2,004 research outputs found

    A review of the state of art in applying Biot theory to acoustic propagation through the bone

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    Understanding the propagation of acoustic waves through a liquid-perfused porous solid framework such as cancellous bone is an important pre-requisite to improving the diagnosis of osteoporosis by ultrasound. In order to elucidate the propagation dependence upon the material and structural properties of cancellous bone, several theoretical models have been considered to date, with Biot-based models demonstrating greatest potential. This paper describes the fundamental basis of these models and reviews their performance

    Dynamic Reserves in Matching Markets

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    We study a school choice problem under affirmative action policies where authorities reserve a certain fraction of the slots at each school for specific student groups, and where students have preferences not only over the schools they are matched to but also the type of slots they receive. Such reservation policies might cause waste in instances of low demand from some student groups. To propose a solution to this issue, we construct a family of choice functions, dynamic reserves choice functions, for schools that respect within-group fairness and allow the transfer of otherwise vacant slots from low-demand groups to high-demand groups. We propose the cumulative offer mechanism (COM) as an allocation rule where each school uses a dynamic reserves choice function and show that it is stable with respect to schools' choice functions, is strategy-proof, and respects improvements. Furthermore, we show that transferring more of the otherwise vacant slots leads to strategy-proof Pareto improvement under the COM

    A Formal Treatment of Generalized Preferential Attachment and its Empirical Validation

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    Generalized preferential attachment is defined as the tendency of a vertex to acquire new links in the future with respect to a particular vertex property. Understanding which properties influence link acquisition tendency (LAT) gives us a predictive power to estimate the future growth of network and insight about the actual dynamics governing the complex networks. In this study, we explore the effect of age and degree on LAT by analyzing data collected from a new complex-network growth dataset. We found that LAT and degree of a vertex are linearly correlated in accordance with previous studies. Interestingly, the relation between LAT and age of a vertex is found to be in conflict with the known models of network growth. We identified three different periods in the network's lifetime where the relation between age and LAT is strongly positive, almost stationary and negative correspondingly

    Wave propagation in stereo-lithographical (STL) bone replicas at oblique incidence

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    Comparisons between predictions of a Biot-Allard model allowing for angle-dependent elasticity and angle-and-porosity dependent tortuosity and transmission data obtained at normal incidence on water-saturated replica bones are extended to oblique incidence. The model includes two parameters which are adjusted for best fit at normal incidence. Using the same parameter values, it is found that predictions of the variation of transmitted waveforms with angle through two types of bone replica are in reasonable agreement with data despite the fact that scattering is not included in the theory


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    Sports management has been regarded as a key element in the planning process of education of sports and sports organizations, which have particularly evolved on a macro scale with the developing technology and economic growth. Macro development has also been prevalent in incremental scientific studies on sports education and management areas. In the present study, which employs qualitative research design, 1792 documents embracing more than 40 years on sports management in the databases such as Scopus and Web of Science, were analyzed using the bibliometric analysis technique. The findings, while urging upon the inclusive nature of the research, are a prepotent agent in designating the (a) countries, (b) journals, (c) authors, (d) universities and (e) impact factors studying on sports management. The results have revealed that it is in the first three places in the citation and journal ranking of the "Sport Management Review, European Sport Management Quarterly and Journal of Sport Management" journals, where the studies on sports management are at the highest level in 2021 are evaluated. It is clear that the rate of scientific production and citation numbers of America, Australia and United Kingdom is in parallel with the first three journals. While it is obvious that the most cited work belongs to "Funk and James (2001)" in the "Sport Management Review" journal, it proves that the journal order, citation rates, author order and scientific production are parallel for all variables.

    Paradigmalar değişirken toplumbilimleri öncelemek

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    Tarih başta olmak üzere toplum bilimleri alanına dair araştırma ve inceleme eksenli çalışmalar nicelik açısından olduğu kadar nitelik açısından da son yıllarda önemli bir gelişme göstermektedir. Bu durum kitap okuma, yazma-çizme merkezli kültürel eğilimlerimizin artışından/ zenginleşmesinden çok küreselleşmekte olan dünyanın genel gidişatının yanı sıra ülke içi siyasasında yetki sahibi olanların Cumhuriyet Dönemi ile eski Türk Tarihini (Kültürünü) bağdaştırmaya dönük tavrın/politikanın bir sonucu gibi görünmektedir