202 research outputs found

    Gene-environment in the induction of cancer

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    Эпидемиологические исследования в сексологии

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    Представлены результаты эпидемиологического исследования, позволившие автору на примере обследования 1000 человек популяции из западного региона Украины сформулировать основные закономерности изменения отношения к браку и сексуального поведения мужчин и женщин в современном обществе.The findings of epidemiological study, which allowed the author to formulate main regularities of the changes in the attitude to the marriage and sexual behavior of men and women in the contemporary society on the example of the examination of 1000 persons from the western regions of Ukraine, are presented

    Comparison of Short-Term Estrogenicity Tests for Identification of Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals

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    The aim of this study was to compare results obtained by eight different short-term assays of estrogenlike actions of chemicals conducted in 10 different laboratories in five countries. Twenty chemicals were selected to represent direct-acting estrogens, compounds with estrogenic metabolites, estrogenic antagonists, and a known cytotoxic agent. Also included in the test panel were 17β-estradiol as a positive control and ethanol as solvent control. The test compounds were coded before distribution. Test methods included direct binding to the estrogen receptor (ER), proliferation of MCF-7 cells, transient reporter gene expression in MCF-7 cells, reporter gene expression in yeast strains stably transfected with the human ER and an estrogen-responsive reporter gene, and vitellogenin production in juvenile rainbow trout. 17β-Estradiol, 17α-ethynyl estradiol, and diethylstilbestrol induced a strong estrogenic response in all test systems. Colchicine caused cytotoxicity only. Bisphenol A induced an estrogenic response in all assays. The results obtained for the remaining test compounds—tamoxifen, ICI 182.780, testosterone, bisphenol A dimethacrylate, 4-n-octylphenol, 4-n-nonylphenol, nonylphenol dodecylethoxylate, butylbenzylphthalate, dibutylphthalate, methoxychlor, o,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDE, endosulfan, chlomequat chloride, and ethanol—varied among the assays. The results demonstrate that careful standardization is necessary to obtain a reasonable degree of reproducibility. Also, similar methods vary in their sensitivity to estrogenic compounds. Thus, short-term tests are useful for screening purposes, but the methods must be further validated by additional interlaboratory and interassay comparisons to document the reliability of the methods

    Comparison of shor-term estrogenicity tests for identification of hormone-disrupting chemicals

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    The aim of this study was to compare results obtained by eight different short-term assays of estrogenlike actions of chemicals conducted in 10 different laboratories in five countries. Twenty chemicals were selected to represent direct-acting estrogens, compounds with estrogenic metabolites, estrogenic antagonists, and a known cytotoxic agent. Also included in the test panel were 17β-estradiol as a positive control and ethanol as solvent control. The test compounds were coded before distribution. Test methods included direct binding to the estrogen receptor (ER), proliferation of MCF-7 cells, transient reporter gene expression in MCF-7 cells, reporter gene expression in yeast strains stably transfected with the human ER and an estrogen-responsive reporter gene, and vitellogenin production in juvenile rainbow trout. 17β-Estradiol, 17α-ethynyl estradiol, and diethylstilbestrol induced a strong estrogenic response in all test systems. Colchicine caused cytotoxicity only. Bisphenol A induced an estrogenic response in all assays. The results obtained for the remaining test compounds—tamoxifen, ICI 182.780, testosterone, bisphenol A dimethacrylate, 4-n-octylphenol, 4-n-nonylphenol, nonylphenol dodecylethoxylate, butylbenzylphthalate, dibutylphthalate, methoxychlor, o,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDE, endosulfan, chlomequat chloride, and ethanol—varied among the assays. The results demonstrate that careful standardization is necessary to obtain a reasonable degree of reproducibility. Also, similar methods vary in their sensitivity to estrogenic compounds. Thus, short-term tests are useful for screening purposes, but the methods must be further validated by additional interlaboratory and interassay comparisons to document the reliability of the methods.This study was supported by grants from the European Commission (Biomedicine and Health Research and Technological Programme, BMH4-CT96-03 14), the Danish Environmental Research Programme (, and the Danish Medical Research Council (9401656)

    Bulky DNA adducts, 4-aminobiphenyl-haemoglobin adducts and diet in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) prospective study

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    In contrast to some extensively examined food mutagens, for example, aflatoxins, N-nitrosamines and heterocyclic amines, some other food contaminants, in particular polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and other aromatic compounds, have received less attention. Therefore, exploring the relationships between dietary habits and the levels of biomarkers related to exposure to aromatic compounds is highly relevant. We have investigated in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort the association between dietary items (food groups and nutrients) and aromatic DNA adducts and 4-aminobiphenyl-Hb adducts. Both types of adducts are biomarkers of carcinogen exposure and possibly of cancer risk, and were measured, respectively, in leucocytes and erythrocytes of 1086 (DNA adducts) and 190 (Hb adducts) non-smokers. An inverse. statistically significant, association has been found between DNA adduct levels and dietary fibre intake (P=0.02), vitamin E (P =0.04) and alcohol (P=0.03) but not with other nutrients or food groups. Also, an inverse association between fibre and fruit intake, and BMI and 4-aminobiphenyl-Hb adducts (P=0.03, 0.04, and 0.03 respectively) was observed. After multivariate regression analysis these inverse correlations remained statistically significant, except for the correlation adducts v. fruit intake. The present study suggests that fibre intake in the usual range can modify the level of DNA or Hb aromatic adducts, but Such role seems to be quantitatively modest. Fibres could reduce the formation of DNA adducts in different manners, by diluting potential food mutagens and carcinogens in the gastrointestinal tract, by speeding their transit through the colon and by binding carcinogenic substances

    Die Notverordnungen des kroatischen Präsidenten aus den Jahren 1991 und 1992

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    U radu se razmatraju uredbe iz nužde koje je donio predsjednik Republike Franjo Tuđman u drugoj polovici 1991. i početkom 1992. godine u vrijeme otvorene agresije na Republiku Hrvatsku. Glavnina uredbi donesena je 10. rujna 1991., a do kraja 1991. godine donesene su gotovo sve uredbe iz nužde. Uredbama su regulirani klasični državni resori poput pravosuđa, unutarnjih poslova i vojske, no velik dio uredbi regulirao je i javne službe te gospodarstvo.At the beginning, this paper gives a brief notional historical overview of emergency decrees, after which follows a reconstruction of events in 1990 that led to the introduction of articles 17 and 101 of the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia as Constitutional decrees relating to states of emergency. The central part of the paper deals with emergency decrees passed by the Croatian President Franjo Tuđman at the time of the open aggression against the Republic of Croatia in the second half of 1991 and the beginning of 1992. In this section, using sources, especially the minutes of the Commission for Constitutional Matters of the Croatian Partliament and the minutes of the plenary sessions of the Croatian Parliament, and also relevant literature, the paper sheds light on the circumstances under which the decrees were passed and approved by the Croatian Parliament, and thus provides a new interpretation of the decrees. After discussing the circumstances under which the decrees were passed, the author deals with various aspects of the decrees\u27 content, first noting the basic characteristics of the decrees, and then classifying them according to fields, such as: internal affairs, defense and justice, and also those covering public services and the economy. While discussing particular decrees the author sets out only the main provisions of the decrees with a view to presenting their basic characteristics, such as the limitation of constitutional rights and the centralisation of public services and of the economy. In the last part of the paper, the author analyzes the constitutionality of the decrees and their lifting. The question of whether the Parliament could convene is paramount in considering the constitutionality of the decrees, since this is important in establishing whether the President of the Republic had the power to pass decrees limiting constitutional rights. The author also considers the decision of the Constitutional Court to approve the constitutionality of the decrees. The lifting of the decrees is analyzed with special consideration given to the circumstances leading to this.Am Anfang dieser Arbeit wird eine kurze begriffshistorische Übersicht über die Notverordnungen präsentiert, wonach rekonstruiert wird, wie die den Ausnahmezustand regelnden Artikel 17 und 101 der Verfassung der Republik Kroatien von 1990 zustande kamen. Der zentrale Teil dieser Arbeit befasst sich mit den Notverordnungen, die der damalige kroatische Staatspräsident Franjo Tuđman während des offenen Angriffskrieges gegen die Republik Kroatien in der zweiten Hälfte des Jahres 1991 und Anfang 1992 erließ. Dabei wird versucht, anhand des Quellenstudiums, vor allem der Niederschriften zur Arbeit der parlamentarischen Kommission für Verfassungsfragen, der Protokolle zu den Plenarsitzungen des Parlaments der Republik Kroatien (Sabor), aber auch unter Rückgriff auf die entsprechende Literatur die Umstände des Erlasses der Notverordnungen sowie ihrer Bestätigung durch den Sabor zu beleuchten und auf diese Weise einen Beitrag zur Reinterpretation der betreffenden Verordnungen zu leisten. Nach einer dementsprechenden Klärung werden die inhaltlichen Aspekte der Verordnungen dargestellt, indem zunächst deren Hauptmerkmale bestimmt werden und danach eine Zuordnung zum Bereich des Inneren, der Verteidigung und der Justiz beziehungsweise zum Bereich der öffentlichen Aufgaben und der Wirtschaft erfolgt. Innerhalb der Darstellung einzelner Verordnungen versuchen wir, lediglich ihre wesentlichen Bestimmungen zu präsentieren, an denen die wichtigsten Merkmale wie die Beschränkung der Verfassungsrechte und die Zentralisierung der öffentlichen Aufgaben und der Wirtschaft deutlich werden. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit werden die Verfassungskonformität der Verordnungen und das Ende ihrer Gültigkeit analysiert. Die Verfassungsmäßigkeit der Verordnungen wird in erster Linie unter dem Aspekt untersucht, ob das Parlament hätte zusammentreten können, wovon schließlich die Zuständigkeit des Präsidenten der Republik für das Erlassen von verfassungsrechtsbeschränkenden Verordnungen abhing. Ebenfalls wird die Entscheidung des Verfassungsgerichts besprochen, in der es den Verordnungen Verfassungsmäßigkeit bescheinigt. Die Aufhebung der Verordnungen wird hinsichtlich der dafür verantwortlichen Umstände analysiert

    Metabolism of chemical carcinogens in cultured human tissues

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    Susceptibility to lung cancer

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