125 research outputs found

    Developing A Local-Based Theoretical Understanding Of Domestic Violence Against Wives

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    By focusing on the youths of Malaysia, this research investigates how cultural norms contribute towards the acceptance of violent behaviour between spouses amongst the Malaysia population, assesses the influence of religious and cultural beliefs on such acceptance and examine* the relationship between youths' ideas about the position of men and women in society and their understanding about domestic violence against wive

    Invariant behavioural based discrimination for individual representation

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    Writer identification based on cursive words is one of the extensive behavioural biometric that has involved many researchers to work in. Recently, its main idea is in forensic investigation and biometric analysis as such the handwriting style can be used as individual behavioural adaptation for authenticating an author. In this study, a novel approach of presenting cursive features of authors is presented. The invariants-based discriminability of the features is proposed by discretizing the moment features of each writer using biometric invariant discretization cutting point (BIDCP). BIDCP is introduced for features perseverance to obtain better individual representations and discriminations. Our experiments have revealed that by using the proposed method, the authorship identification based on cursive words is significantly increased with an average identification rate of 99.80%

    Hubungan Pencemaran Partikel Terampai (PMIO) dengan Pesakit Asma

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    A study of 30 asthmatic children was conducted in Kuala Lumpur. The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between respirable particulates (PMIO) and asthma attacks. This study was conducted from 1st September to 31st December 1994. Patients were selected from the Pediatric Unit, Kuala Lumpur General Hospital. Questionnaires were used to obtain information on the history and severity of asthma attacks of these patients. Diary cards were used to collect information on the frequency of asthma attacks. The patients' progress was followed through every week during the study period and the attacks recorded. The data on air quality and meteorology were collected from the Universiti Pertanian Malaysia air quality monitoring station located at the Kuala Lumpur City Hall. Based on the interviews, parents perceived that the causal factors of asthma attacks were cold weather (73.3%), air pollution (70%), and diet (67.7%). Statistical tests indicated that there was a significant relationship between asthma attacks and the PM10 concentration (r~0.73) throughout the study period. During the haze episode, the relationship between asthma attacks and PMIO concentrations was more significant (r = 0.86)

    “Don’t marry, be happy!” – how single women in Malaysia view marriage

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    The aim of this study is to explore how single women in Malaysia who have never been married view marriage and related issues. Two-hundred single women between the ages of 24 to 66 were interviewed in this study. Participants reported their view on gender and marriage (42-items), social expectations related to their marital status (12-item) and their marital plan. Participants reported moderately traditional view about gender and marriage experienced some level of expectations to get married and although they generally felt positive with their current status of being single, they were still open to the idea of marriage. Ideal characteristics of a partner include kindness, sincerity, responsibility and maturity. Findings indicated realistic but open expectations related to marriage

    Kajian tahap kebisingan terhadap keselesaan pelajar KUiTTHO di dalam bilik kuliah

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    Kajian tahap kebisingan terhadap keselesaan pelajar KUiITHO di dalam bilik kuliah adalah melibatkan perincian kesinarnbungan terhadap pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang dijalankan. Dengan mengambilkirajantina, kursus pengajian yang diikuti serta institusi terdahulu, didapati bahawa gangguan kebisingan di bilik-bilik kuliah KUiTTHO adalah pada tahap normal dan tidak memberikan kesan besar terhadap kesihatan dan keselesaan di bilik kuliah iaitu pada kadar 80% bersetuju terhadap soalan�soalan kajian serta pada j ulat kebisingan yang tidak melampau, kesesuaian percakapan 500-2000 kHz, 25-30NR, sekitar 35dB-60dB menurut piawaian CIBSE GUIDE dengan pengukur 'Sound Meter Level Model 1800'

    AC losses in Sn-doped Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2(Ca1-xSnx)2Cu3Oδ superconductors

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    Measurements of complex AC susceptibility χ = χ + χ as a function of temperature have been carried out on Sn-doped Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2(Ca1-xSnx)2Cu3Oδ superconductor samples prepared via the conventional solid state reaction method. All the samples exhibit perfect diamagnetism below 109 K. The χ (T) curves display two-step features, indicating the presence of mixed phases and therefore weakening of the grains' coupling. The amount of shielded volume in Sn-free samples is greater than that in Sn-doped samples. The intrinsic peak due to the small AC losses within the grain was not observed in the χ (T) curves for all samples. However, the coupling peak, TP, for Sn-free samples at an applied field of 1.0 Oe was observed at 89 K and shifted to a lower temperature ranging from 59 K to 64.2 K in Sn-doped samples. The amounts of hysteresis losses above the TP in all doped samples were smaller than that of the Sn-free sample. Therefore, the effect of Sn doping suppressed the inter-granular critical current, Jcm, and the presence of weak links that coupled the superconducting grains

    Quantifying Factors Affecting Willingness to Communicate in English: Understanding Young Learners at Perhentian Island

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    Perhentian Island is a renowned islands by the locals and the tourists around the world. The island receives a high number of tourists every year. The high number of tourism activities has influenced the English communication skills among the locals who are using their own local dialect as a medium of communication. Nevertheless, based on the school yearly assessment, the proficiency among the pupils in the one and only school in Perhentian Island did not show any significant effect. It has brought up the question of how much the tourism activities could influence the English proficiency of the pupils. This research investigated the pupils’ willingness to communicate in English as a Second Language by applying the variables extracted from Theory Reason Action (TRA) and the variables from willingness to communicate (WTC). The respondents involved in this research (N=107) were the pupils at the Perhentian Island. The findings showed that the willingness of communication in L2 has influenced the pupils’ attitude and behavior in using English language during the school hours. The results reveal that perceived attitude is the main factor that influenced pupils’ readiness in Perhentian Island to communicate in English as a second language. The implications of the results and future research directions are also discussed

    Proposed model for investigating the level of the users’ acceptance of e-government services

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    The current paper aims to propose a framework for investigating the level of acceptance of the users for e-government services. The proposed model consists of two main independent variables. The first factor is the perceived usefulness with two-constructs, namely: perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. The second independent variable is trust, which has three sub-constructs: perceived risk, perceived privacy and perceived security. The proposed model hypothesizes that these variables have a positive effect on the users’ acceptance for e-government services. The proposed model also hypothesizes that knowledge technology has a positive effect on the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. This model could help to understand the level of acceptance of the users for e-government services, especially that it has focused on both positive and negative factors that might influence the users’ acceptance of e-government services

    Experiences Of Crime Amongst Youth From A Gender Perspective: A Preliminary Analysis

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    Crime index in Malaysia has increased significantly over the years. There is an emerging trend today of juvenile involvement in crime and other social ills. Juvenile crime involving children aged 12 to 17 years experiences a 47% increment. There is also a notable increase of female juveniles in Malaysia. This paper contributes to the understandings of factors motivating criminal behaviour amongst youths by making a preliminary analysis of male and female juveniles’ experiences in Malaysia. Face to face indepth interviews were applied in the study that becomes the basis of this paper. The participants were residents of two rehabilitative facilities for juveniles in the Penang and Kedah, two northern states of Malaysia. This study of 37 male and 19 female juvenile offenders find that there are noteworthy gender differences in the whole experiences of serving incarceration at their respective schools. Preliminary analysis indicated several gender differences of male and female in overall referral rates to juvenile court, type of crime they committed, and level of violent offences. From the interviews, the study preliminarily finds that common narratives demonstrate male and female similarities in terms of factors leading them to the commission of crime. Female offenders, like male offenders tend to come from background marked by disadvantaged economic conditions, poor schooling and lack of attention from parents and/ or guardians. However, boys and girls may articulate their contexts of existing and desired support in different manners. This preliminary analysis can be the basis for rethinking further data gathering on juvenile delinquency issues and further strategies for intervention that may help rebuild juveniles’ senses wellbeing

    Information integration in electronic health information systems using service oriented architecture approach

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    Health Information System (HIS) integration constitutes one of the main challenges to the developers.Although current integration technologies are up to now quite mature, we confront several problems and challenges regarding the complexity of functions and database of the HIS.The efficiency and performance are the issues for the HIS implementation that related to information integration problems.This research proposed an approach using Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) through Web Services (WS) to integrate the information used by the HIS.This study explored the problems and issues of information integration in HIS and uses the WS and SOA to improve the performance of HIS.The performance of data integration is measured to evaluate the proposed approach.Moreover, benchmark with the current approach is carried out in order to describe the efficiency of the proposed solution