107 research outputs found

    Challenges of Home Underinsurance and a solution framework for insurance companies

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    Mestrado em FinançasAll over the world, evidence suggests that individuals tend to undervalue their assets. This subject seems to be particularly dramatic in the case of home insurance line of business because of its social and economical relevance. Consumers' behaviour is guided by some core principles and variables which mixed with environmental characteristics can lead in many cases to some sort of underinsurance. This work presents a framework in order to understand why individuals take insurance decisions and why they frequently underinsure their assets, by presenting the most significant causes that can help us to identify the true origin of the problem. Moreover, analysis of its consequences allows understanding of impact over economical agents, namely insurers and policyholders. Even though this issue could be also analyzed under a social perspective, involving the role of government's authorities, discussion is centered in interactions between the two sides of an insurance contract. Finally, we propose a set of solutions that may be designed in order to minimize likelihood of underinsurance.Existem dados que indicam que, de forma global, há uma tendência natural dos indivíduos para subavaliarem os seus activos, sendo que este assunto parece ser particularmente dramático no caso do seguro de habitação devido à sua relevância social e económica. O comportamento dos consumidores é guiado por algumas variáveis e princípios-chave que, em conjunto com as características do meio envolvente, levam em muitos casos a situações de infra-seguro ou subseguro. Este trabalho apresenta uma sistematização do problema para que se compreenda a forma como os indivíduos tomam as suas decisões no contexto dos seguros e o porquê de colocarem frequentemente os seus activos em situações de infra-seguro. Nesse sentido, apresentar-se-ão igualmente as causas mais importantes que nos ajudam a identificar a verdadeira origem do problema. Para além disso, a análise das suas consequências permite compreender o impacto nos agentes económicos, nomeadamente nos seguradores e nos tomadores de seguro. Ainda que este assunto possa ser analisado sob uma perspectiva social, envolvendo o papel das autoridades governamentais, a discussão é centrada nas interacções entre as duas partes do contrato de seguro. Finalmente, propomos um conjunto de soluções que podem ser desenhadas de forma a reduzir a possibilidade de ocorrência de infra-seguro

    Nanotecnologia : considerações em materiais, saúde e meio ambiente

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    Qualquer leitor, com o mínimo de interesse em Tecnologia, não pode ficar alheio à Nanociência e Nanotecnologia (N&N), que representam importantes fronteiras do conhecimento científico e tecnológico. O traço da N&N é a transversalidade de sua atuação e o impacto que protagoniza nos dias de hoje, em franco crescimento. Este livro foi concebido e produzido para fornecer ao leitor informações básicas e aplicadas sobre a N&N. O livro destaca duas vertentes importantes da N&N: síntese e caracterização de nanomateriais e aplicações em saúde e meio ambiente. O texto não pretende cobrir todo o universo da N&N, porém inclui tópicos relevantes, organizados dos fundamentos para as aplicações, oferecendo ao leitor um marco introdutório, que por iniciativas individuais poderá se aprofundar em diferentes direções da N&N. O texto reflete parte da experiência acumulada pela rede de N&N, organizada a partir do trabalho conjunto de diferentes laboratórios e unidades acadêmicas pertencentes à Universidade de Brasília (UnB), com foco no ensino de pós-graduação, pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação. Esta rede foi organizada a partir do final da década de 1990, e nos anos subsequentes estendeu-se muito além da UnB, envolvendo cerca de duas dezenas de instituições parceiras no país e no exterior, coletando o saldo de quase um milhar de patentes e artigos publicados em revistas científicas indexadas e cerca de cinco centenas de orientações de alunos de pós-graduação

    Evaluation of ovarian structures using computerized microtomography

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    Visualization and clear understanding of the ovarian structures are important in determining the stage of oestrus, helping to diagnose several pathologies and supporting advances in reproductive technologies. In this research, computerized microtomography (microCT) was used to explore and characterize the ovarian structure of seven mammalian species. Ovaries of rats, female dog, queens, cows, mares, sows and a female donkey were used. After microCT scanning, the same samples were prepared for histologic evaluation, used here as a validation criterion. It was possible to distinguish regions of the cortex and medulla, visualize the morphology and distribution of blood vessels, clearly observe corpus luteum and antral follicles, and visualize oocytes inside some antral follicles. This is the first report using microCT to explore and compare ovarian structures in several domestic mammals. MicroCT revealed great potential for the evaluation of ovarian structures. This research open prospects for the use of computerized tomography (CT) as a non-invasive approach to studying ovarian structures in live animals, which may be especially attractive for scientific study of development of ovarian structures and/or ovarian pathologies in small animals’ models

    Liposomal photosensitizers : potential platforms for anticancer photodynamic therapy

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    Photodynamic therapy is a well-established and clinically approved treatment for several types of cancer. Antineoplastic photodynamic therapy is based on photosensitizers, i.e., drugs that absorb photons translating light energy into a chemical potential that damages tumor tissues. Despite the encouraging clinical results with the approved photosensitizers available today, the prolonged skin phototoxicity, poor selectivity for diseased tissues, hydrophobic nature, and extended retention in the host organism shown by these drugs have stimulated researchers to develop new formulations for photodynamic therapy. In this context, due to their amphiphilic characteristic (compatibility with both hydrophobic and hydrophilic substances), liposomes have proven to be suitable carriers for photosensitizers, improving the photophysical properties of the photosensitizers. Moreover, as nanostructured drug delivery systems, liposomes improve the efficiency and safety of antineoplastic photodynamic therapy, mainly by the classical phenomenon of extended permeation and retention. Therefore, the association of photosensitizers with liposomes has been extensively studied. In this review, both current knowledge and future perspectives on liposomal carriers for antineoplastic photodynamic therapy are critically discussed

    Amphotericin B: an antifungal drug in nanoformulations for the treatment of paracoccidioidomycosis

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    La anfotericina B: una droga antifúngica en nanoformulaciones para el tratamiento de la paracoccidioidomicosisForma de citar: Pereira Garcia M, Meneses Almeida Santos MF, Saldanha Arruda C, Iocca DC. Amphotericin B: an antifungal drug in nanoformulations for the treatment of paracoccidioidomycosis. rev.univ.ind.santander.salud 2013; 45 (3): 45-53ABSTRACTThe use of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) in drug delivery vehicles must address issues such as drug-loading  capacity, desired  release profle,  aqueous dispersion  stability, biocompatibility with  cells  and tissue,  and  retention  of  magnetic  properties  after  interaction  with  macromolecules  or  modifcation via  chemical  reactions. Amphotericin  B  (AmB)  is  still  the  frst  choice  for  the  treatment  of  severe paracoccidioidomycosis, an important systemic fungal infection caused by Paracoccidoides brasiliensis. infortunately,  AmB  causes  acute  side  effects  (mainly  urinary  problems)  following  intravenous administration,  which  limits  its  clinical  use.  The  use  of  magnetic  nanoparticles  stabilized  with biocompatible substances, together with the possibility of their conjugation with drugs has become a new nanotechnological strategy in the treatment of diseases for drug delivery to specifc locations, such as the lungs in paracoccidoidiodomycosis. This review provides an overview of the disease, its etiologic agent and treatment with emphasis on the main strategies to improve the use of AmB in nanoformulations.Keywords:  Paracoccidioides brasiliensis;  amphotericin  B; magnetite  nanoparticles; magnetic  fuid; drug delivery complexRESUMENEl uso de nanopartículas magnéticas (MNPS) en los vehículos de suministro de fármacos debe abordar cuestiones como  la  capacidad  de  carga  de  las  drogas,  el  perfl  deseado  de  liberación,  estabilidad  de  la  dispersión  acuosa, biocompatibilidad  con  las  células,  tejidos  y  la  conservación  o  la modifcación  de  las  propiedades magnéticas después de la interacción con macromoléculas y/o reacciones químicas. La anfotericina B (AnB) continua siendo la primera opción para el tratamiento de la paracoccidioidomicosis grave, una importante infección sistémica causada por el hongo Paracoccidoides brasiliensis. Sin embargo, la AnB causa efectos secundarios agudos (principalmente problemas  urinarios)  tras  la  administración  intravenosa,  limitando  su  uso  clínico.  El  uso  de  nanopartículas magnéticas  estabilizadas  con  sustancias  biocompatibles  y  conjugadas  con  fármacos,  se  ha  convertido  en  una nueva estrategia nanotecnológica para el tratamiento de enfermedades en sitios específcos, como los pulmones en paracoccidoidiodomycosis. En esta revisión se hace una descripción general de la enfermedad, su agente etiológico y su tratamiento con énfasis en la principales estrategias para mejorar el uso de AnB en nanoformulaciones.Palabras clave:  Paracoccidioides brasiliensis,  anfotericina  B,  nanoparticulas  de magnetita;  fuido magnético; entrega controlada de medicamento

    Amphotericin B: an antifungal drug in nanoformulations for the treatment of paracoccidioidomycosis

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    La anfotericina B: una droga antifúngica en nanoformulaciones para el tratamiento de la paracoccidioidomicosisForma de citar: Pereira Garcia M, Meneses Almeida Santos MF, Saldanha Arruda C, Iocca DC. Amphotericin B: an antifungal drug in nanoformulations for the treatment of paracoccidioidomycosis. rev.univ.ind.santander.salud 2013; 45 (3): 45-53ABSTRACTThe use of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) in drug delivery vehicles must address issues such as drug-loading  capacity, desired  release profle,  aqueous dispersion  stability, biocompatibility with  cells  and tissue,  and  retention  of  magnetic  properties  after  interaction  with  macromolecules  or  modifcation via  chemical  reactions. Amphotericin  B  (AmB)  is  still  the  frst  choice  for  the  treatment  of  severe paracoccidioidomycosis, an important systemic fungal infection caused by Paracoccidoides brasiliensis. infortunately,  AmB  causes  acute  side  effects  (mainly  urinary  problems)  following  intravenous administration,  which  limits  its  clinical  use.  The  use  of  magnetic  nanoparticles  stabilized  with biocompatible substances, together with the possibility of their conjugation with drugs has become a new nanotechnological strategy in the treatment of diseases for drug delivery to specifc locations, such as the lungs in paracoccidoidiodomycosis. This review provides an overview of the disease, its etiologic agent and treatment with emphasis on the main strategies to improve the use of AmB in nanoformulations.Keywords:  Paracoccidioides brasiliensis;  amphotericin  B; magnetite  nanoparticles; magnetic  fuid; drug delivery complexRESUMENEl uso de nanopartículas magnéticas (MNPS) en los vehículos de suministro de fármacos debe abordar cuestiones como  la  capacidad  de  carga  de  las  drogas,  el  perfl  deseado  de  liberación,  estabilidad  de  la  dispersión  acuosa, biocompatibilidad  con  las  células,  tejidos  y  la  conservación  o  la modifcación  de  las  propiedades magnéticas después de la interacción con macromoléculas y/o reacciones químicas. La anfotericina B (AnB) continua siendo la primera opción para el tratamiento de la paracoccidioidomicosis grave, una importante infección sistémica causada por el hongo Paracoccidoides brasiliensis. Sin embargo, la AnB causa efectos secundarios agudos (principalmente problemas  urinarios)  tras  la  administración  intravenosa,  limitando  su  uso  clínico.  El  uso  de  nanopartículas magnéticas  estabilizadas  con  sustancias  biocompatibles  y  conjugadas  con  fármacos,  se  ha  convertido  en  una nueva estrategia nanotecnológica para el tratamiento de enfermedades en sitios específcos, como los pulmones en paracoccidoidiodomycosis. En esta revisión se hace una descripción general de la enfermedad, su agente etiológico y su tratamiento con énfasis en la principales estrategias para mejorar el uso de AnB en nanoformulaciones.Palabras clave:  Paracoccidioides brasiliensis,  anfotericina  B,  nanoparticulas  de magnetita;  fuido magnético; entrega controlada de medicamento

    Photodynamic Therapy, a new approach in the treatment of oral cancer

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    RESUMEN La incidencia del cáncer de cabeza y cuello es aproximadamente 640.000 casos nuevos por año. El cáncer oral representa un tercio de todos los cánceres y es el octavo más diagnosticado en hombres. Los tratamientos más usados para estos tumores son la cirugía, radioterapia, quimioterapia, o una combinación de estas modalidades terapéuticas. Debido al gran deterioro estructural, funcional y estético que causan los tratamientos convencionales, muchos estudios buscan nuevos métodos para remplazar o asistir el tratamiento del cáncer oral. La terapia fotodinámica (PDT) es una nueva modalidad promisoria en el tratamiento del cáncer que apenas está siendo usada clínicamente. Este artículo describe el uso de PDT como una alternativa para el tratamiento del cáncer oral. Salud UIS 2010; 42: 167-174 Palabras clave: Terapia fotodinámica, cáncer oral, tratamiento       ABSTRACT The worldwide incidence of head and neck cancer is, approximately, 640,000 new cases per year. Oral cancer accounts for one third of all cancers and it is the eighth most diagnosed in men. The most used treatments for these tumors are surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these therapeutic modalities. Due to the large structural, functional and aesthetic impairment that conventional treatments cause, many studies seek new methods to replace or to assist the treatment of oral cancer. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a promising new modality of cancer treatment that is already being used clinically. This article describes the use of PDT as an alternative for the treatment of oral cancer. Salud UIS 2010; 42: 167-174 Keywords: Photodynamic therapy, oral cancer, treatmen

    Photodynamic Therapy, a new approach in the treatment of oral cancer

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    RESUMEN La incidencia del cáncer de cabeza y cuello es aproximadamente 640.000 casos nuevos por año. El cáncer oral representa un tercio de todos los cánceres y es el octavo más diagnosticado en hombres. Los tratamientos más usados para estos tumores son la cirugía, radioterapia, quimioterapia, o una combinación de estas modalidades terapéuticas. Debido al gran deterioro estructural, funcional y estético que causan los tratamientos convencionales, muchos estudios buscan nuevos métodos para remplazar o asistir el tratamiento del cáncer oral. La terapia fotodinámica (PDT) es una nueva modalidad promisoria en el tratamiento del cáncer que apenas está siendo usada clínicamente. Este artículo describe el uso de PDT como una alternativa para el tratamiento del cáncer oral. Salud UIS 2010; 42: 167-174 Palabras clave: Terapia fotodinámica, cáncer oral, tratamiento       ABSTRACT The worldwide incidence of head and neck cancer is, approximately, 640,000 new cases per year. Oral cancer accounts for one third of all cancers and it is the eighth most diagnosed in men. The most used treatments for these tumors are surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these therapeutic modalities. Due to the large structural, functional and aesthetic impairment that conventional treatments cause, many studies seek new methods to replace or to assist the treatment of oral cancer. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a promising new modality of cancer treatment that is already being used clinically. This article describes the use of PDT as an alternative for the treatment of oral cancer. Salud UIS 2010; 42: 167-174 Keywords: Photodynamic therapy, oral cancer, treatmen

    Evaluation of the Genotoxic and Antigenotoxic Effects of Andiroba ( Carapa guianensis

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    The Carapa guianensis (andiroba) oil is commonly used by the Amazon population for medicinal purposes. The objective of this study was to determine the genotoxic and antigenotoxic potential of the andiroba oil (AO) and nanoemulsion (AN) using Swiss mice. Therefore, we used the comet assay and micronucleus test. The AO predominant compounds were oleic (39.13%), palmitic (33.22%), and linoleic (16.86%) acids. AN composition obeyed the surfactant/oil ratio of 0.69, and the Tween 80/Span 80 ratio was held at 0.9. Our results showed no cytotoxicity or genotoxicity in the mice treated with AO and AN alone. However, there was a significant reduction in the polychromatic erythrocytes (PCEs) numbers in all groups treated with doxorubicin (DOX), including those pretreated with AO and AN. Thus, the samples tested did not protect against DOX. On the other hand, our results showed a large increase in micronucleus (MN) formation when the mice were treated with DOX alone; these numbers were reduced when the animals were pretreated with AO and AN. The results indicate a protective effect of andiroba on MN formation and show no evidence of genotoxicity in mice