10 research outputs found

    User experience with the smartphone case EziSmart. Testing by seniors in two months

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    This report summarize the experience from testing the EziSmart solution. The solution consist of the smartphone casing with physical keyboard, the Ezi-Pad, and a suite of applications. Nine seniors, some experienced smartphone users some not, started to evaluate the system in June 2016. Five out of those continued to use the system for more than two months. Four users chose to end the testing during the first month. The feedback from the users continuing for two months were very positive, and implies that for many users the EziSmart system will makes the phone easier to use, especially as motoric skills and vision is decreasing with age. Those ending the test before the two­ month test period ended had different reasons for leaving the trial. In the group,we did however see that the need for help and willingness to engage in "error and trial processes" necessary to learn to use a smartphone, decreased with age and development of disease. Oppdragsgiver: EziCare Tec

    Towards a wearable sensor system for continuous occupational cold stress assessment

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    This study investigated the usefulness of continuous sensor data for improving occupational cold stress assessment. Eleven volunteer male subjects completed a 90–120-min protocol in cold environments, consisting of rest, moderate and hard work. Biomedical data were measured using a smart jacket with integrated temperature, humidity and activity sensors, in addition to a custom-made sensor belt worn around the chest. Other relevant sensor data were measured using commercially available sensors. The study aimed to improve decision support for workers in cold climates, by taking advantage of the information provided by data from the rapidly growing market of wearable sensors. Important findings were that the subjective thermal sensation did not correspond to the measured absolute skin temperature and that large differences were observed in both metabolic energy production and skin temperatures under identical exposure conditions. Temperature, humidity, activity and heart rate were found to be relevant parameters for cold stress assessment, and the locations of the sensors in the prototype jacket were adequate. The study reveals the need for cold stress assessment and indicates that a generalised approached is not sufficient to assess the stress on an individual levelpublishedVersio

    Redesigning Work With a Lightweight Approach to Coordination Technology

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    Coordination of information and resources is central to efficient ward management. Tools to aid coordination include standardized procedures and paper lists and, more recently, electronic tools such as whiteboards and mobile solutions. This study reports on the experiences and effects of designing and implementing collaboration technology, and how the use of light-weight technology has enabled redesign of traditional work processes. The process followed the principles for user-centered development and is evaluated through observations and informal interviews of users and stakeholders. In addition to the expected changes in work processes, we found that short redesign cycles with heavy user involvement afforded by this technology enabled implementation of new ways of structuring and combining information that were not foreseen. This turned the Collaboration technology into a tool that also guided prioritization between tasks and contributed to the effects seen in use of resources, user satisfaction, and quality of treatment.Redesigning Work With a Lightweight Approach to Coordination TechnologyacceptedVersio

    A Novel Method for Continuous, Noninvasive, Cuff-Less Measurement of Blood Pressure: Evaluation in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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    Objective: One promising approach for a continuous, noninvasive, cuff-less ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitor is to measure the pulse wave velocity or the inversely proportional pulse transit time (PTT), based on electrical and optical physiological measurements in the chest area. A device termed IsenseU-BP+ has been developed for measuring continuous BP, as well as other physiological data. The objective of this paper is to present results from the first clinical evaluation with a wide range of patients. The study was set up to verify whether IsenseU-BP+ can be used to measure raw signals with sufficient quality to derive PTT. Methods: The test protocol, run 23 times on 18 different patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, includes both supine measurement at rest as well as measurements during indoor cycling. Changes in PTT were compared with the BP changes measured using validated reference sensors. Results: IsenseU-BP+ measured signals with good quality during rest on 17 of 18 patients despite the high diversity in age, body shape, and body mass index. Evaluation during cycling was difficult due to a lack of good reference measurements. Conclusion: IsenseU-BP+ measures PTT with high quality during supine rest and exercise and could therefore be suitable for deriving noninvasive continuous BP, although evaluation during exercise was limited due to inaccurate reference BP measurements. Significance: Continuous, noninvasive measurement of BP would be highly beneficial in a number of clinical settings. Systems currently considered as the gold standard for the investigation of hypertension carry considerable limitations, which could be overcome by the method proposed here.acceptedVersio

    Utvikling og implementering av digital samhandling og oppgavestøtte på KAD. Et regionalt forsknings- og innovasjonsprosjekt

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    SamKAD-prosjektet har vært et innovasjonsprosjekt i offentlig sektor i regi av Helseetaten i Oslo kommune. Gjennom forskning og innovasjon har målsettingen vært å utvikle samhandlingsløsninger til bruk i klinisk drift på KAD-sengeposter og legevakt som gir økt kvalitet i pasientbehandlingen, forbedret brukeropplevelse og en bedre bruk av ressurser i driften. Ansatte på KAD har sammen med forskere på SINTEF og i samarbeid med leverandørene Imatis AS og CSAM Health AS jobbet strukturert og målrettet med å utvikle nye arbeidsprosesser på KAD-sengepostene og legevakten. Gjennom bruk av ny, digital samhandlingsteknologi og ulike applikasjoner, er det utviklet løsninger som understøtter arbeidsprosesser og gir beslutningsstøtte til de ansatte. Det er oppnådd en tydelig forbedring når det gjelder pasientbehandling og pasientsikkerhet og en klar forbedring av arbeidsrutiner og arbeidsprosesser. Viktige læringspunkter er at innovasjonsprosesser krever engasjement, vilje og drivkrefter i organisasjonen. Innføring av nye og endrede arbeidsprosesser krever stor grad av involvering av ledere og ansatte, spesielt når det parallelt utvikles og tas i bruk nye, digitale arbeidsflater. Dette krever brukerinvolvering og systematisk oppfølging. Oppdragsgiver : Oslo kommune / Regionale forskningsfondpublishedVersio

    Utvikling og implementering av digital samhandling og oppgavestøtte på KAD. Et regionalt forsknings- og innovasjonsprosjekt

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    SamKAD-prosjektet har vært et innovasjonsprosjekt i offentlig sektor i regi av Helseetaten i Oslo kommune. Gjennom forskning og innovasjon har målsettingen vært å utvikle samhandlingsløsninger til bruk i klinisk drift på KAD-sengeposter og legevakt som gir økt kvalitet i pasientbehandlingen, forbedret brukeropplevelse og en bedre bruk av ressurser i driften. Ansatte på KAD har sammen med forskere på SINTEF og i samarbeid med leverandørene Imatis AS og CSAM Health AS jobbet strukturert og målrettet med å utvikle nye arbeidsprosesser på KAD-sengepostene og legevakten. Gjennom bruk av ny, digital samhandlingsteknologi og ulike applikasjoner, er det utviklet løsninger som understøtter arbeidsprosesser og gir beslutningsstøtte til de ansatte. Det er oppnådd en tydelig forbedring når det gjelder pasientbehandling og pasientsikkerhet og en klar forbedring av arbeidsrutiner og arbeidsprosesser. Viktige læringspunkter er at innovasjonsprosesser krever engasjement, vilje og drivkrefter i organisasjonen. Innføring av nye og endrede arbeidsprosesser krever stor grad av involvering av ledere og ansatte, spesielt når det parallelt utvikles og tas i bruk nye, digitale arbeidsflater. Dette krever brukerinvolvering og systematisk oppfølging. Oppdragsgiver : Oslo kommune / Regionale forskningsfond