter. In this work, we investigated the photo-crosslinking approach of UV-sensitive benzophenone molecule (BP) with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) polymer within electrospun fibres. The BP and PVP solutions allowed fabricating polymer mats that were subsequently functionalised with antibacterial lysozyme. The physical properties of the crosslinked electrospun fibres were investigated by scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The average diameter of the obtained fibres decreased from 290 ± 50 nm to 270 ± 70 nm upon the addition of the crosslinking molecules and then to 240 ± 80 nm and 180 ± 90 nm after subsequent crosslinking reaction at an increasing time: 3 and 5 h, respectively. The peak force quantitative nanomechanical mapping (PF-QNM) indicated the increase of DMT modulus of obtained cross-linked fibres from 4.1 ± 0.8 GPa to 7.2 ± 0.5 GPa. Furthermore, the successful crosslinking reaction of PVP and BP solution into hydrogels was investigated in terms of examining photo-crosslinking mechanism and was confirmed by rheology, Raman, Fourier transform infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance. Finally, lysozyme was successfully encapsulated within cross-linked PVP-BP hydrogels and these were successfully electrospun into mats which were found to be as effective antibacterial agents as pure lysozyme molecules. The dissolution rate of photo cross-linked PVP mats was observed to increase in comparison to pure PVP electrospun mats which opened a potential route for their use as antibacterial, on-demand, dissolvable coatings for various biomedical applications

    Histone deacetylase 7, a potential target for the antifibrotic treatment of systemic sclerosis

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    OBJECTIVE: We have recently shown a significant reduction in cytokine-induced transcription of type I collagen and fibronectin in systemic sclerosis (SSc) skin fibroblasts upon treatment with trichostatin A (TSA). Moreover, in a mouse model of fibrosis, TSA prevented the dermal accumulation of extracellular matrix. The purpose of this study was to analyze the silencing of histone deacetylase 7 (HDAC-7) as a possible mechanism by which TSA exerts its antifibrotic function. METHODS: Skin fibroblasts from patients with SSc were treated with TSA and/or transforming growth factor beta. Expression of HDACs 1-11, extracellular matrix proteins, connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) was analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction, Western blotting, and the Sircol collagen assay. HDAC-7 was silenced using small interfering RNA. RESULTS: SSc fibroblasts did not show a specific pattern of expression of HDACs. TSA significantly inhibited the expression of HDAC-7, whereas HDAC-3 was up-regulated. Silencing of HDAC-7 decreased the constitutive and cytokine-induced production of type I and type III collagen, but not fibronectin, as TSA had done. Most interestingly, TSA induced the expression of CTGF and ICAM-1, while silencing of HDAC-7 had no effect on their expression. CONCLUSION: Silencing of HDAC-7 appears to be not only as effective as TSA, but also a more specific target for the treatment of SSc, because it does not up-regulate the expression of profibrotic molecules such as ICAM-1 and CTGF. This observation may lead to the development of more specific and less toxic targeted therapies for SSc

    Ultrasonic exfoliation of graphene in water: A key parameter study

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    Liquid Phase Exfoliation (LPE) is an efficient method for graphene flake exfoliation and considered to be compatible with industrial production requirements. However, most of available LPE methods require the uses of harmful and expensive solvents for chemical exfoliation prior to mechanical dispersion of the flakes, and therefore an additional step is needed to remove the contamination caused by the added chemicals, making the process complex, costly, unsafe and detrimental to the environment. By studying the effects of key ultrasonic LPE parameters, our study demonstrates the possibility to control the production and quality of few-layer graphene flakes in pure water in a relatively short period of time. The driving frequency of an ultrasonic source, a higher acoustic cavitation intensity and uniform distribution of the cavitation events in the sonicated volume are the key parameters for controlling the thickness, surface area and production yield of few-layer graphene flakes. The results are discussed in the context of mechanical exfoliation. This opens a direction for developing LPE into a cost effective, clean, environmentally friendly, and scalable manufacturing process for the next generation of two-dimensional nanomaterials for industrial-scale applications.UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) “Sustainable and industrially scalable ultrasonic liquid phase exfoliation technologies for manufacturing 2D advanced functional materials” (EcoUltra2D) (grant nos. EP/R031665/1; EP/R031401/1; EP/R031819/1; EP/R031975/1); Royal Society

    Comparison of three methods of DNA extraction from human bones with different degrees of degradation

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    There is a necessity for deceased identification as a result of many accidents and sometimes bones are the only accessible source of DNA. So far, a universal method that allows for extraction of DNA from materials at different stages of degradation does not exist. The aims of this study were: the comparison of three methods of DNA extraction from bones with different degree of degradation and an evaluation of the usefulness of these methods in forensic genetics. The efficiency of DNA extraction, the degree of extract contamination by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) inhibitors and the possibility of determining the STR loci profile were especially being compared. Nuclear DNA from bones at different states of degradation was isolated using three methods: classical, organic phenol–chloroform extraction, DNA extraction from crystal aggregates and extraction by total demineralisation. Total demineralisation is the best method for most cases of DNA extraction from bones, although it does not provide pure DNA. DNA extraction from aggregates removes inhibitors much better and is also a good method of choice when identity determination of exhumed remains is necessary. In the case of not buried bones (remains found outside) total demineralisation or phenol–chloroform protocols are more efficient for successful DNA extraction

    Novel AlkB Dioxygenases—Alternative Models for In Silico and In Vivo Studies

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    Background: ALKBH proteins, the homologs of Escherichia coli AlkB dioxygenase, constitute a direct, single-protein repair system, protecting cellular DNA and RNA against the cytotoxic and mutagenic activity of alkylating agents, chemicals significantly contributing to tumor formation and used in cancer therapy. In silico analysis and in vivo studies have shown the existence of AlkB homologs in almost all organisms. Nine AlkB homologs (ALKBH1–8 and FTO) have been identified in humans. High ALKBH levels have been found to encourage tumor development, questioning the use of alkylating agents in chemotherapy. The aim of this work was to assign biological significance to multiple AlkB homologs by characterizing their activity in the repair of nucleic acids in prokaryotes and their subcellular localization in eukaryotes. Methodology and Findings: Bioinformatic analysis of protein sequence databases identified 1943 AlkB sequences with eight new AlkB subfamilies. Since Cyanobacteria and Arabidopsis thaliana contain multiple AlkB homologs, they were selected as model organisms for in vivo research. Using E. coli alkB2 mutant and plasmids expressing cyanobacterial AlkBs, we studied the repair of methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and chloroacetaldehyde (CAA) induced lesions in ssDNA, ssRNA, and genomic DNA. On the basis of GFP fusions, we investigated the subcellular localization of ALKBHs in A. thaliana and established its mostly nucleo-cytoplasmic distribution. Some of the ALKBH proteins were found to change their localization upon MMS treatment. Conclusions: Our in vivo studies showed highly specific activity of cyanobacterial AlkB proteins towards lesions and nucleic acid type. Subcellular localization and translocation of ALKBHs in A. thaliana indicates a possible role for these proteins in the repair of alkyl lesions. We hypothesize that the multiplicity of ALKBHs is due to their involvement in the metabolism of nucleo-protein complexes; we find their repair by ALKBH proteins to be economical and effective alternative to degradation and de novo synthesis