1,017 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Bioflok yang Dikombinasikan dengan Probiotik untuk Pencegahan Infeksi Vibrio Parahaemolyticus pada Pemelihaaran Udang Vaname (Litopenaeus Vannamei)

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    Budidaya udang yang dilakukan dengan sistem intensif ternyata banyak menimbulkan permasalahan. Adanya masalah penyakit di udang yang disebabkan oleh bakteri, virus, ataupun koinfeksi merupakan masalah yang harus ditangani. Penggunaan probitik dan bioflok merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengatasi penyakit yang ada. Selain itu, kombinasi tersebut diharapkan mampu meningkatkan performa sistem imun udang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan bioflok yang dikombinasikan dengan probiotik terhadap sistem imun udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) yang di uji tantang dengan V. parahaemolyticus. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 5 bulan. Perlakuan yang diberikan yaitu penambahan probiotik komersil dalam media budidaya dengan sistem bioflok pada pakan berupa kontrol negatif (tanpa probiotik + tanpa bioflok) (1), kontrol positif (media budidaya bioflok dan tanpa penambahan probiotik) (2), probiotik I + bioflok (3), probiotik II + bioflok (4), dan probiotik III + bioflok (5).. Hasil yang diperoleh untuk performa performa sistem imun udang. terbaik pada perlakuan 4 (probiotik II + bioflok) dengan hasil SR sebesar 76,67%, THC sebesar 9,7 x 106 ml-1, dan total jumlah bakteri sebesar 1.59 x 107

    Using Unlabeled Data Set for Mining Knowledge from DDB

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    In this paper, two algorithms were introduced to describe two algorithms to describe and compare the applying of the proposed technique in the two types of the distributed database system. The First Proposed Algorithm is Homogeneous Distributed Clustering for Classification (HOMDC4C), which aim to learn a classification model from unlabeled datasets distributed homogenously over the network, this is done by building a local clustering model on the datasets distributed over three sites in the network and then build a local classification model based on labeled data that produce from clustering model. In the one computer considered as a control computer, we build a global classification model and then use this model in the future predictive. The Second Proposed Algorithm in Heterogeneous Distributed Clustering for Classification (HETDC4C) aims to build a classification model over unlabeled datasets distributed heterogeneously over sites of the network, the datasets in this algorithm collected in one central computer and then build the clustering model and then classification model. The objective of this work is to use the unlabeled data to introduce a set of labeled data that are useful for build a classification model that can predict any unlabeled instance based on that classification model. This was done by using the Clustering for Classification technique. Then presented this technique in distributed database environment to reduce the execution time and storage space that is required

    Sikap terhadap Sains Siswa dalam Pembelajaran IPA Fisika melalui Penerapan Strategi Index Card Match pada Materi Kalor di Kelas VII 4 SMPN 20 Pekanbaru

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    The aim of this research was to determine the creasing of students\u27 attitudes toward science Physics in class VII4 SMPN 20 Pekanbaru by implementing in learning Index Card Match strategy in heat subject. The research subjects were students of class VII4 totalling 39 people consisting of 15 male students and 24 female students. Data collection instruments in this research a question of students attitudes towards science consisting of 24 items. Analysis of the data in this research is descriptive analysis to see changes in students attitudes toward science and use the gain. From the analysis of the data showed an increase in students attitudes towards science has increased by an average of 0.31. Thus, it can be concluded that the implementation of physics learning using the Index Card Match strategy can improve students\u27s attitudes toward science in class VII4 SMP 20 Pekanbaru

    Reproductive Health Care in Carceral Facilities: Identifying What We Know and Opportunities for Further Research

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    With increased attention on and awareness about the rights of incarcerated people, their reproductive rights and other health issues are also gaining traction in national discourse. Reproductive health care is critical for incarcerated people, especially as approximately half are parents of minor children (Ghandnoosh, Stammen, and Muhitch 2021) and 3 to 4 percent of women have been reported to be pregnant upon admission to state and federal prisons (Maruschak 2008). Furthermore, prisons have violated people's reproductive freedom and physical autonomy with inhumane practices such as forced sterilization and the restraining of pregnant people* during labor. Despite its importance, research on reproductive health care access in prisons is limited. In this brief, we provide an overview of what is known about reproductive health care in carceral settings and explore opportunities for further research

    An Analysis of the Ability of the First Year Students of Sman 1 Banuhampu in Comprehending Narrative Texts

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    The aim of this study is to find out the ability of the first year students of SMAN 1 Banuhampu in comprehending narrative texts. The population of this research were all of the first year students of SMAN 1 Banuhampu which consist of 238 students. There were 33 students who participated in this study. The instrument was a test adapted from authentic material and consists of 35 questions. The frame of the test covers 7 components: main idea, factual information, contextual meaning, reference, restatement, generic structure and language feature and had 5 questions for each component. Before the test was administered, the test was tried out to find out the difficulty level and the reliability of the test. To analyze the data, the raw scores and the level of ability of the students was calculated and identified by using the classification of ability level by Harris (1974). The result showed that the ability of the first year students of SMAN 1Banuhampu in comprehending narrative texts was at average to good level with mean score 72.12. Therefore, it can be concluded that most of the students were able to comprehend narrative text. However, the students are suggested to learn the seven components in comprehending narrative text that will help them in comprehending others reading texts

    Kemampuan Siswa dalam Memahami Teks Bahasa Inggris pada Siswa Semester Kedua di Sman 1 Benai

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    This research was designed to describe the students' ability incomprehending English texts. The aim was to find out students ability in comprehendingthe text. This descriptive research took place in SMAN 1 Benai in March 2016. Thesample was 40 students from XI IPA3 class that took by using cluster random sampling.In collecting the data, there were 30 questions that included in this test. The durationtime for doing the test was 90 minutes. The data was analyzed by calculating thestudents' score individually and finding out the mean score. The students' scoreclassified into five level mastery; they are: very poor, poor mediocre, good, andexcellent. The data was presented by using graphic. Based on the result finding of thisresearch, the students' ability in comprehending English texts at second year of SMAN1 Benai was in good level. Meanwhile, the mean score of the whole students' scores was62.2
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